上田 哲司

北海道大学. 博士(文学)
松波 典永 小泉 慶 深津 千佳子 安田 和雄 深津 一之
動物臨床医学 (ISSN:13446991)
vol.19, no.3, pp.91-93, 2010-09-20 (Released:2011-12-16)

Shuori Yamada Tohru Hoshi Michio Toda Takahiro Tsuge Ko Matsudaira Hiroyuki Oka
The Society of Physical Therapy Science
Journal of Physical Therapy Science (ISSN:09155287)
vol.35, no.2, pp.106-113, 2023 (Released:2023-02-01)

[Purpose] The purpose of this study was to determine whether strict adjustment of the pillow height using the Set-up for Spinal Sleep method improves clinical outcomes like neck pain and somatic symptoms. [Participants and Methods] A total of 84 participants with chief complaints of stiff shoulders and neck pain were evaluated using the numerical rating scale and the Somatic Symptom Scale-8. Questionnaires were used to collect data at the baseline, after two weeks, and after three months of adjusting the pillow height. [Results] Forty-two participants (50%) achieved the minimal clinically important difference for neck pain with a decrease of three points or higher in the numerical rating scale. The baseline neck pain scores were significantly higher in the group that achieved the minimal clinically important difference. The three-month change in neck pain and the Somatic Symptom Scale-8 was significantly greater in participants who were satisfied with treatment. There was a significant positive association between improvement in the numerical rating scale score and improvement in the Somatic Symptom Scale-8 at three months. [Conclusion] Strict adjustment of the pillow height using the Set-up for the Spinal Sleep method significantly improved both physical neck pain and somatic symptoms related to psychological and social problems.
上松 一雄 森 秀隆 間瀬 正隆
公益社団法人 日本マリンエンジニアリング学会
日本舶用機関学会誌 (ISSN:03883051)
vol.31, no.11, pp.808-816, 1996-11-01 (Released:2010-12-08)

Mitsubishi Heavy Industies, Ltd. developed high-efficient, high-reliable and compact, ‘Marine Gas Turbine MFT 8’ for Goverment sponsored project ‘Techno Super Liner’ which is getting much attention as Marine Super Express. As a result we succeeded Sea Trial in '94 and real transportation test including night operation in '95 by using a experimental ship ‘TSL-A70’ which were developed by Mitsubishi and Mitsui. This paper reports these results and the future of Marine Gas Turbine.
加藤 良平
日本内分泌・甲状腺外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:21869545)
vol.37, no.2, pp.68-77, 2020 (Released:2020-09-02)

近年は遺伝子変異に関する研究が急速に進み,多くの癌で遺伝子変異による診断,治療法の選択,予後の推定などが可能になっています。これまでの研究から,甲状腺癌には「遺伝子型-表現型関連 genotype-phenotype correlation」が存在することが分かってきました。そこで,ドライバー変異から甲状腺癌を大別すると,RET腫瘍,BRAF腫瘍,RAS腫瘍,PAX8/PPARG腫瘍,PAX8/GLIS腫瘍,APC腫瘍に分類され,さらにRET腫瘍は再構成と点突然変異群,RAS腫瘍はNRASとHRAS群に細分類されます。例えば通常型乳頭癌は,RET腫瘍とBRAF腫瘍に入り,濾胞型乳頭癌はRAS腫瘍に分類されます。濾胞癌はRAS腫瘍とPAX8/PPARG腫瘍,硝子化索状腫瘍はPAX8/GLIS腫瘍,篩型乳頭癌はAPC腫瘍,髄様癌はRET腫瘍とRAS腫瘍に分類されることになり,予後不良な低分化癌や未分化癌はBRAF腫瘍,RAS腫瘍に属します。いずれの組織型でも既知の遺伝子異常が100%を占めることは無く,未知な遺伝子異常に関してはさらなる研究が必要です。しかし,この様な分類(考え方)は甲状腺癌への理解を深め,将来の診断治療に有用な基準となるかもしれません。
堀江 宗正
宗教研究 (ISSN:03873293)
vol.91, no.2, pp.229-254, 2017-09-30 (Released:2017-12-30)

藤森 かよこ Kayoko FUJIMORI 桃山学院大学文学部
no.15, pp.91-117, 1997-02-20

There is fairly general agreement that Sue Harrison's trilogy published from 1990 to 1994 is one of the literary fruits that multiculturalism has fostered. Harrison vividly and impressively represents the life and culture of the ancient Alute people, ancesters of Native Americans, based on her research and field work over many years, supported and stimulated by her own rich imagination. But it is not my present purpose to explore this area. My concern is in a feminist approach to this trilogy. Today's writers who try to create feminism-conscious stories confront much more sensitive and challenging problems than before. Liberal feminism originated from Europe in the 18th century. In the United States, in response to the civil rights movement in the 1960's, it developed into women's liberation movement in the 70's. However, with the permeation of multiculturalism in the 80's, propelled by the current of postmodernism, black feminists (womanists), lesbians and other minority groups' feminists have been criticizing the Caucasian/West/Judeo-Christian/middle-class/heterosexual-centerdness of liberal feminism. Nowadays feminists are expanding their argument into investigating the origins and structures of various discrimination systems, with and beyond the inquiry about how to reduce or end sexual discrimination. Some feminists fear that the present feminism agenda may neglect the problems peculiar to women and may result in delaying the dissolution of social unfaireness about women. Yet most feminists realize that it is one of their tactics, as well as one of their imperatives, to emphasize and promote their relationships and cooperative efforts with other discriminated groups. Thus contemporary writers must incorporate the above-mentioned feminist problems into their works if they want to satisfy feminist readers. We can safely state that Sue Harrison has achieved this challenge in writing Mother Earth Father Sky, My Sister the Moon, and Brother Wind. This trilogy is classified as a traditional and popular happy-ending fiction for women, in which a young heroine finally attains happiness through a series of torturous experiments and disasters; in the end she gets her own special protector, in most cases, her husband. Harrison's books also end with the heroine's delightful marriage or long-waited reunion with their family. In addition to this, we should note that the setting is in the prehistoric era, from B. C. 7056 to 7023. This means that Harrison's fictions have the advantage of being completely invulnerable from feminist critics' attacks. Criticizing the sexual dichotomy in the prehistorical setting is useless. Because writers must represent the factual aspects of their subjects in their realistic novels, even if some descriptions are offensive to feminists. Above all it is unfair to reproach the defects of past ages from a contemporary view point. But we are mislead if we regard this trilogy as a mere prehistory Harlequin Romance. Interestingly Harrison's books can satisfy not only non-feminist readers but also feminist ones. A close reading of these three books leads us to find many devices and episodes to demistify and invalidate patriarchism. In authentically traditional fictions, heroines cannot be really happy without being bound to some patriarchal family ststem. Harrison's heroines, even though they finally return to their male-dominated families and communities, are clearly characterized by a self-independence, self-respect and aggressiveness that we rarely see in women in the fictions with today's setting. Under the disguise of an obviously gender-biased traditional story, Harrison has inserted some unforgettable gender-free characters, female and also male, into her fictions. Harrison succeeds in fictionizing her materials from the standpoints of multiculturalism and feminism which the literary critics in the present postmodern era are ready to find in new novels. At the same time, Harrison fulfills the contradictory desire of conservative readers, who are in the majority, to consume their familiar plots in unfamiliar sceneries.
光浪 睦美
一般社団法人 日本教育心理学会
教育心理学研究 (ISSN:00215015)
vol.58, no.3, pp.348-360, 2010 (Released:2012-03-07)
20 8

本研究は, 達成動機や目標志向性が学習行動に及ぼす影響について, 過去の認知(以下, 過去認知)と将来の期待(以下, 将来期待)の組み合わせによって設定された4つの認知的方略(方略的楽観主義(SO), 防衛的悲観主義(DP), 非現実的楽観主義(UO), 真の悲観主義(RP))の違いに焦点を当てて検討することを目的とした。大学生407名を対象に質問紙調査を行い, 過去認知(ポジティブ・ネガティブ)×将来期待(高・低)の2要因分散分析を行った結果, 将来の期待が高い群は熟達目標を, 期待が低い群は遂行回避目標を, 過去の認知がポジティブな群は遂行接近目標を採用しており, DP者は遂行接近目標と遂行回避目標の両方をもつことが示された。また, 達成動機や目標志向性および学習行動との関連では, 熟達目標や遂行接近目標は学習行動に正の影響を与えていたが, 遂行回避目標は負の影響を与えていた。認知的方略ごとの検討では, 達成欲求が熟達目標に, 失敗恐怖が遂行回避目標に影響を及ぼす点は共通していたが, 遂行接近目標に関しては群で違いがみられた。達成動機, 目標志向性, 学習行動の観点から, 4つの認知的方略の特徴の違いが議論された。