神戸 洋子
帝京科学大学紀要 = Bulletin of Teikyo University of Science (ISSN:18800580)
vol.12, pp.91-98, 2016-03-31

Though picture books of Etz( 1895-1985) have been considered warm and tender, they contain senses of anxieties and grief.Etz's anxieties and grief are related to wars.A boy and animals in In the Forest( 1944) are marching like an army, and he andhis father vanish into the forest as if they are gone. The hollow tree has an ear to spy them. A seal in Oley , the Sea monster( 1947) is like a conscript boy, being totally at aloss in an alienated place. The car in Little Old Automobile( 1948) may be a fugitive soldier. He goes his own way and getsforfeited of girl and barbed-wire fences. Those grief against wars can be related to Etz’ loss experience of her first husbandduring the war.
山根 信二
vol.1998, no.52(1998-EIP-001), pp.89-95, 1998-05-28

ACM (Association for Computing Machinery)の1998年度会議は5月10-12日にワシントンで開かれる.今回のタイトルは"ACM POLICY'98: Shaping Policy in the Information Age"と銘打たれ,これまで社会的発言を行なってきたACMメンバーが来るべき社会について語るべく顔を揃える。この大会の性格を知るためには,アメリカの文脈におけるコンピュータ科学者の倫理的政治的問題意識の変遷をたどる必要がある.加えて,その最新動向を報告する.
新井 貴紘 井上 亮文
ワークショップ2020 (GN Workshop 2020) 論文集
vol.2020, pp.26-27, 2020-11-13

本研究では,ビーム状攻撃の表現やパラメータを変化させたときに,仮想世界で被弾する VR 体験をしたプレイヤーがどのようにして強さを知覚するのか調査する.本稿では,想定しているビーム状攻撃の定義について解説する.また,ビーム状攻撃の形状,大きさなどを固定し,色彩のみを変更するという前提のもとで,色彩による心理効果から立てた仮説の詳細を解説する.
小杉 泰
国際大学大学院国際関係学研究科研究紀要 = Bulletin of the Graduate School of International Relations

Middle Eastern societies have their own inherent political ideas, which can not be understood by judging how far they have absorbed Western political values, such as the liberal democracy. One of these is the idea of nizam ash- Shura or the system of Consultation. This concept is central to what we may call Islamic democracy. There is a striking similarity between the ideas expressed in Dr. A. I. al-Ansari's recent books on the Shura system, which are based on Sunni Islamic Law, and the political structure of contemporary Iran, which is based on the Shi'i tradition. In any Islamic state, authority derives partly from Islamic Law, as interpreted by the scholars, partly from the Ummah, or the whole community of believers. The idea of the ShUra system, which insists that no ruler can govern without consulting both the scholars of Islamic Law and the Ummah, was developed during the medieval period, when hereditory monarchies prevailed. After the denial of hereditory monarchies in the modern period the concept established itself as the fbundation for the Islamic democracy. The parallel existence of the National Assembly and the Guardians Council, which has the power of veto over the Assembly's legislation, as. seen in Iran, derives directly from this system.
西口 真央 鳥海 不二夫 高野 雅典
情報処理学会論文誌 (ISSN:18827764)
vol.61, no.10, pp.1639-1646, 2020-10-15

鈴木 健司 SUZUKI Kenji
総合文化研究所紀要 = Bulletin of Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies of Culture Doshisha Women’s College of Liberal Arts (ISSN:09100105)
vol.38, pp.142-157, 2021-07-29

This essay provides an overview of Canadian nation-building, deals with the British and Canadian regulations on nationality and citizenship, and examines how they affected each other. The process of Canada’s independence is sometimes referred to as “evolution,” in contrast to the American “Revolution.” Starting from British colonies, Canada achieved independence in stages, gradually separating from Britain: promotion to a Dominion, autonomous diplomacy, the British Commonwealth of Nations, and the patriation of the constitutional law from London. The same applies to Canadian nationality and citizenship. The origin of the concepts lies in the status of the British subject, inherited by the common law. Then, critical points came with the following regulations: (1) the British Naturalization Act of 1870, which finished up the traditional nationality system, defining the British subject based on the common law, (2) a series of Canadian laws from the 1910s to the 1920s on immigration, naturalization, and nationality, referring to Canadian citizenship and nationality for the first time, with the British Nationality and Status of Aliens Act 1914, which provided the common code over the status of the British subject, (3) the Canadian Citizenship Act 1946, which radically changed the relations between the concepts of British subject and Canadian citizenship, followed by the British Nationality Act 1948, which introduced a new classification of the British subject.
斎藤 富由起 飯島 博之 Fuyuki Saito Hiroyuki Iijima
国際経営・文化研究 = Cross-cultural business and cultural studies (ISSN:13431412)
vol.21, no.1, pp.201-213, 2016-12-01

As intervention methods to DPAFU group in adolescence, intervention model has been attracting attention by the Hunter (2005), which showed a effect on clients of adolescence. In this study based on the model of the Hunter (2005), it was an attempt to standardize essential to Analogical study of DPAFU of adolescence “chronic depersonalization and non-reality a measure in adolescence”. As a result, they succeeded in creating a depersonalization and non-realistic measure with high reliability and validity.
横山 真男 斉藤 勇也
vol.2015-EC-35, no.22, pp.1-6, 2015-02-23

1980 年代から 2000 年にヒットした邦楽の楽曲構造を分析し可視化を行った.対象として,オリコンランキングの 1980 年から 2007 年の各年で Top10 に入る楽曲について調査した.本研究では,曲のサビに注目し,コード進行の頻度やパターン,シンコペーションの数,動機のパターンを取り上げ,年毎にその特徴を分析した.
新 清士 金子 晃介 松井 悠 三上 浩司 長久 勝 中林 寿文 小野 憲史 山根 信二
vol.2012-CE-114, no.18, pp.1-6, 2012-03-09

ゲーム開発を教育に取り入れる近年の試みにおいて,本発表では「ゲームジャム」型の協働ゲーム開発に注目する.これまで分散会場を結んだゲームジャム型の協働ゲーム開発は主に国際組織や政府機関によって主導されてきたが,発表者は地域の社会的な文脈に根ざした草の根の同時多発型協働ゲーム開発イベントを実施した.本発表ではこの2011年8月に実施された「福島GameJam in南相馬」の試みについて報告を行い,「ゲームジャム」の可能性について考察する.