小玉 英雄 吉野 裕高
一般社団法人 日本物理学会
日本物理学会誌 (ISSN:00290181)
vol.73, no.11, pp.752-761, 2018-11-05 (Released:2019-05-24)

すべての自然現象を統一的に記述する究極理論の構築は,理論物理学者の夢である.その実現における最大の難関は,重力理論と量子論を整合的に融合した量子重力理論をつくることである.この難関を摂動論レベルで克服したのが,超弦理論である.超弦理論は,また,他の量子重力理論候補と異なり,重力を含むすべての相互作用と物質が有機的に結合して理論の整合性を生み出していて,真の統一理論といえる.しかし,超弦理論が究極理論の候補となるには,まず,なんと言っても,低エネルギーでの有効理論として我々の知る自然の基本法則を再現することが必要である.Minkowski時空を真空解としてもつことと量子論の無矛盾性を要請すると,超弦理論は10次元時空の理論となる.我々の住む宇宙は4次元に見えるので,まず,4次元と10次元の関係を説明しないといけない.その方法として最もポピュラーなものは,余分な次元が小さく縮んでしまい,低エネルギーの状態では見えなくなるとするコンパクト化という方法である.整合的な10次元超弦理論として,これまでにヘテロ型,IIA型,IIB型など複数の理論が作られており,コンパクト化の詳細は理論ごとに異なるが,一般的には,余剰次元を担う多様体の構造,背景場の配位,ひもの高次元的な拡張であるブレーンの数や配置により指定される.これまでに数億のコンパクト化が計算機の力を借りてチェックされ,ゲージ群やフェルミ粒子の種類・世代数が標準模型と一致するものが発見されているが,未だ,ゲージ結合係数の値,湯川結合の構造と値などすべての点で標準模型を再現するものは見つかっていない.可能なモデルは,例えばIIA型理論だけでも1015個も存在し,そのすべてを計算機で調べ尽くすのは現状では不可能である.また,加速器実験などの地上実験により新たな情報を得る可能性も現状では難しい.このような状況で,コンパクト化の構造を探る新たなアプローチとして注目されているのが,隠れたセクターが引き起こす宇宙現象を用いる方法である.超弦理論に共通に含まれるフォーム場と呼ばれる一般化された10次元ゲージ場は,コンパクト化により,アクシオンと呼ばれる4次元擬スカラー場を生み出す.その種類は余剰次元の位相構造が複雑になるほど多くなる.また,その相互作用強度や質量は,余剰次元サイズやブレーン配位についての情報を担っている.アクシオンの質量maは,10-10 eV以下の範囲でlog maでみて広く分布していることが期待されるが,これらの微小質量アクシオンは,コンプトン波長が宇宙スケールとなるため,様々な宇宙現象を引き起こす.とくに,ma=10-10~10-20 eVの範囲にあるアクシオン場は,太陽の1~1010倍の質量をもつ回転ブラックホールの近傍で不安定となり,ゼロ点振動を種として,ブラックホールの周りにアクシオンの雲を形成する.これらの雲は,回転により定常的に重力波を放出すると共に,非線形相互作用によりしばしばバースト的重力波を放出する.我々の銀河内ないし近傍の銀河でこの現象が起きれば,現在稼働中の重力波干渉計や将来の衛星を用いた重力波干渉計で検出可能であり,重力波観測により超弦理論コンパクト化を探る道が開かれる.
吉野 裕介
関西大学経済論集 (ISSN:04497554)
vol.71, no.4, pp.299-320, 2022-03-10

吉野 裕介
経済学史研究 (ISSN:18803164)
vol.55, no.1, pp.36-52, 2013 (Released:2019-08-23)

In this paper, we consider F. A. Hayekʼs The Road to Serfdom and the diffusion of the bookʼs ideas in the United States. The contributions of Fritz Machlup in the bookʼs development and acceptance are given special attention. Although The Road to Serfdom is Hayekʼs best-selling book, many Hayekian scholars choose to focus on his other work. Here, we ana-lyze the ideas of The Road to Serfdom in detail, so that we can find new aspects of Hayekʼs early thought and determine why the book has be-come so influential. Hayek wrote The Road to Serfdom for the intelligentsia of England, but its impact was felt most strongly by the general populous of the United States. Hayek maintained the core ideas of the book, the rule of law and meaning of com-petition, in his later work, such as The Constitu-tion of Liberty and Law, Legislation, and Liber-ty. Hayek and Machlup were in contact with each other their entire lives. The Hoover Institu-tion, a think tank at Stanford University, houses large amounts of correspondence that illustrate the friendship between the two men. Some mate-rial shows Machlup putting great efforts toward publishing The Road to Serfdom in the United States. Eventually, Aaron Director and Frank Knight helped Hayek publish the book with The University of Chicago Press. The condensed, il-lustrated version of The Road to Serfdom played an important role in diffusing its ideas to a gen-eral readership in the United States. The publication of The Road to Serfdom was the beginning of a long relationship with the University of Chicago for Hayek, and the suc-cess of the book enabled him to immigrate to the United States. Indeed, we argue that The Road to Serfdom was the prototype for his later books, The Constitution of Liberty and Law, Legisla-tion, and Liberty. However, we believe there is a disparity between how Hayek viewed his ideas and the way people interpreted his work. One of the primary reasons for this was the difference in the usage of the word “liberal” in England and the United States. JEL classification numbers: B 25, B 31.
吉野 裕子
民族學研究 (ISSN:00215023)
vol.45, no.2, pp.134-159, 1980-09-30

In the serialized reports the writer gave in this journal's previous issues entitled "Studies on Ise Shrine, Part I-III, the contention is that what we conceive of as typically Japanese festivities observed and conducted in the Shrine were actually very much influenced by the old Chinese philosophical thinking of "Cosmic Dual Forces and Five Natural Elements' as envisioned in the enshrining of AMATERASU, the Imperial ancestral goddess in the Ise Shrine. She was the incarnation of the Chinese cosmic god of Tai-Yi, the mythical identification of the North Star and to the Geku goddess, the outer Shrine, the enshrining of the Big Dipper. While festivals observed at Ise Shrine are Imperial Household rituals, the thought of Cosmic Dual Forces and Five Natural Elements was also widely and forcefully applied and practiced in the public domain such as in the festivities, seasonal change customs and in conjurations to avoid ill omens and calamities. The present report is a study of such phenomena. According to ancient Chinese philosphy. CHAOS was the one and only absolute being in the primordial age. Out of this CHAOS, the light, clear and clean Yang (陽) atmosphere rose to form the Heavens while the dark, heavy and murky Yin (陰) atmosphere descended to form the land. Since the two poles of Yin (陰) and Yang (陽) are the spinoff from the same maternal substance, the CHAOS, their roots are identical and therefore, they would attract one another, mingle and react, and as a result, would produce the five natural elements of Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. Every phenomenon was categorized into one of these five natural elements. The colours, directions, seasons, times, virtues, sounds and the kinds of living creatures to such natural phenomena as thunder, wind and so forth were all conformed into one of these five natural elements. To illustrate, the wood spirit symbolizes the Spring of the seasons, blue is its colour, East is its direction, and Morning in time, while the Fire spirit symbolizes Summer, Red, South and Noon, and Metal, Autumn, White, West and Evening respectively. There was another thought regarding these five Natural Elements which was reactionary in its function:one was continuity and amity, while the other was conflict and struggle. Continuity and amity will bear Fire from the Wood while Fire will bear Earth and the Earth, the Metal and the Metal bears Water while Water bears Wood. This is the plus or positive factor relation. The conflict and struggle are negative or minus relation in which the Wood overcomes Earth, and Earth the Water and Water the Fire and Fire the Metal, with Metal overcoming the Wood. These two opposing and reactionary functions serve to guarantee the perpetuation of all living matter. What the Chinese emphasized most was the smooth transition of the four seasons. They believed that people should actively participate and assist the natural transition of seasons and to this end the ancient Chinese emperors wore blue clothes and blue jewels to meet the Wood spirit on the first day of Spring (calendar date) and walked out to the East suburb to personally welcome the Spring. By the same token. in summer they wore red clothes and red jewels and walked out to the South suburb. Thus, by personally greeting the four seasons, they encouraged the natural transition of the seasons. For the Japanese, a race dependent on rice crops, they too would seek a regulated transition of the four seasons and the principle practiced in China would be utilized and practiced.
蛇口 達造 吉野 裕顕 森井 真也子 蛇口 琢 渡部 亮
一般社団法人 日本静脈経腸栄養学会
日本静脈経腸栄養学会雑誌 (ISSN:21890161)
vol.31, no.5, pp.1105-1108, 2016 (Released:2016-10-20)

血漿シトルリン濃度が短腸症候群の消化管順応の生体指標として簡便且つ有用であることが Crennらにより提唱されて以後、栄養学的自立の評価に重要な位置をしめるようになっている。その解釈には小腸で合成されるシトルリン(Cit)が腎臓でアルギニン(Arg)に変換し、全身で利用される代謝機構の理解が必要である。新生児期発症 SBS自験症例の検討から、(1)血漿 Cit濃度は手術時残存小腸の長さを反映し鋭敏に増加する、(2)血漿 Cit, Arg濃度の両者とも絶食時基準値内なら栄養学的自立は可能である、(3)両者とも基準値内で TPNから離脱できない症例では、その原因検索を進めるべきであると考えられた。以上から血漿 Citと Arg濃度は SBSの消化管順応の評価に簡便かつ有用な検査であると結論した。
吉野 裕顕 田村 真通 蛇口 達造 加藤 哲夫

[方法]正常羊胎仔群(N=6):胎令125〜140日の羊胎仔に対し、頸動静脈を介し、膜型肺を用いたV-A ECMOを施行、臍帯を遮断後、胎仔を人工羊水槽へ移し、6〜24時間保育した。横隔膜ヘルニアモデル群(N=3):胎令75〜80日に横隔膜ヘルニアを作成、胎令135日にV-A ECMO下に横隔膜ヘルニアを修復後、正常羊胎仔と同様に人工子宮にて6〜24時間保育した。上記2群について、ECMO前、臍帯遮断後人工子宮内保育時、肺呼吸開始さらにECMOからの離脱時と経時的に血液ガスの変化を測定するとともにドップラーエコーにて動脈管径と肺動脈の血流量を測定し、正常羊胎仔群ならびに横隔膜ヘルニアモデル群について胎児循環より新生児循環への適応状況について検討した。[結果]1、頸動静脈V-A ECMOを用いた人工子宮内保育では正常羊胎仔、横隔膜ヘルニアモデルとも動脈管の径は減少し両方向性のシャントを呈したが、胎仔の循環動態は良く保たれていた。2、肺呼吸により、正常羊胎仔では動脈管の右-左シャントは、左-右優位となり、肺動脈の血流量は増加したが、横隔膜ヘルニアモデルでは有意な肺動脈血流量の増加は認めなっかった。3、胎令135日以上の胎仔では肺呼吸後の循環動態の適応は良く、人工子宮からの離脱が可能であったが、135日未満の胎仔および横隔膜ヘルニアモデルではPaO_2の上昇は不良でECMOフローを低下させると容易に胎児循環遺残へと移行し、早期のECMOからの離脱は困難であった。4、人工子宮内保育羊胎仔の肺組織には出血、無気肺、肺硝子膜症などの所見はなく、人工子宮内保育による明らかな傷害は認めなかった。[まとめ]V-A ECMOによる人工子宮内保育は胎児期の動脈管の変化の影響が少なく、肺呼吸後は胎児ECMOから新生児ECMO管理へと速やかに移行でき胎児治療の上で有用と思われた。また横隔膜ヘルニアモデルでは今後、修復後の人工子宮内保育による肺の発育、成熟に関する検討が必要である。
吉野 裕子
民族學研究 (ISSN:00215023)
vol.41, no.1, pp.30-56, 1976

Ancient Chinese philosophy had considered Chaos (混沌) as the one and only primal absolute force. Out of this Chaos rose the clear and clean Yang (陽) atomosphere to become Heaven, while the dark and murky Yin (陰) atomosphere sank to become Land. Since Heaven and Land are the off-springs of the same maternal substance, it was thought that they should always mingle with each other. As knowledge of astrology deepened and expanded, the non-moving North Star was located and confirmed in the northern sky. This star was then considered as the center of the universe and sanctified as Tai-Yi (太一) . Tai-Yi evolved into one unity with Chaos and became the Supreme Ultimate(太極) . The Big Dipper (北斗) , because of its regular movement around the North Star, was thought of as either Tai-Yi's minister or his vehicle, while also being worshipped as the agricultural god. But couldn't there have been a much simpler reason giving rise to the worship of the Big Dipper ? What makes the Big Dipper so prominent in the night sky is its special spoon-shaped appearance. The Chinese worship and pay tribute to their ancesters. Their ritual is centered around food. It could be that their thought followed the pattern that if they offered food to the heavenly big spoon, the Big Dipper, it would reach the ancestral God of the universe. Incidentally, there is another big spoon besides the Big Dipper in the sky. It is the South Dipper (南斗) in Sagittarius. The ancient Chinese considered this star as the 'Mausoleum' enshrining the ancestral soul. As already expounded, Chinese philosophy has conceived the theory that the sky and the earth were of the same origin. Thus the celestial image was symbolically employed for the imperial court infrastructure. The emperor was considered to be the son of the heavenly king, and the central imperial courtyard was modeled after Tai-Yi's palace. It is said that the northern section of the palace of the Han dynasty was modeled after the Big Dipper, while the southern section, after the South Dipper. The writer assumes that the symbolic embodiment on the earth of these three heavenly bodies were accepted in Japan and its imitation completed in the era of Emperor Temmu (ruled : 672-686) . Through the spoon of the northern and sonthern dippers, offerings finally reach the ancestral god, the North Star. With the North Star forming the nucleus, the angle formed by the North and South Dippers is 67°. This infrastructure is reflected in the construction of the festival hall and the venue of Ohname-sai (大嘗祭-the festival honoring the ancestral soul during the imperial enthronement) of the Ise Shrine as clearly shown in Fig. I through Fig. 5. The Kammiso Festivals (神衣祭-the ritual in which wearing apparels are offered to the ancestral god) of the Ise Shrine are observed twice a year in spring and autumn, but it is full of mystery. The South Dipper is visible from May through October, and the festivals are held when the star becomes visible and when it disappears. The latter is the occasion of the Kammiso Festival. Offerings to the ancestral god are only possible when the big spoon appears. The confirmation of the big spoon is the ritual of the Kammiso Festival which is followed immediately by the Kan-name Festival (神嘗祭) , the food offering ritual to the ancestral god. The Ise Shrine enshrines the imperial ancestral god, Amaterasu (天照), the Goddess of the Sun. Chinese philosophy, hand in hand with astrology, highly esteems the Nohth Star, Tai-Yi (太一) as the fundamental factor of the universe. The incarnation of Amaterasu and Tai-Yi has explained in the writer's previous reportwhich stated in sum as the unification of the Sun and stars.
中村 豊郎 沼田 正寛 吉野 裕一 糸沢 きみ子
社団法人 日本食品科学工学会
日本食品工業学会誌 (ISSN:00290394)
vol.30, no.5, pp.283-289, 1983

と畜血液を有効利用する目的で,現在比較的入手の容易な市販乾燥プラズマ(血漿タンパク)の食肉製品への利用の可能性を検討した。すなわち,ポークソーセージ,ビーフハンバーグではプラズマによる原料肉の一部置換,ロースハムではプラズマ割増添加を行って製品を試作し,諸性状を調べた。その結果を要約すると次の通りである。<BR>(1) ポークソーセージとハンバーグでは原料肉と10%前後(乾燥プラズマに対し4倍量の水を添加後の重量として)の置換が,ロースハムでは約1%の割増添加が可能であるとの示唆を得た。<BR>(2) 栄養面を考慮すると,粗タンパク含量では十分満足できるものの,テクスチャーが多少劣化した。これは,プラズマの添加量が少なかったことおよび加熱温度が低かったことにより,プラズマのゲル形成機能を十分に引き出し得なかったためと考えられ,プラズマと他の添加物との併用,加水率の減少,加熱条件などの検討が必要と考えられた。<BR>(3) 市販乾燥プラズマの品質は,メーカー間でかなり差があり,それは呈味性の差によく現われた。
吉野 裕子
民族學研究 (ISSN:24240508)
vol.45, no.2, pp.134-159, 1980-09-30 (Released:2018-03-27)

In the serialized reports the writer gave in this journal's previous issues entitled "Studies on Ise Shrine, Part I-III, the contention is that what we conceive of as typically Japanese festivities observed and conducted in the Shrine were actually very much influenced by the old Chinese philosophical thinking of "Cosmic Dual Forces and Five Natural Elements' as envisioned in the enshrining of AMATERASU, the Imperial ancestral goddess in the Ise Shrine. She was the incarnation of the Chinese cosmic god of Tai-Yi, the mythical identification of the North Star and to the Geku goddess, the outer Shrine, the enshrining of the Big Dipper. While festivals observed at Ise Shrine are Imperial Household rituals, the thought of Cosmic Dual Forces and Five Natural Elements was also widely and forcefully applied and practiced in the public domain such as in the festivities, seasonal change customs and in conjurations to avoid ill omens and calamities. The present report is a study of such phenomena. According to ancient Chinese philosphy. CHAOS was the one and only absolute being in the primordial age. Out of this CHAOS, the light, clear and clean Yang (陽) atmosphere rose to form the Heavens while the dark, heavy and murky Yin (陰) atmosphere descended to form the land. Since the two poles of Yin (陰) and Yang (陽) are the spinoff from the same maternal substance, the CHAOS, their roots are identical and therefore, they would attract one another, mingle and react, and as a result, would produce the five natural elements of Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. Every phenomenon was categorized into one of these five natural elements. The colours, directions, seasons, times, virtues, sounds and the kinds of living creatures to such natural phenomena as thunder, wind and so forth were all conformed into one of these five natural elements. To illustrate, the wood spirit symbolizes the Spring of the seasons, blue is its colour, East is its direction, and Morning in time, while the Fire spirit symbolizes Summer, Red, South and Noon, and Metal, Autumn, White, West and Evening respectively. There was another thought regarding these five Natural Elements which was reactionary in its function:one was continuity and amity, while the other was conflict and struggle. Continuity and amity will bear Fire from the Wood while Fire will bear Earth and the Earth, the Metal and the Metal bears Water while Water bears Wood. This is the plus or positive factor relation. The conflict and struggle are negative or minus relation in which the Wood overcomes Earth, and Earth the Water and Water the Fire and Fire the Metal, with Metal overcoming the Wood. These two opposing and reactionary functions serve to guarantee the perpetuation of all living matter. What the Chinese emphasized most was the smooth transition of the four seasons. They believed that people should actively participate and assist the natural transition of seasons and to this end the ancient Chinese emperors wore blue clothes and blue jewels to meet the Wood spirit on the first day of Spring (calendar date) and walked out to the East suburb to personally welcome the Spring. By the same token. in summer they wore red clothes and red jewels and walked out to the South suburb. Thus, by personally greeting the four seasons, they encouraged the natural transition of the seasons. For the Japanese, a race dependent on rice crops, they too would seek a regulated transition of the four seasons and the principle practiced in China would be utilized and practiced.
小竹 優範 森田 克哉 中田 浩一 俵矢 香苗 藤森 英希 吉野 裕司 小泉 博志 伴登 宏行 村上 望 山田 哲司
日本消化器外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03869768)
vol.38, no.4, pp.441-446, 2005-04-01
13 10

症例は73歳の男性で, 2000年9月に上行結腸癌にて右側結腸切除の既往あり.2003年10月胆嚢炎疑いにて当科紹介となり, CTで膵頭部に濃染不良の3.6cm大の腫瘤を認め, MRCPで下部胆管・膵管が閉塞し総胆管・主膵管の拡張を認めた.血管造影で下膵十二指腸動脈の強い屈曲・蛇行と濃染像を認め, FDG-PETで膵頭部の腫瘤に強いFDGの集積を認めた.以上より, 転移性膵頭部腫瘤の診断で膵頭十二指腸切除術を施行した.切除標本は十二指腸乳頭部, 膵頭部に5.5×4cm大, 2型の腫瘍を認め, 病理組織学的所見では中分化型腺癌で, 大腸・膵臓ともにCK7で陰性, CK20で陽性を示し, 大腸癌の膵頭部転移と診断した.術後経過は良好で, 術後26日目に退院した.大腸癌の膵転移切除例の本邦報告例は自験例を含め12例であったので報告する.