鈴木 哲也 織田 展輔 内田 光春 早川 巖 高橋 英和
一般社団法人 日本歯科理工学会
歯科材料・器械 (ISSN:02865858)
vol.21, no.3, pp.165-170, 2002

丹羽 功
近畿大学法学 (ISSN:09164537)
vol.53, no.3, pp.298-274, 2006-03

本文データは, CiNiiから複写したものである。
太田 好信
国立民族学博物館研究報告 (ISSN:0385180X)
vol.18, no.3, pp.p453-494, 1993

This paper is an examination of implications that postcolonialcriticism adumbrates for anthropological theories. Although recent advancesin critical theories in literature seem, prima facie, to have very littlein common with anthropological theories, they now constitute astrong critique of many assumptions inherent in anthropological theoriesand practices. Among these critical theories the most relevant for anthropologistsis exemplified in the text of Edward Said's Orientalism[1978]. Said points out that Orientalism, a discourse on the Orient byWestern scholars, systematically reduces the multiplicity of the Orient toa stereotypic image, often sexualized, and essentializes the Orient as theresidual category of the Occident. Moreover, he interprets Orientalismas a form of power which disempowers the people of the Orient by claimingthe objectivity of scientific methodology. Now, is anthropology akind of Orientalism as defined by Said?The fact that for anthropologists Orientalism may have remainedfor a while an enigmatic text suggests a quite complex answer to thatquestion. This is because Orientalism seems to criticize the interpretivestance of hermeneutically oriented anthropological thinking, asrepresented by Clifford Geertz's; while at the same time it explicitly exoneratesanthropology by distinguishing it from other forms of Orientalism--Said lauded the very Geertz as a typical anthropologist in thissense.It is James Clifford who has first recognized two positions Said hadassumed toward anthropology. One position, critical of realistepistemology, is based on the philosophy of Foucault, who has analyzedthe discursive nature of academic disciplines in the human sciences. Theother is that of the humanist in search of authentic encounters with theOther. These two mutually contradictory positions from which Said haslaunched his critique of Orientalism may have been a source of theenigma mentioned above, and, as a consequence, the virtual neglect ofthis text in anthropological circle until 1987, when at the annual meetingsof American Anthropological Association Said was invited to deliver apaper entitled "Representing the Colonized: Anthropology's Interlocutors."In this presentation Said is no longer generous with hispraises for anthropology; he attacks the fact that many anthropologistshave still remained oblivious to those world-historical conditions thatenabled Western scholars to study non-Western cultures: that is,hegemony of the West over the rest of the world.Thus, it has become obvious that anthropologists cannot ignoreSaid's postcolonial critique of the disciplinary foundation. But, such are-evaluation of Said's work has occurred rather recently; Clifford'sreview of Orientalism has been a sole exception. In his reading of OrientalismClifford [1988] has formulated many questions directly relevantfor the future of anthropology: for example, "Can one ultimately escapeprocedures of dichotomizing, restructuring, and textualizing in the makingof interpretive statements about foreign cultures and traditions?"My assessment of Clifford's reading of Orientalism is that he has producedan epistemological reading of it, as opposed to a political one, the latterbeing the reading clearly more in line with Said's own representation.A political reading of the text positions a reader in actual social settings;therefore, it allows the reader to evaluate the epistemologicalreadings as abstract; consequently, the epistemological reading privilegesthose already in power, while disempowering the marginalized in thename of objectivity. Thus, after exposing those contradictory positionsin the text—discursive and humanist-realist perspectives—this papercalls for an oppositional, political, rather than a merely epistemological,reading of Orientalism.A political reading of the text points to the more socially situatedunderstanding of anthropological theorizing. For example, what does itmean to suggest that the aim of anthropology is to understand theOther? Who is the Other? Does the Other mean the same thing for anthropologistsin the United States, Japan, Indonesia, of African countries?What is the purpose of this understanding in the light ofeconomic and political inequalities pervading throughout the world?Answers for these questions are not easily forthcoming; however, for anthropologists,the political circumstances of the world have been soquickly changing that anthropologists are now faced with challengesfrom "native peoples" all over the world: the era of anthropological innocenceis gone.In the days of Malinowski, "native" people questioned neither theright (nor a lack thereof) of anthropologists in conducting field researches,nor the authority of anthropologists' scholarship. But, now, bothright and authority are called into question. In Oceania, for instance, adiscourse on "the invention of culture," a discourse anthropologists havesuccessfully constructed with purely academic interest alone, has beenunder attack from leaders of native cultural movements, for it disempowersthe local people of Oceania to define what is rightfully their owntradition. No anthropologists could remain immune to this kind ofpolitical development in which a discourse on culture is constantly contestedby local political leaders of cultural movements.In Japan, an Ainu women has raised a voice of protest against an anthropologistwho used her photo without her permission in the book shedoes not approve of. In a close reading of the published court proceeding,I suggest that what has been debated is not so much an issue ofindividual right (to be photographed) as the nature of anthropologicaldiscourse, which is, to borrow a phrase from Clifford [1988], purely "entropic":the Ainu culture has disappeared already. An entropic narrativeof culture displaces the Ainu people to the past, denies their currentstruggles in gaining socially recognizable positions in Japanese society,and disempowers their existence in the guise of objective research.Then, is nativism an answer to this kind political predicament?Are the peoples of Oceania the only peoples to have a claim to adiscourse on their own culture? Should (and will) and Ainu people excludethe "Japanese" (wajin) scholars from studying their culture? AsSaid's answer to Orientalism is not Occidentalism, nativism is not myrecommendation for dealing with this political predicament.As one of Japanese anthropologists with interest in studies on ourown culture as well as other cultures of the world, how can I re-imagineanthropology in these complex political conditions of the late twentiethcentury? How do anthropologists situate themselves in relation to anthropologiesof metropolitan centers in Europe and the United States?Is it possible to envision anthropology as a discourse on the Otherwithout entailing domination of the Other?Certainly these questions cannot be answered easily. Nevertheless,following a suggestion from Mitsuru Hamamoto, I propose, first, thatethnographic authority be abandoned in favor of a mode which allowsconstant re-writing and re-editing not only by anthropologists alone butalso by whoever has access to it, as is already happening in electronicallymediated communications. What is needed, with assistance from newlydeveloped communicational technology, is doing away with ethnographicauthority for a more anarchical presence of voice carefully articulatedto subvert the authorial intention; my suggestion here differs fromClifford's: his is representing textually (in ethnography) the polyvocalquality of ethnographic encounters.Second, I recommend a form of anthropological practice that doesnot circumvent political contests, taking the side of the politically oppressedand always critical of hegemonic history; and I also recommenda form of "narrative" that acknowleges the emergence of new culturaldifferences. Such an entanglement in political contests does not alwayscall for every anthropologist to become a political activist; however, itcertainly calls for an explicit awareness of the political nature of every anthropologicaldiscourse and a clear recognition of the anthropologist'srelationship to the local people. A relation between fans and the performinggroup (such as a rock group) may serve as a possible analogy in reimaginingthe future relationship between anthropologists and the peoplethey study or work with.Although a constant questioning of ethnographic authority has beenjudged to be counter-productive in conducting fieldwork and writing anethnography, these two activities many no longer be the characteristicsdefining anthropology. What is anthropology, then? Waning ofauthority to speak on someone else's culture will bring this question tothe center of attention among anthropologists. Lost innocence is notthe end of anthropology; it is only the beginning of re-imagining anthropologyfor the future.
小玉 重夫
近代教育フォーラム (ISSN:09196560)
vol.15, pp.89-102, 2006

菅田 誠治
公益社団法人 日本気象学会
気象集誌. 第2輯 (ISSN:00261165)
vol.78, no.3, pp.259-277, 2000

戸田 敬太 熊谷 洋佑 藤井 昭宏 田中 輝雄
vol.2015, no.1, pp.255-256, 2015-03-17

巡回セールスマン問題には様々な解法が存在し,その一つに進化的計算であるカッコウ探索(CS:Cuckoo Search)がある.CSは,カッコウの繁殖行動である托卵にレヴィフライトを組み合わせたアルゴリズムである.レヴィフライトは,ほとんどが規則性のない短距離の移動だが,時折長距離の移動をするランダムウォークである.本研究では,初期生成段階での精度を上げることで,従来のCSよりも精度の高い解を得られると考え,局所探索法である2opt法を組み合わせたCS-2optを提案する. この手法でTSPLIBのeil51とa280を解いた結果,従来のCSに比べ,より精度の高い解を得た.
姜 娟 原山 優子
研究 技術 計画 (ISSN:09147020)
vol.20, no.1, pp.63-77, 2005

1980年代以降に顕著となる, 科学技術政策と地域政策との意識的な接合-それを「地域科学技術政策」と呼ぶことにする-への取り組みは, 社会における科学・技術の位置や性格の変化とグローバル化という二つの大きな歴史的変化を背景とした科学技術政策と地域政策の双方における一つの転換を印している。その転換において, 新たな政策の目標や手段は, 時代変化の性格とそれが課す挑戦についての一定の理論的理解に基づくと同時に, 政策の形成や実施の制度的条件によっても規定されるが, さらに, 政策転換も一直線ではなく, 学習によって段階を経るという点で歴史的経路依存性をもっている。本稿においては, 「地域科学技術政策」は当初の「サイエンス・パーク・パラダイム」から, 90年代に入って, 「ラーニング・リジョン・パラダイム」へ進化してきたと捉えているが, 日本におけるその進化過程を欧米におけるそれとの対比で検討する。
羽田 政明
セラミックス基盤工学研究センター年報 = Annual report of the Ceramics Research Laboratory Nagoya Institute of Technology (ISSN:13471694)
no.9, pp.9-22, 2010-03-31

Ir/SiO2 effectively catalyzed the selective reduction of NO with CO in the presence of O2 and SO2. The most importantcharacteristic was that coexistence of O2 and SO2 is essential for NO reduction to occur. Surface science investigation using Ir(111)single crystal model catalyst revealed that the atomic sulfur is formed via disproportionation of SO2 and reacted with oxygenadsorbed on the surface to form SO2, which desorbs from the surface. Therefore, the iridium surface can revert to its initial metallicstate. The activity of Ir/SiO2 for NO reduction with CO was effectively improved by addition of Ba. The addition of WO3 and Nb2O5into Ir/SiO2 was also found to promote considerably its catalytic activity for NO reduction with CO irrespective of coexisting SO2.From the comparison of catalytic performance and structural characterizations of Ir/WO3/SiO2 catalysts treated under differentconditions, Ir metal species interacting strongly with W oxide (denoted as Ir?WOx) was suspected to be the active site for NOreduction with CO. Ir?WOx species were found to be preferentially created by high-temperature air calcination. The durability ofsupported Ir catalysts was examined. The activity of Ir/WO3/SiO2 was gradually decreased with reaction time, indicating the lowdurability. On the other hand, the initial activity and long-term durability of Ir/WO3/SiO2 was effectively improved by addition ofBa. The Ba/Ir/WO3/SiO2 catalyst in monolithic form showed good performance for NO reduction under the condition of real dieselexhaust.

1 0 0 0 OA 戦時草茅危言

西沢之助 著
増田 幸泰 中野 壮一郎 小玉 陽子 北村 智之
公益社団法人 日本理学療法士協会
vol.2012, pp.48101929, 2013

【はじめに】 松葉杖は臨床において下肢骨折などにより免荷が必要な患者に多く用いられている歩行補助具の一つである.しかし,松葉杖免荷3点歩行(以下,松葉杖歩行)は不安定な歩行形態であり,臨床においても歩行獲得のための指導に苦慮するケースがみられる.松葉杖歩行には上肢筋力が関与しているとされ,動作解析やエネルギー消費など様々な検討が過去にもなされている.しかし,実際の臨床において松葉杖歩行を可能にするために必要な筋力以外の運動機能についての詳細な検討はあまりみられていない.そこで,本研究では松葉杖歩行に関与すると思われる運動機能として筋力に加えて,バランスや柔軟性,敏捷性などを検討することで,臨床における松葉杖歩行指導の一助とすることを目的とした.【方法】 対象は健常成人女性22名(29.0±5.5歳)とし,過去に松葉杖使用の経験がない者とした. 測定項目は松葉杖歩行,身長,体重,10m快適歩行と最大歩行の他に,筋力の指標として握力,等尺性膝伸展筋力,上体起し,柔軟性の指標として長座位体前屈,敏捷性の指標として棒反応テスト,バランスの指標として閉眼片脚立位時間とした.松葉杖3点歩行は利き足を免荷した状態での最大歩行を10m歩行路にて2回測定し,速度を算出した.快適・最大歩行速度についても同様に算出した.握力は握力計にて測定し,左右の平均値を体重にて補正した.等尺性膝伸展筋力はハンドヘルドダイナモメーターにて非利き足のみの測定を2回行い,最大値を体重で除した体重比(以下,下肢筋力)として算出した.上体起しは30秒間にできるだけはやく可能な回数を1回測定した.長座位体前屈は2回測定し,最大値を採用した.棒反応テストは5回の測定を実施し,最大と最小の値を除いた3回の平均値を算出した.閉眼片脚立位時間は非利き足が支持脚となるように立たせ,120秒を最大として2回測定し最大値を分析に用いた.統計学的分析にはピアソンの相関分析を用いて各項目の関連について検討をした.有意水準は5%未満とした.【説明と同意】 本研究の実施にあたり,事前に対象者に対して書面にて研究の目的,内容を説明し,同意の署名を得てから測定を実施した.【結果】 各項目の平均値は松葉杖歩行 76.4±22.0m/min,身長157.5±5.7cm,体重 49.2±4.5kg,握力0.6±0.1kg,上体起し16.4± 4.3回,下肢筋力 0.54± 0.14kgf/kg,長座位体前屈35.1±8.9cm,閉眼片脚立位時間55.6±43.5sec,快適歩行速度 83.8± 9.6m/min,最大歩行速度118.5±17.9m/min,棒反応テスト22.8±3.7cmであった.相関分析の結果,松葉杖歩行と握力r=0.59,上体起こしr=0.51,下肢筋力r=0.55,閉眼片脚立位時間r=0.52,最大歩行速度r=0.63の間で有意な正の相関を認めた(p<0.01).年齢r=-0.31,身長r=0.17,体重r=-0.36,長座位体前屈r=0.19,棒反応テストr=-0.33の間では相関を認めなかった.また,最大歩行速度との間では下肢筋力r=0.65,握力r=0.57,上体起こしr=0.54に有意な正の相関を認めた(p<0.01)が,その他の項目においては有意な相関を認めなかった.【考察】 本研究の結果,先行研究と同様に松葉杖歩行と上肢筋力の指標とした握力において有意な正の相関を認めた.また,上体起こしと下肢筋力の間においても有意な正の相関を認め,松葉杖歩行においては歩行に影響するとされる下肢筋力のほかに,体幹筋力の影響も考慮する必要があると考えられた.さらに,バランスの指標とした閉眼片脚立位時間においても松葉杖歩行との間で有意な正の相関を認めた.閉眼片脚立位時間は最大歩行速度との間では有意な相関を認めておらず,このことから,松葉杖歩行を安定してより速く行うためには筋力の他にバランス能力の影響を考慮する必要があると考えられた.これらのことから,松葉杖歩行を指導する前に,閉眼片脚立位時間や筋力の測定を行うことが有用ではないかと考えられた.しかし,今回の結果は健常成人女性のみの検討であり,今後は対象者の拡大や実際の患者での影響を検討していく必要がある.【理学療法学研究としての意義】 松葉杖歩行における筋力以外の運動機能の関係を示唆した結果となり,臨床において松葉杖歩行獲得の指標となる可能性を見出した.
伊藤 勲 沖 由香 黒田 英一
テレビジョン学会誌 (ISSN:03866831)
vol.50, no.3, pp.351-357, 1996-03-20

携帯電話, PHS等の普及により屋外で電話機を使用する機会が増え, 高騒音下における通話品質の改善や, ハンズフリー機能の実現が望まれている.上記解決手段のひとつとして, 周囲騒音を検出しにくく, 両手が自由に使える骨伝導マイクイヤホンが考えられる.本稿では, 通信端末用骨伝導マイクイヤホンの技術内容について解説する.

1 0 0 0 OA 会津戊辰戦争

平石弁蔵 著