近藤 亜希子 友野 一希 北野 敬祐 廣瀬 圭 竹田 正樹
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
シンポジウム: スポーツ・アンド・ヒューマン・ダイナミクス講演論文集 2020 (ISSN:24329509)
pp.A-1-4, 2020 (Released:2021-06-01)

In this study, we conducted the 3-axis acceleration analysis of figure skating jump using inertial sensors. In the motion measurement of figure skating jump, the measurement area is wide, and the figure skater conducts high speed rotational motion. Therefore, we used the inertial sensor system as simply motion measurement device. We conducted the measurement experiment of the figure skating jump by a high-level figure skater, we obtained the 3-axis measurement information of inertial sensors in the triple flip jumps and the quadruple salchow jumps. The results of combining angular velocity and acceleration indicated the high repeatability. Furthermore, we conducted the 3-axis acceleration analysis in quadruple salchow jumps using the sensor outputs and the self-assessment. The result of high point in self-assessment indicated the high acceleration, and the effect by composite axis component in centrifugal acceleration was indicated. These results indicated the importance of body inclination during the jump motion.
福留 功二 塚原 隆裕 守 裕也 山本 誠
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
熱工学コンファレンス講演論文集 2020 (ISSN:2424290X)
pp.0142, 2020-10-09 (Released:2021-03-17)

Direct numerical simulations (DNSs) were performed to study the dissimilarity between the heat and momentum transfer of turbulent spot structures developing in a laminar plane Couette flow. The turbulent spot was generated by pair vortices, and the Reynolds and Prandtl numbers were 450 and unity, respectively. Three types of computational domains were examined to reveal the effect of the spot development on the dissimilarity. As a result, we confirmed that the effective heat transfer state is obtained for developing a turbulent spot rather than a fully developed state. It attains the maximum when the turbulent spot grows the half size of the computational domain. Moreover, much effective heat transfer state was obtained for developing in streamwise direction rather than in spanwise direction.
渡邉 優 藤田 一也 金田 悠拓 原 利昭
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2006, pp.63-64, 2006

Various veterinary techniques are applied to the animal fracture treatment. However, it seems to be significantly difficult for the clinical applicability of veterinarian treatment to the pelvis fracture of a small house pet because of slender anatomic bones. In this paper, a new fixational device for the small house pet is developed and evaluated biomechanically.
高原 駿 望山 洋
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2013 (ISSN:24243124)
pp._1P1-F07_1-_1P1-F07_4, 2013-05-22 (Released:2017-06-19)

In this paper, we propose a swimming robot driven by a water jet pump with an active exible nozzle for steering. The proposed robot is of 220[mm] in length and consists of a slim body for entering a narrow space. Experimental results using a prototype of the proposed swimming robot show that the robot not only can swim forward at the average velocity of 0.44[m/s] corresponding about 2[BL/s](body length per second), but also can turn underwater at the average angular velocity of 156[deg/s] with a small turning radius of 160[mm].
熊澤 一将 赤塚 肇 平井 力 尾崎 尚也 石突 光隆 加藤 怜 中村 竜 鈴木 大輔 松下 将士
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2018, 2018

We report on the results from a survey which aimed to perceive the state of achievement of one - man operation implementation by railway operators. We conducted a questionnaire survey on railway operators carrying out one-man operation. At the questionnaire survey, we investigated things concerning operation handling, response to abnormalities, reasons for setting up various facilities, etc. We calculated the rate of the installation of facilities and the conduction of various kind of operation handling considered to be related to one-man operation, and extracted facilities with a high installation rate at the time of one-man operation. In addition, through hearing surveys, we confirmed that there are differences in the safety confirmation method at door closing and departure, according to the situation of each railway operator, such as transport volume and length of train.
林 洋次 小松 裕太
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2009, pp.135-136, 2009

For scientific engine analyses, authors proposed a simultaneous and approximate analyses for connecting rod big end bearings, for piston pin bearings and for crank shaft main bearings. However, to save computation time for engine bearing analysis, it is better to innovate new iteration methods to introduce solutions of partial differential equations in finite width bearing theory. In this paper, some kinds of Runge-Kutta methods are proposed by using variable step methods with inherent algorithm of engine bearings, and the characteristic of variable step's Runge-Kutta methods in engine bearing analyses are clarified.
北島 一輝 飯塚 浩二郎 藤原 伸也 河村 隆 鈴木 智
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2015 (ISSN:24243124)
pp._1A1-U04_1-_1A1-U04_2, 2015-05-17 (Released:2017-06-19)

Recently, volcano activation is increasing. Accordingly, various disasters occur. Among them, a debris avalanche has heavy effect for people who are living around volcano. Therefore, the observation method to surveillant volcano surface is necessary. In this study, we focus on to surveillant amount of volcano ash using excavator. Light and small observation tool is better than heavy tool in case of volcano surface. Because of we would like to move the observation tool to upper position of volcano surface. If the observation tool is light and small, the autonomous carrier like multi copter can move it. Our group develops light small excavator by slider mechanism and rotary drilling.
高野 一輝 大野 和則 鈴木 高宏 田所 諭
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2015 (ISSN:24243124)
pp._1A1-I09_1-_1A1-I09_3, 2015-05-17 (Released:2017-06-19)

We had developed the 3D shape measurement method using the robot technology to measure underground pipes.And we got the rough shapes of pipe. Our new aim is the accuracy improvement of the 3D shape measurement.Gyroscope on the robot is used to estimate robot position.Hence the specification of gyroscope is greatly related to accuracy of measurement.In this paper, to improve the accuracy of measurement, we propose a method to choose a gyroscope which can satisfy the target accuracy. We evaluated the measurement error caused by specification of gyroscope by simulation, and we found the index of specification of gyroscope.
初鹿 デニック 橋本 悠希
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2017, pp.2A1-J12, 2017

<p>In this paper, I propose an underwater head mounted display (UHMD) system which can resist water and pressure for training system of scuba diving. This system has two functions. One is high immersion feeling the underwater. The other one is to reproduce buoyancy change according to water depth. For these function, user can learn how to control buoyancy under various situations with high reality. The results showed that water resistant performance of UHMD system is enough for use at a depth of about 4 meters.</p>
吉田 洋明 近藤 理良 山口 雄仁 石川 芳男
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2003, pp.102-105, 2003
1 1

In the present paper, we applied a new optimization method using a stochastic process to the design of the hang glider. As for this problem, not only the hang glider design but also its flight path are optimized at the same time. The method obtains a solution as an expectation (probability average) using stochastic process. The advantages of this method are not to be affected by initial conditions and not to need techniques based on experience. In this optimization problem, the numerical calculation results show that the method has a sufficient performance.
金田 泰
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2015, pp._S0440201--_S0440201-, 2015

In 3D printing methods such as FDM, the direction of printing dominates the appearance and the nature of the printed objects. However, the direction cannot be specified in conventional 3D-printing methods. In this presentation, methods for designing and printing direction-specified 3D objects and the advantages of these methods are described.
西村 聡 竹村 裕 溝口 博
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2006, pp._2P1-D16_1-_2P1-D16_2, 2006

This paper introduces a person following shopping cart robot. The developed prototype robot is using a shopping cart as the robot's main body and attaching a driving module. The aim of this study is to develop a porting system for large-sized facilities (i.e. shopping mall, airport, etc.), where the object item is autonomously carried by a person following ("after you") porting robot. We believe such study on porting robots is highly practical and necessary in today's aging society. By using the computer's signal output for autonomous run and the radio control operation function for risk aversion, a compatible control with computer and radio control is realized. The structure and the principle of control system are described.
荒井 亮磨 竹村 裕 溝口 博
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2010, pp._2A2-D27_1-_2A2-D27_3, 2010

Recently, robots are coming into our daily life. Many researches for purpose which is coexistence and cooperation of robots and people have been studied. But in our familiar environment, there is no relation of autonomous mobile robots and us in fact. The purpose of this research is the development of the autonomous mobile robot assuming a shopping cart. This robot can return to where it was by itself, after carrying packages to the car. This paper shows the system which a robot can return autonomously. We developed and evaluated self-localization, estimation of the destination, and obstacle avoidance of these functions.
平野 孝典
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
シンポジウム: スポーツ・アンド・ヒューマン・ダイナミクス講演論文集
vol.2019, pp.B-8, 2019

<p>Archery has many competitors around the world, but new materials are used for the parts of bows as technology develops in recent years. Due to the diversification of new materials, there are increasing number of unexplained areas of archery performance. One of them is the arrow feather (Vain). Vain is roughly divided into rotary and non-rotary types. Currently, the rotary type is mainly the drag type, but if a lift type rotary vane can be developed, the rotational force can be obtained with a low drag, so it is considered that a vane with better performance can be achieved. If we can clarify the characteristics and common points of Vain that lead to higher scores, we can expect to develop new vanes. In wind tunnel experiments, using a jig with an arrow model, measurement and analysis were performed on the rotational performance and convergence performance of the arrow model at a uniform flow velocity of 20 m/s (1/3 of the actual arrow speed). To evaluate the performance of Vane, the rotational performance was evaluated by the number of revolutions for each of the non-converging motion (at rest) and the converging motion (vibration), and the convergence performance was evaluated by the time until convergence of vibration. In the performance evaluation of off-the-shelf products, it became clear that rotary vanes can be further classified into those with top pitches and those that do not, and those with many users worldwide do not have top pitches.</p>
永田 恵輔 沖野 友洋 高野 純一
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.87, no.903, pp.21-00117, 2021 (Released:2021-11-25)

Although the number of accidents at level crossings in Japan has been decreasing annually, there is still possibility of such accidents to occur due to wrong-way entry. Therefore, it is essential to study the crashworthiness of rail vehicles in level-crossing accidents. Given that there are many possible collision scenarios for such accidents, it is useful to perform a comprehensive analysis of these scenarios. To investigate the crushing characteristics of a double-skinned aluminum-alloy car body structure for a conventional railway line, we conducted impact compression tests. The impact condition compresses the overall specimen's end face (overall compression condition) and part of its end face (local compression condition). The results of the impact compression tests were as follows. Buckling was the main cause of failure in the overall compression condition, whereas shear crushing was the main cause of failure in the local compression condition. Finite Element Method (FEM) analysis was also conducted in which several material rupture laws were used and compared with the test results. No appropriate solution could be obtained when the equivalent plastic strain was used as a threshold, whereas the results of analyses using the ESI-Wilkins-Kamoulakos (EWK) model showed good agreement with those of the experiments in both compression conditions.
古森 雄一 大野 和則 竹内 栄二朗 田所 諭
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2014, pp._1P2-I06_1-_1P2-I06_4, 2014

Search and rescue (SAR) dogs show the typical motions when they find victims. The authors aimed to develop the measurement methods of the SAR dog's motions which suggest the victim locations. It can be used for making investigation maps with victim locations. The authors focused on barking and tail's wagging, and digging as the motion. We used IMU for measurement. The sensors were put on the vest for dogs, and We use no additional clothes by preference. We evaluated their locations and whether it is possible to detect the motions. For example, we can detect wagging motion by IMU directly on the tail.