江島 晶子 戸波 江二 建石 真公子 北村 泰三 小畑 郁 本 秀紀 薬師寺 公夫 阿部 浩己 村上 正直 齊藤 正彰 鈴木 秀美 大藤 紀子 戸田 五郎 門田 孝 申 惠ボン 山元 一 中井 伊都子 馬場 里美 西方 聡哉 須網 隆夫 愛敬 浩二 徳川 信治 前田 直子 河合 正雄 菅原 真 辻村 みよ子 根岸 陽太 村上 玲

阿部 浩之
季刊経済理論 (ISSN:18825184)
vol.47, no.2, pp.64-76, 2010-07-20 (Released:2017-04-25)

Today, as the market economy progresses, fields such as family care, nursing care, medical care, and childcare are transacted as interpersonal service labor in the market, and wage laborers are becoming increasingly in charge of such services. With regards to this trend, the concept of emotional labor was proposed by Hochschild as something that expresses a feature of interpersonal service labor in contemporary capitalism. Emotional labor aims to create an appropriate mental state in the targeted people (Hochschild). In interpersonal service labor, emotional labor is used for smoothly performing the work concerned, and it is often an essential factor. Emotional labor can be discussed as a series of labor processes consisting of three phases: (1) the emotion of the laborers toward customers; (2) acting as a visible expression of emotion; and (3) the emotion of customers that receive the service concerned. In discussions that focus on emotion, emotion management has often been considered a skill in emotional labor, and it is necessary to pay more attention to (2) acting as a visible expression of emotion. In a wide sense of general labor, emotional labor is performed in the form of nursing care or the like as part of household work. When it becomes associated with commodity economy, interpersonal service takes the form of article of commerce, and it may be provided in the form of selfemployment (for example practicing psychiatrist and psychological counselor), or it may be provided as wage-labor. Even in the same wage labor, there are qualitative differences between emotional labor in standardized customer service that is regulated by a manual, as is represented by fast food restaurant service (type A) and emotional labor by nursing/care personnel or the like (type B). In type B, it is difficult to complete service just by combining surface acting; instead it requires deep acting, unlike type A. In emotional labor by nursing/care personnel or the like (type B), it is necessary to consider the situation in which laborers and customers face each other in the form of multiple laborers versus multiple customers; and group-to-group, instead of one-to-one or individual-to-individual. Since Hochschild's proposal, emotional labor, which has tended to be discussed from the viewpoint of individual-to-individual, needs to be reevaluated from the viewpoint of group-to-group, with capitalistic labor organizations in mind. In emotional labor performed by a labor organization, acting becomes rather theatrical; or in other words, emotional labor is performed cooperatively. While taking a theatrical structure, emotional labor progresses qualitatively. Discussions on emotional labor are considered to have abundant possibilities to elucidate what kinds of features are possessed by labor power that is a commodity closely related to character, and how labor power commodities are formed and function in capitalism.
渡邉 真 阿部 浩明
理学療法学 (ISSN:02893770)
pp.11687, (Released:2020-03-30)

【目的】随意運動機能と歩行能力に乖離がみられた前頭葉内側面損傷例に対し,本現象の背景に運動開始困難例があると推察し外的刺激を用いたアプローチを試み,症状の改善を認め屋内歩行自立を獲得したため報告する。【対象】右前大脳動脈閉塞により左下肢の随意運動が著しく困難となったものの,移乗動作や歩行時には明らかな支持性の低下がみられなかった70 歳代の女性である。【方法】視覚情報や聴覚情報を活用した外的刺激を用いた理学療法を実施した。【結果】外的刺激の提供によって運動開始困難には改善がみられ,各種起居動作時の随意運動障害は改善し,歩行時の運動開始困難の改善が図れ,退院時には屋内歩行自立までに至った。【結論】前頭葉内側面損傷後に随意運動機能と歩行能力に乖離が生じた症例に対して,外的刺激を用いた理学療法を実践することは,運動機能を改善させるうえで有効な一治療手段となる可能性があるものと思われた。
阿部 浩之
季刊経済理論 (ISSN:18825184)
vol.47, no.2, pp.64-76, 2010-07-20

Today, as the market economy progresses, fields such as family care, nursing care, medical care, and childcare are transacted as interpersonal service labor in the market, and wage laborers are becoming increasingly in charge of such services. With regards to this trend, the concept of emotional labor was proposed by Hochschild as something that expresses a feature of interpersonal service labor in contemporary capitalism. Emotional labor aims to create an appropriate mental state in the targeted people (Hochschild). In interpersonal service labor, emotional labor is used for smoothly performing the work concerned, and it is often an essential factor. Emotional labor can be discussed as a series of labor processes consisting of three phases: (1) the emotion of the laborers toward customers; (2) acting as a visible expression of emotion; and (3) the emotion of customers that receive the service concerned. In discussions that focus on emotion, emotion management has often been considered a skill in emotional labor, and it is necessary to pay more attention to (2) acting as a visible expression of emotion. In a wide sense of general labor, emotional labor is performed in the form of nursing care or the like as part of household work. When it becomes associated with commodity economy, interpersonal service takes the form of article of commerce, and it may be provided in the form of selfemployment (for example practicing psychiatrist and psychological counselor), or it may be provided as wage-labor. Even in the same wage labor, there are qualitative differences between emotional labor in standardized customer service that is regulated by a manual, as is represented by fast food restaurant service (type A) and emotional labor by nursing/care personnel or the like (type B). In type B, it is difficult to complete service just by combining surface acting; instead it requires deep acting, unlike type A. In emotional labor by nursing/care personnel or the like (type B), it is necessary to consider the situation in which laborers and customers face each other in the form of multiple laborers versus multiple customers; and group-to-group, instead of one-to-one or individual-to-individual. Since Hochschild's proposal, emotional labor, which has tended to be discussed from the viewpoint of individual-to-individual, needs to be reevaluated from the viewpoint of group-to-group, with capitalistic labor organizations in mind. In emotional labor performed by a labor organization, acting becomes rather theatrical; or in other words, emotional labor is performed cooperatively. While taking a theatrical structure, emotional labor progresses qualitatively. Discussions on emotional labor are considered to have abundant possibilities to elucidate what kinds of features are possessed by labor power that is a commodity closely related to character, and how labor power commodities are formed and function in capitalism.
門脇 敬 阿部 浩明 辻本 直秀
理学療法学 (ISSN:02893770)
pp.11416, (Released:2018-03-19)

【目的】発症後6 ヵ月経過した時点で歩行が全介助であった重度片麻痺者に対し,長下肢装具を用いて積極的な歩行練習を実施したところ,屋内監視歩行を獲得したため報告する。【対象】脳出血発症から6 ヵ月が経過したものの歩行に全介助を要する重度左片麻痺と高次脳機能障害および視野障害を呈した50 歳代の女性である。【方法】当院転院後,足部に可動性を有す長下肢装具(以下,KAFO)を用いて行う前型歩行練習を中心とした理学療法を実施した。【結果】麻痺側下肢筋力の一部は改善し,380 病日に四脚杖と短下肢装具を使用して屋内監視歩行が可能となった。【結論】重度片麻痺例に対してKAFO を用いた前型歩行練習は,下肢の支持性を向上させ,より高い歩行能力を獲得することに貢献できる可能性がある。発症から長期間経過した症例に対しても,必要に応じて下肢装具を積極的に使用し,機能の改善を図る視点をもつことが重要であると思われた。
安福 健祐 榎本 拓朗 阿部 浩和
Japan Society for Graphic Science
図学研究 (ISSN:03875512)
vol.52, no.4, pp.19, 2019 (Released:2019-12-01)

門脇 敬 阿部 浩明 辻本 直秀
理学療法学 (ISSN:02893770)
pp.11461, (Released:2018-11-15)

【目的】片麻痺を呈した2 症例に対し,下肢装具を用いて倒立振子モデルの形成をめざした歩行練習を施行し,歩行能力と歩容の改善を認めたため報告する。【対象と方法】麻痺側下肢の支持性が低下し歩行が全介助であった重度片麻痺例に対し,足部に可動性を有す長下肢装具(以下,KAFO)を用いて前型歩行練習を施行した。また,無装具で独歩可能だが歩容異常を呈した生活期片麻痺例に対し,あえて下肢装具を用いて歩行練習を実施した。【結果】重度片麻痺例は下肢の支持性が向上し,倒立振子を形成した歩容での歩行を獲得した。生活期片麻痺例においても歩行能力と歩容が改善した。【結論】重度片麻痺例に対するKAFO を用いた前型歩行練習は,下肢の支持性を向上させ,より高い歩行能力を獲得することに貢献できる可能性がある。また,無装具でも歩行可能な片麻痺例の歩行能力や歩容の改善においても下肢装具を用いて倒立振子を再現する歩行練習を応用できる可能性があると思われた。
羅 羽哲 阿部 浩和
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.77, no.677, pp.1633-1642, 2012-07-30 (Released:2012-07-31)

There were many historical buildings and Urban Traditional Houses in the downtown of Daegu where had been established in the old castle district in 1737. Recently, more Urban Traditional Houses have been disappearing by the progress of urbanization and modern life style in Daegu. This paper will examine the current condition of the Urban Traditional Houses including converted one, and it will identify the habitants' perception for conservation or development of the houses and townscape in the old castle district of Daegu. The results are as follows. 1) The number of family member in 75% of the houses is three and below. And the age of 67% householder is sixty years old or more in this area. 2) Some remaining Korean houses in Jingorumok Area are split type of houses which were large Urban Traditional Houses constructed before 1920. 3) Regarding the rooms and equipments of Urban Traditional Houses, the level of satisfaction of almost inhabitants living there is very low. In contrast, regarding the townscape, the level of satisfaction of almost habitants living or working there is relatively high. 4) Many habitants living in the Urban Traditional House are adverse to the conservation of this area. However, Many shop owners using the Urban Traditional House are agree with the conservation of this area.
阿部 浩之 湯沢 昭
公益社団法人 日本都市計画学会
都市計画論文集 (ISSN:09160647)
vol.36, pp.55-60, 2001-10-25 (Released:2017-12-01)
1 1

A workshop has been adopted as a mean of the consensus making of the participants in the scene of the various communities planning. The aims of this paper are to analyze the process of consensus making process uses the tape which recorded the speech of workshop participants. The main results are summarized as follows; (1)The 15 keywords are collected to grasp the subjects of the workshop. (2)In workshop, it was able to be confirmed that the discussion was developed with the PDS cycle. (3)The speech quantity of the participants in workshop affected contents and conclusion, and the speech quantity was affected by the capacity of the facilitator.
阿部 浩和
図学研究 (ISSN:03875512)
vol.41, no.Supplement1, pp.179-184, 2007 (Released:2010-08-25)

近年, 建築系の設計教育において学生の提出図面に見られる図的表現法の混乱や設計製図技量の不足などが指摘されており, 自分でイメージした建築形態が模型では表現できても, それを設計図面に表現することができない学生も見受けられ, このことは建築の外部形態と内部空間との関係や, 3次元形態と2次元表現との対応関係が十分涵養されていない可能性があることも考えられる.このような現象は以前からも同様であるのか, それとも初学年の図学・製図教育のCAD/CG化に起因するものか, はたまた初等, 中等教育における図形関連教科の削減が原因なのかは不明である.ただ少なくとも近年のCAD/CGを含む情報化技術の普及とともに, 正確に図を作図し表現することの意味が希薄になってきている可能性があり, 学生の素養に変化がでてきている可能性がある.このような観点から本稿では, 建築系学生の大学1年次から3年次までの図的表現を含む演習科目を比較分析するとともに, CAD/CG教育の影響と学生の製図技量の現状について考察する.