Yoon C. Kang S.H. Yang J.O. Noh D.J. Indiragandhi P. Kim G.H.
vol.34, no.2, pp.77-88, 2009 (Released:2011-03-05)

Meteorological Society of Japan
気象集誌. 第2輯 (ISSN:00261165)
pp.2020-016, (Released:2020-03-17)
2 24

Global simulations with 1.45 km grid-spacing are presented that were performed with the Integrated Forecasting System (IFS) of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF). Simulations are uncoupled (without ocean, sea-ice or wave model), using 62 or 137 vertical levels and the full complexity of weather forecast simulations including recent date initial conditions, real-world topography, and state-of-the-art physical parametrizations and diabatic forcing including shallow convection, turbulent diffusion, radiation and five categories for the water substance (vapour, liquid, ice, rain, snow). Simulations are evaluated with regard to computational efficiency and model fidelity. Scaling results are presented that were performed on the fastest supercomputer in Europe - Piz Daint (Top 500, Nov 2018). Important choices for the model configuration at this unprecedented resolution for the IFS are discussed such as the use of hydrostatic and non-hydrostatic equations or the time resolution of physical phenomena which is defined by the length of the time step. Our simulations indicate that the IFS model — based on spectral transforms with a semi-implicit, semi-Lagrangian time-stepping scheme in contrast to more local discretisation techniques — can provide a meaningful baseline reference for O(1) km global simulations.
Imanishi Tadashi Itoh Takeshi Suzuki Yutaka O'Donovan Claire Fukuchi Satoshi Koyanagi Kanako O. Barrero Roberto A. Tamura Takuro Yamaguchi-Kabata Yumi Tanino Motohiko Yura Kei Miyazaki Satoru Ikeo Kazuho Homma Keiichi Kasprzyk Arek Nishikawa Tetsuo Hirakawa Mika Thierry-Mieg Jean Thierry-Mieg Danielle Ashurst Jennifer Jia Libin Nakao Mitsuteru Thomas Michael A. Mulder Nicola Karavidopoulou Youla Jin Lihua Kim Sangsoo Yasuda Tomohiro Lenhard Boris Eveno Eric Suzuki Yoshiyuki Yamasaki Chisato Takeda Jun-ichi Gough Craig Hilton Phillip Fujii Yasuyuki Sakai Hiroaki Tanaka Susumu Amid Clara Bellgard Matthew Bonaldo Maria de Fatima Bono Hidemasa Bromberg Susan K. Brookes Anthony J. Bruford Elspeth Carninci Piero Chelala Claude Couillault Christine Souza Sandro J. de Debily Marie-Anne Devignes Marie-Dominique Dubchak Inna Endo Toshinori Estreicher Anne Eyras Eduardo Fukami-Kobayashi Kaoru R. Gopinath Gopal Graudens Esther Hahn Yoonsoo Han Michael Han Ze-Guang Hanada Kousuke Hanaoka Hideki Harada Erimi Hashimoto Katsuyuki Hinz Ursula Hirai Momoki Hishiki Teruyoshi Hopkinson Ian Imbeaud Sandrine Inoko Hidetoshi Kanapin Alexander Kaneko Yayoi Kasukawa Takeya Kelso Janet Kersey Paul Kikuno Reiko Kimura Kouichi Korn Bernhard Kuryshev Vladimir Makalowska Izabela Makino Takashi Mano Shuhei Mariage-Samson Regine Mashima Jun Matsuda Hideo Mewes Hans-Werner Minoshima Shinsei Nagai Keiichi Nagasaki Hideki Nagata Naoki Nigam Rajni Ogasawara Osamu Ohara Osamu Ohtsubo Masafumi Okada Norihiro Okido Toshihisa Oota Satoshi Ota Motonori Ota Toshio Otsuki Tetsuji Piatier-Tonneau Dominique Poustka Annemarie Ren Shuang-Xi Saitou Naruya Sakai Katsunaga Sakamoto Shigetaka Sakate Ryuichi Schupp Ingo Servant Florence Sherry Stephen Shiba Rie Shimizu Nobuyoshi Shimoyama Mary Simpson Andrew J. Soares Bento Steward Charles Suwa Makiko Suzuki Mami Takahashi Aiko Tamiya Gen Tanaka Hiroshi Taylor Todd Terwilliger Joseph D. Unneberg Per Veeramachaneni Vamsi Watanabe Shinya Wilming Laurens Yasuda Norikazu Yoo Hyang-Sook Stodolsky Marvin Makalowski Wojciech Go Mitiko Nakai Kenta Takagi Toshihisa Kanehisa Minoru Sakaki Yoshiyuki Quackenbush John Okazaki Yasushi Hayashizaki Yoshihide Hide Winston Chakraborty Ranajit Nishikawa Ken Sugawara Hideaki Tateno Yoshio Chen Zhu Oishi Michio Tonellato Peter Apweiler Rolf Okubo Kousaku Wagner Lukas Wiemann Stefan Strausberg Robert L. Isogai Takao Auffray Charles Nomura Nobuo Gojobori Takashi Sugano Sumio
Public Library of Science
PLoS Biology (ISSN:15449173)
vol.2, no.6, pp.856-875, 2004-06
3 226

The human genome sequence defines our inherent biological potential; the realization of the biology encoded therein requires knowledge of the function of each gene. Currently, our knowledge in this area is still limited. Several lines of investigation have been used to elucidate the structure and function of the genes in the human genome. Even so, geneprediction remains a difficult task, as the varieties of transcripts of a gene may vary to a great extent. We thus performed an exhaustive integrative characterization of 41,118 full-length cDNAs that capture the gene transcripts as complete functional cassettes, providing an unequivocal report of structural and functional diversity at the gene level.Our international collaboration has validated 21,037 human gene candidates by analysis of high-quality full-length cDNA clones through curation using unified criteria. This led to the identification of 5,155 new gene candidates. It also manifested the most reliable way to control the quality of the cDNA clones. We have developed a human gene database, called the H-Invitational Database (H-InvDB; http://www.h-invitational.jp/). It provides the following:integrative annotation of human genes, description of gene structures, details of novel alternative splicing isoforms, non-protein-coding RNAs, functional domains, subcellular localizations, metabolic pathways, predictions of protein three-dimensional structure, mapping of known single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), identification of polymorphic microsatellite repeats within human genes, and comparative results with mouse full-length cDNAs. The H-InvDB analysis has shown that up to 4% of the human genome sequence (National Center for Biotechnology Information build 34 assembly) may contain misassembled or missing regions. We found that 6.5% of the human gene candidates(1,377 loci) did not have a good protein-coding open reading frame, of which 296 loci are strong candidates for nonprotein-coding RNA genes. In addition, among 72,027 uniquely mapped SNPs and insertions/deletions localized within human genes, 13,215 nonsynonymous SNPs, 315 nonsense SNPs, and 452 indels occurred in coding regions. Together with 25 polymorphic microsatellite repeats present in coding regions, they may alter protein structure, causingphenotypic effects or resulting in disease. The H-InvDB platform represents a substantial contribution to resources needed for the exploration of human biology and pathology.
Demaine Erik D. Demaine Martin L. Uehara Ryuhei Uno Takeaki Uno Yushi
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (ISSN:03029743)
vol.6099, pp.133-144, 2010

UNO is one of the world-wide well-known and popular card games. We investigate UNO from the viewpoint of combinatorial algorithmic game theory by giving some simple and concise mathematical models for it. They includecooperative and uncooperative versions of UNO, for example. As a result of analyzing their computational complexities, we prove that even a single-player version of UNO is NP-complete, while it becomes in P in some restricted cases. We also show that uncooperative two-player's version is PSPACE-complete.Fun with Algorithms : 5th International Conference, FUN 2010, Ischia, Italy, June 2-4, 2010.
Raul D. Santos Thiago S. Frauches Ana P.M. Chacra
一般社団法人 日本動脈硬化学会
Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis (ISSN:13403478)
pp.31237, (Released:2015-07-21)
3 16

Familial hypercholesterolemia is a genetic disorder associated with elevated LDL-cholesterol and high lifetime cardiovascular risk. Both clinical and molecular cascade screening programs have been implemented to increase early definition and treatment. In this systematic review, we discuss the main issues found in 65 different articles related to cascade screening and familial hypercholesterolemia, covering a range of topics including different types/strategies, considerations both positive and negative regarding cascade screening in general and associated with the different strategies, cost and coverage consideration, direct and indirect contact with patients, public policy around life insurance and doctor–patient confidentiality, the “right to know,” and public health concerns regarding familial hypercholesterolemia.
D.A. Hodgson P. Convey E. Verleyen W. Vyverman S.J. McInnes C.J. Sands R. Fernandez-Carazo A. Wilmotte A. De Wever K. Peeters I. Tavernier A. Willems
Polar science (ISSN:18739652)
vol.4, no.2, pp.197-214, 2010-08

南極大陸の高緯度内陸部に位置するDufek Massifの湖沼と、そこに見られる生物を調査した。ここには二つのドライバレーがあり、地球上最南端の生物生息地となっている。優占する生物はラン藻で、その多様性は観察されてきた南極湖沼のどこよりも低い。緑藻、ケルコゾア類、バクテリアは存在するが、珪藻は風で飛ばされてきたと思われる一枚の殻が見つかっただけであった。コケ類を欠き、地衣類は一種類のみが見つかった。三種類のクマムシ、ワムシを含む後生動物は見いだされたが、節足動物と線虫は見つからなかった。これらの単純な動植物群集は、この地域のきわめて厳しい環境のために、低緯度南極に通常存在する要素のほとんどを欠く。
Munehiko Yamaguchi Hiromi Owada Udai Shimada Masahiro Sawada Takeshi Iriguchi Kate D. Musgrave Mark DeMaria
Meteorological Society of Japan
SOLA (ISSN:13496476)
vol.14, pp.138-143, 2018 (Released:2018-10-06)
1 15

This study investigates prediction of TC intensity in the western North Pacific basin using a statistical-dynamical model called the Statistical Hurricane Intensity Prediction Scheme (SHIPS), with data sources in operations at the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) such as the JMA/Global Spectral Model forecast fields. In addition to predicting the change in the maximum wind (Vmax) as in the original SHIPS technique, another version of SHIPS for predicting the change in the minimum sea-level pressure (Pmin) has been developed. With 13 years of training samples, a total of 26 predictors were selected from among 52 through stepwise regression. Based on three years of independent samples, the root mean square errors of both Vmax and Pmin by the 26-predictor SHIPS model were found to be much smaller than those of the JMA/GSM and a simple climatology and persistence intensity model, which JMA official intensity forecasts are currently mainly based on. The prediction accuracy was not sensitive to the number of predictors as long as the leading predictors were included. Benefits of operationalizing SHIPS include a reduction in the errors of the JMA official intensity forecasts and an extension of their forecast length beyond the current 3 days (e.g., 5 days).
by J.D. Denniston
Clarendon Press
Andrea Di Blasio Teresa Morano Ines Bucci Serena Di Santo Alberto D’Arielli Cristina Gonzalez Castro Lucia Cugusi Ettore Cianchetti Giorgio Napolitano
Journal of Physical Therapy Science (ISSN:09155287)
vol.28, no.10, pp.2778-2784, 2016 (Released:2016-10-28)

[Purpose] The aims of this study were to verify the effects on upper limb circumferences and total body extracellular water of 10 weeks of Nordic Walking (NW) and Walking (W), both alone and combined with a series of exercises created for breast cancer survivors, the ISA method. [Subjects and Methods] Twenty breast cancer survivors were randomly assigned to 4 different training groups and evaluated for upper limb circumferences, total body and extracellular water. [Results] The breast cancer survivors who performed NW, alone and combined with the ISA method, and Walking combined with the ISA method (but not alone) showed significantly reduced arm and forearm circumferences homolateral to the surgical intervention. [Conclusion] For breast cancer survivors, NW, alone and combined with the ISA method, and Walking combined with the ISA method should be prescribed to prevent the onset and to treat light forms of upper limb lymphedema because Walking training practiced alone had no significant effect on upper limb circumference reduction.
P Arzberger P Schroeder A Beaulieu G Bowker K Casey L Laaksonen D Moorman P Uhlir P Wouters
Data Science Journal (ISSN:16831470)
vol.3, pp.135-152, 2004 (Released:2006-01-05)
167 142

Access to and sharing of data are essential for the conduct and advancement of science. This article argues that publicly funded research data should be openly available to the maximum extent possible. To seize upon advancements of cyberinfrastructure and the explosion of data in a range of scientific disciplines, this access to and sharing of publicly funded data must be advanced within an international framework, beyond technological solutions. The authors, members of an OECD Follow-up Group, present their research findings, based closely on their report to OECD, on key issues in data access, as well as operating principles and management aspects necessary to successful data access regimes.
ハーヴェイ・ D
The Association of Japanese Geographers
Geographical review of Japan, Series B (ISSN:02896001)
vol.67, no.2, pp.126-135, 1994-12-31 (Released:2008-12-25)
12 18

地理学者は,「空間」,「場所」,「環境」のどれか1つを取り出して学問を構築しようとしてきたが,本当は3つの概念を同時に相関的に扱わねばならない。ただ本日は,このうち「空間」を中心にし,空間と時間の社会的構成について話したい。 異なる社会は各々に個別性ある時空概念を構築する。社会的構成は物質世界の外にある純粋な主観でなく,物質世界の様相において時空を理解するやり方である。時空の尺度を選択するのは自然でなく社会である。この選択は社会の作用にとり基礎的・個人にとり客観的事実で,個人がなされた選択から逃れると罰をうける。決定された時空様式は生産・消費様式や権力と結びつき,時空様式を中立とみると社会変革の可能性の否定になる。 社会変容は構成された時空の変容と結びつく。支配的社会はそれ固有の時空概念を従属的社会におしつける。ここから,時空様式の変革から社会を変革しようとする思想と行動が生まれた。時空概念は社会諸部分の相異なる目的や関心により変容し,異なる時空性は互いに葛藤する。例えば,数十年の将来を利子率だけでみる新古典派経済学者と無限の将来にわたる持続性を説く環境論者とで時空性は異なる。男女の旧い分業に基づく時空性に基づき計画された都市と,そこに住み社会で働く女性がもつ時空性とは矛盾をきたす。 空間と時間について,ニュートンの「絶対」,アインシュタインの「相対」,ライプニッツやルフェーブルの「相関」の3概念がある。「絶対」では,時空がその中で作用する過程から独立な物質的枠組とみなされる。「相対」では,依然独立とされる時空の尺度がその物的性質に応じ変化するが,時空の多元性を許容しない。これまでの議論と整合的なのは,各過程が自らの時空を生産するという「相関」である。ライプニッツは,ニュートンの同僚クラークとの論争で案出した「可能な諸世界」の考えを説いた。マルクス主義唯物論者として私はこれを世俗化し,利害と過程の多元性が諸空間の不均質性を規定し,この諸空間のなかから支配的権力がもつ利害を反映した時空が選びだされる,としたい。 この考え方は,現実における時空の多元性を強調するホワイトヘッドと共通している。彼にあって空間と時間は,異なる諸過程が関連しあって生み出される「一体性」,ならびに共存せざるを得ない諸過程の相互依存から空間と時間の共存とその統一された編成が出てくる「共成性」生成の研究により定義される。コミュニケートしあう諸過程はある支配的な空間と時間の考えを規定するから,これはコミュニケーションと類義となる。 現代社会の空間と時間についてみると,『資本の限界』で論じたように,資本主義は19世紀以来永続して革命的で,回転期間と資本流通の高速化が技術革新により達成されてきた。また,空間がコミュニケーションにとってもつ障害は.一層減少し,時間・空間の圧縮が生じた。これにより同時に,旧い時空リズムは創造的に破壊され全く新しい時空性をもった生活様式が生まれる。だが,この支配的過程がもつ効果は,場所の発展や環境利用のパターンに影響する労働市場や資本主義の経済システム内部における位置や立地などの位置性によって断片化され,時間・空間の圧縮全体の効果が断片化される。内的に整合性あるたった1つの過程が,都市人口内部などに断片化された時空性をもたらすのである。 ラディカル運動の任務の1つは,現在を変革した先にある世界がもつ時空に直面する問題に取り組み,現実的な可能性として規定することである。移りゆく時空の諸関係にそれと違う方向付けを与える課題は,今日の地理学者に避けがたく緊要である。(水岡不二雄)
S.M.D.T. ランブクピティヤ
公益社団法人 日本語教育学会
日本語教育 (ISSN:03894037)
vol.158, pp.112-130, 2014 (Released:2017-02-17)

John T. D. Caleb Dilrukshan P. Wijesinghe
Arachnological Society of Japan
Acta Arachnologica (ISSN:00015202)
vol.71, no.1, pp.13-20, 2022-06-30 (Released:2022-07-02)

The types of four Oxyopes species kept in the British Musuem (Natural History), London and the National Zoological collection, Zoological Survey of India (Kolkata) are reexamined. Three new synonyms are recognized: Oxyopes nilgiricus Sherriffs 1955 syn. nov., O. pankaji Gajbe & Gajbe 2000 syn. nov. and O. ratnae Tikader 1970 syn. nov. with O. hindostanicus Pocock 1901. The updated distribution of O. hindostanicus is mapped with records from several new localities from India and Sri Lanka.
Frederic Sinniger Ritzelle L. Albelda Rian Prasetia Héloïse Rouzé Erlangga D. Sitorus Saki Harii
The Japanese Coral Reef Society
Galaxea, Journal of Coral Reef Studies (ISSN:18830838)
pp.G2021_S11N, (Released:2021-11-19)

Coral reef ecosystems extend beyond the standard SCUBA diving depth. These ecosystems found between approximately 30 and over 150 m are referred to as mesophotic coral ecosystems (MCEs). Mesophotic coral communities have already been reported from Okinawa over 50 years ago. However, since then little additional knowledge has been obtained on the distribution and diversity of mesophotic corals in the region. Here, we provide an overview of the coral communities observed at selected sites in the region around Sesoko Island. Using photo-quadrats, we surveyed coral communities and specifically the contribution of the dominant coral genera to the total coral cover between different sites at depths ranging from 30 to 80 m. We found that deep coral communities around Sesoko Island hold a high potential biodiversity and need to be taken into account into coastal management plans.
RS Kahn D Brandt RC Whitaker 一條 智康
心身医学 (ISSN:03850307)
vol.45, no.3, 2005-03-01

母親のうつ病が子の健康にさまざまな影響を及ぼすことは知られている.母親がうつ病であると,その子には発達の遅れ,行動の問題,うつ病,喘息,外傷などが生じる可能性が高いと指摘されている.今までの研究は産後うつ病に焦点が当てられていたが,母親のうっ病が産褥期のあとにも持続すると子の健康に対する影響が大きくなることは明らかである.親の精神的健康状態がその子たちの精神的健康にどのような影響を及ぼすかについて行われた大部分の研究は,母親に焦点を当てており,父親の調査は除外されていた.著者らは,子に及ぼす両親の精神的健康状態の複合的影響をリサーチするために(具体的には,父親の精神的健康状態が子の行動および情緒の健康状態を修飾するか否かを検証するために),822人の子(3〜12歳,平均8.2歳)を含む605家族の調査データを検討した.子は全員,2人の養育者(母親と父親,または母親とそのボーイフレンド)と生活していた.親は妥当性が確認された質問表(K10)で親自身の精神的健康状態に関する症状(例えば,うつ気分,不安)を評価した.子の行動および情緒の健康状態についてはBehavior Problem Indexを用い,母親が主に評価した.その結果,精神的に不健康な2人の養育者をもつと,子の健康状態は精神的に健康な2人の養育者をもつよりも有意に不良であった.母親のみが精神的に不健康な家族では,父親の精神的健康状態のよい場合には子の情緒および行動の問題が有意に減少した.著者らは,母親の精神的健康状態がどのくらい子の健康に影響するかは父親の精神的健康状態により左右されること,すなわち,母親の精神的不健康が子の健康状態に与えるマイナスの影響は精神的健康状態のよい父親によって軽減されることを発見した.また,本研究では親の精神的健康状態に関する質問表によりうつ気分だけではなく不安も含めてチェックしたことは,先行研究にはほとんど見られなかった点であることも,著者らは記述している.結果として,臨床医,特に小児科医が患者(子)の母親のうつ気分や不安を指摘し,適切に対処する役割が特に注目される.また,子を診るときには両親との関係性の中で(両親の精神的健康状態を視野に入れて)子を評価することの重要性を改めて強調している.