大谷 真理子 山本 陽介 酒巻 智美 大沼 亜紀 赤木 圭太 松田 慶祐 杉山 奈津子 宮嶋 篤志 廣田 孝司 小茂田 昌代
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.38, no.2, pp.78-86, 2012-02-10 (Released:2013-02-10)
5 6

An oral scabicide, STROMECTOL® Tablets (ivermectin) is often administered to patients as a simple suspension by feeding tube. However, it was reported that the administration by this method was less effective than oral administration of tablets. One reason for this lower efficacy might be that the devices and technique for this method of administration are not appropriate. The aim of this study is to propose an appropriate technique.In this report, we compare the recovery ratio when a simple suspension is pushed through a syringe under various conditions. As a result of washing the syringe with distilled water after the first use, the recovery of ivermectin was higher than that without washing. The recovery of ivermectin from syringes set at an angle of 90° and 45° to the horizon was significantly higher than that at 0° and -45°. And recovery from previously used syringes was about 10% higher than that from new syringes (p<0.05). Furthermore, after having orally administered STROMECTOL® Tablets and gavaged its suspension with an appropriate delivery technique to rabbits, we measured the ivermectin concentrations in plasma by LC-MS/MS. The AUC0-192h of ivermectin was almost equivalent for both methods of administration.In conclusion, to secure the same dosage of administration with a simple suspension as that of tablets, it is highly recommended to employ a previously used syringe at an angle of over 45°, and to inject by a technique that washes out the entire residue in the syringe after first injection.
坂本 峰至 赤木 洋勝
一般社団法人 廃棄物資源循環学会
廃棄物学会誌 (ISSN:09170855)
vol.16, no.4, pp.185-190, 2005-07-31 (Released:2010-05-31)
2 2

水銀はその物理的, 化学的性質に由来する優れた有用な特性を有することから, 古くから人類によって繁用されてきた金属である。しかしながら, 一方で水銀は生物に対して強い毒性を持つために, 水銀の各種化合物による中毒も古くから知られている。水銀およびその化合物は, 主に金属水銀 (Hg0) , 無機水銀 (Hg2+) , メチル水銀 (CH3-Hg+) の形態で存在し, その化学形態により生体内動態や毒性が異なる。特に, メチル水銀は自然界で無機水銀から生成され, 環境中に広く分布する神経毒物である。水俣病の原因物質としてよく知られるように, メチル水銀は生物濃縮性が高く, 主として魚介類の摂取を介して人体へ取り込まれ, 中枢神経, 特に胎児への影響が強く現れる。本論文は, 水銀およびその化合物, 特に, メチル水銀の生体内動態と毒性および最近のメチル水銀研究についての知見を概説する。
林 亮平 北本 幹也 野田 育江 渡邉 千之 山田 博康 今川 勝 松本 陽子 田中 未央 児玉 美千世 平本 智樹 赤木 盛久 隅岡 正昭 西阪 隆
一般社団法人 日本肝臓学会
肝臓 (ISSN:04514203)
vol.50, no.9, pp.527-531, 2009 (Released:2009-09-24)
1 1

症例は86歳女性.肝障害の精査の為に入院したが,原因となり得るウイルス感染および服薬歴,アルコール飲酒歴は認めなかった.抗核抗体は陽性であり,肝生検を施行しAIH scoreは17点となり自己免疫性肝炎と診断した.HLA typeはDR4陽性であった.プレドニゾロン(PSL)30 mg/日とウルソデオキシコール酸(UDCA)600 mg/日の内服を開始し,ALTは持続正常化した.UDCA 600 mg/日と併用することで,PSL 10 mg隔日投与としている現在も肝障害再燃は認めていない.
尾関 理恵 湯浅 奈絵 赤木 圭太 真野 泰成 根岸 健一 小茂田 昌代
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.45, no.2, pp.88-96, 2019-02-10 (Released:2020-02-10)

STROMECTOL® Tablets (ivermectin), an oral scabicide, is often administered to patients as a simple suspension via a feeding tube. However, other studies have reported that this method reduces the dose of ivermectin by 10-50% compared to that associated with oral administration. There are several devices used for administration via a feeding tube. This study proposes appropriate devices for such administration. First, we compared the recovery ratio of ivermectin by different 6 devices (a syringe, an oral dispenser, a small cup, kendakun, a suspension bottle and a quick bag). Among them, the results showed that the recovery ratio of the oral dispenser, suspension bottle, and quick bag was 100% after flush operation. Next, we conducted a questionnaire survey of 10 students to evaluate the usefulness of the six devices. The result showed that the suspension bottle or quick bag was easiest to use but the suspension bottle required attention regarding back flow. In addition, the cost of the suspension bottle was the lowest, the dispenser was the highest. The usefulness test is limited because it is targeted at students. When administering STROMECTOL® Tablets via a tube, the entire volume could be administered without any loss by flushing using a suspension bottle or a quick bag and setting the angle of administration directly underneath.
赤木 佳寿子
社会薬学 (ISSN:09110585)
vol.32, no.2, pp.33-42, 2013-12-10 (Released:2015-06-26)

In this paper, I propose to look at the separation of prescription and dispensing in Japan(Iyakubungyo)from the point of view of social science and aim to clarify factors of promotion of Iyakubungyo. Today, the separation rate reached over 60%, and it shows Iyakubungyo comes into a common system. However the system has not been judged socially, because there is no paper about the social evaluation of Iyakubungyo while there are some papers about the factors of the satisfaction of patients. There are some investigations of how to promote Iyakubungyo, but no investigations of why. I will figure out factors of promotion of the separation of prescription and dispensing in Japan by verifying two policies, “the divorce between things and technique” and “proper use of pharmaceutical products”. A change of these policies makes the change of contents and rates of Iyakubungyo. By showing the possibility that the two policies were the factors of the development of Iyakubungyo, we can get a hint for finding the pharmacists’ function in social.
赤木 かん子
一般社団法人 情報科学技術協会
情報の科学と技術 (ISSN:09133801)
vol.68, no.11, pp.555-558, 2018-11-01 (Released:2018-11-01)

糸川 紅子 赤木 郁子 打矢 和子 小川 雅子 川原 明子 新田 純子 Beniko ITOKAWA Ikuko AKAGI Kazuko UCHIYA Masako OGAWA Akiko KAWAHARA Junko NITTA
日本赤十字秋田看護大学・日本赤十字秋田短期大学紀要 = Journal of Japanese Red Cross Akita College of Nursing and Japanese Red Cross Junior College of Akita (ISSN:24360384)
vol.25, pp.21-27, 2021-03-31

要旨:目的:専門看護師によるコンサルテーションにおける課題の明確化と共有のプロセスに焦点を当て、既存の資料や文献に示された知見を整理し、実践的示唆や今後の課題について検討すること。方法:「専門看護師」「コンサルテーション」「課題」「共有」をキーワードに文献検索し、コンサルテーションの定義や類似する役割、課題の明確化や共有のための働きかけに関する事項を抽出した。倫理的配慮:著作権を遵守した。結果:コンサルテーションの定義は、コンサルタントがコンサルティ課題解決を側面的に援助する過程に総括された。コンサルタントが早期に課題を明確化・共有することはモデルやアプローチの判断を促進し、そのためにインタビューをはじめとする研究的な能力、コンサルティの自己省察や気づきを得るための働きかけが活用されていた。考察:コンサルテーションにおける課題の明確化・共有を推進するためには、コンサルテーションや類似する役割に関する理解の推進、コンサルタントの専門性や研究的な能力を活用することが重要である。結論:コンサルテーションにおける課題の明確化・共有はコンサルタントの研究的な能力やコンサルティの自己省察や気づきを得るための働きかけにより推進されていた。Abstract:Objective: To focus on the process of clarifying and sharing issues in consultation with a Certified Nurse Specialist (CNS), to organize the findings presented in existing materials and literature, and to consider practical suggestions and future issues.Method: A literature review was conducted using the keywords "Certified Nurse Specialist (CNS)," "consultation," "issues," and "share." Items related to the definition of consultation, similar roles, and efforts to clarify and share issues were extracted.Ethical considerations: Copyright compliance.Results: The definition of consultation was summarized as the process by which the consultant assisted the consultee in solving the problem. Early clarification and sharing of issues by consultants facilitate the judgment of models and approaches, and for that purpose, research abilities such as interviews, self-reflection by consultants and efforts to gain awareness are utilized.Discussion: In order to promote clarification and sharing of issues in consultation, it is important to promote an understanding of consultation and similar roles, and to utilize the expertise and research ability of consultants.Conclusion: Clarification and sharing of issues in consultation was enhanced by the consultant's research ability, selfreflection of the consultation, and efforts to gain awareness.
川崎 寛也 赤木 陽子 笠松 千夏 青木 義満
日本調理科学会誌 (ISSN:13411535)
vol.42, no.5, pp.334-341, 2009-10-20

赤木 佳寿子 石居 人也
薬史学雑誌 (ISSN:02852314)
vol.55, no.1, pp.83-91, 2020 (Released:2020-08-02)

[Objective] This treatise is a part of a study on how self-medication should be supported by pharmacists. Self-medication is gaining attention as the result of rising medical expenses in Japan. On the other hand, I think it is important for people to protect their health autonomously. We need to clarify how pharmacists, as professionals, support self-medication. [Methods] We researched the actual situation of placement medicines by reviewing 59 records from one of the placement medicine suppliers (Y) in former Niwa County, Aichi Prefecture. We focused on a placement medicine, because it is said that the medicine had played an important role as a form of self-medication during the Taisho to early-Showa eras before the establishment of Japanese national insurance. We reveal the name and the prescription of the medicine that was sold by the placement medicine supplier. [Results] The medicines managed by Y and how they were changed have been clarified. In addition, historical influences related to them were recognized. [Conclusions] (1) The company managed balanced home medicines. An investigation should be conducted to examine whether or not the list is generalized. (2) The Home Medicine Sales Act has changed private companies. Further investigations covering a wider area are required. (3) Article 6 of the Home Medicine Sales Act stipulates that sales are made by pharmacists. However, the pharmacist was not actually involved. An investigation should be made into why pharmacists were not needed on-site. (4) No effect of policy shift from invalid harmless to effective harmless. The impact of effective harmless policies should be investigated. (5) Quinine was commonly used. Knowing more will give us clues about illnesses and how people were treated at that time
木村 五郎 赤木 博文 岡田 千春 平野 淳 天野 佳美 大村 悦子 中重 歓人 砂田 洋介 藤井 祐介 中村 昇二 宗田 良 高橋 清
一般社団法人 日本アレルギー学会
アレルギー (ISSN:00214884)
vol.61, no.5, pp.628-641, 2012

【背景・目的】Lactobacillus acidophilus L-55 (L-55株)には,マウスアレルギーモデルに対する症状緩和効果が認められている.そこでL-55株含有ヨーグルト飲用による,スギ花粉症臨床指標への影響について検討した.【方法】スギ花粉症患者にL-55株含有ヨーグルト(L-55ヨーグルト群, n=26)あるいは非含有ヨーグルト(対照ヨーグルト群, n=26)を花粉飛散時期を含む13週間飲用してもらい,症状スコア,症状薬物スコア,IgE抗体について検討した.【結果】L-55ヨーグルト群の総症状スコアと症状薬物スコアは,対照ヨーグルト群より低い傾向が認められた.特に治療薬併用例(n=23)では, L-55ヨーグルト群の花粉飛散後第5週の総症状スコア,第4週の咽喉頭症状スコアおよび第1週の総IgEの変化比が有意に低値であった.【結語】L-55株はスギ花粉症に対する緩和効果を有し,治療薬の併用により効果的に症状を軽減,あるいは使用薬剤を減量することが期待された.
赤木 真弓
青年心理学研究 (ISSN:09153349)
vol.31, no.2, pp.109-125, 2020-03-13 (Released:2020-04-05)

The life of the American novelist Margaret Mitchell was examined as a case study of an unhealthy “foreclosure status” that transformed into a state of “diffusion”. The relationship between Mitchell and her mother indicated the following: (1) Mitchell had become subordinate to her mother through the pressure from her mother and her sense of inferiority towards her mother (Subordination with Conflict). Consequently, Mitchell studied to become a doctor to conform to her motherʼs wish, although it was opposed to her desire. (2) This caused her to enter an unhealthy “closed foreclosure”, which is characterized by the fear that her mother might deny or leave her. (3) She persisted in the goal of becoming a doctor while her mother was alive and consequently experienced a high degree of stress. She abandoned this goal after her motherʼs death and reached a state of diffusion. (4) She could not independently explore her identity even after her mother died, because she had suppressed herself. A new hypothesis concerning mother-daughter relationships resulting in unhealthy foreclosure is developed by analyzing Margaret Mitchellʼs life. Key words: mother-daughter relation, identity formation, foreclosure