Suzuki K. Barbiellini B. Orikasa Y. Go N. Sakurai H. Kaprzyk S. Itou M. Yamamoto K. Uchimoto Y. Wang Yung Jui Hafiz H. Bansil A. Sakurai Y.
American Physical Society
Physical Review Letters (ISSN:00319007)
vol.114, no.8, 2015-02-25

リチウムイオン二次電池の電池電極反応に寄与する電子軌道の解明 -マンガン酸リチウム系正電極材料設計に新たな指針-.京都大学プレスリリース. 2015-02-05.
Nakamura H. Shirakawa Y. Takahashi S. Shimizu H.
EDP Science
EPL (Europhysics Letters) (ISSN:02955075)
vol.95, no.2, 2011-07-01

産学官連携により、革新的な放射線蛍光プラスチック(商標名「シンチレックス」申請中)の開発に成功~安価で高性能な放射線検出器の製造に大きく前進~. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2011-06-29.Various scintillation devices are used in many countries and wide scientific fields. Key elements that determine the performance of a scintillation device are the number of photons emitted per incident radiation event and the emission of easy-to-measure blue photons. It is generally known that only materials with very complex compositions perform well as scintillators. However, we demonstrated that the scintillation performance of a newly developed plastic such as 100 percent pure polyethylene naphthalate exceeds that of conventional organic scintillators. By measuring the light output spectra and emission spectra of several samples, we revealed that the plastic emits a high number of photons per incident radiation event (~10500 photons/MeV), and, surprisingly, deep-blue photons (425 nm). Even though the plastic has a simple composition, it could replace the expensive organic scintillators that have been used in many applications.
Lin Chang Hamblin Milton Daniel T. Eitzman Y. Eugene Chen
Circulation Journal (ISSN:13469843)
vol.77, no.1, pp.11-18, 2013 (Released:2012-12-25)
17 63

Perivascular adipose tissue (PVAT) is the fat tissue surrounding most of the vasculature and it has long been considered solely as vessel-supporting connective tissue. There are 2 major types of adipose tissue widely distributed throughout the body: white (WAT) and brown (BAT). PVAT is similar to BAT in rodents, but it was believed that only WAT existed in adult humans and BAT was present only in infants. However, the presence of functional BAT in adult humans is now accepted. The main function of BAT is to generate heat, and it is essential for adaptive thermogenesis and energy expenditure, whereas the main function of WAT is to store lipids. Besides the different functions of WAT and BAT, growing evidence suggests that different depots of adipose tissue have different functions. Similar to other fat depots, PVAT produces various adipokines, growth factors and inhibitors that affect functions of adjacent layers of the vasculature. Pathophysiological conditions such as obesity, vascular injury, aging and infection could cause PVAT dysfunction, leading to vascular endothelial and smooth muscle cell dysfunctions. In this review, we discuss the function and dysfunction of PVAT on atherosclerosis and hypertension.  (Circ J 2013; 77: 11–18)
R. Zhang T. Hamada S. Inagi Y. Kitamoto
Journal of the Magnetics Society of Japan (ISSN:18822924)
vol.37, no.3-2, pp.303-306, 2013-05-01 (Released:2013-05-23)

Novel multifunctional superparamagnetic and optical nanohybrids are fabricated for biomedical applications. This architecture involves a silica core surrounded by a thin shell of FePt that is further covered with an outer shell of gold. Polyethyleneimine was utilized as a linker to bridge the FePt shell with the gold shell, which allowed 3-nm gold nanoparticle seeds to be loaded and a uniform gold shell to be formed. These gold and FePt doubly coated silica nanoparticles take advantage of the tunable resonance absorption in the visible and near-infrared (NIR) ranges and can be controlled by using an external magnetic field, which makes them very promising candidates for future biomedical applications.
Yoshiki Murakami Toshihito Tanahashi Rika Okada Hidenori Toyoda Takashi Kumada Masaru Enomoto Akihiro Tamori Norifumi Kawada Y-H. Taguchi Takeshi Azuma
研究報告バイオ情報学(BIO) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.2014, no.2, pp.1-5, 2014-12-11

Although microarray has been an important tool that can perform extensive gene expression analyses, next generation sequencing (NGS) has recently arisen as an alternative methodology that can measure gene expression. In this paper, we have compared microarray and NGS quantitatively using microRNA measurements in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and found that these two are coincident with each other. NGS also turned out to be used for biomarker between HCC and normal tissue if the recently proposed principal component analysis based unsupervised feature extraction was applied.Although microarray has been an important tool that can perform extensive gene expression analyses, next generation sequencing (NGS) has recently arisen as an alternative methodology that can measure gene expression. In this paper, we have compared microarray and NGS quantitatively using microRNA measurements in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and found that these two are coincident with each other. NGS also turned out to be used for biomarker between HCC and normal tissue if the recently proposed principal component analysis based unsupervised feature extraction was applied.
Koyama Katsuji Hyodo Yoshiaki Inui Tatsuya NAKAJIMA Hiroshi MATSUMOTO Hironori TSURU Takeshi Go TAKAHASHI Tadayuki MAEDA Yoshitomo YAMAZAKI Noriko Y. MURAKAMI Hiroshi YAMAUCHI Shigeo TSUBOI Yohko SENDA Atsushi KATAOKA Jun TAKAHASHI Hiromitsu HOLT Stephen S. BROWN Gregory V.
PASJ : publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan (ISSN:00046264)
vol.59, no.1, pp.S245-S255, 2007-01-31
16 129

We have observed the diffuse X-ray emission from the Galactic Center (GC) using the X-ray Imaging Spectrometer (XIS) on Suzaku. The high-energy resolution and the low-background orbit provided excellent spectra of the GC diffuse X-rays (GCDX). The XIS found many emission lines in the GCDX near the energy of K-shell transitions of iron and nickel. The most pronounced features are Fe I Kα at 6.4 keV and K-shell absorption edge at 7.1 keV, which are from neutral and/or low ionization states of iron, and the K-shell lines at 6.7 keV and 6.9 keV from He-like (Fe XXV Kα) and hydrogenic (Fe XXVI Lyα) ions of iron. In addition, Kα lines from neutral or low ionization nickel (Ni I Kα) and He-like nickel (Ni XXVII Kα), Fe I Kβ, Fe XXV Kβ, Fe XXVI Lyβ, Fe XXV Kγ and FeXXVI Lyγ were detected for the first time. The line center energies and widths of Fe XXV Kα and Fe XXVI Lyα favor a collisional excitation plasma for the origin of the GCDX. The electron temperature determined from the line flux ratio of Fe XXV Kα/Fe XXV Kβ is similar to the ionization temperature determined from that of Fe XXV Kα/Fe XXVI Lyα. Thus it would appear that the GCDX plasma is close to ionization equilibrium. The 6.7 keV flux and temperature distribution to the galactic longitude is smooth and monotonic, in contrast to the integrated point source flux distribution. These facts support the hypothesis that the GCDX is truly diffuse emission rather than the integration of the outputs of a large number of unresolved point sources. In addition, our results demonstrate that the chemical composition of Fe in the interstellar gas near the GC is constrained to be about 3.5 times solar abundance.
大泰司 紀之 呉 家炎 (W5 J) 余 王群 高 耀亭 揚 慶紅 (Y .′ Y .′ Y O) 彭 基泰 (T%.′ J) 鈴木 正嗣 武田 雅哉 小泉 透 梶 光一 常田 邦彦 高槻 成紀 三浦 慎悟 庄武 孝義 YANG Qing-hong PENG Ji-tai GAO Yao-ting WU Jia-yan YU Yu-qun

《1.形態・系統学的研究》 年齢群別に標本の記載・検討を行う目的で年齢鑑定に関する研究を行い、第1切歯および第1大臼歯のセメント質組織標本により、正確な年齢鑑定ができること、および歯の萌出・交換・磨耗等によって、およその年齢鑑定ができることが判明した。体重は、2.5カ月〜3.5カ月の子鹿7例の平均の43kg、雄の場合1.5歳約70kg、2.5歳約180kg、7〜13歳の成獣は約205kg 、雌の6〜14歳では約124kgであった。胴長の平均は、成獣雄123.8cm、肩高はそれぞれ121.5、117.3cmであった。これまでに報告のない特微として、出生直後の子鹿にはニホンジカと同様の白班があり、生後2カ月、7月中旬頃には消失するることが挙げらでる。頭骨は他のCervus属の鹿に比べて鼻部顔面の幅が広く、眼下線窩が大きく深い。これは乾燥・寒冷地への適応、草原におけるcommunicationとの関係を推測させる。大臼歯のparasrastyle、mesostyleが発達していることは、固い草本を食べる食性に適応した結果と考え得る。角は車較伏の枝分かれをし、1歳で2〜3尖、2歳で3〜4尖、3歳以上で5〜7尖になるものと推定される。以上の結果などから、クチジロジカはアカシカに似るが、ルサジカより進化したものと考えられる。《2.地理的分布および生息環境》 チベット高原東部の海抜3000mから5000mにかけての高山荒漠・高山草甸草原・高山潅木草原に分布している。分布域は北緯29〜40度、東経92〜102度の範囲で、甘粛省中央部の南部、青海省東部、四川省西部、チベット自治区東北部および雲南省北部にまたがる。分布域の年降水量は200〜700mm、年平均気温は-5〜5℃、1月の平均気温は-20〜0℃、7月の平均気温は7〜20℃の間にある。森林限界は3500〜4000m、その上は高山草原であるが、4000〜4500m付近まではヤナギ類などの潅木がまばらに生えている。《3.生態と行動など》 主要な食物は草本類(カヤツリング科・禾本科・豆科)であり、冬期にはヤナギ類などの潅木の芽も食べる。胃内容や糞分析の結果では、クチジロジカはJarmanーBellの原理によると草食(Grazer)である。出産期は5月下旬から6月で、1産1子。初産は2歳または3歳で、毎年また隔年に通常12〜14歳まで出産する。最高寿命は、自然条件下では雄で12歳前後、雌はそれより長いものと推定される。群れは最大で200頭、平均35頭。雌と子および1歳の雄も加った雌群、雄群、および発情期にみられる雌雄の混群の3つの類型に分けられる。性比は2.2、100雌当りの子の数は29頭であった。夏期は標高い高山草原で過ごし、冬期は積雪の多い高山草原を避けて潅木林へ移動する。交尾期の最盛期は10月で、11月中旬に再び雄群・雌群に分かれる。妊娠期間は220〜230日と推定される。交尾期の社会組織はハレム型と交尾群型の2つがあり、ハレム型は雌が25頭以下の時にみられ、大きな角を持つ成獣雄が1頭だけ優位雄となって加わる。雌の個体数がそれより多くなると、複数の優位雄が参加する交尾群となる。音声行動には、うなり声と優位の雄が出す咆哮とがあり、特に咆哮は4〜5音節から構成される連続声で、クチジロジカ独特のものである。《4.保護管理について》 チベット高原のクチジロジカは、ヤク・ヒツジ牧業が同高原へもたらされた2000〜3000年前から、人類の影響を受け、「チベット解放」後は、家畜と人口が増えたこと、自動車道路が発達したこと、兵站が各地に出来て、銃が多数持ち込まれたことなどの直接・間接的な影響によって、分布域・生息数ともに大きく減少した。今後は、有蹄類の保護管理に従って、地域毎の適正頭数(密度)を算定したうえで、その頭数になるまでは哺護を禁止し、一定の密度に保つ必要がある。そのような体制の出来るまでの間は、各地に保護区を設定して減少傾向を止めることが最も現実的と考えられる。
林業經濟 (ISSN:03888614)
vol.41, no.10, 1988-10-20
長谷川 信美 西脇 亜也 平田 昌彦 井戸田 幸子 飛佐 学 山本 直之 多炭 雅博 木村 李花子 宋 仁徳 李 国梅 SCHNYDER HANS 福田 明 楊 家華 郭 志宏 李 暁琴 張 涵 李 海珠 孫 軍 宋 維茹 ガマ デチン NAQASH J&K Rashid Y KUMAR Ravi AUERSWALD Karl SCHÄUFELE Rudi WENZEL Richard 梶谷 祐介 小田原 峻吾 平川 澄美 松嶺 仁宏 佐野 仁香 長谷川 岳子 坂本 信介 樫村 敦 石井 康之 森田 哲夫

Yuuichi Nakano Mitsuo Iwadate Hideaki Umeyama Y-h. Taguchi
Information and Media Technologies 編集運営会議
Information and Media Technologies (ISSN:18810896)
vol.9, no.1, pp.141-154, 2014 (Released:2014-03-15)

Type III secretion system (T3SS) effector protein is a part of bacterial secretion systems. T3SS exists in the pathogenic and symbiotic bacteria. How the T3SS effector proteins in these two classes differ from each other should be interesting. In this paper, we successfully discriminated T3SS effector proteins between plant pathogenic, animal pathogenic and plant symbiotic bacteria based on feature vectors inferred computationally by Yahara et al. only from amino acid sequences. This suggests that these three classes of bacteria employ distinct T3SS effector proteins. We also hypothesized that the feature vector proposed by Yahara et al. represents protein structure, possibly protein folds defined in Structural Classification of Proteins (SCOP) database.
Katanuma I. Sato S. Okuyama Y. Kato S. Kubota R.
American Institute of Physics
Physics of plasmas (ISSN:1070664X)
vol.20, no.11, pp.112107, 2013-11

A particle simulation of an interchange instability was performed by taking into account the ion finite Larmor radius (FLR) effects. It is found that the interchange instability with large FLR grows in two phases, that is, linearly growing phase and the nonlinear phase subsequent to the linear phase, where the instability grows exponentially in both phases. The linear growth rates observed in the simulation agree well with the theoretical calculation. The effects of FLR are usually taken in the fluid simulation through the gyroviscosity, the effects of which are verified in the particle simulation with large FLR regime. The gyroviscous cancellation phenomenon observed in the particle simulation causes the drifts in the direction of ion diamagnetic drifts.
IEEE Trans. Commun.
vol.28, no.1, pp.84-95, 1980
389 5347
Hisamitsu Akiba Y-h. Taguchi
一般社団法人 情報処理学会
IPSJ Transactions on Bioinformatics (ISSN:18826679)
vol.1, pp.35-41, 2008 (Released:2008-11-28)

The Barcode of Life (BOL) project aims to identify species with no other information than DNA sequence. We assume that BOL includes information on higher taxa. In the present study, we compute nonmetric distance from BOL barcodes by using rank order of pairwise distance for 3 distinct examples, namely, Ant Diversity in Northern Madagascar, Survey of Chelicerates, and Birds of North America. This enables us to recognize higher taxa, i.e., genus, family, and order, more easily. For example, the ratio of mean inner taxa nonmetric distance to the intertaxa distance is smaller than that for raw (metric) distance. Furthermore, for most pairs of higher taxa, the mean intertaxa distance is more than twice larger than intrataxa distances. The nonmetric multidimensional scaling method enables to discriminate higher taxa compared to tree construction by the neighbor-joining method or the maximum parsimony method with raw distance measure, when each species is embedded into more than 40 dimensional space with an accuracy of 90% even after leave-one-out-cross-validation.