佐々木 博光
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.101, no.2, pp.427-446, 2018-03

For the generations who experienced the overwhelming influence of The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism by Max Weber, the image of Calvinists devoting themselves to the accumulation of money in order to expand their own enterprises is incompatible with an altruistic spirit represented by alms and charity. However, Calvinists were in fact devoted to relief of the poor and they developed their own system, the diaconate. Here I clarify the important role the diaconate played for Calvinists in leading a devout life by showing the results of regional historical studies on poor relief under the institution. A newmeaning for the word "diaconate" came from the Jean Calvin's understanding of the Bible. In his 1541 Ecclesiastical Ordinances, Calvin explained four important roles inside the church, that of pastor, elder, teacher and deacon, and regarded the diaconate as an office for poor relief within the community of the faithful, while Luther and Zwingli still followed the old Catholic understanding of "attendant clerical servant." Calvin accounted for this change by referring to the descriptions of the ancient church in Acts 5 [6: 1-6]. Calvinists established an office for relief of the poor within the household of the faithful, while the Lutheran and Zwinglian left poor relief to the city government. Thus, conflict between the diaconate and the civic official would often occur. In this paper I address case studies of Geneva in the early modern era, Lyon and Nîmes in France under the Edict of Nantes from 1598 to 1685, and six cities in Holland from 1572 to 1620. For Geneva, I make use of articles on municipal poor relief by Robert M. Kingdon and a book by Jeannine E. Olson on the private fund called the Bourse française, which was chiefly used to support religious refugees from France. The Geneva diaconate appeared only within the Bourse française. The deacons helped not only the poor themselves but also those on the doorstep of poverty by hiring them for many tasks, especially sewing, errand-running and child care. The deacons occupied themselves with poverty in a double fashion, both in ameliorating measures and prevention. For Lyon and Nîmes, I relied on articles by Wilma J. Pugh. As regards France, where under the Edict of Nantes Catholics and Protestants rivaled one another, I compare the conditions of the poor in Lyon, where Catholics consistently dominated Protestants with those in Nîmes, where both communities were equally matched. The frequency of charitable bequests was under the Catholic church in Nîmes overwhelming higher than in Lyon, while the frequency was equal under the Reformed church in Nîmes and Lyon. In Nîmes the frequency of bequests by the Catholics rivaled that of the Reformed church. I summarized concluding that competition between the two confessions was sometimes favorable for the development of municipal administration of poor relief. For Holland, I made use of Charles H. Parker's study of poor relief in the six cities of Gouda, Leiden, Dordrecht, Amsterdam, Harlem and Delft. These were of great help for my study of the diaconate. The poor relief in early modern times has often been considered from the viewpoint of discipline: that is of howto make the poor become independent, as seen in the earlier scholarship of Michel Foucault and Bronisław Geremek. Based on his individual research in Delft, Parker paid special attention to the fact that although some of the poor were clearly refused attendance at communion due to a moral lapse, not all of them were immediately excluded from poor relief. In most cases, when the poor were initially charged with a transgression, the deacons did not cut them off automatically. It is not difficult to imagine that there were humanitarian concerns about maintaining a minimum standard of living and a strong push from influential figures, but those factors appear to be insufficient. The relief for the poor by the deacons did not aim at a hard and active disciplining of the poor as might be assumed, but at a soft disciplining that patiently waited for selfimprovement by the poor themselves. It was often said that the Calvinist Reformation led to the growth of individualism in Europe. However, when seen from the viewpoint of relief of the poor, it was obviously "a Reformation of the community". In conclusion I indicate that it is highly probable that an antithesis to the hard-edged European images that we have held of the "capitalist spirit" of Weber and of the theories of discipline of Foucault can be seen in the poor relief of the Calvinists.
尾留川 正平 山本 正三 佐々木 博 金藤 泰伸 朝野 洋一 高橋 伸夫 斎藤 功
Tokyo Geographical Society
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.76, no.5, pp.229-256, 1967-10-25 (Released:2009-11-12)

Suburbanization is very phenomenal in the western suburbs of Tokyo, nevertheless a. sizable area is still devoted to agriculture and the agricultural output is quite large. The aim of this research is to survey the ecological aspects of human occupance of the land which is well characterized by the ever intensive urban as well as agricultural use and also to analyze operational structure of farm households that has strongly led the study area to such a suburbanized occupance pattern in terms of interviews of farmers and various statistical materials.Results : 1) Sale of agricultural land is quite limited because of rise of land price, resulting in the juxtaposition of built-up areas and farmlands. 2) Agriculture in these mostly built-up areas has the following characteristics : a) to increase labor productivity rather than land productivity, b) to increase household or personal income whether by specialization on arboriculture, lawn growing, specialized vegetable growing and chicken and pig raising, or by incorporating them in agricultural management so as to improve total agricultural productivity, or from other sources than farming such as management of filling stations, driving, schools, and public baths, and also as white color, c) to hold agricultural land as assets probably for a relatively long period, since the farmers here can get stable income from rent and apartment houses they have built recently, although increment of so-called socially fallow lands is to be seen frequently, and d) to ship out vegetables and eggs to nearby markets or to sell them directly at farmsteads. 3) It is urgently needed to conserve as much farmland as possible and also even to encourage farm management to a degree that the farmers are able to compete with ever-developing urban industries, otherwise the critical shortage of green open spaces in the metropolitanized regions will be further accelerated.
高橋 直紀 佐々木 博康 和田 雄二
公益社団法人 精密工学会
精密工学会誌 (ISSN:09120289)
vol.64, no.3, pp.389-393, 1998-03-05 (Released:2009-06-30)
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Head alignment equipment for floppy disk drive (FDD) was developed to elevate the quality of FDD. The equipment adjusts the position of upper magnetic head to lower magnetic head relatively with micro meter order accuracy. Prior to the development, the structure of FDD head assembly was improved. To prevent the slip out of upper head in time of screwing, gate shaped plate spring called “hold spring” was added between screws and the fixed part. Size parameters of “hold spring” was decided by combination of finite element method analysis with experiment, and the slip out of the head was decreased to 1/5. The feature of the equipment is a precision movement stage. To avoid the backlash, the stage, is made of 3 axis flexure pivoted levers with displacement reduction mechanism in one body. Owing to these technical settlements, automatic precision alignment of head position was established.
佐々木 博 藤田 欣也
特定非営利活動法人 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会
日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌 (ISSN:1344011X)
vol.5, no.1, pp.795-802, 2000-03-31 (Released:2017-02-01)

The cognitive rate offour levels of hardness was experimentally examined in ten normal volunteers with actual object as well as virtual object displayed by a glove-shaped force display, in order to discuss the role of visual, tactile and proprioceptive sensation in cognition of the hardness of an object. The experiment was carried out under five conditions as follows, 1 ) actual object; 2) actual object without tactile information about the object deformation; 3) actual object without proprioceptive information; 4) virtual object using a force display and 5) virtual object with visual information. The cognitive rates were 94, 82.8, 92.6, 83.6, 90.4%, respectively. The role of visual information was greater than proprioceptive information, however less than tactile information. A method to enhance the hardness display performance by alternating the visual information was proposed and its effectiveness was shown experimentally as the increase of the hardness cognition rate from 90.4 to 93.0%.
小枝 一彦 造賀 芳文 上山 哲平 餘利野 直人 佐々木 博司
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌B(電力・エネルギー部門誌) (ISSN:03854213)
vol.126, no.8, pp.789-797, 2006 (Released:2006-11-01)
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This paper proposes a new framework of distribution system planning under the condition of mass installed Distributed Generators (DGs). At present, distribution system planners do not pay much attention to the interconnection of DGs. However, if some DGs can supply power instead of conventional power stations, they will give a significant impact. The planners will have a new option to build a network system plan without unnecessary investment to distribution networks. In this study, an objective function for distribution system planning is formulated to obtain maximum profits for utilities, and the authors discuss reduction of the utilities' investment cost and distribution system loss for installation of DGs. In addition, the authors propose a solution method using a genetic algorithm technique in order to find quasi-optimal solutions for large scale problems. Furthermore, the authors also discuss the connection tariff in order to increase the utilization rate of distribution networks. The advantage of the proposed method is demonstrated through several numerical simulations with successful results.
佐々木 博康
大分大学教育福祉科学部研究紀要 (ISSN:13450875)
vol.36, no.2, pp.119-133, 2014-10

本稿は,2013 年に出版されたハルトムート・ビンダーの『カフカのウィーン』に依拠しつつ,フランツ・カフカとミレナ・イェセンスカー=ポラックとの9 ヶ月弱にわたる恋愛関係を概観し,破綻に至った原因を追究するものである。カフカは1920 年4 月に療養の地メラーンからミレナに手紙を書いた。手紙のやり取りは急速に恋愛関係へと発展した。二人はウィーンで幸福な四日間を過ごすが,一ヶ月半後のグミュントでの逢瀬では二人の間にすきま風が吹き始める。カフカのミレナとの関係において大きな障害となったのは,性行為に対するカフカの強い不安である。ミレナはこの不安を事前に理解し,ウィーンの森での出会いにおいては適切に対処した。しかしミレナは結局,性行為を抜きにした関係をあくまで求めるカフカに従うことはできなかった。Anknüpfend an Hartmut Binders 2013 veröffentlichtes Buch Kafkas Wien soll hier auf die Liebesbeziehung des Dichters mit Milena Jesenská-Pollak Licht geworfen werden; das Hauptaugenmerk gilt deren Scheitern.Nachdem Kafka Frau Jesenská-Pollak im Prager Café Arco kennenlernte und ihr die Erlaubnis gab, einige seiner Erzählungen ins Tschechische zu übersetzen, meldet er sich im April 1920 brieflich aus Meran, wo er sich zur Kur aufhält. Es folgt ein Briefwechsel, und obgleich nur Kafkas Schreiben erhaltengeblieben sind, wird doch klar, dass sich die beiden verliebt haben. Nach der Kur trifft sich das Paar in Wien und verbringt vier glückliche Tage zusammen. Kafkas Sexualangst begegnet Milena hierbei mit Geduld und Verständnis. Das ändert sich aber, als sich die beiden anderthalb Monate später in Gmünd wiedersehen. Was für Milena das Normalste von der Welt ist – dass Mann und Frau auch geschlechtlich miteinander verkehren, stößt Kafka ab. Der Bruch ist von daher folgerichtig.
小山 哲 小田中 直樹 佐々木 博光 橋本 伸也 長谷川 貴彦 長谷川 まゆ帆

出口 竜作 佐々木 博成 岩田 薫 越前 恵
宮城教育大学紀要 (ISSN:13461621)
vol.44, pp.53-61, 2009

カイヤドリヒラムシ(Stylochoplana pusilla)は、主にイシダタミガイ(Monodonta labio)の外套腔に生息している。本研究では、フィールドでの調査と研究室内での飼育・実験により、本種の生殖とライフサイクルについての基礎的知見を得ることを目指した。イシダタミガイを定期的に採集し、内部から得られたカイヤドリヒラムシの個体数、個体サイズ、および性成熟の有無について調べたところ、夏期にのみ性成熟した個体が見られること、秋期の初めに小型で未成熟な個体が急激に増加することが分かった。性成熟したカイヤドリヒラムシの受精嚢内には、すでに受精した卵が保持されていた。このような受精卵は減数分裂第一分裂中期で細胞周期を停止していたが、海水中に産卵されると減数分裂を再開し、卵割を経て幼個体に至った。また、人工的に海水中に切り出されることによっても発生を開始し、一部は幼個体にまで発生した。未成熟なカイヤドリヒラムシをアルテミア(ブラインシュリンプ)の幼生を餌に23℃で飼育したところ、性成熟が誘起され、受精嚢内には正常な受精卵が見られるようになった。また、同じ飼育法で幼個体を性成熟させ、再び産卵させることにも成功した。以上のような飼育法の確立により、カイヤドリヒラムシのライフサイクルを制御し、1年間を通して生殖に関する観察・実験を行うことが可能になった。
主原 憲司 佐伯 護 佐々木 博一 上田 豊
蝶と蛾 (ISSN:00240974)
vol.22, no.1, pp.38-41, 1971-10-30

筆者の1人,主原は1968年2月23日,滋賀県鈴鹿山脈で採集したヒサマツミドリシジミの卵1個を成虫まで飼育して,本種の生活史の一部を知ることができた(本誌,Vol.20, No.3&4に報告).更に,1969年秋,鈴鹿山脈および京都北山で採集した本種の卵を飼育して,その生活史の大要を知ることができた(蛹までの飼育経過は1970年5月3日,本会25周年記念大会で報告).その後1970年秋に鈴鹿山脈,および北山(京都,滋賀両府県にわたる)で,ブナ科植物3種から本種の卵を多数採集した.これらの資料からえられた本種の生活史の一部,卵,幼虫,蛹のおおよその形態について現在までに知りえた知見を報告したい.本文に入るにさきだち,日頃より御指導をいただき,今回の報告に際しても種々御教示下さった九州大学教授白水隆博士,国際大学教授丹 信実先生,平安高校井上宗二先生に厚く御礼申し上げるとともに,写真撮影をしていただいた三井正晴氏,主原信宏氏に深く感謝する.