金澤 健治

筑波大学博士 (工学) 学位論文・平成24年3月23日授与 (甲第6077号)
金丸 英子
西南女学院大学紀要 (ISSN:13426354)
vol.11, pp.51-56, 2007

金子 晴勇
聖学院大学論叢 (ISSN:09152539)
vol.11, no.3, pp.25-42, 1999-03-25

In the previous chapters of our paper we considered the significance of the German Protestant Mysticism of Valentin Weigel and Johann Arundt. They protested against the scholasticism and formalism of the Lutheran Church, just as Luther himself had once thundered against Rome. At the beginning of the seventeenth century ,German mysticism again finds its voice in a cobbler, Jacob Böhme. Böhme attempts to explain the fact of evil and sin in the world as a necessary phase in the process of divine self-expression. Everywhere in reality he finds oppositions and contradictions. Since all things come from God, he must be the primal ground of all oppositions; he is an undifferentiated, fathomless ground, the primal objectless will. So Böhme calls this ground "Ungrund". And he attempts to trace the evolution of this groundless will, combining Christian theological ideas such as the Trinity, angels, the fall of Lucifer, the fall of man, the plan of salvation, which were derived mainly from the magical nature mysticism of Paracelsus. Nevertheless, he plainly belongs in the direct line of German spiritual reformers whom we have been studying. He was deeply influenced by Luther, especially in the insight of the transforming element of personal faith in religion and in the acceptance of the teaching of mystical ground. The readers of Schelling's Philosophical Inquiry into the Essence of Human Freedom in 1809 were surprised and enraptured by a wealth of new and previously unheard of expressions which are drawn directly from Böhme, or are fashioned on the model of his symbolic language. He comes close to the ideas of Böhme on freedom and "Ungrund". In the above-mentioned context, this paper seeks to elucidate the following points: (1) Böhme's mystical experience and his work, Aurora (2) "Ungrund" and "Grund" (3) "Grund" in his book, Way to Christ (4) Schelling's theory of "Grund"
金子 晴勇
聖学院大学論叢 (ISSN:09152539)
vol.11, no.1, pp.1-23, 1998-09-20

In the lands of Germany, Lutheranism continued to develop along the orthodox lines apparently after the acceptance of the Formula of Concord in 1580. But the theologians of the first half of the seventeenth century did not lose sight of the prior importance of the Bible as the Word of God, though they did not ignore the practical religious problems of their day. This attempt, however, tended to relegate Luther's doctrine of justification to the background and led to the introduction of many elements of late-medieval German mysticism and the natural philosophy of Paracelsus. These spiritual movements developed the doctrine of the inner light of the mystics and formed the Protestant Mysticism in Germany. Weigel's spiritual conception of Christianity was fed by the sermons of Tauler, the "German Theology" of an unknown German mystic, and the natural philosophy of Paracelsus. He drew also from many other sources and finally arrived at a type of religion, still interior and personal, but less negative and abstract than that of the fourteenth-century mystics. Weigel developed a very interesting theory of knowledge, which fits well with the inwardness of his religious views. He holds that in sense perception the percipient brings forth his real knowledge from within. All natural knowledge is in the knower, but the supernatural knowledge comes from the inner "Grund der Seele" as German mystics had once taught. Weigel plainly arrived at his basic ideas under the formative influence of Schwenckfeld and Franck, but he also reveals in his conception of the microcosmic character of man, the influence of Paracelsus. Arndt was a minister of the Lutheran Church and an observant reader and perceptive student of Martin Luther's works. He had studied medicine as well as theology. Therefore, in his widely read and influential work "True Christianity" are also found extracts from the works of Paracelsus, Tauler and "German Theology". Long before scholars decreed the mutual exclusion of "Reformation" and "Mysticism," Luther himself had ingested and incorporated into his own thinking the sermons of Bernard of Clairvaux, Johannes Staupitz, and Tauler. In this respect Arndt is a second Luther, a Lutherus redivivus. His work helped prepare the way for the strong German reaction to Lutheran orthodoxy as expressed in both the Enlightenment and Pietism. We will clarify the characteristic feature of the Mysticism of Protestantism in Germany. In the above-mentioned context, this paper seeks to elucidate the following points: (1) V. Weigel and Natural Mysticism (2) J. Arndt's "True Christianity" and Protestant Mysticism.
金政 祐司
一般社団法人 日本発達心理学会
発達心理学研究 (ISSN:09159029)
vol.23, no.3, pp.298-309, 2012

金子 文成 車谷 洋 増田 正 村上 恒二 山根 雅仁
理学療法学 (ISSN:02893770)
vol.32, no.3, pp.115-122, 2005-06-20

本研究の目的は, 一連の投球動作中に変化する筋活動の様相について, 先行研究にあるように投球相毎に平均化するのではなく, 連続的時系列データとして動的変化を示し, 肩関節回旋筋腱板を構成する筋における活動動態の差異について検討することであった。大学生野球部投手1名の投球中(球種は直球)に, 肩関節回旋筋腱板を構成する4筋から筋電図を記録した。そのうち棘上筋, 小円筋, 肩甲下筋にはワイヤ電極を使用した。棘下筋には能動型表面電極を用いた。筋電図は振幅および時間軸共に規格化した(nRMS)。各関節運動の加速度はビデオカメラで記録した画像から算出した。反復した投球間における, nRMSのばらつきである変動係数は, 筋によって異なる特徴を示した。筋活動動態の連続時系列的変化として, 10球分のnRMSを平均した(nRMSavg)曲線の最大値出現時間は, 筋毎に異なっていた。投球において動的機能が重要視される肩関節回旋筋腱板において, nRMSavgが時々刻々と入れ代わる様子が明らかになった。筋間の相関性も筋の組み合わせによって異なり, 棘下筋と小円筋が強く相関していた。反復した投球における筋活動動態のばらつき, 連続時系列的なnRMSavgの変化, そして筋間の相関性の特徴は, 個人内での筋活動動態の特徴を検出するための指標として有効である可能性があると考えた。
金 憲経 松浦 義行 田中 喜代次 稲垣 敦
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.41, no.5, pp.548-558, 1992
4 1

Excess body fat has generally been considered to influence physical fitness and motor ability in obese boys. However, very few studies have been done on the relationships of percent body fat (%fat), body fat and fat-free mass with physical fitness and motor ability. The purpose of this study was to clarify the relationships between body composition and selected physical fitness and motor ability elements in obese boys. The subjects were three hundreds and five boys aged 12-14 years. Eighteen physical fitness and motor ability elements were tested and skinfold thickness was measured at six sites using an Eiken-type caliper. Impedance (Z) was measured using a tetrapolar bioelectrical impedance plethysmograph (Selco SIF-891) . Body density was calculated from the formula of Kim et al. Variables which represented muscular power and endurance were negatively affected by %fat, while muscular strength was positively related to %fat. Flexibility variables were found not to be affected by %fat. In order to further examine the effects of %fat on physical fitness and motor ability, the subjects were categorized into three groups according to %fat: lean= less than 12% (n=64), average=12-20% (n=192), and obese=greater than 20% (n=49) . The results of comparison among groups clearly indicated that the obese group was significantly poorer in muscular power and endurance but was better in muscular strength than the other groups. To analyze the factorial structure in obese boys, principal factor analysis was applied to the correlation matrix which was calculated with 18 variables, and then six factors were extracted. The differentiation and integration of factorial structure was investigated from the hierarchical factor model. Two factors (muscular power and speed, and flexibility) were extracted at a lower level of rotation. The body fat was found to be one important factor that affects many physical fitness and motor ability elements. The relationships between physical fitness, motor ability and degree of fatness seem to be rather complicated, and a great deal of data should be accumulated for analysis of influence of body fatness in the obese.
金 泰勲
国際基督教大学学報. I-A, 教育研究 (ISSN:04523318)
vol.49, pp.31-42, 2007-03

田中 秀数 上田 寛 金道 浩一 太田 仁 宮下 精二 利根川 孝 内野倉 國光 本河 光博

本研究において,我々は種々の空間構造をもち,スピンの大きさがS=1/2と小さく,量子効果が顕著な量子磁性体を精力的に開拓し,それらが強磁場中で示す新奇な磁気現象を多角的に研究した。以下に代表的な結果をあげる。スピンの対(ダイマー)が構成単位である,S=1/2のスピンダイマー系は磁場中で新奇な量子相転移を起こす。これらの磁性体の基底状態は,有限の励起ギャップをもった非磁性の1重項状態となる。強磁場中では,磁化をもつダイマーの3重項状態が重要になる。ダイマーの3重項はダイマー間の交換相互作用の横成分のために隣の位置に次々と移ってゆき,あたかも粒子のように振る舞う。この準粒子はボース粒子の性格をもちマグノン或いはトリプロンとよばれる。このとき磁場はマグノンの化学ポテンシャルとして,新しい役割を担う。我々はSrCu_2(BO_3)_2を初めとして種々の量子磁性体で,磁化曲線に磁場方向に依らない平坦領域(磁化プラトー)を発見した。磁化プラトーはマグノンの並進運動が抑制されるためにマグノンが周期的に配列するために起こる,量子多体効果である。磁化プラトーではマグノンのウィグナー結晶が形成されていると考えられる。我々はSrCu_2(BO_3)_2のNMR実験によって,実際にマグノンのウィグナー結晶を実証した。これに対して,磁場誘起反強磁性相転移はマグノンの並進運動が優先されるために起こるマグノンのボース・アインシュタイン凝縮(略してボース凝縮)と捉えることができる。これはマグノンの運動量空間での凝縮である。我々はTlCuCl_3の磁場誘起反強磁性相転移を種々の実験で詳細に調べ,理論解析と合わせて,これがマグノンのボース凝縮であることを実証した。本特定領域研究によって,磁性体は強磁場中で「量子力学的粒子の集団」としての性質を強く示す場合があることが明らかになった。これは磁性体の新概念をつくるものである。我々はまた,平成13年度から15年度にかけて国外研究者を交えた公開シンポジウムを3回開催し,平成16年に国際会議「International Symposium on Quantum Spin Systems」を開催した。更に3回の国際会議を協賛した。