中川 光弘 宮坂 瑞穂 三浦 大助 上澤 真平
一般社団法人 日本地質学会
地質学雑誌 (ISSN:00167630)
vol.124, no.7, pp.473-489, 2018-07-15 (Released:2018-08-18)

福島 慶太郎 井上 みずき 山崎 理正 阪口 翔太 高柳 敦 境 優 中川 光 平岡 真合乃 吉岡 憲成 池川 凛太郎 石原 正恵
Pro Natura Foundation Japan
自然保護助成基金助成成果報告書 (ISSN:24320943)
vol.29, pp.1-13, 2020 (Released:2020-09-29)

長谷川 健 中川 光弘
一般社団法人 日本地質学会
地質学雑誌 (ISSN:00167630)
vol.113, no.2, pp.53-72, 2007 (Released:2007-06-20)
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北海道東部,阿寒カルデラ周縁の火砕堆積物を調査し,その層序・年代を明らかにした.対比にあたっては本質物の岩石学的特徴も活用した.阿寒カルデラ起源の火砕堆積物は,古土壌などの介在によって,少なくとも40の噴火ユニットに区分できる.さらにこれらは,層序が連続し,かつ岩石学的特徴が類似する17の噴火グループにまとめられる(上位からAk1~17).Ak1~17の間には,阿寒火山以外に給源を持つ複数の火砕物が挟在する.Ak2とAk3の間には東燐の屈斜路カルデラから噴出した古梅溶結凝灰岩(0.34 Ma)が,Ak14の中には北海道中央部起源である十勝火砕流(1.3-1.46 Ma)の遠方相が堆積する.このことから,阿寒カルデラは前期更新世から活動を開始し100万年以上にわたって火砕噴火を頻発していたことが分かった.この期間,阿寒火山では,噴火グループごとに異なるマグマ系が活動していた.
中村 有吾 松本 亜希子 中川 光弘
Tokyo Geographical Society
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.114, no.4, pp.549-560, 2005-12-25 (Released:2009-11-12)
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The AD1663 ejecta of Usu volcano, western Hokkaido, northern Japan, have a thickness of approximately 200, cm and are divisible into 7 units on the eastern foot of Usu volcano. The basal deposit, Unit-A, is composed of fine-grained, poorly sorted pumice and ash with well-developed stratification. It contains base surge beds near the sources, and is interpreted as phreatomagmatic in origin. Unit-B is typical in many respects of the product of plinian activity. It is characterized by coarse grain size and wide dispersal, combined with low lithic contents and poor development of internal stratification. This fallout deposit (Usu-b tephra) can be seen in the eastern regions of Usu volcano, and has a thickness of about 4 cm at 200 km from the vent. Unit-C, Unit-E, Unit-F, and Unit-G have characteristics that are satisfactorily interpreted as a consequence of phreatomagmatic activity : fine grain size near source, poor sorting, well-developed stratification and base surge bedforms. Unit-D is typical of phreatic deposits, being composed largely of non-juvenile lithic fragments.According to historical records, the eruption was preceeded by earthquake swarms for 3 days from August 13, 1663. The first eruption (Unit-A) occurred on August 16, followed by an eruption associated with a large amount of pumice and ash (Unit-B) on August 17. The explosive eruptions lasted approximately 20 days.The petrographic properties of the plinian product differ considerably from those of the phreatomagmatic products. The pumice clasts of Unit-B contain abundant glass and little phenocryst (plagioclase, orthopyroxene, and hornblende). The glass has a relatively high refractive index (n = 1.490-1.492) and a low SiO2 content. Orthopyroxene in Unit-B has a relatively high refractive index (γ = 1.735-1.740) and low Mg#. The phreatomagmatic products are rich in massive glass. This glass has a relatively low refractive index (n = 1.475-1.490) and a high SiO2 content, with values differing among horizons. The compositional diversity of the 1663 products indicates the existence of some magma. Presumably, their mixing triggered the 1663 eruption of Usu volcano.
増渕 佳子 石崎 泰男 白井 智仁 松本 亜希子 宮坂 瑞穂 中川 光弘
一般社団法人 日本地質学会
地質学雑誌 (ISSN:00167630)
vol.122, no.10, pp.533-550, 2016-10-15 (Released:2017-01-20)

石井 英一 中川 光弘 齋藤 宏 山本 明彦
一般社団法人 日本地質学会
地質学雑誌 (ISSN:00167630)
vol.114, no.7, pp.348-365, 2008-07-15 (Released:2009-03-25)
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北海道中央部の十勝三股盆地周辺に分布する火砕流および火山体を対象に露頭調査,記載岩石学的分析およびK-Ar年代測定を行った結果,降下火砕堆積物の層厚変化,火砕流の層厚・溶結度・上面高度の変化,噴出年代,本質岩片の斑晶鉱物組み合わせ・ガラス組成・鉱物化学組成から,従来それぞれの地域で異なる名称で呼ばれていた4つの火砕流(無加・芽登凝灰岩,屈足火砕流,黒雲母石英安山岩質軽石流)がすべて十勝三股盆地から噴出した同一の火砕流であることが分かった.我々は十勝三股盆地を十勝三股カルデラと呼び,上記4つの火砕流を十勝三股火砕流,先行した降下火砕堆積物を十勝三股降下火砕堆積物と呼ぶことを提唱する.十勝三股カルデラは約1 Maに総噴出量130 km3以上の大規模珪長質噴火によって形成された.その噴火は大規模なプリニー式噴火で始まり,その後に火砕流が発生し,当時の基盤地形に支配されて流下した.
宮本 毅 中川 光弘 長瀬 敏郎 菅野 均志 大場 司 北村 繁 谷口 宏充
東北アジア研究 = Northeast Asian studies (ISSN:13439332)
no.7, pp.93-110, 2003-03-31

Baitoushan volcano (Changbaishan volcano in China), situated on the border between China and North Korea, is one of the most active volcanoes in mainland Asia. The volcanism is divided into three stages, firstly the shield volcano-forming stage effusing large amount of basaltic lava flow, secondly volcanic cone-building stage consisting of trachytic magma, and finally summit caldera (called Tianchi caldera)-forming stage erupting the vigorous alkali-rhyolitic pyroclastics. Tianchi caldera has been formed by some huge eruptions (10th century, 4000yBP eruption and more) since Pleistocene. In caldera-forming stage, the time sequence of such huge eruption progress from Plinian pyroclastic fall to following large pyroclastic flow (ignimbrite). Based on our geological and petrological studies and Radiocarbon dating about wood and charcoal samples in pyroclastics, we found that 9th century eruption, unknown until now, has occurred before 10th century eruption. From the relation of stratigraphy and radiocarbon age the dormancy between this episode and 10th century one is estimated about a hundred year. The time sequence and eruptive style of this new episode is similar to 10th century eruption, but the magma composition is different.
長谷川 健 中川 光弘 宮城 磯治
一般社団法人 日本地質学会
地質学雑誌 (ISSN:00167630)
vol.123, no.5, pp.269-281, 2017-05-15 (Released:2017-07-25)

南 裕介 中川 光弘 佐藤 鋭一 和田 恵治 石塚 吉浩
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.66, no.3, pp.211-227, 2021-09-30 (Released:2021-10-29)

Meakandake Volcano is a post-caldera active stratovolcano located on the south-eastern rim of Akan Caldera, eastern Hokkaido, Japan. Recent eruptive activity has occurred in 1955-1960, 1988, 1996, 1998, 2006, and 2008 at Ponmachineshiri, which is one of several volcanic bodies that form the stratovolcano. These events indicate that Ponmachineshiri has a high potential for future eruptions. In order to better understand the hazards posed by Meakandake Volcano, this study focused on the modern eruptive activity of Ponmachineshiri during the last 1,000 years. The authors conducted field observations at outcrops in the summit area, excavation surveys on the volcanic flanks, component analysis for pyroclastic deposits, and radiocarbon dating for intercalated soil layers. As a result, at least four layers of pyroclastic fall deposits derived from Ponmachineshiri during the last 1,000 years were recognized, ranging from Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI) levels of 1 to 2. In chronological order, the major pyroclastic fall deposits consist of Pon-1 (10th to 12th century; VEI 2), Pon-2 (13th to 14th century; VEI 2), Pon-3 (15th to 17th century; VEI 1), and Pon-4 (after AD 1739; VEI 1), with small-scale (VEI<1) phreatic and phreatomagmatic eruption deposits intercalated within Pon-1, Pon-2, and Pon-3 pyroclastic fall deposits. The presence of scoria and minor pumice in the Pon-1, Pon-2, and Pon-3 pyroclastic fall deposits suggests that these eruptions were phreatomagmatic events. On the other hand, the absence of juvenile materials in the Pon-4 pyroclastic fall deposits suggests that the activity was a phreatic eruption. The decreasing proportion of juvenile materials in eruptive deposits over the last 1,000 years is consistent with a reduced magma contribution and indicates that the development of the hydrothermal system is likely to play an important role in future eruption scenarios for Meakandake Volcano.
西来 邦章 石毛 康介 島田 駿二郎 中川 光弘
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.62, no.2, pp.83-94, 2017-06-30 (Released:2017-07-25)

Zircon fission-track (FT) and uranium-lead (U-Pb) dating were carried out to determine the ages of the Biei, Tokachi, and Sounkyo pyroclastic flow deposits in the Biei and Kamikawa areas of central Hokkaido, northern Japan. We collected pumiceous tuff samples of the Biei pyroclastic flow deposits from two sites in the middle and lower reaches of the Biei River, and Tokachi pyroclastic flow deposits from one site to the west of Tokachi caldera. A sample of welded tuff from the Sounkyo pyroclastic flow deposits was obtained from one site in the lower reaches of the Antaroma River. The FT ages of the Biei pyroclastic flow deposits are 0.81±0.08 Ma and 0.72±0.08 Ma, identical to each other within 1σ error. However, they differ from an age of 1.91±0.06 Ma reported previously from the upper reaches of the Biei River. Based on the present data and previous results on the ages and petrographical characteristics of the deposits, they can be divided at least two geological units with different eruption ages. A FT age of 0.058±0.018 Ma (1σ) was obtained from the Sounkyo pyroclastic flow deposits. On the basis of previous studies concerning the distribution and petrographical characteristics of the deposits, this age was obtained from Hb-type pyroclastic flow deposit among the Hb- and Py-type flows of the Sounkyo pyroclastic flow deposits. The Tokachi pyroclastic flow deposits yielded a U-Pb age of 1.24±0.02 Ma (2σ), which falls within the wide range of ages reported in previous studies. Because the Tokachi pyroclastic flow deposits have a wide distribution and a wide range of ages, they can be divided into several geological units with different eruption ages, as with the Biei pyroclastic flow deposits.
中川 光弘

数千年に及ぶ噴火活動休止期の後、南西北海道の3火山(北海道駒ケ岳、有珠山および樽前山)は、西暦1640~1667年にかけてVEI=5の大噴火を起こし、噴火活動期に入った。この3火山の噴火活動の再開については、その約30年前に起こった慶長三陸沖地震(西暦1611年)の影響が指摘されている。特にその震源域については、三陸沖だけではなく北海道十勝~色丹沖まで連動していた可能性が指摘されており、地震による影響が北海道南西部に及んだ可能性は十分に考えられるが、一方で摩周や雌阿寒などの北海道東部の火山は噴火していない。本研究では、まず北海道全域の活火山の完新世の噴火活動履歴をまとめ、特に17世紀前後の噴火活動度の地域差を明らかにする。さらに上記3火山のマグマ供給系の構造と噴火過程をまとめ、北海道における地震と火山活動の関係について検討する。 北海道は東北日本弧と千島弧の2つの島弧の会合部であり、火山活動は更新世を通じて活発である。そして完新世では、まず1万年前後に比較的大規模な噴火が全域で起こっていた。千島弧に属する北海道東部では1.3万年前の雌阿寒岳(VEI=5)、7000年前の摩周(VEI=6)の大噴火があり、また東北日本弧の南西北海道では1.2万年前の濁川、9000年前の樽前山、そして約7000年前に駒ケ岳がそれぞれVEI=5の大噴火を起こした。東部では知床半島の諸火山、摩周~アトサヌプリ、雄阿寒~雌阿寒1000年前頃までは定期的にマグマ噴火を起こしており、噴火活動は活発であったといえる。一方、道南の火山は樽前山が約2500年前にVEI=5の噴火を起こしているが、その他の活火山ではVEI<3程度の噴火が散発する程度であり、活動度は低い状態が続いていた。会合部である北海道中部では、完新世ではVEI=5に達する噴火はなく、大雪山と十勝岳においてVEIが3以下の噴火が散発している。 そして17世紀になって前述したように、南西北海道では3火山が大噴火を連動したかのように起こし、その後も現在まで噴火活動は継続している。さらに3火山だけではなく、周辺の恵庭岳や恵山などでも活動が活発化した。一方、北海道東部では約1000年前頃の摩周(VEI=5)、雌阿寒岳(VEI=4?)および700年前の羅臼岳(VEI=3)のマグマ噴火を最後に、活動は低調になったようである。特に17世紀以降に限ると、北海道中部の十勝岳で小規模なマグマ噴火が散発する程度で、北海道東部ではマグマ噴火は発生していない。以上の北海道全域での火山噴火活動履歴を考えると、仮に慶長三陸地震のような大地震が北海道の火山活動に影響を与えたとすると、北海道東部の活動を低下させて、逆に南西北海道の諸火山の噴火を誘発させたことになる。つまり17世紀に起こった現象は北海道全域の応力場に影響を与えたと考えるべきであり、これは北海道が2つの島弧会合部にあることと調和的である。 次に17世紀に噴火活動を再開した、南西北海道の3火山のマグマ系について検討する。これまでの研究をまとめると、これらの火山の噴火履歴およびマグマ供給系にはいくつかの共通点が認められる。それは、1)いずれも2000~5000年あるいはそれ以上の長い休止期の後に噴火活動を再開したこと、2)主要に活動したマグマは珪長質で、その全岩化学組成はデイサイト質安山岩~流紋岩質マグマと組成差があるが、それらのメルト組成はいずれも流紋岩質であったこと、3)この珪長質マグマ溜りに噴火の数年前以内の時期にマフィックマグマが貫入して噴火した点、の3点である。このことからこれら3火山では休止期の間に、十分な量のマグマを蓄積していたと考えられる。そのため大地震で噴火を誘発することはあり得るが、例えば大地震によりマフィックマグマの活動が活発になって上昇を開始する、あるいは地殻内の応力場の変化により珪長質マグマが活発になるという可能性は、慶長地震の後に約30年の間隔をおいて、3火山の噴火が始まったことの説明が困難である。
長谷川 健 柴田 翔平 小林 哲夫 望月 伸竜 中川 光弘 岸本 博志
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.66, no.3, pp.187-210, 2021-09-30 (Released:2021-10-29)

Based on detailed fieldwork, petrological and paleomagnetic investigations, we present a revised stratigraphy of deposits from the 7.6 ka eruption at Mashu volcano and the formation process of its summit caldera, eastern Hokkaido, Japan. As previously described, the eruption products consist of an initial phreatomagmatic unit (Ma-j) and the overlying three pumice-fall layers (Ma-i, -h, and -g), which are in turn overlain by pyroclastic-flow deposits (Ma-f). In the present study, we divide Ma-f into 4 subunits: Ma-f1/2, Ma-fAc, Ma-f3a and Ma-f3b in descending order. Ma-f3b is a valley-ponding, pumice-flow deposit with limited distribution. Ma-f3a comprises clast-supported facies (fines-depleted ignimbrite: FDI) and matrix-supported (normal ignimbrite) facies, the two changing across topography. The FDI is characterized by a gray, fines-depleted, lithic-breccia-rich layer with materials incorporated from the substrate. Impact sag structures from large (>50 cm) dacite ballistic blocks were recognized at the base of the Ma-f3a within 10 km from the source. Ma-fAc is a minor eruption unit consisting of accretionary lapilli. Ma-f1/2 is a most voluminous (8.8 km3), widely distributed and weakly stratified ignimbrite. Both Ma-f3a and Ma-f1/2 can be classified as “low aspect ratio ignimbrite (LARI)”. Dacite lithic fragments are ubiquitously observed throughout the sequence and are not considered to be juvenile; they have distinctly different chemical compositions from the pumice fragments in the early pumice-fall (Ma-g~Ma-i) and pyroclastic-flow (Ma-f3b) deposits, but those of pumice clasts in the late pyroclastic-flow units (Ma-f3a and Ma-f2) lie between the two on a FeO*/MgO vs. SiO2 diagram. The 7.6 ka caldera-forming eruption of the Mashu volcano was initiated by Plinian fall (Ma-j~-g), and then, a small-volume high aspect ratio ignimbrite (Ma-f3b) was deposited by a valley-confined pyroclastic flow that was generated by partial column collapse. After that, a violent pyroclastic flow was generated probably during a strong explosion of a dacite lava edifice on the summit of Mashu volcano. This flow emplaced Ma-f3a. The caldera collapse that followed the explosion generated a climactic pyroclastic flow that emplaced Ma-f1/2. Ma-f3a flow was extremely fast. Ma-f1/2 flow was related to sustained flow due to low settling velocity and high discharge volume. These are supported by field observations and numerical simulation that shows the ability of the flow to surmount high topographic obstacles and spread widely. The 7.6 ka caldera-forming process of Mashu volcano was driven not only by subsidence of roof block but also by violent explosions.
松本 亜希子 中川 光弘 井口 正人
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.61, no.3, pp.545-558, 2016-09-30 (Released:2016-11-08)

On the 24th July, 2012, a large scale explosion occurred at Minamidake Summit crater of Sakurajima volcano, for the first time in last 1.5 years. This eruption is characterized by a clear, large preceding inflation ca.22 hours before the eruption. The juvenile glass particles in the volcanic ash of this eruption have less amount of microlite than those of Showa crater. The crystal size of microlite is also smaller. In contrast, their microlite number densities (MND) of plagioclase and pyroxenes are similar to those of Showa crater. According to the results of the decompression experiments by previous studies, the variations of crystallinity of microlite with the constant MND can be explained by the difference in the length of the duration for decompression, and/or the duration until the quench after the decompression. Considering these results, the juveniles of the summit eruption are derived from the eruption induced by relatively rapid decompression with rapid quench, and the juveniles from Showa crater are the products of the eruptions accompanied with the relatively slower decompression and/or the longer annealing after decompression. Therefore, it is interpreted that the 24th July, 2012 eruption was caused by rapid magma ascent with much shorter stagnation in the conduit. In contrast, the eruptions at Showa crater might have been induced by slower magma ascent and/or longer stagnation at a shallower depth of the conduit. This interpretation agrees with the data of geophysical observations. On matrix glass chemistry, juveniles of this summit eruption show the distinct trend from those of Showa crater. This feature can be produced by the difference in mode of microlite, which are crystallized during magma ascent. Accordingly, it is possible to evaluate the difference in magma ascent process, using the matrix glass chemistry.
松本 亜希子 中川 光弘 小林 卓也 石塚 吉浩
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.66, no.4, pp.255-279, 2021-12-31 (Released:2022-02-22)

The Tokachidake volcano group, central Hokkaido, is one of the most active volcanoes in Japan; three magmatic eruptions occurred from the crater area on the northwestern flank of Tokachidake in the 20th century. The Sandan-yama, Kamihorokamettokuyama, and Sampōzan edifices are on the southern flank of the volcano, and the first two bound the west-facing Nukkakushi crater. Although fumarolic activity and hydrothermal alteration are ongoing at Nukkakushi crater, its eruptive history remains unknown. Therefore, we performed a geological investigation of the Nukkakushi crater area. Based on topographical features, we inferred the following eruptive history. Sampōzan and Kamihorokamettokuyama formed during ca. 70-60 ka, after which the northern flank of Sampōzan collapsed and a new edifice (Nukkakushi volcano) was built within the collapse scarp. Finally, the collapse of the western flank of Nukkakushi formed Nukkakushi crater—perhaps during the Holocene, according to previous work. We identified eight Holocene eruptive products generated from the Nukkakushi crater area, the most recent of which was generated from a crater on the western flank of Sandan-yama sometime since the early 18th century. We also recognized three debris avalanche/landslide deposits that were generated within the last 750 years. Comparing the eruptive products of the northwestern crater area of Tokachidake with those of the Nukkakushi crater area revealed that magmatic eruptions from the two craters alternated until 1.8 ka. Their distinct magmatic compositions suggest the simultaneous existence of two isolated magma systems beneath Tokachidake and Nukkakushi, at least until that time. Since 1.8 ka, magmatic eruptions at the northwestern crater area of Tokachidake and phreatic eruptions at the Nukkakushi crater area have occurred in parallel. Moreover, around Nukkakushi crater, small-scale collapses/landslides have occurred. Previous studies recognized hydrothermal changes at Nukkakushi crater area, originating from the northwestern crater area of Tokachidake around the last two magmatic eruptions; it is therefore presumed that the Nukkakushi crater area was hydrothermally altered, even during periods of little eruptive activity. Such continuous and pervasive hydrothermal alteration explains the frequent collapses of edifices. The parallel yet contrasting eruptive activities in these adjacent areas are important for forecasting future eruptive activities and mitigating volcanic hazards.
長谷川 健 中川 光弘 伊藤 順一 山元 孝広
一般社団法人 日本地質学会
地質学雑誌 (ISSN:00167630)
vol.117, no.12, pp.686-699, 2011-12-15 (Released:2012-03-26)
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テフラを用いて北海道東部の釧路地域に分布する第四系の編年を試みた.釧路地域の海成層(上位から,大楽毛層,釧路層)の各模式地において複数のテフラを記載・採取し,火山ガラスの主成分化学組成などの岩石学的特徴や層位関係から,阿寒・屈斜路火山地域のテフラと対比を行った(阿寒および屈斜路テフラはそれぞれ上位から,Ak1~17およびKpI~VIII).大楽毛層の上位にはKpVIが見いだされ,また大楽毛層上部と下部に挟まる2層の火山灰層は,それぞれAk5および給源不明の広域テフラ(LowK-1)に対比される.一方,釧路層中に含まれる軽石礫・溶結凝灰岩岩塊は,すべてAk13~Ak17由来である.以上の対比結果と既報のテフラ年代から,大楽毛層の堆積は,少なくとも,0.8 Maに開始し0.1 Maより前に終了したと推測できる.釧路層の堆積時期は,1.5 Ma以降,1.0 Maより前と考えられる.