鈴木 弘 若林 良二 武藤 憲司 島田 一雄 浅井 紀久夫 山岡 克式 近藤 喜美夫 田中 健二
研究紀要 (ISSN:03871355)
vol.38, pp.37-42, 2001-10

Several experiments on distribution of some events with satellite communications and the Iuterent have been performed in the SEKIREI hall our college. In 2000,two distribution experiments were performed. One "The Advanced Technologial Education Forum 2000" distribution experiment was held on May 26,2000. The other "8th Satellite Design Contest" distribution experiment was held on October 22,2000. In this paper we describe the outline of the systems used these two distribution experiments and the procedure of our experiments. The questionnaire investigation for all the participants was adopted to evaluate our systems. The results of the questionnaire investigation for these two experiments are presented and compared with each other.
鈴木 弘 若林 良二 武藤 憲司 島田 一雄 浅井 紀久夫 杉本 裕二 大澤 範高 近藤 喜美夫 田中 健二
研究紀要 (ISSN:03871355)
vol.37, pp.45-50, 2000-09

We have held several experiments on distribution of some events with satellite communications. We held a distribution experiment of 7th satellite design contest by transportable VSAT terminal on October 17,1999. In this paper we describe the outline of the systems of these distribution experiment and the way we did our experiments. The results of the questionnaire investigation for these experiments are presented and compared with each other.
YOSHIMITSU Masae 吉光 正絵
研究紀要 (ISSN:2432616X)
no.1, pp.145-156, 2016-12-28

In this paper, we analyzed for Chinese female fans of Mandpop. Recently Chinese women are using their power as consumers to forge the ideal male idols, called as "Little Fresh Meat", who is beautiful, understanding, and inoffensive. Some famous examples are EXO and TFBOYS, some of most popular male idol groups in the Mandarin popular music scene. Many global brands featuring these male idols have been successful in the conquest of Chinese millennials markets by social media promotions.In the first half of the paper, we will analyze the previous research on female fans of boyband, which has been called the male idol group in the West. In the second half of the paper, we analyze the results of surveys were carried out for the women to manage the online fan club. Online fan club has played a very important function in the Popular Culture.
新海 英行
研究紀要 (ISSN:13427997)
vol.38, pp.7-28, 2016-12-20

Soon after I entered the university, I joined a group which supports youth activities in local area and as a member of the group I experienced some volunteer activities. Through these experiences I recognized that people naturally thrive in school educational context as well as social context which includes families, local communities, and workplaces. Perhaps you can even argue that social context may play larger role in the formation of personality than the school education does. That is why I became interested in identifying the significance of social education, the reason why social education came into being, and the ideological as well as historical characteristics of social education. Thus, I selected social education as my major study subject. So far, I have been engaged in (1) the theoretical and political study of social education (life-long learning ), (2) the study of the modern history of social education, (3) the research of the social educational practice in the local communities of Tokai area, particularly in Aichi prefecture, (4) and the comparative study of ‘Volkshochshule’(Folk High School) in Germany with Japanese social educational institution, all of which were analized from the viewpoint of right to education. In this paper, I try to look back what I have studied so far about modern history of social education which constituted from two epochs, namely the period of 1920 years and the period between 1945 and 1952. Firstly, this study involves the ideology and policy of social education in the period between two World Wars. In particular, during the days of ‘Taishou-Democracy’, some liberal, democratic social educational ideas were glowing among several senior government officials (Kajyu Norisugi, Unosuke Kawamoto, etc) within the ministry of education under the thoughtful influence of‘New Education’ (Progressive Education) of USA. Those government officials criticized social education controlled under the nationalistic policy, and insisted that ‘Self-Learning’ ‘Educational Democracy’ and ‘Educational Autonomy’ should be established as the basic idea of social education. They also criticized the formal school system without free method of education, and proposed extension of compulsory education to be upgraded from 4 years to 6 years , the school committee to be governed by representatives of community-people, and establishment of libraryin community. Regrettably those liberal ideas about social education had disappeared before long under the nationalistic and militaristic policy. They had been unrealized until the democratic reform which happened only after the World War 2. Secondly, another study that I undertook is the analysis of social educational policy of GHQ/SCAP. CI&E. GHQ’s policy of social education was also one of occupational policies. It’s aim was Demilitarization and Democratization of Japan. In order to realize them, CI&E (represented by J.M Nelson,etc)recognizing social education so important , criticized super-military nationalism enforced by Confucianism and Shintouism, and valued positively liberal social education in the days of Taishou-Democracy. They encouraged for the Japanese government to establish ‘Kouminkan’ ( Citizen’s Public Hall ) and to enact ‘Shakaikyouikuhou’( the Law of Social Education ) based on freedom of education , right to social education and independence of social education from politics involved in the Constitution and the Fundamental Law of Education even though they were compelled by the occupational authority. Through the two above described studies I could find continuity of modern social education between social education in the period of Taisho Democracy and the one in the days soon after the World War 2.
山根 律子
研究紀要 (ISSN:13412078)
vol.4, pp.149-163, 1998-03-25

This is a follow-up study of 4 children with handicaps in both language comprehension and language production. They don't have mentally handicaps, nor have sensory handicaps. It is considered that their language handicaps are not pervasive disorder, but specific. As a result that followed the language development of 4 cases, it is suggested that 3 cases have difficulty in semantic area and one case has difficulty in phonological area. Though all cases showed the delay of verbal intelligence in the infancy, they caught up with normal range by 10 yers old. As these result, it is supported that specific language disorders wll be divided into some types. It is necessary to make preparation for intervention program corresponding to subtypes of specific language disorders.
宮谷 尚実
研究紀要 (ISSN:02885492)
vol.50, pp.193-199, 2015

In dieser Studie wird der Begriff "Schweigen" in der Abhandlung uber den Ursprung der Sprache (1772) von Johann Gottfried Herder analysiert. Drei Arten des Schweigens sind zu finden: 1) passives Schweigen zum Zuhoren, 2) aktives Schweigen zum Denken und 3) Gedankenstrich als Zeichen des Schweigens. Letzteres kommt zwar an einer entscheidenden Stelle in der Ursprungsschrift vor, wurde aber in den japanischen Ubersetzungen nicht adaquat ubersetzt. Eine Neuubersetzung, in der nicht nur die Stimme, sondern auch das Schweigen Herdes wiedergeben wird, ist deshalb notwendig.
島田 一雄 若林 良二 鈴木 弘 武藤 憲司 浅井 紀久夫 結城 皖曠 近藤 喜美夫 田中 健二 渡辺 正子 美濃 導彦
研究紀要 (ISSN:03871355)
vol.35, pp.47-69, 1998-09

現在, 国内の大学, 高専等の高等教育機関が教育・研究に利用しているディジタル衛星通信システムは, 自主的に組織されたUnSAT(University's Joint Study Group for Digital Satellite Communications)と文部省が推進しているSCS(Space Collaboration System)の2つに分けられる.本論文では, 平成9年5月と10月に航空高専で開催された「高等技術教育フォーラム'97」と「第5回衛星設計コンテスト最終審査会」をUnSATとSCSの接続により, 終日, 全国の高等教育機関に配信する実験を行った結果をまとめたものである.最初にUnSATとSCSの概要を述べ, 続いてフォーラムの内容, 予備実験と本実験について述べる.さらに, コンテストの内容ならびに配信実験について述べる.次いで, 両実験の参加者へのアンケート調査で得られた主観評価結果を示す.さらに, 1ホップと2ホップの場合の画像劣化の比較を行うために試みたフォーラムの際に得られた画像の客観評価の結果についても言及する.最後に考察を行い, 問題点の分析ならびに解決の指針を示し, 衛星通信の教育利用に対する知見を示す.
山下 剛
研究紀要 (ISSN:13427903)
vol.54, pp.231-273, 2011-02-28
研究紀要 (ISSN:13455311)
vol.12, pp.145-152, 2011-03-31

本研究は,孤独感に関する心理学的研究の現状を分析し,今後に向けての方向性を模索するものである。孤独感研究の歴史は比較的新しく,特に孤独感尺度の開発により,実証的研究が盛んになったといえる。本研究では,孤独感の定義,孤独感研究の3 つのアプローチ,孤独感尺度の特徴について概観した上で,今後の方向性にについて考察された。
久保田 真美 高山 成子
研究紀要 (ISSN:13455311)
no.18, pp.23-35, 2017-03

This study sought to better understand the daily lives of elderly with dementia living alone by illuminating their daily life experiences and thoughts through interviews with the elderly and, furthermore, by illuminating the dangers and issues ssociated with living alone through interviews with care support specialists. Qualitative and inductive analyses were conducted of semi-structured interviews with 6 elderly persons and six of their respective care support specialists. Results showed that elderly with dementia had "a strong desire to continue living alone as themselves" and that those feelings were buoyed by "pride on past self-sufficiency" and "appreciation of the people supporting me." In their daily lives, they "were aware of their memory loss, but have a positive outlook" and "despite bitter experiences, devise ways to work around them". Nevertheless, though rarely admitted by the elderly themselves, daily-life dangers such as "seen as a fire hazard by those around them" and "responsive, rather than preventative medication management due to low awareness of danger (by both elderly people and their caregivers)," were observed.本研究の目的は、独居生活をしている認知症高齢者への面接によって、彼らの日々の体験と思いを明らかにし、さらに彼らを支援する介護支援専門員の面接によって独居生活における危険の問題を明らかにすることである。6人の認知症高齢者と彼らの担当介護支援専門員6名に半構成的面接を行い、質的帰納的に分析をした。その結果、認知症高齢者は【自分らしくありたいという独居継続への強い意志】を持っており、それは、【過去の人生の誇りに支えられた自律意識】と【自分を支えてくれている人達への感謝の思い】で支えられていた。彼らは日々の生活の中で【もの忘れを自覚しながら、前向きな姿勢】を保ち、【苦い体験をしながら生活の工夫を取り入れ】ていた。その一方で、本人はあまり言わないが、【周囲が危機感を感じている火の不始末】や【(両方の)危険意識が少なく、問題発覚後に対応している内服管理】という、危機をはらむ生活上の問題がみられた。
森田 均 森田 均
研究紀要 (ISSN:18838111)
no.11, pp.193-207, 2010

The themes of this research are The Peace Ceremony and Nagasaki Kunchi Festival. Especially,this paper considers how these local events have been used as contents of TV programs.TV programs recorded with the personal computer and past newspaper articles areused for the analysis.