Mitsuko Kishi-Kaboshi Ayako Nishizawa-Yokoi Ichiro Mitsuhara Seiichi Toki Katsutomo Sasaki
Japanese Society for Plant Biotechnology
Plant Biotechnology (ISSN:13424580)
vol.40, no.2, pp.157-165, 2023-06-25 (Released:2023-06-25)

Chrysanthemum morifolium is one of the most popular ornamental plants in the world. However, as C. morifolium is a segmental hexaploid, self-incompatible, and has a sizable heterologous genome, it is difficult to modify its trait systematically. Genome editing technology is one of the attractive methods for modifying traits systematically. For the commercial use of genetically modified C. morifolium, rigorous stabilization of its quality is essential. This trait stability can be achieved by avoiding further genome modification after suitable trait modification by genome editing. Since C. morifolium is a vegetatively propagated plant, an approach for removing genome editing tools is required. In this study, we attempted to use the piggyBac transposon system to remove specific DNA sequences from the C. morifolium genome. Using the luminescence as a visible marker, we demonstrated that inoculation of Agrobacterium harboring hyperactive piggyBac transposase removes inserted 2.6 kb DNA, which harbors piggyBac recognition sequences, from the modified Eluc sequence.
田口(袴田) 理恵 河原 智江 西 留美子 Rie Hakamada-Taguchi Chie Kawahara Rubiko Nishi
共立女子大学看護学雑誌 = Kyoritsu journal of nursing
vol.1, pp.1-8, 2014-03

Junho Chae Jun-Gi Lee Jun-Ho Lee Sam-Kyu Kim
Arachnological Society of Japan
Acta Arachnologica (ISSN:00015202)
vol.72, no.1, pp.29-37, 2023-06-20 (Released:2023-07-01)

A poorly known nursery web spider species, Dolomedes nigrimaculatus (Araneae: Pisauridae), is redescribed on the basis of Korean specimens, with a new junior synonym, Dolomedes jirisanensis which has been treated wrongly as a nomen nudum. Dolomedes nigrimaculatus is considered a sister species of D. zatsun from Okinawa Island, Japan, which have several morphological characteristics in common. Detailed description and remarks on the synonymy and intraspecific variation in its body coloration and shape of copulatory organs of D. nigrimaculatus are provided, with a key to all Korean Dolomedes species.
岩田 慈 山岡 邦宏 新納 宏昭 中野 和久 Sheau-Pey WANG 齋藤 和義 赤司 浩一 田中 良哉
日本臨床免疫学会会誌 (ISSN:09114300)
vol.35, no.1, pp.56-61, 2012 (Released:2012-02-28)
3 3

近年関節リウマチ(RA)や全身性エリテマトーデス(SLE)をはじめとした自己免疫疾患に対し,生物学的製剤の高い有効性が報告されている.一方で,低分子化合物は経口投与可能であり,また廉価となる期待などから注目を集めている.Sykは72 kDaのチロシンキナーゼで,B,T細胞,肥満細胞,マクロファージ,好中球,滑膜線維芽細胞などの免疫や炎症に関与する公汎な細胞に発現している.SykはBCR,TCR,FcR,インテグリンなどITAM領域を含む多鎖免疫レセプターのシグナル伝達において重要な役割を担う.近年,Syk阻害剤(fostamatinib)のRAをはじめとした,気管支喘息,特発性血小板減少性紫斑病などの自己免疫やアレルギー病態に対する有効性が報告され,SLEモデルマウスにおいても皮膚症状,腎障害の進展抑制効果がみられているが,その作用機序は依然不詳である.我々は,ヒト末梢血B細胞において,Sykを介したBCRシグナルは,TLR9,TRAF-6のoptimalな発現誘導に極めて重要で,結果として,効率的なCD40,TLR9シグナル伝達が齎されることを明らかにした.以上より,Sykは自己免疫疾患のB細胞依存性病態において重要な役割を担う可能性が示唆された.本編では,RAやSLEを中心に,自己免疫疾患に対するSyk阻害剤のin vitro,in vivoにおける効果について概説する.
Kohsuke KUDO Timothé BOUTELIER Fabrice PAUTOT Kaneyoshi HONJO Jin-Qing HU Hai-Bin WANG Katsuya SHINTAKU Ikuko UWANO Makoto SASAKI
Japanese Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
Magnetic Resonance in Medical Sciences (ISSN:13473182)
vol.13, no.1, pp.45-50, 2014-03-01 (Released:2014-03-24)
18 21

Purpose: We compared the performances of a Bayesian estimation method and oscillation index singular value decomposition (oSVD) deconvolution for predicting final infarction using data previously obtained from 10 cynomolgus monkeys with permanent unilateral middle cerebral artery (MCA) occlusion.Methods: We conducted baseline perfusion-weighted imaging 3 hours after MCA occlusion and generated time to peak, first moment of transit, cerebral blood flow, cerebral blood volume, and mean transit time maps using Bayesian and oSVD methods. Final infarct volume was determined by follow-up diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) scanned 47 hours after MCA occlusion and from histological specimens. We used a region growing technique with various thresholds to determine perfusion abnormality volume. The best threshold was defined when the mean perfusion volume matched the mean final infarct volume, and Pearson's correlation coefficients (r) and intraclass correlations (ICC) were calculated between perfusion abnormality and final infarct volume at that threshold. These coefficients were compared between Bayesian and oSVD using Wilcoxon's signed rank test. P-value < 0.05 was considered a statistically significant difference.Results: The Pearson's correlation coefficients were larger but not significantly different for the Bayesian technique than oSVD in 4 of 5 perfusion maps when final infarct was determined by specimen volume (P = 0.104). When final infarct volume was defined by DWI volume, all perfusion maps had a significantly higher correlation coefficient by Bayesian technique than oSVD (P = 0.043). For ICC, all perfusion maps had higher value in Bayesian than oSVD calculation, and significant differences were observed both on specimen- and DWI-defined volumes (P = 0.043 for both).Conclusion: The Bayesian method is more reliable than oSVD deconvolution in estimating final infarct volume.
Japanese Association for Laboratory Animal Science
Experimental Animals (ISSN:13411357)
pp.23-0010, (Released:2023-06-02)

Administration in a lipid emulsion can modify the pharmacodynamics of drugs via a process known as lipid resuscitation. However, the detailed mechanism remains unclear. We studied the volume and another pharmacodynamic effect, the lipid sink, using propofol and thiamylal. Male adult mice (ddY) were intravenously administered 10 mL/kg propofol or thiamylal diluted with physiological saline, 10% soybean oil, or 20% soybean oil. The 50% effective dose (ED50) for achieving hypnosis was calculated using probit analysis. To investigate the volume effect, 0, 10, or 20 mL/kg of saline or soybean oil was administered, either simultaneously or beforehand. Next, a two- or three-fold dose of the anesthetics was administered and the durations of anesthesia were measured. Finally, at 30 s after the first injection, supplemental soybean oil was administered. The mean (± standard error) ED50 values of propofol and thiamylal were 5.79 mg/kg (0.61) and 8.83 mg/kg (0.84), respectively. Lipid dilution increased the ED50 values of both anesthetics. After injection of a dose two-fold the ED50 value, the respective mean (± standard deviation) durations of anesthesia were 125 ± 35 s and 102 ± 38 s. Supplemental administration of soybean oil significantly shortened the duration of anesthesia of propofol, but not that of thiamylal. The results indicate that administration of a lipid emulsion vitiated the anesthetic effect of propofol by reducing the non-emulsified free fraction in the aqueous phase, which may elucidate the lipid resuscitation likely caused by the lipid sink mechanism.
Nana Ushine Shouta MM Nakayama Mayumi Ishizuka Takuya Kato Shin-ichi Hayama
The Japanese Society of Environmental Toxicology
環境毒性学会誌 (ISSN:13440667)
vol.26, pp.25-37, 2023-06-22 (Released:2023-06-22)

Lead (Pb) is extensively used in industries and often inadvertently discharged into the environment. Despite some studies examining the effects of Pb pollution on raptors and waterfowl, its effects on other avian species have not been investigated. This study investigated the feeding selectivity of a black-headed gull (Chroicocephalus ridibundus) population using stable isotope ratios to determine the source of Pb pollution. Gulls in Tokyo and Mikawa Bay were captured from December 2016 to February 2017 and from December 2020 to March 2021, respectively. These gulls were measured 13C/12C carbon ratio (δ13C), and 15N/14N nitrogen ratio (δ15N). Blood Pb level (BLL) was measured gulls in Mikawa Bay. Based on the measurement values of δ15N, gulls were classified into two groups: primary and higher predator groups. No differences in stable isotope ratios were found between the two groups. The secondary consumers showed significantly high BLLs (P=0.002). BLLs during the wintering period were significantly higher in the primary consumer group. Our findings suggest that reducing Pb emissions, along with biological and chemical remediation of water sediment is required to prevent further Pb pollution and bioaccumulation in wild animals.
木村 伸吾 KIM Hee-Yong

近年、ニホンウナギ(Anguilla japonica)のシラスの採捕量は減少しており、その要因として乱獲、生息環境の破壊、海洋変動現象などがあげられている。しかし、最近20年間の採捕量の減少は、乱獲や環境破壊などに伴う長期的な減少とは大きく異なっていることから、エルニーニョに代表される短期的で突発な海洋変動現象に注目が集まっている。本研究では、ニホンウナギ資源と産卵海域における海洋変動現象の係わりに焦点を絞り、エルニーニョ発生に伴う海洋環境の変動がウナギ幼生の輸送拡散過程に与える影響を定量的に明らかにすることを目的とした。そのために、エルニーニョの発生年と非発生年に分けて構築された北太平洋の大循環数値シミュレーション結果を用いて、ニホンウナギ幼生の輸送拡散シミュレーションを行い、それに対する資源量変動の応答メカニズムについて解析を進めた。流動場として使用したデータは、過去50年間にわたって計算された1/10度グリッドの再解析流速場データである。この物理モデルにニホンウナギの産卵場である北緯15度東経140度の地点に幼生に見立てた粒子を水深100m以浅に投入し、表層までの間で日周鉛直移動する幼生の能動的な移動を加えて、幼生の輸送拡散に関する数値シミュレーションを行った。その結果、エルニーニョ非発生年には幼生と見立てた粒子のうち約40%が黒潮流域に到達するのに対して、エルニーニョ発生年にはその個体数が半減することが分かった。さらに、産卵の指標となる塩分フロントの位置に対応して産卵海域を変化させた場合には、その違いが三倍にもなることが分かった。したがって、近年のシラスウナギの来遊量の変動は、エルニーニョの発生に伴う輸送過程における流動環境の変化に大きく依存していることが明らかとなった。本研究成果は、シラスウナギの来遊量予測に寄与するものと考えられる。
Muhammad Fito Bayubaskara Masaru Ohme-Takagi Ming-Tsair Chan
Japanese Society for Plant Biotechnology
Plant Biotechnology (ISSN:13424580)
vol.40, no.1, pp.117-121, 2023-03-25 (Released:2023-03-25)

Piriformospora indica, which is an endophytic fungus that grows on various media in the absence of a host, emits plant growth promoting volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Kaefer medium (KF) has been shown to be the most suitable medium for P. indica growth; however, different media may differentially affect fungal metabolism which may in turn influence the VOC profiles of P. indica. To date, how the VOCs emitted from P. indica cultured on different media affect plant growth has not been well characterized. Here, we show that poor nutrient medium (PNM) promoted the growth of P. indica more effectively than potato dextrose agar (PDA) or KF medium. By contrast, plant total biomass and root fresh weight were increased 1.8-fold and 2.1-fold, when co-cultivated with P. indica cultured on PDA medium in comparison with KF or PNM medium, respectively. Furthermore, sucrose in the plant culture medium downregulated the fold-induction ratio of the plant growth promoted by P. indica VOCs.
Nanase Kubo Chun-ho Park Satoshi Inoue Hajime Hatta
Japan Poultry Science Association
The Journal of Poultry Science (ISSN:13467395)
vol.60, no.2, pp.2023014, 2023 (Released:2023-06-17)

Immunization of egg-laying hens with viral antigens efficiently produces large amounts of virus-specific IgY antibodies from egg yolks. A supply of practical and economical antibodies against the rabies virus is being desired worldwide. We immunized hens with the antigen gene DNA of the rabies virus, purified specific IgY antibodies from the egg yolk, and characterized the immuno-protein chemistry for use as a diagnosis. To prepare specific IgY antibodies against rabies virus nucleoprotein (RV-N) by DNA immunization, laying hens were pre-injected with λ-carrageenan or Freund’s complete adjuvant to increase local immune activity (pre-immune stimulation), and then immunized with RV-N recombinant plasmid DNA. RV-N-specific IgY antibodies were prepared from egg yolks of immunized hens. For comparison, conventional protein antigen immunization was also used to induce the production of RV-N-specific IgY antibodies. Laying hens were immunized with an RV-N protein antigen and RV-N-specific IgY was purified from egg yolks. The binding activity against RV-N antigens was examined using IgY samples prepared by DNA (with pre-immune stimulation) and protein immunization. Immunohistochemical staining showed that IgY antibodies prepared by protein immunization strongly detected viral antigens in the brain sections of dogs infected with the virus, whereas IgY antibodies prepared by DNA immunization did not. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was performed using a commercially available rabies vaccine (inactivated virus) treated with 10% formalin and heating (60°C, 30 min and 90°C, 5 min). IgY prepared by DNA immunization had weaker reactivity with denatured antigens and lower antigen concentrations than IgY prepared by protein immunization. These results suggest that it is necessary to develop a DNA immunization method for inducing IgY antibodies against the rabies virus that strongly bind to native and denatured antigens to prepare specific IgYs that can be used for antigen detection in clinical tests.
Illia AOTA Chisato YATSUDA Ei-ichi IZAWA
Journal of Veterinary Medical Science (ISSN:09167250)
vol.85, no.1, pp.71-75, 2023 (Released:2023-01-12)

Salivary corticosteroid measurement, as a surrogate for plasma corticosteroid levels to evaluate an animal’s stress or metabolic state, commonly used in mammals. However, the validity of salivary corticosterone (CORT) measurements in birds has not yet been reported. We aimed to measure salivary CORT in crows using a commercially available CORT enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay kit. An adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) challenge experiment using synthetic cosyntropin, an ACTH analogue, was conducted to compare CORT level elevations between the serum and the saliva in a 10–60 min range. Both salivary and blood CORT was significantly elevated 10 min after injecting synthetic cosyntropin. The results supported the validation of salivary CORT as a surrogate for a blood CORT in crows.
Van-Hien Tran Hiroki Ouchi Hiroyuki Shindo Yuji Matsumoto Taro Watanabe
The Association for Natural Language Processing
自然言語処理 (ISSN:13407619)
vol.30, no.2, pp.304-329, 2023 (Released:2023-06-15)

Zero-shot relation extraction aims to recognize (new) unseen relations that cannot be observed during training. Due to this point, recognizing unseen relations with no corresponding labeled training instances is a challenging task. Recognizing an unseen relation between two entities in an input instance at the testing time, a model needs to grasp the semantic relationship between the instance and all unseen relations to make a prediction. This study argues that enhancing the semantic correlation between instances and relations is key to effectively solving the zero-shot relation extraction task. A new model entirely devoted to this goal through three main aspects was proposed: learning effective relation representation, designing purposeful mini-batches, and binding two-way semantic consistency. Experimental results on two benchmark datasets demonstrate that our approach significantly improves task performance and achieves state-of-the-art results. Our source code and data are publicly available.
Center for Academic Publications Japan
Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology (ISSN:03014800)
vol.68, no.3, pp.189-203, 2022-06-30 (Released:2022-06-30)

Little is known about the optimal daily magnesium (Mg) intake for individuals with high levels of physical activity. The aim of this study was to clarify the optimal dietary Mg intake for people with high levels of physical activity in a scoping review. In this review, we searched MEDLINE and Japan Medical Abstracts Society for studies published up to May 31, 2020. We conducted two searches, one for studies using gold standard measurement methods such as the balance method and factorial calculation (Search 1), and the other for studies using estimation from daily food intake (Search 2). We also performed a meta-analysis of studies that compared the Mg intake among physically active people with the Mg intake among controls. After the primary and secondary screening, 31 studies were included in the final review. All of the included studies examined professional or recreational athletes. We found no studies that examined the optimal intake of Mg using gold standard measurement methods. The Mg intake among physically active individuals was below the recommended dietary allowance in most studies. In five studies that conducted meta-analyses, physically active individuals had significantly higher intakes of Mg than controls, although these levels were still below the recommended dietary allowance. The present review revealed that evidence regarding the optimal daily magnesium intake is currently scarce, and further studies are needed.
Megumi Hara Yuichiro Nishida Keitaro Tanaka Chisato Shimanoe Kayoko Koga Takuma Furukawa Yasuki Higaki Koichi Shinchi Hiroaki Ikezaki Masayuki Murata Kenji Takeuchi Takashi Tamura Asahi Hishida Mineko Tsukamoto Yuka Kadomatsu Keitaro Matsuo Isao Oze Haruo Mikami Miho Kusakabe Toshiro Takezaki Rie Ibusuki Sadao Suzuki Hiroko Nakagawa-Senda Daisuke Matsui Teruhide Koyama Kiyonori Kuriki Naoyuki Takashima Yasuyuki Nakamura Kokichi Arisawa Sakurako Katsuura-Kamano Kenji Wakai
Japan Epidemiological Association
Journal of Epidemiology (ISSN:09175040)
vol.33, no.6, pp.285-293, 2023-06-05 (Released:2023-06-05)

Background: Little is known about whether insufficient moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) and longer sedentary behavior (SB) are independently associated with estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) and chronic kidney disease (CKD), whether they interact with known risk factors for CKD, and the effect of replacing sedentary time with an equivalent duration of physical activity on kidney function.Methods: We examined the cross-sectional association of MVPA and SB with eGFR and CKD in 66,603 Japanese cohort study in 14 areas from 2004 to 2013. MVPA and SB were estimated using a self-reported questionnaire, and CKD was defined as eGFR <60 mL/min/1.73 m2. Multiple linear regression analyses, logistic regression analyses, and an isotemporal substitution model were applied.Results: After adjusting for potential confounders, higher MVPA and longer SB were independently associated with higher eGFR (P for trend MVPA <0.0001) and lower eGFR (P for trend SB <0.0001), and a lower odds ratio (OR) of CKD (adjusted OR of MVPA ≥20 MET·h/day, 0.76; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.68–0.85 compared to MVPA <5 MET·h/day) and a higher OR of CKD (adjusted OR of SB ≥16 h/day, 1.81; 95% CI, 1.52–2.15 compared to SB <7 h/day), respectively. The negative association between MVPA and CKD was stronger in men, and significant interactions between sex and MVPA were detected. Replacing 1 hour of SB with 1 hour of physical activity was associated with about 3 to 4% lower OR of CKD.Conclusion: These findings indicate that replacing SB with physical activity may benefit kidney function, especially in men, adding to the possible evidence on CKD prevention.
Masaya Yamamoto Tomoko Ishii Marina Ogura Takashi Akanuma Xing-Yu Zhu Hiroyasu Kitashiba
Japanese Society of Breeding
Breeding Science (ISSN:13447610)
vol.73, no.2, pp.132-145, 2023 (Released:2023-06-06)

Self-incompatibility is the system that inhibits pollen germination and pollen tube growth by self-pollen. This trait is important for the breeding of Brassica and Raphanus species. In these species, self-incompatibility is governed by the S locus, which contains three linked genes (a set called the S haplotype), i.e., S-locus receptor kinase, S-locus cysteine-rich protein/S-locus protein 11, and S-locus glycoprotein. A large number of S haplotypes have been identified in Brassica oleracea, B. rapa, and Raphanus sativus to date, and the nucleotide sequences of their many alleles have also been registered. In this state, it is important to avoid confusion between S haplotypes, i.e., an identical S haplotype with different names and a different S haplotype with an identical S haplotype number. To mitigate this issue, we herein constructed a list of S haplotypes that are easily accessible to the latest nucleotide sequences of S-haplotype genes, together with revisions to and an update of S haplotype information. Furthermore, the histories of the S-haplotype collection in the three species are reviewed, the importance of the collection of S haplotypes as a genetic resource is discussed, and the management of information on S haplotypes is proposed.
Naoya Yamaguchi Yumi Sato Fumio Taguchi-Shiobara Kazuki Yamashita Michio Kawasaki Masao Ishimoto Mineo Senda
Japanese Society of Breeding
Breeding Science (ISSN:13447610)
vol.73, no.2, pp.204-211, 2023 (Released:2023-06-06)

Low temperatures after flowering cause seed cracking (SC) in soybean. Previously, we reported that proanthocyanidin accumulation on the dorsal side of the seed coat, controlled by the I locus, may lead to cracked seeds; and that homozygous IcIc alleles at the I locus confer SC tolerance in the line Toiku 248. To discover new genes related to SC tolerance, we evaluated the physical and genetic mechanisms of SC tolerance in the cultivar Toyomizuki (genotype II). Histological and texture analyses of the seed coat revealed that the ability to maintain hardness and flexibility under low temperature, regardless of proanthocyanidin accumulation in the dorsal seed coat, contributes to SC tolerance in Toyomizuki. This indicated that the SC tolerance mechanism differed between Toyomizuki and Toiku 248. A quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis of recombinant inbred lines revealed a new, stable QTL related to SC tolerance. The relationship between this new QTL, designated as qCS8-2, and SC tolerance was confirmed in residual heterozygous lines. The distance between qCS8-2 and the previously identified QTL qCS8-1, which is likely the Ic allele, was estimated to be 2–3 Mb, so it will be possible to pyramid these regions to develop new cultivars with increased SC tolerance.
Katsunori Tanaka Mitsuhiro Sugiyama Gentaro Shigita Ryoma Murakami Thanh-Thuy Duong Yasheng Aierken Anna M Artemyeva Zharas Mamypbelov Ryuji Ishikawa Hidetaka Nishida Kenji Kato
Japanese Society of Breeding
Breeding Science (ISSN:13447610)
vol.73, no.2, pp.219-229, 2023 (Released:2023-06-06)

To uncover population structure, phylogenetic relationship, and diversity in melons along the famous Silk Road, a seed size measurement and a phylogenetic analysis using five chloroplast genome markers, 17 RAPD markers and 11 SSR markers were conducted for 87 Kazakh melon accessions with reference accessions. Kazakh melon accessions had large seed with exception of two accessions of weedy melon, Group Agrestis, and consisted of three cytoplasm types, of which Ib-1/-2 and Ib-3 were dominant in Kazakhstan and nearby areas such as northwestern China, Central Asia and Russia. Molecular phylogeny showed that two unique genetic groups, STIa-2 with Ib-1/-2 cytoplasm and STIa-1 with Ib-3 cytoplasm, and one admixed group, STIAD combined with STIa and STIb, were prevalent across all Kazakh melon groups. STIAD melons that phylogenetically overlapped with STIa-1 and STIa-2 melons were frequent in the eastern Silk Road region, including Kazakhstan. Evidently, a small population contributed to melon development and variation in the eastern Silk Road. Conscious preservation of fruit traits specific to Kazakh melon groups is thought to play a role in the conservation of Kazakh melon genetic variation during melon production, where hybrid progenies were generated through open pollination.