雨宮 有里 関口 貴裕
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.77, no.4, pp.351-359, 2006

Involuntary recollection of autobiographical memories refers to memories of personal experiences that pop into consciousness with no preceding attempts at remembering. In a laboratory experiment, we examined the effect of emotional valence on the involuntary recollection of autobiographical memories. Participants evaluated the familiarity of four words referring to various events (cues for autobiographical recollection) and then reported whether they had unintentionally recalled past experiences during these evaluations. We manipulated the emotional valence (positive/negative) and specificity (specific/common) of the cue words. In the specific-event condition, cue words for positive events elicited more involuntary memories than those for negative events. In addition, the mean frequency of recollection was higher in the specific-event condition than that in the common-event condition. These results are consistent with studies that used diary methods, which showed a dominance of positive events in involuntary recollection of autobiographical memories.
藤井 義久
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.70, no.5, pp.417-420, 1999-12-25 (Released:2010-07-16)

The purpose of this study was to develop “Employment Anxiety Scale” to understand the structure of anxiety accompanying employment seeking. First, 30 items of anxiety related to employment seeking were collected with an open-ended questionnaire, for which 65 female students answered. In the main study, 465 female undergraduates filled out a questionnaire of the thirty items, a stress scale, and a self-report depression scale. Factor analysis found three factors for the anxiety items: employment seeking activity, vocational aptitude, and workplace. Multiple regression analysis was performed to examine the relationship between the mental-health scales and the anxiety. The dependent variables were the stress and depression scores, and the predictors the subscale scores of Employment Anxiety Scale. Results showed that anxiety accompanying employment-seeking activity was highly predictive of the mental-health scores.
水野 りか 松井 孝雄
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.89.17329, (Released:2018-07-14)

This study explored the inhibitory effects of constituent kanji characters on the semantic processing of Japanese kanji words. We used a semantic categorization task in which participants judged whether words represented human entities (human words) or not (general words). Both types of words were composed of two kanji characters, and in half of the words, the second kanji character represented a human entity (human characters), while this was not the case in the other half. The mean semantic categorization time for general words with human characters was longer than it was for the other general words. Furthermore, the mean error rate for the former was higher than was that for the latter, indicating inhibitory effects of constituent kanji characters. However, the mean semantic categorization time and mean error rates for human words did not differ between those with and without human characters, indicating no facilitatory effects. Finally, a theory of semantic processing of Japanese kanji words explaining these results is proposed.
益岡 都萌 西山 めぐみ 寺澤 孝文
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.89.17327, (Released:2018-07-14)

Many previous studies have shown that visual memory plays an important role in change detection. Nishiyama & Kawaguchi (2014) focused on the visual long-term memory that was encoded before a change detection task, and they reported that the visual long-term memory affected the change detection performance. We investigated whether those results are reproducible. Participants performed two experiments consisting of a study phase, change detection phase, and indirect recognition phase (Nishiyama & Kawaguchi, 2014). They studied pre-change images of meaningless objects in both experiments. In Experiment 1, each image was studied five times, while in Experiment 2, each image was studied either five times or one time, and the change detection performance and results of the indirect recognition task were measured. The results of both experiments revealed that visual longterm memory could be retained in detail. However, these findings differed from those of Nishiyama & Kawaguchi (2014) and indicate the need for a more solid experimental procedure to clarify the effect of visual long-term memory on change detection.
池田 慎之介 針生 悦子
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.89.16324, (Released:2018-07-14)

In speech, paralinguistic information and lexical content may convey different emotions simultaneously. To infer a speaker’s emotion from speech, adults are likely to rely on paralinguistic information, while young children tend to rely on lexical content. This tendency to rely on lexical content is called a lexical bias. The present study aims to reveal the developmental trajectory of the emotional inference of speech by testing Japanese children aged 3 to 9 years. We also examine the degree to which children override their lexical bias as they become better able to use paralinguistic information to correctly understand emotions. The results show that every year, Japanese children give more weight to paralinguistic information than to lexical content in judging a speaker’s emotion during speech. However, the results also suggest that the lexical bias cannot be sufficiently overridden by improved sophistication in emotional inference from paralinguistic information alone.
沼田 真美 Hartling Linda M. 松井 豊
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.89.16232, (Released:2018-07-14)

This research aimed to develop a Japanese version of the Humiliation Inventory (HI-J) and to examine the validity and reliability of the HI-J. In Study 1, two subscales (cumulative humiliation and fear of humiliation) from the original Humiliation Inventory were used. Next, to examine the reliability of the subscales, an α coefficient was calculated. The α coefficients indicated that each subscale was internally consistent (α = .86 and .87, respectively). Furthermore, to examine the validity of the HI-J, when calculating the correlation coefficient with the predicted related variable, it was confirmed that each subscale was positively correlated with hostility, state humiliation, state embarrassment, and state guilt. In Study 2, sufficient retest reliability was confirmed for each subordinate scale of the HI-J (rs = .68 and .70, respectively). Based on these results, the HI-J was confirmed as a valid and reliable measurement of humiliating experiences.
山崎 晃
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.89, no.2, pp.203-206, 2018-06
谷上 亜紀
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.89, no.2, pp.186-202, 2018-06
ウィワッタナーパンツウォン ジュターチップ 本多 明生 阿部 恒之
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.89, no.2, pp.179-185, 2018

<p>This study clarified some psychological mechanisms related to uncooperative decisions by considering the trends of regional differences in emotions related to reconstruction activities. We administered an internet-based questionnaire survey of 779 Japanese people from eight regions reflecting various geographical distances and levels of damage from the disaster in 2011 or previous disasters. Exploratory factor analysis results showed that eight emotional evaluations for supporters and dissenters of reconstruction activities were grouped into two common structures: positive and negative. Analysis of variance results showed that among supporters, there were no regional differences for high positive emotions or low negative emotions. For dissenters, current damage and historical damage were significantly associated with negative emotions and suppressed positive emotions. These results indicate that empathy resources such as damage from a past disaster are associated with people's emotional state or attitudes related to reconstruction activities.</p>
江利川 滋 山田 一成
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.89, no.2, pp.139-149, 2018

<p>This study examined the inhibiting factors of satisficing response on multiple-answer format (MA) in volunteer panel Web surveys. Data were based on two Web surveys in the Tokyo metropolitan area (one of 2,257 Japanese adults in March 2014, and the other of 519 Japanese adults in October 2017). The results revealed the following: (a) respondents endorsed fewer options and took less time to answer MA than forced choice format (FC); (b) an acquiescence tendency was not found for almost all the items in FC; and (c) satisficing responses were not inhibited by the number or properties of items. Results (a) and (b) suggest that MA may encourage satisficing response strategies. Furthermore, these tendencies can be seen not only in attitudinal (judgment-type) questions, but also behavioral (recall-type) questions. These results indicate the strength of satisficing response behaviors, so the use of FC is recommended in volunteer panel Web surveys.</p>
福森 崇貴 後藤 豊実 佐藤 寛
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.89, no.2, pp.150-159, 2018

<p>In this study, we developed a Japanese version of the Professional Quality of Life Scale for Nurses (ProQOL-JN). The scale was designed to evaluate the quality of life of people working as health care professionals and involves three subscales: compassion fatigue/secondary traumatic stress, compassion satisfaction, and burnout. The scale's reliability and validity were examined using data from 618 Japanese nurses. The results indicated that this scale had three component structures; furthermore, a test–retest correlation and an internal consistency indicated that the scale had high reliability. Correlations with the Impact of Event Scale-Revised, the Japanese version of the Posttraumatic Growth Inventory, and the Japanese version of the Burnout Inventory were mostly consistent with the current theory of professional quality of life, which supports the high validity of the ProQOL-JN. These results indicated that the scale has the required reliability and validity to measure nurses' quality of life.</p>
渡辺 綾子 眞鍋 えみ子 和泉 美枝 植松 紗代 田中 秀樹
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.89, no.2, pp.130-138, 2018

<p>This study investigated sleep quality, anxiety and depression variations during pregnancy (second and third trimester) to one month postpartum, as well as their relationships with each time period. A survey targeted 402 women who were pregnant or one-month postpartum using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale. The total score of PSQI, sleep duration, and habitual sleep efficiency at one month postpartum were worse than during the second and third trimesters; however, sleep disturbance scores were better at one month postpartum. There were no significant differences in anxiety and depression. The second trimester of pregnancy was related to anxiety, The total score of PSQI, and sleep quality. Anxiety was related to the presence of complications. At one month postpartum, sleep quality was related to anxiety and disturbed sleep, whereas sleep quality and difficulty staying awake during the day were related to depression. These results suggest that understanding the characteristics of women's sleep during pregnancy and postpartum period will be helpful in predicting women's anxiety and depression.</p>
岩淵 千明 田中 国夫 中里 浩明
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.53, no.1, pp.54-57, 1982
5 8

This study attempted to examine the internal structure of Snyder's Self-Monitoring (SM) scale. Factor analysis of SM scale yielded three factors: Extraversion, Other-Directedness, and Acting. In correlational analyses with other personality measures, Extraversion correlated positively with Maudsley Personality Inventory-E (MPI-E) scale and Self-Esteem scale and negatively with Social anxiety of Self-Consciousness (SC) scale. Other-Directedness correlated positively with Public Self-Consciousness of SC scale. Acting correlated positively with MPI-E scale. Extraversion factor was founded to discribe the behavior of extraverts. Other-Directedness factor was interpreted to be a concern for the appropriateness of social behavior. Acting factor was related to tactfulness and liking for speaking to and entertaining others. These three factors showed highly positive inter-correlations, and each factor had some degree of internal consistency. These findings suggested that the factorial structure of the SM scale was not unidimensional but multidimensional.
若園 隆夫
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.8, no.6, pp.907-952, 1933 (Released:2013-05-21)

Die Gestaltqualitäten. von Chr. v. Ehrenfels sind von vielen Menschen gemeint als ob sie mit den Gestaltvorstellungen von der Grazer Schule gleich ansehen können. Wertheimer, Kohler, Koffka und selbst Meinong, der der Fuhrer von der Grazer Schule ist, sehen sie für etwas solches an. Abet mir ist es sehr bedenklich, ob die Gestaltqualitäten von Ehrenfels allgemein den Gestaltvorstellungen von der Grazer Schule gleich wären. Es ist wahr, dass er von den Phänomenen ‘Relation,’ ‘Widerspruch’ und einigen. hoheren Gestaltqualitäten Vergleichung spricht, und Vergleichung ist selbständlich ohne die eigentumliche Tätigkeit des Geistes unmoglich. Aber es sheint mir, dass er sie unter dem Begriff der Gestaltqualitäten für etwas Spezifisches hält, da er sagt:“Wir gelangen somit zu dem Schluss, dass die Gestaltqualitäten ohne speziell auf sie gerichtete Tätigkeit-mit ihrer Grundlage zugleich psychisch gegeben sind.” (1)Indessen soll unsere Frage in moglichst präziser Form vorgefuhrt werden.(II) Nach der Auffassung von der Grazer Schule konnen wir bei einem Empfi ndungserlebnis dreierlei Gegenstände unterscheiden: Die Ursache der Empfindung, welche physisch ist oder wenigtens nicht psychisch sein muss, ferner die Empfindung selbst, welche ihrer Natur nach etwas psychisches ist, und endlich das, was durch die Empfindung erfasst wird und seiner Natur nach weder eine physische noch eine psychische, sondern uberhaupt seine Wirklichkeit ist, wie Farbe. Die Empfindungen sind ihrer Natur nach selbständig und das durch sie Erfasste ist auch innerlich selbständig. Es gibt ferner Gegenstände, welche ihrer Natur nach unselbständig sind, und die Vorstellungen, durch welche diejenige Gegenstände erfasst werden, sind gleichfalls innerlich unselbständig. Diese Gegenstände, die keine Iealitat haben und die daber auf unseie Sinne nicht wirken konnen, nennt man ideale Gegenstände und die Art Hires Seins im Gegensatz zur Existenz der realen Gegenstände “Bestand”. Weil nun die idealen Gegenstände in ihrem Bestand. an die Existenz von realen Gegenständen gebunden sind, kann man sic “Gegonstiinde hoherer Ordniing” oder “Superiora” nennen, wahrend diejenigen realen Gegenstände, an die sic gebunden sind, as Gegenstiinde niederer Ordnung oder “Infetiora” zu bezeichnen sind. So it die Melodie den Tonen gegenuber ein “Superiora” und die Tome sind dessen “Inferiora”.Wie bemerkt, kommt derartigen idealen Gegenständen keine Reahtatzu. Sie konnen unsere Sinne nicht affizieren. Haben wir nun trotzdem Vorstelhmgen von ihnen, so mussen sie ihre ProVenienz nicht einer Sinnesbetatigung, smdern einem anderen psychischen Geschen verdanken; indes die sinne für die den realen lnferioren zugeordneten Inhalte zn sorgen haben. Diese zum Entstehen von Superiusvorstellungen notwendige eigenartige Bearbeitung der durch Sinnesbetatigung hervorgerufenen Inferiusinhalte kann man “Produktion” nennen.(2)(III) Ehrenfels, der den Ausgangspunkt seines Aufsatzes in der Schrift vonE. Mach gebunden hat, war mit Mach der Ansicht, dass die vorstellungen von Ramn-und Tongestalten ohne unser Zutun, ohne eigens hier anf gerichtete Geistestatigkeit zustande kommen. Trotzdem sagt er auch an anderen. Orten dass wir die Vorstellumgen der Raum-und Tongestalten nicht als etwas Ferfiges von aussen empfangen, sondern dieselben durch Zusammenfassung der betreffenden Einzelempfindungen erst zu erzeugen genotigt sind.
林 創
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.73, no.2, pp.179-185, 2002-06-25 (Released:2010-07-16)

This study examined the ability in recursive thinking to solve problems. To think recursively is one of the most effective ways to break up large and complex problems into smaller ones. This study prepared two problems with the same tail recursion: The “Guess-the-Number game” and the “Hat puzzle (Wise men puzzle).” Because participants (N=35) were not familiar with recursive thinking, they learned how to think recursively in the Guess-the-Number game. Then, we tested whether they could solve the Hat puzzle recursively. The results show that two-thirds of the participants could solve the problem recursively, even if the size of the problem increased. Furthermore, their solution times had differed between correct and incorrect answers. This suggests that the difference reflected a “saving” of effort for problem solving.
笹川 果央理 中山 真孝 内田 由紀子 竹村 幸祐
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.88, no.5, pp.431-441, 2017 (Released:2017-12-25)

This study investigated the personality of employees on medical leave due to mental health disorders. Focusing on Contingencies of self-worth (CSW) as a metric of personality, we examined whether the CSW of employees on medical leave due to mental health disorders matched the perceived values of their workplace, in comparison with that of employees at work. We also examined the change of CSW before and after medical leave. Thirty-six employees on medical leave and 133 employees at work participated in this survey study. The results showed that three types of CSW (CSW for being superior, for having positive evaluation from others, for having autonomy) were higher in employees on medical leave than in employees at work. We also showed that there was a large difference between each type of CSW of employees on medical leave and the perceived values of their workplace and that all three types of CSW decreased after medical leave.
萩野谷 俊平 倉石 宏樹 花山 愛子 小林 正和 細川 豊治 杉本 貴史
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.88.16011, (Released:2017-01-14)
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Studies of geographic profiling (GP) have generally investigated the efficacy of two categories of GP strategies for predicting an offender’s base. These strategies can be classified as follows: (a) spatial distribution strategies, assessed by center of the circle hypothesis, mean center, median center, and the center of minimum distance, and (b) probability distance strategies, assessed by linear, negative exponential, logarithmic, and lognormal distributions. GP strategies were compared based on the data of 333 residential burglars who had committed at least three offenses in the Tohoku region during the years 2004-2013. Search area (total area that is searched before locating the offender’s base) was utilized as an index for accuracy measure. The results demonstrated that probability distance strategies are more accurate than spatial distribution strategies. We conclude that this is because probability distance strategies captured crime patterns of residential burglars more precisely than spatial distribution strategies.