佐藤 淳也 大久保 春香 佐々木 ゆうき 横井 誠 荻野 沙也佳 工藤 賢三
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.43, no.6, pp.328-335, 2017-06-10 (Released:2018-06-10)
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Urine containing anticancer drugs may be scattered outside the toilet bowl during urination, and these drugs may be spread when they are stepped on. The scattering of urine droplets is dependent on the shape of the toilet bowl, contact point of the urine with the toilet bowl, and the posture assumed for urination. However, this concept has not been well investigated. In this study, we investigated the scattering of urine using fluorescent dye in a urinal and a Western-style toilet.To represent urination in the standing position, we sprayed a fluorescein solution on the wall or the bottom of a urinal. We modeled urination in the standing and sitting positions in a Western-style toilet by spraying fluorescein into the toilet bowl and in three spots around the toilet bowl. The number of droplets, area, scattering distance, and scattering area around the toilet bowl were measured optically.The droplet scattering was more extensive around the toilet bowl when the liquid was aimed at the bottom of the urinal and the front edge bottom of the water in the Western-style toilet. There was no droplet scattering when using the Western-style toilet in the sitting position.If a male patient receiving chemotherapy urinates in the standing position, the anticancer drug will spread through scattered urine and become an environmental pollutant. Therefore, it is important to instruct male patients to urinate in a sitting position when using a Western-style toilet.
佐々木 慎吾
西田哲学会年報 (ISSN:21881995)
vol.2, pp.143-157, 2005 (Released:2021-01-16)

Scince Nishida's thought is greatly affected by his practice of Zen Buddism, some people often regerd him as a speculative metaphysician. This way of looking contains some truth, but it fails the very important point to see. In this article insist that the essential intention of Nisida's philosophycal work is oriented toward the concrete reality of the world. By Nishida, the world of concrete reality is the historical-social world, in which we act, live and die. That's why the idea of life is frequently mentioned in his late works. Life represents the concretness of the world. Nishida argues that real social facts such as folks or nations must be treated as life. On the analogy of J. S. Haldane's physiology, Nishida insists that the species should be considered as self of the maintaining subject in the historical-social world. Being inspired by Haldane's holistic conception of life, Nishida conceptualizes the historical-social species, whose ideal form (paradeigma) is embodied in social acts. But there is a serious misunderstanding in Nishida's argument. Biologically, self-maintaining function cannot be found in species, but in a concrete, individual organism. My conclusion is that Nishida contradicts himself because of this inappropriate interpretation of Haldane's concept of life.

1 0 0 0 OA 探求と命題

佐々木 俊介
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1971, no.24, pp.14-26, 1971-12-15 (Released:2009-09-04)

In this paper an attempt is made to examine the sequence of various propositions in the pursuit of inquiry and thus to investigate patterns in the theory of inquiry in a more concrete form than was done in Dewey's “five phases”.Various propositions appear at the initial stage of inquiry because the problem can be clarified only by collecting data. In the following stage, the problem is stated in the form of a doubt expressed in a particular proposition, a singular proposition, a generic proposition and a universal proposition, thus determining the course of the subsequent inquiry to its conclusion. Once the problem has been established various tentative ways of solving it will present themselves ; these are sorted out by the disjunctive proposition and then examined one after another. During the process of examination the meaning of the hypothesis is inferred through the universal proposition and expressed in a hypothetical proposition. This is then related to reality to judge whether it is adequate ; if it turns out to be inadequate, it is returned to the point of the disjunctive proposition by means of a negative proposition. The same process is repeated until the answer is fond.
佐々木 俊介
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1968, no.17, pp.31-44, 1968-05-20 (Released:2010-01-22)

Dewey interprets thinking as an isolated individual affair. While recognizing this, a “patternization” of some kind is sought and the clue for doing so is taken from the proposition. Thinking can be considered a motion or a change of a situation. Hence, we thought that if it were possible to clarify the connection between situation and proposition, a pattern of thinking could be established through the proposition.First by analysing closely the example of the “tumbler” and the “bubbles” in Dewey's How We Think, we made an attempt to clarify the connection between motion or change of the situation and the proposition. Next we tried to show, a) how we can know the strength of thinking by looking at the way the subject is arranged in a recorded proposition and when the situation moves (in the case of this example) how it passes at once through the universal proposition, and b) how by looking at the connection between subject and predicate we can know the direction in which the situation is moving.
野原 春菜 有野 聡 今村 剛朗 松吉 健夫 佐々木 庸郎 山口 和将 一瀬 麻紀 小島 直樹 稲川 博司 岡田 保誠
日本救急医学会関東地方会雑誌 (ISSN:0287301X)
vol.39, no.3, pp.366-369, 2019-02-08 (Released:2019-02-07)

【はじめに】カルシウム拮抗薬の急性薬物中毒に対し塩化カルシウムの投与が奏効した49歳女性1例を経験したので報告する。【症例】49歳女性。既往歴は高血圧・糖尿病・子宮頸癌治療後。薬物過量内服による意識障害を主訴に当院へ搬送となった。内服したのは主にアムロジピンベシル酸塩で, 最大535mgを内服した。アムロジピンベシル酸塩の中毒症状として, 低血圧と急性腎機能障害を合併した。グルコン酸カルシウム水和物, グルカゴン, 静注用脂肪乳剤を投与したが循環動態への効果は乏しく, 塩化カルシウム水和物が効果を示した。塩化カルシウムの持続投与により循環動態を安定化することができ, 合併症なく第9病日にICUを退室し, 第12病日に自宅軽快退院となった。【考察】グルコン酸カルシウムに反応の乏しいカルシウム拮抗薬中毒症例において, 塩化カルシウム投与を試みることは有効と考えられる。
佐々木 棟明 ササキ ムネアキ 佐々木 棟明(東京学芸大学附属竹早中学校(数学科))
no.30, pp.11-20, 1991

要約/I 研究の目的/II van Hieleの学習水準理論/III 中学校1学年での論証指導の位置づけ//IV 実践的な授業展開の考察/1 指導計画/2 学習水準理論による授業展開の分析/V コンピュータを利用することの意義/VI 授業実践から得られた知見/数学科学習指導計画 -コンピュータを利用した図形指導の一つの試み- 指導者 佐々木棟明/1. 単元及び単元内容/2. 単元の目標/3. 本時の主な指導目標/4. コンピュータの利用環境/5. 本時の使用ソフト/授業の展開/指導の流れ
佐々木 棟明 ササキ ムネアキ 佐々木 棟明(東京学芸大学附属竹早中学校(数学科))
no.29, pp.29-40, 1990

要約/研究のねらい/I 認知的テクノロジー/II ジオブロックの可能性/1 理想的作図の実現/2 二重表示の効果/3 探索,発見の道具/(1)直感的理解の重要性/(2)コンピュータによる発見学習/4 わかり直しの道具/(1)思考の制御/(2)数学のわかり直しと鑑賞/III ジオブロックのインターフェース