市村 賢士郎 河村 悠太 枡田 恵 伊川 美保 髙橋 雄介 楠見 孝
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.93.20333, (Released:2022-02-10)

In recent years, there has been a growing social movement in Japan to develop better work styles. With this background, the present study aimed to examine the relationship between achievement goals and meaningful work in Japan to replicate studies conducted in the West. In addition, we also examined whether an occupational classification moderates the relationship between achievement goals and meaningful work. To this end, we conducted a web survey comprising of blue- and white-collar workers (N = 792) aged 19 to 69. Multiple regression analysis showed that mastery-approach and performance-approach goals were relatively strongly related to meaningful work. Additionally, among white-collar workers, it was observed that performance-approach goals had a positive relationship with meaningful work while performance-avoidance goals had a negative relationship. These results suggested that, in Japan, both mastery-approach and mastery-avoidance goals are related to meaningful work, and that the relationship between performance goals and meaningful work differs based on the goals in the occupation.
渡邊 ひとみ
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.91, no.2, pp.105-115, 2020 (Released:2020-06-25)
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This study examined the types of positive meanings derived from positive and negative past experiences and explored their effects on identity development in adolescence. Participants (494 undergraduates) were asked to recall a single or series of past events that they considered to be the most influential to their current definition of self and sense of who they are. Next, they completed the Identity Scale, Centrality of Event Scale, and other instruments for measuring benefit-finding. Several types of positive meaning—personal growth, attainment of new perspectives and values, interpersonal growth, and positive changes in family relationships—were derived from both negative and positive events central to identity. In addition, “acceptance and personal growth” from negative events and “attainment of new perspectives and values” from positive events were mainly responsible for higher identity achievement levels. Perceiving positive past events as central to identity directly promoted identity achievement. This suggests that, in addition to helping with engagement in positive meaning-making, support or interventions that actively integrate past positive experiences in the life story might lead to identity development and mental health.
阿部 晃気 日根 恭子 金塚 裕也 中内 茂樹
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
日本心理学会大会発表論文集 (ISSN:24337609)
pp.PM-029, 2021 (Released:2022-03-30)

齋藤 岳人 樋口 大樹 井上 和哉 小林 哲生
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)

<p>Perimetric complexity, which is a simple metric of character (letter) complexity defined by an image's area and peripheral length, has been widely used, especially in alphabetic orthographies. We examined whether perimetric complexity is also a valid index for Japanese <i>kana</i> characters (<i>hiragana and katakana</i>) by comparing it with subjective complexity. We obtained evaluations of subjective complexities from Japanese and English speakers and calculated the mean of each character for each type of speaker for character-based analyses. The analyses revealed three main findings: (a) Perimetric complexity was highly correlated with subjective complexity (<i>r</i>s > .85), and its correlation was higher than that between the subjective complexity and other measures for character complexity (i.e., stroke count). (b) The perimetric complexities were highly correlated across different typefaces, except for significantly different typefaces. (c) Subjective complexity was highly correlated between Japanese and English speakers. These findings suggest that perimetric complexity can also be used as an index for Japanese <i>kana</i> character complexity.</p>
萩原 千晶 下司 忠大 小塩 真司
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.93.20216, (Released:2022-02-10)

The purpose of this study was to develop the Japanese version of the Revised Unmitigated Communion Scale (J-RUCS) and examine its reliability and validity. Participants included 423 Japanese university students. The confirmatory factor analysis indicated that J-RUCS had two error covariances; however, it did not indicate a unidimensional structure. As for reliability, adequate internal consistency and test-retest reliability were confirmed. Regarding validity, there were positive associations between J-RUCS and affiliation, empathic concern, negative communion, self-devaluative view adjectives, preoccupied attachment style, agreeableness, and neuroticism. Additionally, J-RUCS scores were negatively correlated with self-assertion and self-esteem. These results, which are consistent with previous studies, showed the validity of the J-RUCS.
大藤 弘典
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
vol.84, pp.PM-039-PM-039, 2020

<p>シミュレーション理論によると,他者の心を理解し共有する共感の過程では,相手の心の状態を心内で真似る処理が行われていると考えられており,そのために必要な能力として,他者の身体を自分の身体のように認識する身体化が想定されている。こうした「意識的な身体化」の能力が高い者は,物語を読むといった想像場面において,登場人物の体験を感覚的に捉えることで,その人物の感情を理解することにも優れると考えられる。だが,他者の涙を見てもらい泣きをする場合のように,共感に関わる身体化は意識的に行われるだけでなく,無意識にも起こり得る。本研究では,身体化能力の意識性と共感力の関係を明らかにすることを目的として,(1)意識的な身体化能力と無意識的な身体化能力の間に関連がある,および(2)場面(想像的 vs 知覚的)に応じて2種類の身体化が共感過程に選択的に関与する,という2つの仮説を検証した。検証の結果,両仮説とも支持されなかった。一方で,補足分析から身体化を通した共感の過程で性差が示唆された。</p>
齋藤 岳人 樋口 大樹 井上 和哉 小林 哲生
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.93.20237, (Released:2022-02-10)

Perimetric complexity, which is a simple metric of character (letter) complexity defined by an image’s area and peripheral length, has been widely used, especially in alphabetic orthographies. We examined whether perimetric complexity is also a valid index for Japanese kana characters (hiragana and katakana) by comparing it with subjective complexity. We obtained evaluations of subjective complexities from Japanese and English speakers and calculated the mean of each character for each type of speaker for character-based analyses. The analyses revealed three main findings: (a) Perimetric complexity was highly correlated with subjective complexity (rs > .85), and its correlation was higher than that between the subjective complexity and other measures for character complexity (i.e., stroke count). (b) The perimetric complexities were highly correlated across different typefaces, except for significantly different typefaces. (c) Subjective complexity was highly correlated between Japanese and English speakers. These findings suggest that perimetric complexity can also be used as an index for Japanese kana character complexity.
井上 智義
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.54, no.6, pp.351-357, 1984-02-29 (Released:2010-07-16)
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the individual differences in auditory speech images available in reading printed material silently. In the first task of Experiment I, the subjects were presented with a pair of words in Kanji, and they had to judge whether the first word was the antonym of the second or not. The second task required the subjects to judge whether a presented phrase was comprehensible or nonsense. Both of these tasks adopted homophones as some of their stimuli, which made it possible to generate two conditions: (1) phonological-coding-necessary condition and (2) direct-pathway-available condition. The difference between the reaction times under the two conditions for each subject was regarded as an index of independence from auditory speech images when reading silently. Experiment II suggested that those who are likely to depend on such images showed much the same patterns of eye movements regardless of the way of reading (i.e. silently or aloud), when instructed to read the text at their own pace.
永井 聖剛 山田 陽平 仲嶺 真
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.90, no.3, pp.294-300, 2019 (Released:2019-08-25)
1 2

Previous studies have shown that the physical movements of participants influence creativity thinking. We examined whether another type of movements (bigger or smaller arm movements) modulates creative idea productions. In Experiment 1 participants were required to generate new names for rice after performing bigger or smaller arm movements. Bigger arm movements were associated with more divergent idea productions (e.g., non-typical ideas) compared to smaller arm movements. In Experiment 2, another task was used to generate as many ideas as possible for creative gifts the participants might give to an acquaintance, and the results showed the possibility that bigger arm movements led to more flexible idea generation than did smaller one. Taken together, the current study suggested the size of movements modulated creative thinking: bigger ones increased divergent creative thinking, possibly because bigger physical movements facilitate the divergent cognitive processing mode.
小野 由莉花 及川 昌典 及川 晴
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.92, no.4, pp.287-292, 2021 (Released:2021-10-25)

A feeling of incompleteness in interpersonal relationships is known to hinder the formation and maintenance of firm relationships, which in turn leads to negative evaluations. However, the mechanism by which the feeling of incompleteness affects interpersonal evaluations is unclear. In this study, we investigated the possibility that incompleteness caused by a lack of information may affect later interpersonal evaluations through misattribution of attention and emotions. In Study 1, participants who read an incomplete story reported greater interest in the author, compared to participants who read a complete story. In Study 2, participants who read a negative incomplete story evaluated face photos unrelated to the story more negatively, compared to participants who read a neutral incomplete story or a negative complete story. These results suggest that incompleteness not only raises interest in others, but also show different effects on interpersonal evaluations, depending on the valence attached to the feeling of incompleteness.

2 0 0 0 OA 革命の心理

千葉 胤成
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理研究 (ISSN:18841066)
vol.1, no.1, pp.85-94, 1912-01-01 (Released:2010-07-16)
松本 亦太郎
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.1, no.1, pp.1-22, 1926 (Released:2010-07-16)
1 1
三宅 晶 齊藤 智
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.72, no.4, pp.336-350, 2001-10-25 (Released:2010-07-16)
11 9

Working memory is a set of processes or a system that allows us to temporarily maintain task-relevant information during performance of complex cognitive tasks. It has recently been an intensively investigated topic in cognitive psychology, cognitive neuroscience, and other related disciplines, and important empirical and theoretical advances have been made during the last several years. In this article, we review the current state of working memory research, focusing on important recent methodological and theoretical developments in the field. Specifically, we provide an update of recent influential working memory theories (e.g., Baddeley's multicomponent model and an ACT-R model) and discuss the current status of various controversial theoretical issues, such as the unitary versus non-unitary nature of working memory, the nature of working memory limitations, the control and regulation of working memory, and the relationship of working memory to long-term memory. We conclude our review by pointing out some important future directions for working memory research.
池田 和浩 仁平 義明
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.79, no.6, pp.481-489, 2009 (Released:2011-11-03)
2 1

This study examined the effects of biased retelling by having participants retell negative experiences as positive autobiographical memories. Undergraduates in the biased-retelling condition (N=21) retold their experiences preparing for university entrance examinations as “happy”, while undergraduates in the recalling (control) condition (N=23) again narrated their actual experiences. Then both groups were asked to recall their initial experience. Their initial memories were compared to those after the biased retellings or repeated narrations. In the recall of the autobiographical memories after the biased retellings, the results showed significantly increased positive emotional words and decreased negative emotional words. The emotional values of the central and peripheral concepts of the harsh experiences changed in the direction of “happy” in the biased retelling condition compared to the repeated recalling condition. Furthermore, the changes in the emotional values were more prominent in the central concepts of undergraduates'experiences.
西野 泰代 若本 純子
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.93.20050, (Released:2021-12-25)

This study investigated whether there are differences in bystander behavior when bullying is witnessed. We evaluated the number and types of bystander behaviors by means of the OBVQ, and then examined the psychological characteristics of the different bystander behaviors. 269 Japanese elementary school students and 503 junior high school students completed questionnaires assessing empathic concern, peer conformity, moral disengagement, authenticity and satisfaction in classes, global self-worth, and how they would respond if they observed a peer being bullied. The results of a multinomial logistic regression analysis and ANOVA demonstrated that there would be some types of bystander behavior with common characteristics such as empathic concern and developmental differences. Moreover, the results also showed that two types of behaviors, of which one indicated the most negative psychological state, might be caused by peer conformity. Other behaviors might be caused by moral disengagement and contain some subordinate modes owing to regulatory effects of peer conformity, such as pretending to be unaware of bullying. The practical implications of bystander behavior are discussed.