1 0 0 0 OA 聚學軒叢書

vol.第1集第15册, 1903
水嶋 雅子 横田 祥 石川 岳彦 華岡 由香里 〓野 繁雄 劔物 修
The Japanese Society of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics
臨床薬理 (ISSN:03881601)
vol.20, no.4, pp.777-781, 1989

Effects of pre-operative administration of ranitidine on pH and volume of gastric juicewere evaluated in 54 children (mean age: 5.4±1.0 yr) who underwent elective surgeryunder general anesthesia. Simultaneously, bromazepam suppository was evaluated as a premedicationagent for pediatric patients. Patients were randomly divided into four groups, and premedication agents were given 2 hr prior to induction of anesthesia. Patients ingroup A received diazepam syrup (0.5 mg/kg P. o.) ahd those in group B received bromazepamsuppository (3 mg). Patients in groups C and D received ranitidine (1 mg or2 mg/kg i. m.) together with bromazepam suppository (3 mg). Following induction ofanesthesia, a gastric tube (10 Fr. or 12 Fr.) was passed and stomach contents were collectedand analyzed for volume and pH, which was repeated every hr until the end ofthe operation. The gastric pH at the induction of anesthesia was observed to be 2.5 orless in 70% of the patients of groups A and B, 13% of group C, and O% of group D.The volume of gastric contents was less than 0.4 ml/kg in 87% of ranitidine-treatedpatiehts (groups C and D), in 29% of group A, ahd in 60% of group B. It was thenconcluded that pre-operative administration of ranitidine caused a significant reduction ofboth acidity and volume of gastric contents, which will contribute to preventing or reducingaspiration pneumonitis during general anesthesia. Plasma ranitidine concentrationsmeasured by high-performance liquid chromatography revealed 228±32 ng/ml in group Cand 487±59 ng/ml in group D at the induction.of anesthesia. Sedation at the inductionof anesthesia was evaluated utilizing our original pediatric premedication score, whichconsists of 3 check points: quietness (very good, 3 ; good, 2 ; fair, 1 ; bad, 0); crying (no, 2 ; a little, 1 ; yes, 0); and i. v. root (under local anesthesia, 1 ; following induction ofanesthesia, 0). The averaged scores were 4.5±0.4 in group A, 4.2±1.9 in group B, 4.1±0.6 in group C, and 4.8±0.5 in group D, respectively. There was no significantdifference in the score in 4 groups. A plasma bromazepam level was 414±49 ng/ml at theinduction of anesthesia. Our results showed that bromazepam suppository is as effectiveas diazepam syrup for premedication in children.
藤澤 〓
The Japanese Psychological Association
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.13, no.1, pp.55-72, 1938

I<BR>Boundary phenomena, according to the writer's terminology, are the events arising out of the boundary between neighbouring regions in the life space, and social boundary-phenomena are those occurring between regions differentiated by social non-homogeneity.<BR>Everyone in Formosa, belonging either to the ruling group or to the ruled groups racially different, has these two kinds of group psychologically as neigh-bouring regions in his life space; social boundary-phenomena often develop between these two regions, where the individual opinions about the function of another group come to exist. Thus, social boundary-phenomena in such areas play an important role in the social order, and their nature must be inquired into more closely by psychological and other means. The writer of this paper is of the opinion that it is profitable to develop the topological and dynamic mode of thought in dealing with these social boundary-phenomena. The present paper is a first attempt in this direction.<BR>II<BR>Among the aborigines of Formosa (Takasago race), there are two tribes: the Atayal and the Saisiat living as neighbours in the north, as the map in the Japanese text shows. Between them, there occurred frequent struggles for power since olden times, and on the whole, so far as their history is concerned, the Atayal are strong and large, the Saisiat weak and small. (In their prehistoric period, the Saisiat were very likely a big tribe, according to the survey, of the Institute of Ethnology of our University.) The Saisiat were not only attacked by the Atayal, but were also pressed by the Formosan-Chinese from the plains, and thus they were deprived of power on both sides.<BR>On the last day of 1936, the Atayal had a population of 12,690 while the Saisiat had only 1,483 in the Sintiku Province where the writer made the following experiment. (Adding up the figures for other provinces, the Atayal: had a total of 36,128 as against the Saisiat: 1,486.)<BR>III<BR>According to observations of the character of these two tribes made by Japanese writers many years ago, the most remarkable difference between them:-<BR>Atayal: "Intrepid by nature, ashamed of cowardice; cowardly conduct before the enemy being despised in this society."<BR>Saisiat: "In bravery inferior to the Atayal, possibly on account of their small population and of the pressure exercised on them by stronger enemies since olden times. The distinguishing quality of the able-bodied-man in this tribe is fleet-ness of foot. This is, of course, necessary for attack, but as far as this tribe is concerned, it is esteemed valuable to escape when a battle is lost......"<BR>Interpreted according to the present writer's terminology, the writers found their difference in character to consist in the way they developed the social boundary-phenomena between them and their enemies, i. e. the difference lies in their dynamic properties in account with the topology of their behavioural field, in short in their behaviour-direction.<BR>IV<BR>The writer has made the 'flower-experiment' after Dembo with male adult subjects of the two tribes: the subject is required to take from a table about one meter high, a flower with his hand, not putting his foot out of a square frame of bamboo laid on the floor about 1 and 1/5 ineter, away from the table. The number of the subjects were Atayal: 16, Saisiat: 19.<BR>The most noticeable result of this experiment is that the difference in the behaviour-direction between the two tribes was found in the experimental field of the problem as set by the experimenter, i. e. manner in which they deal with the boundary (with resistance) between them and their aim, and the nature of the boundary-phenomena is not the same in the two tribes.
〓 徳泉 増田 拓朗 守屋 均
日本緑化工学会誌 = / the Japanese Society of Revegetation Technology (ISSN:09167439)
vol.27, no.1, pp.292-295, 2001-08-31

高松市中央通りの中央分離帯に植栽されているクスノキ並木をめぐって, 市のシンボルとしての緑豊かな樹冠を望む一般市民と, 見通しのよい圧迫感のない車道空間を望む運転者の論争が20年以上にわたって繰り広げられている。車道上に張り出した車道建築限界 (4.5m) よりも低い枝が問題になっているわけだが, 現在, このクスノキ並木の平均樹高は10.4mで, ほぼ樹高成長の上限に達しており, 現状で下枝を切除すると極めて貧弱な樹冠にならざるを得ない。4個体を選んで土壌断面調査を行ったところ, 有効土層は浅い所では40cm, 深い所でも80~90cmであり, 固結土層が樹高成長を制限している可能性が示唆された。固結土層を膨軟化して, 有効土層を深さ1.5m以上確保してやれば更なる樹高成長が期待でき, 緑豊かな樹冠と見通しのよい圧迫感の少ない車道空間の両立が可能になるものと考えられる。

1 0 0 0 OA 九部經解166卷

関 文恭 吉山 尚裕 三隅 二不二 吉田 道雄 三角 恵美子 〓 惠晶
九州大学医療技術短期大学部紀要 (ISSN:02862484)
vol.24, pp.25-32, 1997-03

本研究では, 看護専門学校におけるクラス担当教員のリーダーシップPM行動測定尺度を作成し, その妥当性を検討した。調査の回答者となった看護学生数は2277人。リーダーシップ行動項目に関して抽出された4つの因子, 「学習・生活面での厳格性」「社会性育成」「学生に対する配慮」「学習への配慮と工夫」から, P, M各10項目ずつのPMリーダーシップ行動尺度を作成。外的基準変数としての看護学生のモラール(クラスヘの帰属意識, クラスの運営満足, 学校満足, 授業満足, 学習への内発的意欲, 学生生活における規律遵守, 学校生活におけるストレスの因子)との関係を検討した。その結果, PM4類型の効果性順位については, ストレスを除く6つの要因についてPM>M>P>pmの順となり, 本研究で作成した看護教員のリーダーシップ尺度は一定の妥当性を有するものと考察された。
南澤 孝太 深町 聡一郎 梶本 裕之 川上 直樹 舘 〓
特定非営利活動法人 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会
日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌 (ISSN:1344011X)
vol.13, no.1, pp.15-23, 2008
17 9

We propose a wearable haptic display to present the sensation of weight and inertial force of virtual objects, which is based on our novel insight that the deformation on fingerpads makes a reliable sensation of weight even when the proprioceptive sensations on wrist and arm are absent. The goal of this project is to meet the increasing demand for realistic haptic feedback with a simple haptic display that delivers realistic existence of virtual objects in entertainment, augmented reality or telexistence systems.
大崎 紘一 〓 恰虹 李 貞子
日本経営工学会論文誌 (ISSN:13422618)
vol.49, no.6, pp.365-373, 1999-02-15

本研究では, 地域の活性化に重要な役割を果たしている地域産業の経済的意義を定量化するため, 基本となる地域産業構造, 産業および住民の納税額, そして, 自治体からの地域社会への歳出額を基本要素とし, それらの間に対数線形関係を仮定した地域産業-生活関連モデルを提案する.まず, 地域に立地する製造業の基本特性は, 業種の多様性および業種別の従業員1人当たりの付加価値額を用いて示す.次に, 産業の地域社会への経済的貢献の程度は, 3大産業, 10大産業分類の従業員数と市町村税との間の対数線形関数で示す.さらに, 地方自治体の地域への施策が地域社会に直接関係していることから, 歳出項目と歳入項目との関係を対数線形関数で示す.そして, 中国地方と四国地方9県のデータを用いて提案しているモデルの妥当性を明らかにする.
渡辺 雅俊 井口 〓孝
鐵と鋼 : 日本鐡鋼協會々誌 (ISSN:00211575)
vol.81, no.6, pp.613-618, 1995-06-01

A statistical thermodynamic model, cell model, has been attempted to represent the hydroxyl capacities of some molten silicates and molten aluminates. The slag systems discussed were CaO-SiO_2, CaO-Al_2O_3 binaries and CaO-SiO_2-MgO, CaO-Al_2O_3-MgO and CaO-SiO_2-Al_2O_3 ternaries. The cell model is based on the description of the liquid in terms of cells composed of an oxygen anion surrounded by two cations (i, j). In addition to binary parameters, W_<ij> and E<ij> a new parameter, W′_<Hi> was introduced into the cell model for representing the hydroxyl capacity. Here, W′<Hi> is free energy of formation of dilute H-O-i cell. The hydroxyl capacities calculated by the model agreed with the experimental data over the wide range of slag composition and temperature. A good correlation between W′<Hi> and free energy of formation of hydroxide was confirmed. Therefore, the cell model with the new parameter W′<Hi> is considered to be applicable to predict the hydroxyl capacities of multicomponent slags.
太田 有 大田 英輔 田島 清〓
日本機械学會論文集. B編 (ISSN:03875016)
vol.54, no.500, pp.890-899, 1988-04-25

Fan noise data are categorized into source characteristic terms and a frequency response term expressing attenuation in the propagation passage. These terms are determined by sweeping the fan speed from 1000 to 4500 rpm. The fan specific speed and the impeller diameter are 42 and 460 mm. The blade number is 12. By setting the exponent in a power law relationship of sound pressure level versus frequency as 3, two factors describing the source level are determined with simple relationships to the scroll cut-off location. By selecting the distance, the noise level is possibly reduced by more than 10 dB without influencing fan performance. The frequency response if satisfactorily presented by introducing a one-dimensional linear wave model, where the key passage is blade passages selectively determined by the noise wavelength. By choosing the blade number or the inlet duct length so that a frequency of the maximum attenuation is achieved, a noise reduction of 10 dB is again expected.