大谷 卓史
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. FACE, 情報通信倫理
vol.96, no.83, pp.9-16, 1996-05-29

奥田 稔 深谷 卓 小林 恵子 伊藤 依子 調所 廣之 設楽 哲也 八尾 和雄 小川 浩司 橋口 一弘 佐伯 哲郎 山越 隆行 濱田 はつみ 川崎 和子 石井 豊太 鳥山 稔 増田 哲也 杉山 博 川端 五十鈴 川島 佳代子 八木 昌人 田部 浩生 岡村 浩一郎 木場 玲子 斉藤 晶 安藤 一郎 野村 恭也 吉見 健二郎 窪田 哲明 大谷 尚志 波多野 吟哉 竹山 勇 上杉 恵介 林崎 勝武 鈴木 淳一 澤木 誠司 石塚 洋一 古屋 信彦 安達 忠治 坂井 真 新川 敦 小林 良弘 佐藤 むつみ 山崎 充代 斎藤 洋三 舩坂 宗太郎 斉藤 啓光 石井 正則 浅井 和康 森山 寛 遠藤 朝彦 小林 毅 関 博之 林 成彦 石井 哲夫 窪田 市世 水谷 陽江 荒 牧元 大竹 守 北嶋 整 上田 範子 山口 宏也 牛嶋 達次郎 坊野 馨二 菊地 茂 佐橋 紀男 臼井 信郎 原 俊彰 宮川 晃一 田中 康夫 喜友名 朝盛 井上 庸夫 八木 聰明 大久保 公裕 服部 康夫 町野 満 大塚 博邦 稲葉 真 島田 早苗 添野 眞一 星 慎一 頼 徳成 大橋 和史 村山 貢司 飯塚 啓介 市川 朝也 冨田 寛 小山 明 山内 由紀 渡辺 健一 佐藤 かおる 山田 久美子 木田 亮紀 牧山 清 亀谷 隆一 藤田 洋祐 井上 鐵三 田村 悦代 野原 理 阿部 和也 水野 信一 岩崎 真一 小川 裕 加賀 達美
The Society of Practical Otolaryngology
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.88, no.6, pp.797-816, 1995-06-01
6 3

To evaluate the effectiveness, safety and utility of Emedastine difumarate (ED) in the treatment of Japanese cedar pollinosis, a multicentered, double-blind comparative study was performed in 290 patients in 1994.<br>Patients with Japanese cedar pollinosis were divided into two groups; the first group was treated with ED at a dose of 4mg/day starting two weeks before the season and continuing for the whole season. The second group was given an inactive placebo instead of ED during the pre-season and the early portion of the season and then replaced with ED during the later portion of the season.<br>As a result, the final improvement rate was significantly higher in the first group than that in the second group.<br>All subjective symptoms such as sneezing, nasal discharge, nasal obstruction and eye itching were suppressed due to ED treatment.<br>In conclusion, it was better to continuously administer ED to patients with pollinosis from the preseasonal period till the end of the season.<br>However, when the ED treatment was started in the midseason, the outcome was good, although less satisfactory than the outcome of continuous treatment given throughout the entire pollen season.
大谷 卓史
国立研究開発法人 科学技術振興機構
情報管理 (ISSN:00217298)
vol.55, no.4, pp.288-291, 2012-07-01 (Released:2012-07-01)
谷 卓哉 長谷川 浩司 坂本 博康 坂田 年男 廉田 浩 福島 重廣
知能と情報 (ISSN:13477986)
vol.22, no.1, pp.52-64, 2010-02-15 (Released:2010-05-21)
2 1 1

本論文は正準相関分析を用いて顔表情画像から感情の程度を測定する手法を提案する.ここでは,顔表情のグレースケール画像およびその表情・感情を主観評価した値(快-不快および覚醒-沈静)との2種類の変量間における正準相関を分析する.顔表情画像に対する人の視線の動きから求めた注視特性を,本測定法の加重関数として組み込み,その有効性を述べる.また,画像のサンプル数の不足から生じる非正則な共分散データの場合,その情報を効率的に分析するために,中間変数を導入した正準相関分析の分解手法を提案する.また,ガウスカーネルによる非線形カーネル正準相関分析の効果について,線形の正準相関分析と比較し,その有効性を示す.男性と女性に分けた顔表情画像データベースに対して Leave-One-Out法による数値実験を行った結果と動画像に対する測定実験を行った結果を示すことにより,本提案法の有効性を示す.
長瀬 美子 小谷 卓也 田中 伸

田崎 修 杉本 壽 嶋津 岳士 朝野 和典 鍬方 安行 小倉 裕司 塩崎 忠彦 松本 直也 入澤 太郎 室谷 卓 廣瀬 智也

救命救急センターにおいて、挿管患者に集中して「先制攻撃的接触予防策」を導入したところ、挿管患者だけでなく病棟全体のMRSA院内感染が減少した。救命センター入院早期(24時間以内)におけるMRSA院内感染のリスクファクターは、挿管、開放創の存在、抗生剤投与、およびステロイド投与であった。Neutrophil extracellular traps(NETs)は喀痰中において、呼吸器感染症に対して速やかに発現し、感染症が軽快すると減少した。NETsは感染症のみならず非感染性の高度侵襲にも反応して血中に発現した。今後、NETsの臨床的意義の解明が必要である。
長谷 卓巳
日本法政学会法政論叢 (ISSN:03865266)
vol.24, pp.99-109, 1988-05-20

In 1962 the General Assembly requested the Economic and Social Council to prepare a draft declaration and convention on the elimination of all forms of racial discrimination. On 20 November 1963 the General Assembly, upon the recommendation of the Third Committee, proclaimed the United Nations Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, and on 21 December 1965 the General Assembly at its twentieth session adopted by 106 votes to 0, with 1 abstention, Mexico and opened for signature and ratification the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. The principles set out in the Declaration are reaffirmed in the Convention, and the Convention was prepared in order to give effect to the principles proclaimed in the Declaration. The Convention entered into force on 4 January 1969, thirty days after the twenty-seventh instrument of ratification or accession was deposited(Art. 19). A direct cause that induced the United Nations to take up the serious question of racial discrimination was the revival of anti-Semitic and neo-nazi movements in different parts of the world in 1959/1960. This Convention consists of 25 operative articles besides the preamble, and they are divided into 3 parts. Part I of the Convention(Arts. 1 to 7)refers to Substantive Article. Article I of the Convention begins with a definition of racial discrimination as "distinction, exclusion, restriction of preference based on race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic orgin…, "and Article 2 sets forth the fundamental obligations of States Parties to undertake in the matter of racial discrimination. Some of these fundamental obligations are elaborated in greater detail in Article 3 to 7. Part II of the Convention(Arts. 8 to 16)deals with measures of implementation. Remarkable among these clauses are provisions on the establishment of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination("the Committee"). Measures for the implementation of the Convention include the establishment of the Committee, consisting of "18 experts of high moral standing and acknowledged impartiality elected by States Parties from amongst their nationals who shall serve in their personal capacity"(Art. 8. 1). Measures of implementation are an essential part of the Convention and consist of three means--(a)the undertaking by States Parties of the obligation to submit reports and the consideration of these reports by the Committee(Art. 9), (b)inter-State complaints between States Parties through the Committee(Arts. 11 to 13), and(c)the competence of the Committee to receive and consider communications from individuals or groups within the jurisdiction of States Parties claiming to be victims of a violation by that State of any of the rights set forth in the Convention(Art. 14). Part III of the Convention(Arts.17 to 25)is devoted to final clauses-reservations. At any rate, the Convention is the most radical instrument so far adopted in this field. It is described as "the international community's only tool for combating racial discrimination which is at one and the same time universal in reach, comprehensive in scope, legally binding in character, and equipped with built-in measures of implementation"(statement by the Committee at the World Conference to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination). In addition, an exceptionally large number of States have become parties to it. As of 1 January 1988, 124 States have agreed to be bound by the Convention. However, Japan has not ratified it. We hope that it will be ratified by Japan as soon as possible.