小川 祐樹 山本 仁志 宮田 加久子
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.29, no.5, pp.483-492, 2014-09-01 (Released:2014-08-27)

The purpose of this paper is to test the Spiral of Silence theory in Internet society. Even today Noelle-Neumann's Spiral of Silence Theory is an important topic on the formation of public opinion. In the Spiral of Silence Theory up to now, the willingness to speak out has been handled as a dependent variable. However, there is significant bias in the question as to what extent the willingness to speak out actually influences the number of times a person speaks out. In addition, snowball sampling has been used, even in regard to the distribution of opinions of persons close to an individual. Accuracy increases because the attitudes of direct close users can be studied; however, only a small portion of close users can be studied. One defect of this approach is that it is actually quite costly. We use as a dependent variable the actual number of `tweets' on Twitter rather than willingness to speak out. In addition, for the attitude of close users, we used machine learning to estimate the attitudes of persons the users came in contact with, and we quantified homogeneity. We used and combined social investigations and behavior log analysis. With these, we were able to adopt simultaneously the following to a model: 1) individuals' internal situations, which can only be clarified by a questionnaire. 2) the actual quantity of behavior and the structure of communication networks, which can only be clarified through analysis of behavior logs. In the result, we found that a person's perception that their opinion in the majority and estimated homogeneity had a positive effect on the number of times a person spoke out. Our results suggest that the spiral of silence in regard to actual speaking out on Twitter.
梅谷 凌平 後藤 晶 岡田 勇 山本 仁志
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.36, no.2, pp.31-38, 2020-11-30 (Released:2020-11-30)

Upstream reciprocity refers to a person who has received help helping a third person instead of the person who helped him/her. It is observed widely but lacks a theory explaining its mechanism. Theory suggests that upstream reciprocity cannot maintain stable cooperation. Here we examine the possibility that the strength of a belief in a just world, which is a cognitive bias, drives upstream reciprocity. We test the effects on upstream reciprocity of a belief in a just world by conducting an upstream reciprocity game based on a trust game. The results demonstrate that upstream reciprocity is explained by a belief in immanent justice, a subconcept of a belief in a just world. These results shed light on a mechanism that explains why upstream reciprocity is observed in the real world.
鳥海 不二夫 山本 仁志 諏訪 博彦 岡田 勇 和泉 潔 橋本 康弘
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.25, no.1, pp.78-89, 2010 (Released:2010-01-06)
3 9

In recent years, application of Social Networking Services (SNS) and Blogs are growing as new communication tools on the Internet. Several large-scale SNS sites are prospering; meanwhile, many sites with relatively small scale are offering services. Such small-scale SNSs realize small-group isolated type of communication while neither mixi nor MySpace can do that. However, the studies on SNS are almost about particular large-scale SNSs and cannot analyze whether their results apply for general features or for special characteristics on the SNSs. From the point of view of comparison analysis on SNS, comparison with just several types of those cannot reach a statistically significant level. We analyze many SNS sites with the aim of classifying them by using some approaches. Our paper classifies 50,000 sites for small-scale SNSs and gives their features from the points of network structure, patterns of communication, and growth rate of SNS. The result of analysis for network structure shows that many SNS sites have small-world attribute with short path lengths and high coefficients of their cluster. Distribution of degrees of the SNS sites is close to power law. This result indicates the small-scale SNS sites raise the percentage of users with many friends than mixi. According to the analysis of their coefficients of assortativity, those SNS sites have negative values of assortativity, and that means users with high degree tend to connect users with small degree. Next, we analyze the patterns of user communication. A friend network of SNS is explicit while users' communication behaviors are defined as an implicit network. What kind of relationships do these networks have? To address this question, we obtain some characteristics of users' communication structure and activation patterns of users on the SNS sites. By using new indexes, friend aggregation rate and friend coverage rate, we show that SNS sites with high value of friend coverage rate activate diary postings and their comments. Besides, they become activated when hub users with high degree do not behave actively on the sites with high value of friend aggregation rate and high value of friend coverage rate. On the other hand, activation emerges when hub users behave actively on the sites with low value of friend aggregation rate and high value of friend coverage rate. Finally, we observe SNS sites which are increasing the number of users considerably, from the viewpoint of network structure, and extract characteristics of high growth SNS sites. As a result of discrimination on the basis of the decision tree analysis, we can recognize the high growth SNS sites with a high degree of accuracy. Besides, this approach suggests mixi and the other small-scale SNS sites have different character trait.
小川 祐樹 山本 仁志 宮田 加久子 池田 謙一
人工知能学会全国大会論文集 (ISSN:13479881)
vol.26, 2012

山本仁志 小川祐樹 宮田加久子 池田謙一
vol.2013, no.5, pp.1-7, 2013-03-03

ソーシャルメディアにおけるコミュニケーションは世論形成においてどのような影響を持ちうるであろうか。東日本大震災を契機に Twitter や Facebook の普及率が急増し、今後は政治的コミュニケーションメディアとしての利用が予想される。また震災と同時に発生した原子力発電所の事故によって原子力発電の政策に対して人々は選択を迫られている。本研究は、争点として原発の賛否問題を取り上げ、Twitter 上で得られる個人の発言とそこから得られる様々なネットワーク指標に加え、社会調査で得られる個人の意見、知識、価値観などの心理的態度のデータとを結びつけた分析によって Twitter による世論の形成過程を明らかにする。
中田 亜希子 赤川 圭子 山本 仁美 加藤 裕久 山元 俊憲
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.136, no.2, pp.351-358, 2016 (Released:2016-02-01)

A questionnaire survey was performed to obtain pharmacy students' impressions of pharmacists' behavior, to classify these based on professionalism, and to analyze the relationship between these experiences and students' satisfaction with their clinical practice in Japan. The questionnaire was answered by 327 5th-year pharmacy school students upon completing clinical practice at community pharmacies from 2011 to 2012. They rated their satisfaction with their clinical practice using a 6-point Likert scale, and provided descriptions of their experience such as, “This health provider is professional”, or “What a great person he/she is as a health provider”. We counted the words and then categorized the responses into 10 traits, as defined by the American Pharmaceutical Association Academy of Students of Pharmacy—American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Council of Deans Task Force on Professionalism 1999, using text mining. We analyzed the relationship between their experiences with respectful persons, and satisfaction, using the Mann-Whitney U-test (significance level<0.05). Most students (337 of 364, 92.6%) reported experiences with respectful health providers. These students experienced significantly more satisfaction than did other students (p<0.001). We analyzed 343 sentences written by 261 students, using text mining analysis after excluding unsuitable responses. The word most used was “patient” (121 times). Many students noted their impression that the pharmacists had answered patients' questions. Of the 10 trait categories, “professional knowledge and skills” was mentioned most often (151 students).
鳥海 不二夫 山本 仁志
情報処理学会論文誌 (ISSN:18827764)
vol.53, no.11, pp.2507-2515, 2012-11-15

近年,ソーシャルメディアの発達が目覚しく,FacebookやTwitterなど数多くのソーシャルメディアがWeb上で運営され,多くのユーザによって利用されている.ソーシャルメディアへの記事投稿にはコストが必要であるにもかかわらず,自発的に記事が投稿されるメカニズムは明らかとなっていない.ここで,ソーシャルメディアの基本的な仕組みは,多数の情報がコストをかけて投稿され誰もがアクセスし利用することができることから,公共財としての性質を持っているといえる.公共財への貢献を促進する仕組みとしては,協調しない者に対し罰則を与える規範ゲーム・メタ規範ゲームが提案されている.しかし,ソーシャルメディア上では非参加者を罰するということは不可能である.そこで,懲罰ではなく協調者にたいして報酬を与えるという方法を取ることが考えられる.一方で,報酬よりも懲罰のほうが効果的であるという報告があり,通常の条件下ではソーシャルメディアでは協調は進化しないと考えられる.そこで本研究では,報酬しか与えられない公共財ゲームであるソーシャルメディア上で,どのような条件が整った時に協調が促進されるのかを,エージェントシミュレーションによって明らかにする.In this paper, we propose the General public goods game to represents human behaviors on the social media. The structures of social media are modeled to clarify the mechanism to participate to social media. We developed a simulation model to clarify the mechanism to participate to social media. In general, there are no systems to punish other users in social media. Instead, there are some systems to rewards other users by comments or replies for communication behaviors. We modeled such reward model by General public goods game to clarify the conditions to realize cooperation dominants situation. From agent-based simulation, it becomes clear that the rewards for the cooperation and the rewards for the rewards can be the factor to encourage the cooperation. Furthermore, we analyzed the relationships between costs and the benefits to encourage the cooperation. From the analysis, the cooperation behaviors become dominant in the case that the benefits for the cooperation and rewards are larger than the cost to reward other users.
山本 仁志 岡田 勇
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
電子情報通信学会論文誌 D (ISSN:18804535)
vol.J94-D, no.11, pp.1836-1846, 2011-11-01

鳥海 不二夫 山本 仁志 諏訪 博彦 岡田 勇 和泉 潔 橋本 康弘
The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.25, no.1, pp.78-89, 2010
3 9

In recent years, application of Social Networking Services (SNS) and Blogs are growing as new communication tools on the Internet. Several large-scale SNS sites are prospering; meanwhile, many sites with relatively small scale are offering services. Such small-scale SNSs realize small-group isolated type of communication while neither mixi nor MySpace can do that. However, the studies on SNS are almost about particular large-scale SNSs and cannot analyze whether their results apply for general features or for special characteristics on the SNSs. From the point of view of comparison analysis on SNS, comparison with just several types of those cannot reach a statistically significant level. We analyze many SNS sites with the aim of classifying them by using some approaches. Our paper classifies 50,000 sites for small-scale SNSs and gives their features from the points of network structure, patterns of communication, and growth rate of SNS. The result of analysis for network structure shows that many SNS sites have small-world attribute with short path lengths and high coefficients of their cluster. Distribution of degrees of the SNS sites is close to power law. This result indicates the small-scale SNS sites raise the percentage of users with many friends than mixi. According to the analysis of their coefficients of assortativity, those SNS sites have negative values of assortativity, and that means users with high degree tend to connect users with small degree. Next, we analyze the patterns of user communication. A friend network of SNS is explicit while users' communication behaviors are defined as an implicit network. What kind of relationships do these networks have? To address this question, we obtain some characteristics of users' communication structure and activation patterns of users on the SNS sites. By using new indexes, friend aggregation rate and friend coverage rate, we show that SNS sites with high value of friend coverage rate activate diary postings and their comments. Besides, they become activated when hub users with high degree do not behave actively on the sites with high value of friend aggregation rate and high value of friend coverage rate. On the other hand, activation emerges when hub users behave actively on the sites with low value of friend aggregation rate and high value of friend coverage rate. Finally, we observe SNS sites which are increasing the number of users considerably, from the viewpoint of network structure, and extract characteristics of high growth SNS sites. As a result of discrimination on the basis of the decision tree analysis, we can recognize the high growth SNS sites with a high degree of accuracy. Besides, this approach suggests mixi and the other small-scale SNS sites have different character trait.
山本 仁志

昨年度に引き続きソーシャルメディアの利活用が世論形成に与える影響を分析するため、ニュースメディアアカウントをフォローするユーザのイデオロギー推定をおこなった。本年度の研究業績は世論形成モデルについて主に以下の2点である。ひとつが分析の結果が論文"News audience fragmentation in the Japanese Twittersphere"として採録が決定したことである。日本のマスメディアをフォローするツイッターユーザのイデオロギーを機械学習で推定した結果、大規模な分断化は見られないものの一部メディアでニュースオーディエンスが分断化しているという結果が得られた。更にパネルデータ分析として2017年時点のイデオロギー分布の推定を行うためのデータ収集をおこなった。また一方で多様な価値観の共存下で相互協力的な社会システムを実現するための互恵的協力のメカニズム分析をおこなった。2017年度は、規範生態系を社会シミュレーションに頼らずに、純粋に数理解析的に扱う方法を開発し、本来6万本以上の絡み合った方程式を解かなければならないところを、512本の方程式に縮減することに成功した。その結果、規範のモデル研究で安定的とされてきた「悪に協力することは悪である」という規範は、社会のメンバーが他者を部分に分解しない「個人主義」の発想に基づいて規範を構築している限りは安定的に存続できるが、他者を部分に分解する「分人主義」の発想に基づいて規範が構築されるような社会では、最終的に絶滅してしまうことが分かった。この成果は"A Theoretical Approach to Norm Ecosystems: Two Adaptive Architectures of Indirect Reciprocity Show Different Paths to the Evolution of Cooperation"として公刊された。
鳥海 不二夫 山本 仁志
情報処理学会論文誌 (ISSN:18827764)
vol.53, no.11, pp.2507-2515, 2012-11-15

小林 尚輝 内山 秀樹 山本 仁 神尾 誠也 木下 拓史 島野 誠大 武井 大 松山 福太郎 内山 智幸 内田 匡 石代 晃司 渡辺 謙仁
物理教育 (ISSN:03856992)
vol.68, no.2, pp.79-86, 2020-06-10 (Released:2020-09-05)

2013 年の調査では日本の高校生の理科の有用感は米中韓と比較し低いが,一方で天文や宇宙開発への関心は高い。そこで,これらと関連し,理科の有用感も増す可能性のある教材として人工衛星電波受信実験に着目した。 受信実験の中では万有引力による運動やドップラー効果など高校物理で学ぶ多くの内容がわかりやすい形で現れ,物理や数学と科学技術との繋がりを実感できる。我々は科学教室と高校授業で実践を行い,理科の有用感と物理内容の理解の向上に対する効果を検証した。結果,多様な学生を対象とする高校授業の実践において効果が確認できた。
小川 祐樹 山本 仁志 和崎 宏 後藤 真太郎
日本社会情報学会学会誌 (ISSN:09151249)
vol.23, no.1, pp.45-56, 2011-09-30

小川 祐樹 山本 仁志 宮田 加久子 池田 謙一
人工知能学会全国大会論文集 (ISSN:13479881)
vol.27, 2013

山本 仁志 鳥海 不二夫 岡田 勇
人工知能学会全国大会論文集 (ISSN:13479881)
vol.27, 2013
