田村 直之 宋 剛秀 番原 睦則
vol.57, no.8, pp.710-715, 2016-07-15

数独やナンバーリンクなどのパズルを題材として取り上げ,SATソルバーを用いてこれらのパズルを解く方法について説明する.SATソルバーは,与えられた連言標準形の命題論理式(CNF式)を満たす解を探索するプログラムである.近年になって大幅な性能向上が実現され,最新のSATソルバーは百万個の変数を含む問題でも取り扱えるようになっている.このことを背景とし,さまざまな問題をCNF式に変換(符号化) しSAT ソルバーで解を求める手法が注目を集めている.本稿では,パズルを題材とすることで,この手法について分かりやすく解説する.
山守 一徳 海野祐史 河合 敦夫 椎野 努
情報処理学会論文誌 (ISSN:18827764)
vol.43, no.9, pp.2928-2938, 2002-09-15

高見 寛孝
no.56, pp.71-91, 2013-03
山本 和明
国文学研究資料館紀要 文学研究篇 = The Bulletin of The National Institure of Japanese Literature (ISSN:24363316)
no.48, pp.197-226, 2022-03-18

古典籍商と蔵書家との交流は、かつて新聞紙面を彩り、多くの人の知るところであった。思い出話として語られたそれらの逸話を紹介し、当時、京阪で実施された古書交換会の様子を探るとともに、実際に古典籍商鹿田松雲堂と交わされたやりとりの一端を、書翰などから確認したい。 The interaction between antiquarian books dealers and book collectors was oncereported in newspapers and was known to many people. I would like to introduce theepisode told as a nostalgic memory, and see the exchange meeting of antiquarian booksheld in Osaka and Kyoto, as well as the letter from the book collector to the antiquarianbooks dealer 'Shikata Shōundō'.
遠藤 武 エンドウ タケシ Takeshi Endo
vol.17, no.1, pp.28-46, 1956-06
小野 芳秀
東北福祉大学紀要 = Bulletin of Tohoku Fukushi University (ISSN:13405012)
vol.46, pp.111-135, 2022-03-18

実習生としてのレディネス(準備性)を明らかにすることを目的に,精神障害の当事者性を有する実習生を対象に「実習中困難だったこと」,「実習中困難だったことにどう対処したか」,「実習中困難だったことを回避するための方法」について実態調査を行った。実習中に遭遇する「困難さ」として,「実習指導者との関係性の困難」,「精神障害特性による困難」「利用者・患者との関係性の困難」「外的要因による困難」のカテゴリーが抽出され,実習生としてのレディネス(準備性)として「自己覚知」,「自己コントロールを含むセルフケア」,「対人コミュニケーション」,「自身を含む状況の俯瞰視」,「自身が困難を抱えていることを表明できる」の5 つのスキルに対する視座が明らかとなった。今後の課題として,実習生としてのレディネス(準備性)の状態を把握するためのアセスメント(査定)基準の設定及びアセスメントの方法,実習生としてのレディネス(準備性)が獲得されていると判断され得る一定の基準に到達するための効果的な教育プログラムの開発の必要性が確認された。
渡辺 祐邦 WATANABE Yuho
vol.7, no.2, pp.445-466, 1976-06

J. Hoffmeister has pointed out that Hegel’s view on the culture and history was strongly affected by the writings of a popular philosopher Christian Garve. Garve was indeed one of the most important figures in the German Enlightenment, though his works were almost forgotten today. He was not only a best-known writer who intended to make people capable of thinking by themselves, but a philosopher who broke a path leading to a new philosophy of history. In an essay which he contributed to Neue Bibliothek der schonen Wissenschaften und freien Kunste, one of the most influential magazines for literary criticism of his time, he treated the problem of priority of the modern poets. The issue was not brand new. It was an eighteenth-century revival of the famous controversy in the seventeenth century, Querelle des Anciens et des Modernes. His view was, however, entirely new. He discussed the problem by observing the differences and changing structures in the ways to get and transmit ideas among both ancient and modern peoples. He claimed also that the experiences of ancient people had become a property of mankind, of which modern people partake. This very concept introduced by Garve is no doubt one of the bases of Hegel’s philosophy of mind.
千葉 一磨 中山 祐之介 橋田 朋子
vol.2018, pp.95-99, 2018-09-06

本研究では観客の位置によって同じ舞台を見ながら異なる内容を観賞できる舞台機構の実現を目指して いる.そこで,見る角度によって透明・不透明が変化する視界制御フィルムを従来のペッパーズ・ゴー ストの仕組みと組み合わせる.具体的には,舞台と観客の間に設置した複数のフィルム付ハーフミラー の角度と,演者が立つ奥の主舞台,ミラーに反射像(ゴースト)を映すためにある手前のゴースト舞台 それぞれの照明の明るさを制御する.これにより同じ劇場にいる観客はそれぞれの観賞位置に応じて演 者とゴーストのどちらか,あるいは両方の3つの異なる出現パターンを観ることができる.
香川 俊宗 手塚 宏史 稲葉 真理
vol.2015, pp.326-333, 2015-09-18

音楽ゲームは計算機とプレイヤーが合奏し曲を完成させるもので, プレイヤーが演奏するパートを 原曲から分離・抽出し, プレイヤーのアクションを指示する譜面を作成することが難しいことが知られて いる. 本研究ではよい譜面の自動生成のための重要音抽出を目指す. 音楽の中で繰り返し現れるフレーズが 重要な部分であると考え,suffix tree を利用してフレーズを抽出する頻出頻度を利用した重要音抽出法を提 案・実装し,メロディ,ハーモニー,リズムそれぞれに適用し,譜面に使用する楽曲を構成し,ユーザーテ ストを行った.
鈴木 正崇
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.174, pp.247-269, 2012-03-30

坂本 満
美術研究 = The bijutsu kenkiu : the journal of art studies
no.262, pp.1-16, 1969-12-25

In a Buddhist temple called Ryūkōin in Sano City, Tochigi, there is a woodden figure traditionally known as Kateki. It was recovered in the 1920's and was found to be a figure of Desiderius Erasmus Rotterdamus by the studies of Izuru Shimmura and Naojirō Murakami. The Ryūkōin had been the family temple of the Makino Clan, the lineage of the feudal lord of the area. And, in the voluminous book of pedigrees of various families Kansei Chōshū Shokafu, completed in 1812, it is written that Narisato Makino (died 1614), a feudal lord of the clan, brought back a figure of Kateki after joining the Bunroku War in Korea. This must correspond to the figure in the Ryūkōin. This is because no other image of Kateki is known, and also, it was not unusual for Western goods to be called Korean importations in Japan during the period in which Christianity was prohibited. On the other hand, the study of Murakami has clarified the fact that the statue was a figure of Erasmus of Rotterdam which had been originally placed at the stern of the Dutch ship De Liefde which drifted ashore on the east coast of Kyūshū on April 29, 1600. Shimmura further assumes that Narisato obtained it in his late years when he was one of the three heads of the infantry of the Shogunate stationed at Edo Castle. Kateki (Ch. Huo-ti) is a legendary innovator of ship building in China along with Kyōko (Ch. Huo-hu) and these two names are almost always referred to inseparably in Chinese dictionaries. But in Japan Kateki alone is mentioned: in several texts for nō dramas, as Shimmura has pointed out, only his name is seen, and under the influence of nō texts his name was cited in an Edo Period chantey for special occasions. Therefore, it is not strange that this figure of Erasmus, originally placed at the stern of a ship, was given the name of Kateki. De Liefde, which had formerly been called Erasmus, left Rotterdam for the Far East together with four other ships in 1598. Twenty-two months later only De Liefde reached its destination and thereby opened the commercial relationship between Holland and Japan which lasted a longtime. But only twenty-four of the crew were alive when it arrived in Japan and three of the survivors died the next day. The ship reached Japan after numerous hardships. During such difficult sailing, the crew members must have recalled the patron saint of sailors, Saint Erasmus, the same name as the figure at the stern. This saint was believed in by Italian, Spanish and Portugese sailors. The worship of the saint by sailors is not mentioned in the writings of the humanist of Rotterdam. But there is a fairly good possiblity that the habits of south European sailors had been introduced to northern countries, since Spain and Portugal monopolized long-distance navigation in the sixteenth century and it is known that in some cases south European sailors joined the crews of English or French ships. It is also said that a chapel of Saint Erasmus in Westminster Abbey was a religiously important shrine for sailors. Legenda Aurea, which contains the story of the life of Saint Erasmus in its supplement, had been severely criticised by Catholics and Protestants since the middle of the sixteenth century for its absurdity. The English navigator of De Liefde, Willian Adams (Japanese name: Anjin Miura), was a rationalist who did not believe in superstitions and miracles and in this respect he was just like Erasmus of Rotterdam and Ieyasu Tokugawa. But, generally speaking, sailors are not rationalists. The writer, in Part I of the present paper, proposes the possibility that the sailors who survived the difficult voyage with De Liefde attributed their good fortune to Saint Erasmus and so gave special meaning to the figure of Erasmus of Rottersdam at the stern. This interpretation by the sailors may have given further meaning as patron saint of sailors to the name of Kateki, in addition to his original significance as an innovator of ship building. In Part II of the paper, which will be published in No. 263 of this journal, the writer furher discusses the nature of the figure itself. After introducing portrait works of Erasmus of Rotterdam in Europe by quoting the studies by G. Marlier, E. Treu and J. Huiginga, the writer criticises the theory of E. Major and E. Treu that the figure in question was originally a statue made for welcoming the visit of Felipe II to Rotterdam and the theory of F. Kossman that the figure is its copy. E. Treu claims that the now damaged left hand of the figure of the Ryūkōin had held a quill pen, but traces in the carving show that it apparently held a thick book, a form ordinarily given to the portraits of Erasmus. From the right hand of the figure hangs a scroll but it seems to be too small to hold the written name of the ship as Treu says. Since it is strange to carry such similar things in both hands and this is not seen in painted portraits of Erasmus, the present writer presumes that the characteristics of the figure resulted from it being a direct orindirect imitation of the wooden statue that had been erected in Rotterdam in 1549 or the stone statue that had been rebuilt in 1557. The writer, at the end of the paper, introduces a rather free copy of the Ryūkōin figure of Erasmus made by a carpenter who lived near the temple, in October of 1905 and given to the temple by a believer. The figure was not then recognized as Erasmus. This copy has crystal eyes and holds a Buddhist sacred ball in its left hand. Its physical features, which include its proportions, are completely Japanese. This naive folk-art type of work has not attracted people's attention, but this is, so to speak, the only real Kateki figure now known and the figure of Erasmus who was “naturalized” in Japan.