Masanori HIRANO Hiroyasu MATSUSHIMA Kiyoshi IZUMI Hiroki SAKAJI
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会全国大会論文集 第34回全国大会(2020)
pp.1K4ES204, 2020 (Released:2020-06-19)

In this study, we propose a stochastic model for predicting the behavior of financial market traders. First, using real ordering data that includes masked traders' IDs, we cluster the traders and select a recognizable cluster that appears to employ a high-frequency traders' market-making (HFT-MM) strategy. Then, we use an LSTM-based stochastic prediction model to predict the traders' behavior. This model takes the market order book state and a trader's ordering state as input and probabilistically predicts the trader's actions over the next one minute. The results show that our model can outperform both a model that randomly takes action and a conventional deterministic model. Herein, we only analyze limited trader type but, if our model is implemented to all trader types, this will increase the accuracy of predictions for the entire market.
野 徹雄 平松 孝晋 佐藤 壮 三浦 誠一 千葉 達朗 上山 沙恵子 壱岐 信二 小平 秀一
JAMSTEC Report of Research and Development (ISSN:18801153)
vol.22, pp.13-29, 2016-03-01 (Released:2016-03-30)

近年,海洋研究開発機構は多くの地震探査航海を日本海で実施し,その探査中マルチビームによる高品質な海底地形データを同時に取得している.海底地形はその海域におけるテクトニクスや構造発達史を解明する手かがりの1つであり,地震研究においても,例えば震源断層のパラメータの検討の観点から重要である.したがって,高品質な海底地形データを活用することができれば,断層の長さに関する検討の精度が上がり,震源断層の大きさの議論の進展にもつながる.その結果,日本海における地震活動・活構造と地殻構造の関係をより統合的に研究を推進することができる.本報告では,地震探査時に取得された海底地形データを加えた日本海全域及びその周辺の地形データを用いて,それらを統合したDEM(数値標高モデル:Digital Elevation Model)データを作り,さらにそのデータを用いて方向依存性のない立体感が得られる赤色立体地図を作製した結果について記す.
土屋 元
経営と制度 (ISSN:13491180)
no.6, pp.1-20, 2008-01

After World War I in the French Parliament, disputes took place about how to supervise the newborn civil air transportation. During the same period, members of Parliament became aware that the French aircraft industry had begun to decline, and this also brought about hot debates amongst politicians. The Government and members of Parliament implemented two policies: firstly, they strictly checked any form of monopoly or half-monopoly and secondly, they intervened positively in the aeronautical market. In this paper, I attempt, through detailed analyses of the "Official Journal", to comment on Emmanuel Chadeau's traditional interpretation of the French aircraft industrial policy of the 1920s.
高井 一彦 田中 英次 村瀬 繁樹 高田 光章 後藤 新平 渡部 哲郎 大角 清之
公益社団法人 日本獣医師会
日本獣医師会雑誌 (ISSN:04466454)
vol.48, no.6, pp.400-403, 1995-06-20 (Released:2011-06-17)

1992年8月岐阜県下の23,000羽飼養採卵養鶏場で, 90日齢大雛 (3, 500羽) に貧血症が発生した. 発病例のヘマトクリット値は6-11%, 低γ-グロブリン血症を呈し, 剖検で皮下, 骨格筋の点状出血, 骨髄の黄色化がみられ, 組織学的にはリンパ組織におけるリンパ球消失がみられた. 病鶏の肝臓から鶏貧血ウイルス (CAV) が分離されたが, 抗体検査ではCAVをはじめ主要鶏病ウイルスに対する抗体が検出されず, 免疫不全が発症の要因であることが示唆れた.
佐藤 健太郎
関西大学東西学術研究所紀要 (ISSN:02878151)
vol.45, pp.47-65, 2012-04

Milk and its by-products are naturally nutritious food, and people in ancient Japan enjoyed tasting them as foods, drinks, or medicines. On the other hand, milk and its by-products were closely related to the philosophy of Buddhism and were often supplied at Buddhist rituals. There have been many studies on ancient diets including milk and its by-products and we have obtained useful knowledge on nutritious foods in ancient Japan. Among the milk products, "So" (蘇), a type of dairy product made from layers of milk skin, has been re-produced, and Japanese people enjoy it as it was enjoyed in the ancient diet. Based on previous studies, in this article the author describes the use of milk and its by-products as well as the contribution system of offerings in ancient Japan. The newly found research materials including Kouninshiki's lost writings' formula (弘仁式逸文) that describe "So" (蘇), wooden plates (木簡), and clay pots (墨書土器) are used for discussion. Since materials useful for studying the contribution system of offerings (蘇) in the Heian Era are unavailable except for 延喜民部式貢蘇条 (a Japanese book of laws and regulations), the contribution system of offerings (蘇) earlier than Engishiki (延喜式) is not known. Thanks to Kouninshiki's lost writings' formula, the contribution system of offerings under regulation called Kouninsikisei (弘仁式制) has been clarified. By comparing the contribution system of offerings called Engishiki with that of Kouninshiki, every aspect of change, i.e., difference in systems and any historical factors for transformation, have been reviewed. It is not clear when the contribution system of offerings was changed from Kouninshiki to Engishiki, but it is certain that the contribution system of offerings (蘇) apparently existed until 887 (the 3rd year of Ninna) according to Kouninshiki.
竹 瀟瀟 田村 照子 小柴 朋子
一般社団法人 日本繊維製品消費科学会
繊維製品消費科学 (ISSN:00372072)
vol.58, no.1, pp.64-73, 2017

<p><tt>振動抑制に配慮したブラの設計を目的とし,ハイスピードカメラを用いて,歩行,走行,ジャンプ時の乳房振動を観察した.異なる乳房の大きさの若年女性8 名を被験者として,皮膚粘弾性と乳房の圧縮性を測定,乳房振動との関係を検討した.主たる結果は以下のとおりである.(1)乳房x,z 軸方向の振動軌跡は運動の種類によって特異的であり,乳房が大きいほど上下の振幅が大きい.(2)乳房の上下振動は,いずれの運動においても基体の動きとは時間的なズレを持って振動し,乳房振動には慣性の影響が大である.(3)いずれの運動も平均振幅,速度,加速度は,乳房外側2 点は内側の2 点より大きく,運動中の乳房外側の振動を抑制することが重要である.(4)乳房の大きさと,歩行・走行時の乳房上下・左右方向およびジャンプ時の上下方向の平均振幅,速度との間には,有意な高い正の相関が認められた.歩行・走行時の振幅は皮膚の回復率R7 との間に正の,走行時の振幅は圧縮応力F10mm と負の相関を示し,柔らかい乳房ほど大きく揺れることが示され</tt><tt>た. </tt></p>
大濱 嘉彦
公益社団法人 日本材料学会
材料 (ISSN:05145163)
vol.36, no.406, pp.679-689, 1987-07-15 (Released:2009-06-03)
1 1
小林 太市郎
西洋古典學研究 (ISSN:04479114)
vol.7, pp.25-38, 1959-03-30

In Japanse mythology, Susanowo-no Mikoto is the god of the sea, of the nether world and of "the universal destruction. In these characters, he is almost identical to the Greek Poseidon. And by comparing the myths of the two gods, we can prove that he is even a Horse God like Poseidon. Thus a comparison of the two gods is very instructive, and affords much help in elucidating the obscure points of their myths. For example, the myth of the dispute over Attica between Athena and Poseidon is compared to that over heaven between Amaterasu-Omikami (goddess of the sun, and of the cereal) and her brother Susanowo. In the Japanese myth, this is not a mere dispute, but an invasion of heaven, the domain of the sun- goddess, by the destructive Susanowo. So, the original form of the Athenian myth must have been the invasion of Attica, the domain of Athena, by the destructive Poseidon. In the same way, the controversy of Poseidon with the sun about Corinth, and that with Hera about Argos (Paus. II 1 & 22), must have been originally the invasion of the Sea God, the Flood God in Argos, of these respective lands. The Japanese myth tells also that Amaterasu-Omikami, the sun-goddess, to conciliate the invader, afterwards accepted his proposal to bear children with him, and that by both standing face to face on the opposite side of the celestial river, the god and goddess respectively gave birth to many children (Perhaps the original form of the Athenian myth was that Athena, accepting a similar proposal of Poseidon, gave birth to the olive, and he to Thalassa. But this original form was rationalized afterwards.). Evidently, the prudery and the respect surrounding Imperial Household have here obscured the myth. But the comparison with the myth of Demeter and Poseidon in Arcadia (Paus. VIII 25 & 42) demonstrates beyond doubt that there was in fact a violation of Amaterasu-Omikami by Susanowo. And what is important is that Susanowo threw the skin of a horse into the weaving house of the goddess, breaking the roof, so that the goddess, surprised, wounded her sex with the shuttle, and, furious, hid herself in the dark cave (that is to say, she died). Consequently the whole world was invaded by dark and famine. Here also are much obscuring and distortion of the original form of the myth, due to the prudery and the respect for the deity. But here also the comparison with the Greek myth is very instructive, and attests that Susanowo was a horse (in reality a priest wearing the skin of a horse), when he had violated the goddess, and thus caused her death. (The tradition of Onkeon assures us that Demeter herself was then in the form of a mare, which must be a rationalized interpretation of later age. Primitively, all Hieros Gamos were performances by a human goddess and an animal god.) Thus, that Susanowo was also a Horse God is beyond doubt, and we also find the true meaning of Demeter's going in the cave (death) and a very clear suggestion of the cause of her death. In any case, we can thus, by this comparative method, establish the existence of the rite of Hieros Gamos performed by a 'human goddess with a Horse God in Greece and in Japan ; this rite constituting the first part of a double Hieros Gamos which represents and celebrates the death and the revival of the solar and cereal goddess. And although the Arcadian myth had only conserved the first part of this double Hieros Gamos, its complete development is clearly visible in the mysteries of Eleusis and in the Japanese myth of Amaterasu. (She is resuscitated by a Hieros Gamos of the goddess Ameno-Uzume with the god Sarudahiko, as Demeter was by that of Baubo with Iakkhos. ) But these myths, both Greek and Japanese, represent not only the Hieros Gamos rite of the revival of spring. They contain or conceal also some corresponding historical facts of the same nature on both sides. That is to say, I believe, one can find in them : 1. an invasion by the sea-men of the cultivated lands, and a war to subjugate the original habitants; 2. the conciliation of the sea-men with the original habitants by means of marriage ; 3. the new invasion by the mounted people who came to land across the sea. Of course, these historical facts were so much obscured as to form the myths. So, it is one of the principal aims of comparative mythology to elucidate these obscurities, and to find the facts through the myths ; at least to restore the original forms of the myths by comparing and analyzing their variously distorted or obscured forms in diverse civilizations.
小野 永貴 小西 響児
一般社団法人 映像情報メディア学会
映像情報メディア学会年次大会講演予稿集 2010 (ISSN:13431846)
pp.3-7-1-_3-7-2_, 2010-08-31 (Released:2017-05-24)

We developed interactive broadcasting system named "Nyafu Nyafu Douga". Using this system, viewer can watch broadcast and post comments at the same time. We put this system into practice in University of Tsukuba school festival.
深井 喜代子 小野 和美 田中 美穂 關戸 啓子 新見 明子
川崎医療福祉学会誌 (ISSN:09174605)
vol.7, no.1, pp.125-135, 1997

人間関係が異なる複数の被験者群において, 痛みの感受性と痛み反応, 看護ケアの鎮痛効果がどのように相違するか, またそれらに性差はあるかを検討した.被験者は健康な大学生30名で, 実験者と既知の女子7名(A群), 初対面の女子12名(B群), 初対面の男子11名(C群)の3群に分けられた.ベッド臥床した被験者の心電図, 局所発汗量, 皮膚温を測定した.看護ケアとして温罨法, 冷罨法, マッサージ, 音楽療法, 会話に代わるものとしての連想ゲームの5種類を用いた.VisualAnalogueScale(VAS)で70〜80の強さに電圧を固定して電気刺激を行い, 実験中痛みをVASで表現させた.その結果, 耐痛閾値は男性が高いこと, 痛みの評価と痛み反応は男性においてのみ皮下脂肪率と関係すること, さらに, ケア毎の鎮痛効果は対人関係の程度に関係することが明らかになった.
Sugawa-Shimada Akiko
Research Faculty of Media and Communication, Hokkaido University
The Theory and Practice of Contents Tourism
pp.21-26, 2015-03-16

本研究ノートでは、歴史上逆賊とされる石田三成に関する、「歴 女」(歴史好きな女性)の歴史ツーリズムについて論じている。『戦国無双』『戦 国BASARA』や『天地人』『江』において、三成が好人物に描かれたことで、生誕 地石田町(滋賀)に若い女性観光客が増加した。ここで顕著なのは、ホスト・ゲス ト関係を越えた「歴女」の地元への貢献と、地元顕彰会の草の根的なおもてなし が、三成を介して世代を超えた精神的繋がりとして構築されていることである。