ヴォヴィン アレキサンダー
日本研究 (ISSN:09150900)
vol.39, pp.11-27, 2009-03-31

藤後 悦子 三好 真人 井梅 由美子 大橋 恵 川田 裕次郎
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.89, no.3, pp.309-315, 2018 (Released:2018-08-28)

Children’s community sports require assistance of parents, such as in overseeing practices and in transportation to and from game venues; this means that parents are deeply involved with the teams. Parents have both positive and negative experiences with respect to their children’s sports activities. As a qualitative survey, this study aimed to clarify the kind of negative experiences that mothers have regarding their children’s community sports activities and to explore the conditions necessary for building a better team environment. Eight mothers with children who belonged to the community sports team until “retirement” were interviewed. Through analysis using M-GTA, the six categories were extracted: Problems concerning children’s competitive activities, problems with coaches, difficulties in balancing their own lives and the children’s activities, problems concerning the interference from and expectations of fathers, problems related to roles and duties, and relationship problems between mothers. Based on these results, educational intervention for parents was shown to be necessary, and recommendations for the future sports environment are presented.
西川 友章 松澤 孝紀 太田 和晃 内田 直希 西村 卓也 井出 哲

Subduction zone megathrust earthquakes result from the interplay between fast dynamic rupture and slow deformation processes, which are directly observed as various slow earthquakes, including tectonic tremors, very low-frequency earthquake (VLFs) and slow slip events (SSEs), and indirectly suggested by a temporal change in the frequency of repeating earthquakes and the occurrence of episodic earthquake swarms. Some megathrust earthquakes have been preceded by slow earthquakes and terminated near the areas where slow earthquakes were frequently observed. While capturing the entire spectrum of slow earthquake activity is crucial for estimating the occurrence time and rupture extent of future megathrust earthquakes in a given subduction zone, such an observation is generally difficult, and slow earthquake activity is poorly understood in most subduction zones, including the Japan Trench, which hosted the 2011 Mw9.0 Tohoku-Oki earthquake. Here we reveal the slow earthquake activity in the Japan Trench in detail using tectonic tremors, which we detected in the seismograms of a new ocean-bottom seismograph network, VLFs, SSEs, repeating earthquakes, and earthquake swarms. We show that the slow earthquake distribution is complementary to the rupture area of the Tohoku-Oki earthquake and correlates with the structural heterogeneity along the Japan Trench. Concentrated slow earthquake activities were observed in the afterslip area of the Tohoku-Oki earthquake, which is located to the south of the fore-arc geological segment boundary. Our results suggest that the megathrust in the Japan Trench is divided into three segments that are characterised by different frictional properties, and that the rupture of the Tohoku-Oki earthquake, which nucleated in the central segment, was terminated by the two adjacent segments.
福澤 光祐
公益社団法人 日本化学会
化学と教育 (ISSN:03862151)
vol.65, no.7, pp.318-321, 2017-07-20 (Released:2018-01-01)

中野 さやか
日本中東学会年報 (ISSN:09137858)
vol.28, no.1, pp.59-98, 2012-07-15 (Released:2018-03-30)

In this article, I will focus on 97 singers whose biographies are recorded in Kitāb al-Aghānī, written by Abū al-Faraj al-Iṣfahānī. The aim is to analyze the parent-child and teacher-student relationships between the singers and the way in which the singers were connected with the courts of the Umayyad and Abbasid dynasties. In the first chapter, I will analyze the 97 singers appearing in the book according to the periods during which they lived and the social status they had, with reference to a list of the singers. Subsequently, I will attempt to identify a large faction of professional singers existing among the 97 singers. In the second chapter, I will analyze how this large group of singers was connected with the courts of the Umayyad dynasty and the Abbasid dynasty. Through this analysis, I would like to make clear the social role the singers took on and also the cultural continuity between the Umayyad court and the Abbasid court. In the third chapter, I will focus on 100 Songs, that were selected from those sung in the Abbasid court. Those songs were applied by the author, Abū al-Faraj al-Iṣfahānī, as the first criteria in selecting songs for Kitāb al-Aghānī. Here, it should be noted that 100 Songs includes lyrics written by singers whose individual biographies and anecdotes are not recorded in the book. A comparison between such “anonymous” singers and the large faction of major singers whose information is recorded in the book in detail will reveal the way in which people from the ninth century through the tenth century adopted and rejected information concerning the court.
小林 めぐみ 水野 大 吉田 宗平 佐々木 秀策 有末 篤弘 若林 剛
特定非営利活動法人 日本小児外科学会
日本小児外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:0288609X)
vol.50, no.2, pp.267-272, 2014-04-20 (Released:2014-04-20)

開腹手術を要した菓子昆布による食餌性イレウスの2 小児例を経験したので報告する.〈症例1〉1 歳11 か月女児.嘔吐と腹痛のため来院.身体所見で脱水を認め,腹部CT で腹水の貯留と広範な小腸の拡張からイレウスと診断した.保存的治療を行うも腹部症状の改善がみられず,開腹手術を行った.手術では広範な小腸の拡張の先端部に鶏卵大の内容物を認め,小切開にて昆布塊を回収した.〈症例2〉14 歳女児.嘔吐と腹痛のため来院.腹部CT でbubbly mass and impaction, small bowel feces sign を認めた.腹膜刺激症状を伴い,絞扼の危険性も危惧されたため緊急手術を行った.手術では回腸末端までの腸管拡張とメッケル憩室を認めた.憩室を切除する際に内容物である昆布を大量に回収した.2 例とも発症前に菓子昆布を食べたことが確認された.食餌性イレウスは,頻度が低いものの小児外科医が周知しておくべき疾患である.
岡本 昌 真田 純子
公益社団法人 土木学会
土木学会論文集D1(景観・デザイン) (ISSN:21856524)
vol.72, no.1, pp.1-12, 2016 (Released:2016-01-20)

永吉 雅人 杉田 収 橋本 明浩 小林 恵子 平澤 則子 飯吉 令枝 曽田 耕一
vol.16, no.2, pp.97-103, 2013-12-01

上越市立の全小学校(新潟県)児童を対象に、化学物質過敏症(multiple chemical sensitivity:MCS)様症状に関するアンケート調査が2005年7月に実施されている。今回、その調査から5年経過した2010年7月、実態の時間的推移を把握するため、対象を市立の全小中学校の児童・生徒に拡げてアンケートの再調査を実施した。また今回新たに就寝時刻についても合わせて調査した。アンケートの有効回答数は14,024名(有効回答率84.0%)であった。/調査の結果、14,024名の回答児童・生徒中MCS様症状を示す児童・生徒は1,734名(12.4%)であった。今回の調査で主に、次の3つのことが明らかとなった。/1.小学1年生から中学3年生へ学年が進むに伴い、MCS様症状を示す児童・生徒の割合が増加傾向にあった。2.小学生全体のMCS様症状を示す児童の割合は、今回調査した小学生の方が5年前に比べて大きくなっていた。3.小学3年生から中学3年生までのMCS様症状を示す児童・生徒はMCS様症状を示していない児童・生徒より就寝時刻が遅かったことが明らかになった。
溝端 佐登史
季刊経済理論 (ISSN:18825184)
vol.52, no.2, pp.16-30, 2015-07-20 (Released:2017-07-03)

This paper analyses state capitalism in Russia from the viewpoint of state capital and state functions. As far as the Russia's government size (number of public servants and financial expenditures of the public sector) equals to those in developed countries, it cannot be applied as a precise indicator to characterize state capitalism. On the other side, both the state capital as a market player and the state functions can be regarded as qualitative characteristics of the Russian capitalism. As for the state capital, both privatization and state intervention have coexisted, and have simultaneously functioned for "controlling the highlands (the mainstay of state)". Moreover, the 2008 global economic crisis authorized state intervention. In order to maintain global competitiveness, the government has established strategic enterprises and has implemented preferential measures. Even though the state sector in the economy has decreased, it has enhanced its intervention into the private sector of the economy. The state has a strong influence on the economy via holding shares and regulations. Particularly, state-owned enterprises have changed their enterprise type from state corporations and unitary enterprises to joint-stock companies. In addition, "the exchange system of interests (state capture and business capture)" has been established and the state capital has openly showed its new "internationalization" behavior. The state capital has close ties with the global financial flows and it has stipulated the emergence of Russia's multinationals that are deeply connected with tax havens. Despite the offshore problem, the state sector is deeply linked with the global network and, therefore, state capitalism cannot exist without linkages with the global market. With regards to authoritarian political regime, concentration of powers, and existence of oil and gas rents, Russia is none other than state capitalism. However, functions and quality (good governance) of the state capitalism are far behind other developed countries. The Russian state is inferior in terms of state functions and state quality; the state as a coordinator of interests by grabbing hands may not be regarded as a strong one. Thus, Russia (Putin's regime) cannot be referred as "a normal middle income democratic country". Finally, low quality and authoritarian regime are mutually complementary in Russia, and the legacy inherited from the past also aff ected institutionalization of low quality state and institutional complementarities. State capitalism has also balanced interests among players. Why has state capitalism spread into the emerging and transition economies? The state sector has become a tool to correct the distorted markets. The basis of the Russian state capitalism is its global linkages with global markets (WTO accession), low-quality state coordination of oligarchs' behavior, and premature financial markets. This state intervention is old style, but it is a new phenomenon from the viewpoint of global adaptation. Global trends are common among other transition economies. However, the Russian case is based on its own historical and social thought. Thus, being both "old" and "new," Russian state capitalism seems resilient.