壽田 祐大 金田 礼人 本田 功輝 中島 康貴 山元 元司
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2021, pp.1P2-I02, 2021

<p>Mobile robots with both high trampling ability and low COT are required for hazard removal and disaster rescue in unstructured environments. In this paper, we present a Spider-Man inspired mobile robot that can brachiate using wires to overcome obstacles. The proposed mechanism has two wire injection mechanisms and winding mechanisms. By ejecting the two wires toward a ceiling and rewinding them, the robot can control its position and angle for brachiation. Then, by detaching one of the two wires, the robot starts brachiation and lands on a remote point. We build a prototype robot and experimentally verify that it can brachiate along the target trajectory.</p>
金田一 春彦
文学 (ISSN:03894029)
vol.22, no.8, pp.849-870, 1954-08
藤田 基 古賀 靖卓 中原 貴志 戸谷 昌樹 宮内 崇 金子 唯 金田 浩太郎 河村 宜克 小田 泰崇 鶴田 良介
一般社団法人 日本臨床救急医学会
日本臨床救急医学会雑誌 (ISSN:13450581)
vol.17, no.5, pp.663-669, 2014-10-31 (Released:2015-01-24)

金田一 春彦
vol.34, no.7, 1956-07
金田 平太郎 岡田 篤正
活断層研究 (ISSN:09181024)
vol.2002, no.21, pp.73-91, 2002-06-30 (Released:2012-11-13)

Surface rupture with maximum right-lateral displacement of 150cm and length of about 1 lkm was observed during the 1943 Tottori earthquake of Mw: 7.0, which struck the eastern Tottori prefecture, southwest Japan. We compiled all the previous reports and papers regarding the surface rupture associated with the earthquake as precise location maps (Appendix 1) and a data table (Appendix 2). We also showed the slip distribution along the surface rupture (Fig.3).The trace of the 1943 surface rupture exhibited the large step and quite sinuous geometry compared with other strike-slip surface breaks. This observation probably means that the causative fault for Tottori earthquake is at the infant stage on its way of evolution based on the Wesnousky's fault evolution model (Wesnousky,1988). Most of the surface rupture during the earthquake occurred along the geomorphologically detectable active fault (Shikano-Yoshioka active fault system). Thus, we can recognize the possible surface faulting event around the epicentral area based on recent understanding of tectonic geomorpholgy. However, the length of the subsurface seismogenic fault is underestimated by the presently proposed method (Odagiri and Shimazaki,2000) and this sh ould lead to crucial underestimation of the seismic moment and also strong ground motions. The method to estimate the lengt h Df the seismogenic fault must be reestablished.
金田 平太郎 岡田 篤正
Japanese Society for Active Fault Studies
活断層研究 (ISSN:09181024)
vol.2002, no.21, pp.73-91, 2002

Surface rupture with maximum right-lateral displacement of 150cm and length of about 1 lkm was observed during the 1943 Tottori earthquake of Mw: 7.0, which struck the eastern Tottori prefecture, southwest Japan. We compiled all the previous reports and papers regarding the surface rupture associated with the earthquake as precise location maps (Appendix 1) and a data table (Appendix 2). We also showed the slip distribution along the surface rupture (Fig.3).<BR>The trace of the 1943 surface rupture exhibited the large step and quite sinuous geometry compared with other strike-slip surface breaks. This observation probably means that the causative fault for Tottori earthquake is at the infant stage on its way of evolution based on the Wesnousky's fault evolution model (Wesnousky,1988). Most of the surface rupture during the earthquake occurred along the geomorphologically detectable active fault (Shikano-Yoshioka active fault system). Thus, we can recognize the possible surface faulting event around the epicentral area based on recent understanding of tectonic geomorpholgy. However, the length of the subsurface seismogenic fault is underestimated by the presently proposed method (Odagiri and Shimazaki,2000) and this sh ould lead to crucial underestimation of the seismic moment and also strong ground motions. The method to estimate the lengt h Df the seismogenic fault must be reestablished.
渡邉 優 藤田 一也 金田 悠拓 原 利昭
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2006, pp.63-64, 2006

Various veterinary techniques are applied to the animal fracture treatment. However, it seems to be significantly difficult for the clinical applicability of veterinarian treatment to the pelvis fracture of a small house pet because of slender anatomic bones. In this paper, a new fixational device for the small house pet is developed and evaluated biomechanically.
粂 美海 神野 賢治 金田 華実 沖田 諒 佐々木 達也
富山大学人間発達科学部紀要 = Memoirs of the Faculty of Human Development University of Toyama (ISSN:1881316X)
vol.16, no.1, pp.43-54, 2021-10-22

本研究は, Bリーグクラブの観戦者数の増加に視座を置き,富山グラウジーズを事例にBリーグクラブにおけるサービスプロダクトが勧誘行動に与える影響を明らかにすることを目的とした。ホームゲームの観戦者を対象とした集合調査を実施し,二つの仮説モデルを設定・解析した。結果,1)富山グラウジーズ(Bリーグクラブ)のサービスプロダクトは,観戦者の勧誘行動を誘発していること,特に『ゲームの魅力』因子が強い規定力を有していることが明らかとなった。 また,2)勧誘行動によって,富山グラウジーズに対するチーム・ロイヤルティが高まり,さらに勧誘者自身の観戦回数も増加することが示唆された。 先行研究において,サービスプロダクトが勧誘行動に正の影響を与えること,勧誘行動によって勧誘者自身の観戦回数が増加するという知見は確認されておらず,総合満足や観戦継続意図を媒介変数とする勧誘行動モデルは支持されなかったが,チーム・ロイヤルティを媒介変数とする勧誘行動モデルは支持された。
金田 泰
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2015, pp._S0440201--_S0440201-, 2015

In 3D printing methods such as FDM, the direction of printing dominates the appearance and the nature of the printed objects. However, the direction cannot be specified in conventional 3D-printing methods. In this presentation, methods for designing and printing direction-specified 3D objects and the advantages of these methods are described.
金田 章裕
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.34, no.3, pp.193-214, 1982

1. The Jori Grid Pattern System is characterized by an interval network of paths and ditches, which divide a given area into units measuring approximately 109m square. By the middle of the 8th Century the system consisted of such a grid pattern, with the arable land in each section divided into regular allotments. About the middle of the 8th Century a new system was introduced, by which the entire Jori System was organized into &ldquo;Jo&rdquo;, &ldquo;Ri&rdquo; and &ldquo;Tsubo&rdquo;. The &ldquo;Tsubo&rdquo; was the smallest section of the square, consisting of approximately 1.2 hectares, the &ldquo;Ri&rdquo; comprised 36 &ldquo;Tsubo&rdquo;, or approximately 654m square, and the &ldquo;Jo&rdquo; was a liniar arrangement of &ldquo;Ri&rdquo;, whose exact organization varied according to region.<br>In some provinces, such as Settsu, Sanuki and Awa, historical evidence shows that the system of land unit indication followed three stages, as follows: 1) according to former small place names 2) according to the Jori Numbering System with place names attached to it 3) according to the Jori Numbering System only<br>A number of historical materials show the process from 2) to 3) in Yamato, Yamashiro, Iga, Ohmi and Echizen provinces in accordance with the fixation of the Jori Numbering System. However this Jori Indication System was not introduced at a time. In Yamashiro province, this system was introduced by 743, but in Sanuki, it came after 757 and before 763, and in Settsu, after 756 and before 767.<br>2. The former type of small place name was divided or changed to fit with the Jori Grid Pattern in stage 1) or 2). This process is shown for Kuso-oki region, Echizen Province in the 8th century (Fig.7). Some of former types of small place names, which were quite extensive (See Fig.7 Left), were divided and changed (See Fig.7 Right) in accordance with increase in arable land.<br>However all of the former types of small place names were not divided in the 8th century. In the Kinki District (near the Capital of Ancient Japan), the greater part of those place names already fit the Jori grid pattern, as shown in Fig.6, but others fit only partially, as shown in Fig.5.<br>In the case of Echizen province, not so far from the capital, those place names partly fitted or were in the process of such adaptation as above mentioned. In the case of Etchu province, far from the capital, such place names were not divided as shown in Fig.8. In the last case, the Jori Indication System was established at once, but the enforcement of the Jori Grid Pattern was probably incomplete, and the Jori Indication System does not seem to have been fixed perfectly.<br>3. After the enforcement of the Jori Grid Pattern and the fixation of the Jori Indication System, the latter began to deteriorate. An early sign of this process was found in the 10th century. In medieval times the small place name began to be used side by side with the Jori Indication System. Almost all these new small place names designated the smallest section of the Jori Grid Pattern. By the end of the Medieval Period, this small place name system became generalized even on the Jori Grid Pattern.<br>4. The plan of the Jori Grid Pattern was completed in the middle of the 8th century, with the introduction of the Jori Indication System. This plan undoubtedly was connected with Handenshuju, one of the important policies of the ancient &ldquo;Ritsuryo&rdquo; period, but &ldquo;Ritsuryo&rdquo; was established by 701 at the latest. Accordingly, the plan of the Jori Grid Pattern, especially the Jori Indication System, was not peculiar only to &ldquo;Ritsuryo&rdquo;. It was necessary for registry affairs rather than for Handenshuju itself. Since the 8th century, the bureaucratic procedures for distinction between private lands and government owned lands became very important, in accordance with the increase of private land.