畑 友佳子 池田 ゆかり 木藤 聡一 佐藤 友紀 中越 元子
北陸大学紀要 = Bulletin of Hokuriku University (ISSN:21863989)
no.51, pp.17-35, 2021-09-30

We report for the writing program at “Basic seminar Ⅰand Ⅱ” in the lower gradesof the faculty of pharmaceutical sciences at Hokuriku University. In this program, we thought it was important how the students could study with a feeling of growth. Thelearning goal of this program was to allow students at the time of graduation to learn independently and to utilize practically the skills they have learned to discover and solve problems. In addition, it aimed for the students to acquire the ability to write the reports based on the knowledge and skills with logical thinking, judgment, and expressiveness. In the program for the students enrolled in 2019, we were analyzedstudent questionnaires and evaluations of report by faculty members. Before this program started, there were many students who had poor writing skillsin the faculty of pharmaceutical sciences. However, by taking this program, they abled to realize on their own the improvement and growth of their writing skills and visualizeof learning outcomes. On the other hand, there still remains a problem that many students felt writing was so difficult. In the future, we need to overcome this problem.
小島 奈津子
桐蔭法学 = Toin Law Review (ISSN:13413791)
vol.22, no.1, pp.67-92, 2015-10-25
齋藤 道彦
人文研紀要 (ISSN:02873877)
vol.88, pp.51-80, 2017-09-30

鈴木 孝弘 田辺 和俊 中川 晋一
vol.62, pp.69-82, 2018-03

Elderly dementia would be considered as one of serious social issues in near future inJapan. A nonlinear regression method by support vector machine (SVM) was appliedto search factors related to patient rates of 47 prefectures among 34 kinds of lifestylehabit factors. Fourteen kinds of related factors were obtained; depression, alcohol,hyperlipidemia, hobby, fruits, stress disease, high blood pressure, soy product, cereal,fresh fish, cooking oil, exercise, fresh vegetable, and diabetes. Depression is the mostimportant factors to patient rates, and the relative significance of the related factors tothe patient rates of elderly dementia is discussed on the basis of their sensitivities. Theinformation obtained could be used for serving as a reference to factors which shouldbe verified in cohort or case-control studies for clarifying the causes of elderly dementiain Japan.
図書館だより = Tosyokan Dayori
no.189, pp.1-4, 2021-10-01
湯沢 雍彦
人文・社会科学論集 = Toyo Eiwa journal of the humanities and social sciences (ISSN:09157794)
vol.17, pp.173-196, 2001-02

During the last ten years, only Denmark among the developed countries succeeded in increasing the total fertility rate (TFR). It will serve as great reference to Japanese society that suffered from the continuous decline of TFR, to determine the cause of increasing TFR in Denmark by clarifying the relation between TFR and life structure. From August through the beginning of September in 1999, we implemented the field study on this issue in three cities of Elsinore(Helsingor), Odense and Bogense. We visited a Folkeskole (elementary and junior high school), an integrated day care facility for children aged 6 months to 5 yrs old (day nursery and kindergarten), a municipal office, the committee for labor market (Arbejdsskadestyrelsen), etc. We interviewed ten couples with children and observed also three families closely while staying at their homes. Also we made questionnaires on family budget, time budget and life consciousness.The findings are as follows:1. By putting the Social Assistance Act into effect and by revising it thereafter, not only the period of the paid parental leave was extended, but also the facilities for children under nine and child-caring system were well prepared.2. All companies keep up the time of 4 p.m. as the closing time of the day, and parents establish their habits of coming back home straight from jobs after picking up their children at the children's facilities.3. Due to the booming economy since 1993, the income of families has grown up over the rate of inflation. The cost of raising children has not caused families economic burden. It means that families have not been suffering from the cost of child-care.4. In Denmark having many children is perceived as a way to make life lively and enjoyable, and spending time with one's family is considered more important than working.5. The social structure is such that there is no need to save money for education and health care.6. The baby boom generation of 25 ~ 30 years ago is reaching child bearing age. (This fact might have the most direct and the strongest influence on the increasing TFR.)
藤田 正悟 上垣外 英剛 船越 孝太郎 奥村 学
研究報告自然言語処理(NL) (ISSN:21888779)
vol.2021-NL-250, no.3, pp.1-6, 2021-09-21

Satoshi Matsuoka Hideharu Amano Kengo Nakajima Koji Inoue Tomohiro Kudoh Naoya Maruyama Kenjiro Taura Takeshi Iwashita Takahiro Katagiri Toshihiro Hanawa Toshio Endo
研究報告ハイパフォーマンスコンピューティング(HPC) (ISSN:21888841)
vol.2016-HPC-155, no.32, pp.1-14, 2016-08-01

Slowdown and inevitable end in exponential scaling of processor performance, the end of the so-called “Moore's Law”is predicted to occur around 2025-2030 timeframe. Because CMOS semiconductor voltage is also approaching its limits, this means that logic transistor power will become constant, and as a result, the system FLOPS will cease to improve, resulting in serious consequences for IT in general, especially supercomputing. Existing attempts to overcome the end of Moore 's law are rather limited in their future outlook or applicability. We claim that data-oriented parameters, such as bandwidth and capacity, or BYTES, are the new parameters that will allow continued performance gains for periods even after computing performance or FLOPS ceases to improve, due to continued advances in storage device technologies and optics, and manufacturing technologies including 3-D packaging. Such transition from FLOPS to BYTES will lead to disruptive changes in the overall systems from applications, algorithms, software to architecture, as to what parameter to optimize for, in order to achieve continued performance growth over time. We are launching a new set of research efforts to investigate and devise new technologies to enable such disruptive changes from FLOPS to BYTES in the Post-Moore era, focusing on HPC, where there is extreme sensitivity to performance, and expect the results to disseminate to the rest of IT.