尾関 美喜 天野 正博
実験社会心理学研究 (ISSN:03877973)
vol.57, no.1, pp.1-11, 2017 (Released:2017-09-07)

人々の日常会話における噂話は時として風評被害をもたらすことがある。本研究は,友人間における食品に関するこのような噂話の機能を明らかにすることを目的とした。312名の女性が,牛乳から放射能が検出されたという情報を1)ニュースで聞いた 2)知らない人によるTwitterの投稿 3)親しい友人から聞いた,3つの架空のシナリオのいずれかの場合について,その情報についてうわさの機能や属性を評価する尺度(竹中,2013)に回答した。この結果,人々はニュースから得られた情報を信頼性のあるものとして友人との会話に用いていることが示唆された。
尾関 美喜 天野 正博
実験社会心理学研究 (ISSN:03877973)
vol.57, no.1, pp.1-11, 2017

<p>人々の日常会話における噂話は時として風評被害をもたらすことがある。本研究は,友人間における食品に関するこのような噂話の機能を明らかにすることを目的とした。312名の女性が,牛乳から放射能が検出されたという情報を1)ニュースで聞いた 2)知らない人によるTwitterの投稿 3)親しい友人から聞いた,3つの架空のシナリオのいずれかの場合について,その情報についてうわさの機能や属性を評価する尺度(竹中,2013)に回答した。この結果,人々はニュースから得られた情報を信頼性のあるものとして友人との会話に用いていることが示唆された。</p>
天野 正子
The Japan Sociological Society
社会学評論 (ISSN:00215414)
vol.22, no.3, pp.30-49, 1972-01-30 (Released:2009-11-11)
10 2

The main purpose of this article is to elucidate the process by which the occupations in the modern society are professionalized, through a case study of the nurse in Japan. The nurse is still considered as a semi-profession in Japan. Why is it ? In conclusion, it is due to the fact that there still remains a big distance between the nurse and “full-fledged professions” in that the nurse lack autonomy or a wide range of freedom as individuals and groups' and speciality to guarantee the autonomy or a system of highly professionalized knowledge and technology, both of which constitute a basic requirement of professions. In other words, the central questions in professionalization of the nurse are : firstly, how to establish their “speciality” based on the systematized knowledge and technology, and secondly, how to free themselves from subordination to medical doctors amidst the rapidly bureaucratizing organization of hospitals and thus to establish their “speciality”. The answers to these two questions have so far been sought in the improvement of training and certification system of the nurse and in the movements for obtaining rights as laborers. This article, however, intends to examine the structure of attitudes and opinion of nurses toward the situations and meaning of the occupation in which they are engaged, as a preliminary task before attempting to identify the tendency toward professionalization in the policy or in the movement. It seems essential if we are to consider the possibility that the nurse may be professionalized. The survey used in this paper was administered to 296 nurses holding certificates under the new system in seven hospitals in Tokyo. Contrasting the results of this survey, I also used parts of the results of the survey administered to 246 students in their final year enrolled in nine nursing junior colleges or higher institutes. The following points have been revealed by the surveys : Reflected strongly in the opinion and attitude of nurses are the difficult situations for the professionalization such as unsatisfactory system and content of education, immature science of nursing, subordinate relation to medical doctors, gap between what they are originally expected to do and what they are actually doing, and weak Japan Nursing Association, which should play a central role in the efforts toward the professionalization of the nurse. This fact implies that the nurse has not yet reached even the level of semi-profession, the typical example of which are the elementary and lower secondary school teacher. In spite of this low level of professionalization, they are quite satisfied with the present level of specialization and autonomy and optimistic about the future of their occupation. The nurse still remains to establish itself as a semi-profession. Its full-fledged professionalization will begin when it has attained speciality and autonomy as a semi-profession. But, it is quite dubious if they will show the confidence and optimistic perspectives about the level of professionalization of their occupation and its future possibility as they do today, even when they have established as a semi-profession.
李 暁月 天野 正孝 田村 進一 西野 義則
一般社団法人 GPI標準化委員会
GPI Journal (ISSN:21893373)
vol.6, no.1, pp.256-259, 2020 (Released:2020-09-20)

As high-grade Indian Darjeeling black tea is expensive, there are various theories regarding the extraction limit and evaluation of the optimum effective quality, but no simple weighing evaluation method has been found. This study reports research results about utilization of moisture content change information of tea leaf about the effective use limit of tea leaf
小野崎 隆 池田 広 山口 隆 姫野 正己 天野 正之 柴田 道夫
園芸学研究 (ISSN:13472658)
vol.1, no.1, pp.13-16, 2002-04-01
2 14

Burkholderia caryophylliにより発生するカーネーション萎凋細菌病は, 日本でのカーネーション栽培上最も重要で問題となっている病害である.カーネーション品種'スーパーゴールド'×強抵抗性野生種D. capitatusの種間雑種系統の中から, 強度の萎凋細菌病抵抗性を有する系統91B04-2を選抜し, 中間母本'カーネーション農1号'として品種登録した.'農1号'は定植から約3か月で開花する極早生性を示し, 調査期間中の全収量は11.5本/株と対照として供試したカーネーション3品種をいずれも上回る多収性を示した.フローサイトメトリーによる相対的な核DNA量の測定により, '農1号'は'スーパーゴールド'とD. capitatusの雑種であることが確認され, 二倍体と推定された.本系統は, 抵抗性育種素材として, カーネーションおよびダイアンサスの実用品種の育成に利用できる.
中塚 康雄 天野 正明 垂井 健 坂本 守行 前川 明俊
vol.31, 2019

<p>【目的】大麦高含有食パンの普及のためには,低コストでふっくらとおいしく調製できる製パン技術の構築が喫緊の課題である。そのために大麦高含有食パンにおける製パン性支配因子とそのメカニズム,特にグルテンネットワークと食物繊維間の相互関係を検討し,大麦高含有食パンの調製技術に反映させた。</p><p>【方法】リテイルベーカリーで使用されている製パン機器類を使用して,山型食パンを調製した。基本配合は大麦粉0〜50%/小麦粉100〜50%の範囲で変化させた。それ以外の調製材料は,塩1.5%,砂糖8%,液種酵母8%のみとした。大麦粉は4品種(うるち性2種,もち性2種),小麦粉は2品種(強力粉,超強力粉)を用いた。大麦の製粉はピンミルを用いた。食物繊維と澱粉粒の解離状態をみるために,最初の製粉後に53μmメッシュの篩で分級し,53μmメッシュを通過しない粗大粒子群を再度製粉し,53μmメッシュの篩で分級し,それぞれに分級された大麦粉を用いて製パン試験を行った。次に製パン性改善の試みとして,dough ミキシング時に酵素製剤を微量添加した。大麦粉の物性評価として,食物繊維量,粒度分布,SEM形態観察を行った。製パン後の物性評価として,膨化率,表面割れ性,パン内部構造を比較し,併せて食味評価を行った。</p><p>【結果および考察】大麦品種の影響として高アミロース含量のうるち性品種が高膨化率を示した。小麦品種の影響として高蛋白質含量の超強力粉が最も高膨化率を示した。製粉〜分級の繰り返し試験では,分級後の微粒子群で膨化率の顕著な回復が見られ,食物繊維と澱粉粒の解離が進んでいた。酵素製剤の微量添加によってグルテン無添加型大麦30〜40%含有大麦パンの調製が可能となった。</p>
天野 正 小柳 俊一 奥野 義隆 金川 千尋
公益社団法人 化学工学会
化学工学論文集 (ISSN:0386216X)
vol.36, no.1, pp.94-104, 2010-03-20

塩ビ樹脂(poly(vinyl chloride), PVC)製造における最重要の環境対策である,塩ビ樹脂スラリー中の未反応残留モノマーを除去・回収する脱モノマー塔について検討した.環境影響の更なる低減と生産性および塩ビ樹脂の品質(焼け異物の発生防止と樹脂着色性の抑制)の両立を目指して,シーブトレイを用いたカウンターフロー方式の脱モノマー塔を選択し,塔の安定動作条件,脱モノマー性能を評価した.この結果を基に実機のスケールアップを行い,塩ビ樹脂処理量で35 t/hという高効率の脱モノマー塔を設計,稼動させることができた.
天野 正治
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1970, no.22, pp.1-19, 1970-10-10 (Released:2010-01-22)

It can de safely said, that among the theoriste of University reform in contemporary West Germany, H. Schelsky and R. Dahrendorf develop a common reform theory. That is to say both analyse the contradiction and the gap existing between Humboldt's theory which for a long time was applied as the dominant theory of the German University and the university in its reality, and they demand a fundamental reform based on this analysis. However, in doing so they maintain strorm the validity of Humboldt's traditional idea within the process of such a fundamental reform and they examine the present day direction of its institutional realization.In this paper the attempt is made to propose one theory and one viewpoint on university reform in contemporary West Germany centered around the the theory of these two men. In the first chapter Humboldt's idea of a unversity is examined once again, in the second chapter the gap between this concept and the situation of the West German university and the underlying cause of this gap is examined on the basis of the ideas of the two authors mentioned above, finally in third chapter the reform idea of new universities such as Bielefeld, and. Bochum is examined, together with the problem of how to evaluate positively Humboldt's idea within the context of modern university reform and the question of how the two theorists believe it should be concretely implemented institutionwise. The viewpoint of Schelsky and Dahrendorf present but one out of many views on the ideal of the university in contemporary West Germany, but in their positive attitude toward reform, and in their affort to accomplish a harmony between tradition and revolution, the meaning of this effort must be held in high esteem. Also judging fro the fact that their reform ideas are being implemented in some new universities, it can be predicted that their viewpoint will become effective as a powerful reform theory in the development of university reform in West Germany.
天野 正治
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1960, no.3, pp.60-77, 1960 (Released:2010-01-22)

This essay pressents some considerations on the post-war educational thinking of the renowned German scholar, Eduard Spranger. It is his theory of culture wich forms the background and the foundation of his post-war thinking. For the sake of convenience, this theory is divided into three parts : a general theory of culture ; criticism of modern culture ; criticism of the culture of west Germany. Modern culture, as Spranger sees it, is in a diseased state. He argues that it can be restored to a state of health through an improvement in its moral, legal, and political functioning, and to this end education for consientious living and for political activity based on a moral foundation must be carried on. If we look at school education from this point of view, we see that it must be thoroughly reformed ; and this is Spranger's contention. The concrete development of his theory is precisely his “theory of the inner renovation of the school.” Consequently, I have taken this expression of Spranger as the leit-motif of his post-war educational thought and traced its concrete development from the point of view of the objectives, the content, and the social aspects of education.