田上 量一
紙パ技協誌 (ISSN:0022815X)
vol.50, no.10, pp.1371-1383, 1996

1. 生産と消費地をつなぐもの<BR>紙は遠隔地で, 板紙は関東, 近畿, 中部で生産されているのに対して, 消費地は首都圏が対全国比65%, 近畿圏が18%, 中部圏が9%と三大都市圏に集中している。とくに首都圏は出版印刷同関連産業が集中しており, 圧倒的に大きい市場を形成している。<BR>この大消費地への輸送は板紙においてトラック便にて大部分が配送されているのに対し, 紙の方は内航海運, トラック便および鉄道輸送にてほぼ均等に分担されている。これらの輸送機関の夫々の受け皿施設は消費地の好立地点に配置されている。<BR>2. 紙類物流の役割と活発な共同行為<BR>出版印刷産業は極めて東京都心密着型産業であるが, ここに主要媒体である紙類を納入する紙業界の物流も都市密着型にならざるをえなかった。<BR>出版物が要求する多品種小ロット, 断裁加工を伴いながら短い納期に間に合わすために, 流通商社は自社車輌にて, これら受け皿倉庫間を集荷して廻っているが, 倉庫規模が大きく取り揃えが豊富にあること, その地区に倉庫が多く集合している事で, 必要品種を一度に集荷でき車輌を満杯にして出発できて, 配送効率, 輸送時間を改善できている。<BR>当業界は過去より業界あげて大規模共同倉庫の建設をおこなってきた。その結果としての在庫の集約化はいきおい配送の共同化を生み出し, 業界の配送効率を向上させている。また当時, 「紙パルプコードセンター」を設立, 業界コードの統一化をおこなってきた事が, 現在稼動している製紙会社, 流通商社, 運送会社ぐるみの受発注, 配送手配処理システムを可能ならしめているし, 使用後パレット板を回収還流させている「パレット回収機構」もその当時の成果である。このような業界に共通する基盤整備事業は今後も新しい意向を盛り込み, 継続していく必要があろう。<BR>3. 予想される問題<BR>(1) 東京都下の出版印刷産業は近年伸び悩み傾向にある。埼玉県は伸張しているが, 首都圏全体ではシェアは低下しつつある。とくに印刷業は平成3年以来出荷額は毎年減りつつあり, この中で構造改善投資を迫られている。紙二次製品および印刷物の輸入量が近年著しく伸びている事の影響も大きい。<BR>(2) 東京都心の半径10kmの円圏内に東京の出版印刷産業の85% (全国の40%弱) が集中している。また東京港湾地区に散在している紙類在庫量は都下総在庫の過半に当り, これも集中している.災害発生時には港湾地区は流砂現象と橋梁の損傷を被る危険が大きいし, 倉庫内に積載中のパレット積み配の倒壊で被る被害も大きい。災害発生時における対応の研究は今おこなっておく必要があろう。<BR>(3) 物流技術と情報処理方式が日進月歩の只中にある現在では変化に柔軟に対応できるようにしておく事が大事。あまりがんじがらめのシステムをつくっておく事は危険であろう。
柴田 優作 日比野 直彦 森地 茂
公益社団法人 土木学会
vol.75, no.5, pp.I_461-I_474, 2019

Yang Liu Longtao Yue Xiumei Song Changping Gu Xin Shi Yuelan Wang
International Research and Cooperation Association for Bio & Socio-Sciences Advancement
BioScience Trends (ISSN:18817815)
pp.2021.01157, (Released:2021-09-05)

Lung injury caused by cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) increases the mortality after cardiac surgery. Previous studies have shown that regulatory T cells (Tregs) play a protective role during CPB, but the correlation between Tregs and CPB-induced lung injury remains unclear. Here, we conducted a prospective study about Treg cells in patient receiving CPB. Treg cells were collected from patients before the CPB operation (pre-CPB Tregs), and the effect of pre-CPB Tregs on the occurrence of CPB-induced lung injury was evaluated. Data showed that the baseline level of Treg cells in peripheral blood were lower in patients who developed lung injury after CPB, compared to those who did not develop lung injury after CPB. Function analyses revealed that pre-CPB Tregs from CPB-induced lung injury patients presented decreased ability in suppressing the proliferation and IFN-γ production of CD4 and CD8 T cell. Also, pre-surgery levels of TGF- β and IL-10 were markedly lower in lung injury patients than in non-lung injury patients. In addition, PD-1 and Tim-3 expression on pre-CPB Tregs were significantly lower in CPB-induced lung injury patients than the CPB patients without lung injury. Above all, we found impaired peripheral Treg responses in CPB-induced lung injury patients, indicating a potential role of Treg cells in the early diagnosis of CPB-induced lung injury.
Yuan Guan Han Zhu Tangkai Qi Renfang Zhang Jun Chen Li Liu Yinzhong Shen Hongzhou Lu Qi Tang
International Research and Cooperation Association for Bio & Socio-Sciences Advancement
BioScience Trends (ISSN:18817815)
pp.2021.01437, (Released:2021-11-04)

In the context of an aging global population, the aging of patients with HIV is an issue that society will have to face. Data indicate that between 2011 and 2019, the proportion of patients age 60 and over who were newly diagnosed with HIV in China increased from 12% to 25%. In contrast to younger groups, the special characteristics of older patients pose major challenges to the management of their disease. The current study examined the clinical outcomes and psychological status of patients age 50 and over who were diagnosed with HIV. Out of a total of 566 older patients from eastern China, viral suppression was achieved in 446 (78.8%), treatment was immunologically effective in 410 (72.4%), and treatment was effective in 324 (57.2%). Thirty-nine patients (6.9%) had significant anxiety and 143 (25.3%) exhibited depressive tendencies. Level of education and the time from diagnosis to treatment were associated with the effectiveness of treatment. Age, sleep quality, chronic illness, exercise, and travel time to medical appointments were associated with depressive symptoms. These findings suggest that the burden of HIV among the older population remains high in more economically developed areas. The urgent need for HIV education and screening programs, as well as follow-up visits and early initiation of treatment in older patients, is called for.
Shuwei Gong Jianxiong Ma Aixian Tian Shuang Lang Zhiheng Luo Xinlong Ma
International Research and Cooperation Association for Bio & Socio-Sciences Advancement
BioScience Trends (ISSN:18817815)
pp.2021.01357, (Released:2021-11-04)

Due to continuous bone remodeling, the bone tissue is dynamic and constantly being updated. Bone remodeling is precisely regulated by the balance between osteoblast-induced bone formation and osteoclast-induced bone resorption. As a giant multinucleated cell, formation and activities of osteoclasts are regulated by macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF), receptor activator of nuclear factor-kappaB ligand (RANKL), and by pathological destabilization of the extracellular microenvironment. Microenvironmental acidosis, as the prime candidate, is a driving force of multiple biological activities of osteoclast precursor and osteoclasts. The mechanisms involved in these processes, especially acid-sensitive receptors/channels, are of great precision and complicated. Recently, remarkable progress has been achieved in the field of acid-sensitive mechanisms of osteoclasts. It is important to elucidate the relationship between microenvironmental acidosis and excessive osteoclasts activity, which will help in understanding the pathophysiology of diseases that are associated with excess bone resorption. This review summarizes physiological consequences and in particular, potential mechanisms of osteoclast precursor or osteoclasts in the context of acidosis microenvironments.
Youyao Xu Yizhen Chen Fang Han Jia Wu Yuhua Zhang
International Research and Cooperation Association for Bio & Socio-Sciences Advancement
BioScience Trends (ISSN:18817815)
pp.2021.01459, (Released:2021-11-10)

The effectiveness of neoadjuvant therapy (NAT) remains controversial in the treatment of pancreatic cancer (PC). Therefore, this meta-analysis aimed to investigate the clinical differences between NAT and upfront surgery (US) in resectable pancreatic cancer (RPC). Eligible studies were retrieved from PubMed, Embase, and Cochrane Library. The endpoints assessed were R0 resection rate, pathological T stage < 2 rate, positive lymph node rate, and overall survival. A total of 4,588 potentially relevant studies were identified, and 13 studies were included in this study. In patients with RPC, this meta-analysis showed that NAT presented an increased R0 resection rate, pathological T stage < 2 rate, and a remarkably reduced positive lymph node rate compared to US. However, patients receiving NAT did not result in a significantly increased overall survival. These findings supported the application of NAT, especially as a patient selection strategy, in the management of RPC. Additional large clinical studies are needed to determine whether NAT is superior to US.
Siwei Zhang Jing Zhou Lijuan Li Xinyao Pan Jing Lin Chuyu Li Wing Ting Leung Ling Wang
International Research and Cooperation Association for Bio & Socio-Sciences Advancement
BioScience Trends (ISSN:18817815)
pp.2021.01320, (Released:2021-11-10)

In China, cardiovascular disease (CVD) has surpassed malignant tumours to become the disease with the highest mortality rate, and atherosclerosis (AS) is an important pathological cause of CVD. Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is the most abundant steroid hormone in circulating human blood and is a precursor of estrogen and androgen. DHEA is converted into a series of sex hormones in local peripheral tissues where its acts physiologically. DHEA also acts therapeutically, thereby avoiding the adverse systemic reactions to sex hormones. DHEA inhibits AS, thus inhibiting the development of CVD, and it improves the prognosis for CVD. The incidence of CVD in postmenopausal women is substantially higher than that in premenopausal women, and that incidence is believed to be related to a decrease in ovarian function. The current review analyzes the mechanisms of postmenopausal women's susceptibility to AS. They tend to have dyslipidemia, and their vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) proliferate and migrate more. In addition, oxidative stress and the inflammatory response of endothelial cells (ECs) are more serious in postmenopausal women. This review also discusses how DHEA combats AS by countering these mechanisms, which include regulating the blood lipid status, protecting ECs (including coping with oxidative stress and inflammatory reactions of the vascular endothelium, inhibiting apoptosis of ECs, and inducing NO production) and inhibiting the proliferation and migration of VSMCs. As a result, DHEA has great value in preventing AS and inhibiting its progression in postmenopausal women.
Yang Li Ang Lv Jianhui Wu Chengpeng Li Bonan Liu Xiuyun Tian Hui Qiu Chunyi Hao
International Research and Cooperation Association for Bio & Socio-Sciences Advancement
BioScience Trends (ISSN:18817815)
pp.2021.01421, (Released:2021-11-26)

The occurrence of peritoneal sarcomatosis (PS) in patients with retroperitoneal sarcoma (RPS) indicates a poor prognosis. However, the appropriate treatment modality remains unclear. This study aimed to identify its prognostic factors and further explore the role of macroscopically complete excision (CE) in the management of PS. A retrospective database was established to evaluate patients with RPS who underwent resection between January 2011 and January 2019. Univariate and multivariate survival analyses were performed to analyze the prognostic factors and identify the population that will optimally benefit from CE. This study included a total of 49 patients with PS from 211 patients with RPS, and 34 (69.4%) patients of whom with PS underwent CE successfully. The median follow-up time was 36.0 months. There were 8 patients excluded because of loss to follow-up (n = 4) or death from complications within 90 days postoperatively (n = 4). The CE group had a marginally better prognosis compared to the macroscopically incomplete excision (IE) group (median disease-specific survival: 20 months vs. 8 months). Multivariate survival analysis demonstrated that completeness of operation (CE vs. IE) was the only independent prognostic factor in PS patients (P = 0.042). There was no significant difference in the overall complications between the CE and IE groups (P = 0.205). In conclusion, completeness of macroscopical excision is an independent prognostic predictor of PS. If technically possible, CE is a feasible strategy to improve the prognosis of selected patients with PS.
Dawei Lin Chen Wu Yiwen Jiang Yigang Li Xi Zhang Yaosheng Wang
International Research and Cooperation Association for Bio & Socio-Sciences Advancement
BioScience Trends (ISSN:18817815)
pp.2021.01461, (Released:2021-12-04)

It remains unknown whether and to what extend the angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs) or angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) can play a role in the development of atrial fibrillation (AF) after pacemaker implantation in very old patients. Therefore, we aimed to investigate the association between oral ACEIs or ARBs and the risk of developing AF in very old patients after pacemaker implantation. Patients above 80 years old with pacemaker implantation and without baseline history of AF were included and their real-world information about ACEIs or ARBs use was extracted from electronic medical records. New AF cases were confirmed via the records of outpatient visits. The multivariable Cox proportional-hazards model was used to evaluate the associations between oral ACEIs or ARBs and risk of AF after pacemaker implantation. Among a total of 388 identified patients aged 80 to 98 years, 118 used ACEIs, 174 had ARBs therapy, and 115 AF were identified after pacemaker implantation during a median follow-up time of 3.1 years. After adjustment for potential confounders, patients with daily use of ARBs had a relatively lower risk of AF after pacemaker implantation (HR: 0.627, 95% CI: 0.425, 0.926; P = 0.019) compared with those non-users, whereas ACEIs therapy didn't show a significant relation with AF risk (HR: 1.335, 95% CI: 0.894, 1.995; P = 0.157). In conclusion, for very old patients with a permanent pacemaker, daily use of oral ARBs was associated with a relative lower risk of AF after pacemaker implantation, however, daily use of ACEIs was not related with AF risk.
Wei Zhang Yingying Wang Xiang Dong Bo Yang Hongyuan Zhou Lu Chen Zewu Zhang Qin Zhang Guangtai Cao Zhiqiang Han Huikai Li Yunlong Cui Qiang Wu Ti Zhang Tianqiang Song Qiang Li
International Research and Cooperation Association for Bio & Socio-Sciences Advancement
BioScience Trends (ISSN:18817815)
pp.2021.01517, (Released:2021-12-09)

We explored the prognostic value of preoperative CA19-9 in α-fetoprotein (AFP)-positive and -negative HCC with hepatitis B virus (HBV) background (HBV-HCC), and explored the underlying mechanism. Recurrence-free survival (RFS) and overall survival (OS) were assessed in HBV-HCC patients who underwent curative resection (Cohort 1). Immunohistochemical staining of CA19-9 in HCC and liver parenchyma were quantified in another cohort of 216 patients with resected HCC (Cohort 2). Immunohistochemical staining of CA19-9 and serum CA19-9 level was also compared between patients with HCC and intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (ICC) (Cohort 3). In Cohort 1, CA19-9 ≥ 39 U/mL was an independent risk factor for RFS (HR = 1.507, 95% CI = 1.087-2.091, p = 0.014) and OS (HR = 1.646, 95% CI = 1.146-2.366, p = 0.007). CA19-9 ≥ 39 U/mL was also associated with significantly higher incidence of macrovascular invasion (MaVI) compared with CA19-9 < 39 U/mL (23.0% vs. 7.2%, p = 0.002), and elevated aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase to platelet ratio index (APRI), and lower albumin. Immunohistochemical staining of CA19-9 revealed that CA19-9 expression was found exclusively in the background liver but not in HCC tumor cells. In contrast, tumor tissue was the main source of CA19-9 in ICC patients. CA19-9 ≥ 39 U/mL was associated with worse OS and RFS in both AFP-positive and negative HCC patients. CA19-9 indicated more severe inflammation and cirrhosis in the liver of HCC patients.
持田 有希 野中 聡 津布久 健一 高野 智央 大塚 智 草野 麻里 恩田 浩一 樋口 佳子 岩部 昌平
理学療法学Supplement (ISSN:02893770)
vol.2004, pp.A1107, 2005

Yun He Hongzhou Lu
International Research and Cooperation Association for Bio & Socio-Sciences Advancement
BioScience Trends (ISSN:18817815)
pp.2021.01514, (Released:2021-12-08)

Since the first edition of the guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of AIDS was published in 2005, the AIDS Specialists Group of the Society of Infectious Diseases has updated the guidelines three more times to include more thorough, practical, standardized, and specific content. The latest edition (the 2021 version) has recently been updated in China in accordance with clinical practice nationwide and results of the latest research. Compared to the four previous editions, the 2021 edition references the latest information on the epidemiology of HIV, the prevention of HIV transmission, standardized lab diagnosis, and clinical management. First, the guidelines highlight the concept of "enhancing the combination of early intervention, prevention, and treatment". The guidelines specify more detailed clinical phases (three clinical stages), the clinical staging and progression of AIDS, and patient prognosis. The guidelines also specify diagnostic criteria – HIV antibodies, HIV RNA tests, CD4 cell counts, and the patient's epidemiological history – to use in conjunction with symptoms to confirm an HIV infection. In addition, the guidelines summarize more advanced HIV/AIDS research in China by describing the different circulating recombinant forms (CRFs) and unique recombinant forms (URFs) in Chinese patients, by summarizing the most prevalent strains in the Chinese population, and by comparing disease progression by route of transmission and by the CD4+T cell count. Lastly, this edition describes ways to optimize programs to prevent mother-to-child transmission, strategies for diagnosis and treatment of opportunistic infections, the aging patient population, and specialized ART treatment programs for different populations living with HIV. The guidelines should not only help to prolong the life of people living with HIV and improve their quality of life but also encourage successful collaboration between scientific researchers and physicians in the area of HIV.
洪 霞
no.12, pp.223-235, 2006

柴田 徹 清水 正喜 都司 尚
京都大学防災研究所年報 (ISSN:0386412X)
no.25, pp.p113-129, 1982-04

It is said that about 13% of the area of our country is covered with granite rock masses ordecomposed granite soils. Granite has played a very important role as a foundation rock mass oras a construction material. The importance has increased and will increase more and more withincreasing large scale construction works.In order to investigate fundamental mechanical characteristics of decomposed granite soil, drained or undrained triaxial tests were performed on undisturbed samples. Some basic physicalproperties were also examined to identify the samples used.A few of main results obtained are as follows:I) Heavily weathered clayey sample behaves mechanically like a sedimentary clay;ii) As to less weathered gravel or sand like samples, mechanical characteristics depend stronglyon the degree of weathering, I.e., weathering reflects on the scatter of the results, on the increase ininitial void ratio, consequently on the decrease in shear strength and the increase in compressibility;iii) Compressibility due to change in isotropic component of stress can be represented by the linearrelation between e and logp;iv) Volumetric strain due to dilatancy which can be evaluated by subtracting the volumetric straindue to isotropic stress component from the measured total volumetric strain correlates well to theconfining stress; andv) Shear modulus increases with increasing confining stress but does not continue to increase forhigh values of confining stress.
日経ビジネス (ISSN:00290491)
no.1514, pp.58-60, 2009-11-02

今年3月から東京都内で一人暮らしを始めた27歳の会社員、小島健二さんは中国海爾集団(ハイアール)製品の購入動機をこう話す。98リットルの小型冷凍冷蔵庫(約2万2000円)と5kgの全自動洗濯機(約2万円)を揃え、「機能も十分で使いやすい」と満足している。 中国大手家電メーカーのハイアールが、機能を絞った低価格な洗濯機と冷蔵庫で着々と販路を広げている。
浜田 宏 七條 達弘
理論と方法 (ISSN:09131442)
vol.25, no.1, pp.107-123, 2010

Boudon (1982)および Kosaka (1986)によって定式化された相対的剥奪の数理モデルは,主に同質なメンバーからなる集団のみを分析の対象としていたが,Yamaguchi (1998)およびReyniers(1998)の発展モデルにより,異質な成員からなる社会での相対的剥奪を分析できるようになった.本稿ではこれらのモデルを統合してさらに一般化することで,『アメリカ兵』に代表される経験的データをより体系的に説明することを目指す.モデルを分析した結果,投資コストについて恵まれた集団のほうが,恵まれていない集団に比して相対的剥奪率が常に高いという命題が得られ,この命題はデータによっても支持された.また理論的には,コストが連続分布に従う場合でも相対的剥奪率が昇進率の増加関数となる領域ならびに減少関数となる領域が存在する,というインプリケーションが得られた.
新間 一美
女子大国文 (ISSN:02859823)
no.153, pp.134-151, 2013-09

松尾芭蕉の『奥の細道』は、「月日は百代の過客にして、行きかふ年もまた旅人なり」で始まっており、李白の「春夜宴桃李園序」(古文真宝後集)の冒頭部「光陰者、百代過客」を踏まえたものとされる。その後、「弥生も末の七日」(元祿二年〈一六八九〉三月二十七日)に深川の芭蕉庵を出発する。門人に見送られ、彼等と千住で別れる時に「行く春や鳥啼き魚の目は泪」を詠み、それを「矢立てのはじめ」として、そこから旅が始まる。 春から夏へと季節が移り、平泉で杜甫の「春望」詩の「城春にして草木深し」を踏まえた「夏草やつはものどもが夢の跡」の句を詠む。ほぼ半年の旅が続いて、九月六日に岐阜の大垣で「蛤のふたみに別れ行く秋ぞ」の句が詠まれて、作品が終わる。 この「行く春」と「行く秋」は首尾呼応しており、冒頭の「百代の過客」も加えて、作品全体の主題を示しているとも考えられている。

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vol.16(5), no.205, 1984-05