天野 正道 田中 啓幹 高田 元敬 森永 修 三宅 清 木下 博之 絹川 敬吾 別所 敞子 松本 明
社団法人 日本泌尿器科学会
日本泌尿器科學會雑誌 (ISSN:00215287)
vol.79, no.5, pp.832-840, 1988-05-20 (Released:2010-07-23)

急性精巣上体炎の原因微生物として Chlamydia trachomatis (C. trachomatis) の占める割合を明らかにするために自験例42例 (平均年齢35.8歳) を対象に尿道よりのC. trachomatis の検出と血清抗体価測定を実施し以下の成績をえた. 1) C. trachomatisは18例中6例 (33.3%) より検出され, 血清抗体価を全例で測定しその陽性率は, IgM 19.0%, IgA 38.1%, IgG 66.7%であった. 年代別では抗原, 抗体共に年代が低いほど, 陽性率が高い傾向を認めた. 2) 各抗体価の経時的推移を7例につき最長4カ月観察した. 4倍以上の推移をみた症例数は, IgM 2例, IgA 1例, IgG 3例で, いずれかの抗体価が4倍以上の推移を示したのは7例中4例であった. 3) C. trachomatis が検出された6例の平均年齢は23.0歳 (18~31歳), 血清抗体価陽性症例はIgM 2例, IgAとIgGは全例であった. 膿尿は5例で認め, 一般細菌培養では検討した4例で起炎菌と推察される細菌は証明されなかった. 4) 急性精巣上体炎中C. trachomatis 感染症の占める割合を検討した. C. trachomatis 検出症例は6例, IgM抗体価陽性症例は7例, IgA抗体価陽性症例は5例, 以上18例はC. trachomatis 感染症と診断され全症例の42.9%に相当した. 著者らの検討ではIgG抗体価陽性症例中約80%が最近の感染による抗体価上昇と考えられ, それらを加えると44例中28例 (66.7%) がC. trachomatis 感染症と推察された. 若年者 (35歳以下) の本症ではC. trachomatisによるSTDとして捕え, 対処すべきとの考えを支持する成績であった.
天野 正子
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.33, pp.118-131,en218, 1978-09-30 (Released:2011-03-18)

This study deals with the period between 1920 and the time Japan undertook a wartime posture in 1935-during this period higher education for women indicated a singular increase in facilities and enrollment.In considering why higher education for women showed so singular a quantitative development during this period, there is an explanation (diagrammatic explanation) that points to the prosperous situation of the economy following World War I, which brought about a change in the industrial and social structures-notably the development of the middle class-a change that entailed the “push” of arapid rise in the demand for further education and, simultaneously, the “pull” of a growing social demand for the graduates of higher education. This explanation is validated by many scholars. However, there is little mention about the specific meanings of “push” and “pull”, their organic unification and the specific mechanisms which led to their quantitative increase. Moreover, there are only few studies in support of such an explanation.In this paper, therefore, I will scrutinize the process of development in higher education for women during the post WWI period, and the vectors of the “push” and the “pull” at work in this development-with particular attention to the following: 1) Structural characteristics of higher education for women;2) The demographic (social) status of the entrants into higher education;3) The occupational distribution of the graduates of higher education.
筒井 敏彦 天野 正 清水 敏光 村尾 育子 Stabenfeldt George H.
日本獣医学雑誌 (ISSN:00215295)
vol.51, no.3, pp.613-617, 1989-06-15

天野 正子 Amano Masako 東京教育大学大学院 Graduate School Tokyo University of Education
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.24, pp.140-157, 1969-10-10

This article aims to grasp the process of professionalization of teaching as an occupation from two aspects: specialization and autonomization. Conclusively, teaching is regarded as an occupation still "in the process of professionalization" or "marginal" among various occupations aiming at professionalization, or as a "semi-profession," because two important features of professional occupations, highly specialized knowledge and techniques and a considerable autonmy for occupational activities of individual teachers and of teachers as a group, are still unsubstantial. If teaching is to be professionalized, it is not sufficient to provide only institutional guarantee for specialization and autonomization, but teachers themselves should also be determined to turn this institutional guarantee into a reality. This realization led me to analyze the structures of consciousness of teachers who are the most immediate professionals to assume the responsibility for realizing the specialization and autonomization of teaching, on the basis of the findings of the survey administered by myself to 374 elementary and lower secondary school teachers in K City of K Prefecture.