那須 大毅 松尾 知之
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.60, no.1, pp.303-313, 2015 (Released:2015-06-13)

The aim of the present study was to investigate the differences in kinematics between 2 types of motor strategy for expert dart throwing. We divided 8 experts into 2 groups based on the motor strategies they had demonstrated in a previous study (Nasu et al., 2014): group A were experts who had a longer time window in which a release could result in hitting the bull's eye, and group B were experts who had a shorter time window but greatly reduced their timing error. Each subject performed 60 dart throws, aiming at the center of the dart board (bull's eye). The movement of the dart, index finger, and joint motion of the upper extremity were captured using a motion capture system with 7 cameras (480 Hz, Oqus300, Qualysis Inc.). We compared the shape of the hand trajectory and joint kinematics between the groups. We found that experts in group A demonstrated a smaller shoulder angle (lower elbow height) and a larger angle of elbow flexion through forward swing than those in group B. These differences affected the time window that led to a successful throw, i.e. the time for which the mutually complementary relationship among the release parameters (especially the relationship between velocity and direction of motion) was maintained. These results may be useful as basic data to help clarify how throwing accuracy can be improved in several sports.
徳永 幹雄 橋本 公雄 千綿 俊機
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.16, no.2, pp.109-114, 1971-10-01 (Released:2017-09-27)

この研究は大学生の体格(身長,体重,ローレル指数),体力(体力診断テスト),性格(Y-G性格検査)の相互関係を明らかにするために行ない,つぎの結果を得た.1. 体格と体力の関係:体型の中間型が体力にすくれ,細長型が劣っていた.身長,体重と体力の間に有意味の関係があることが明らかになつた. 2. 性格と体格の関係: E類型に細長型が多く, Y-G得点では細長型と肥満に近い型には差はなく,中間型に比較し細長型は神経質大で,肥満に近い型は劣等感大であつた.また,外向的な学生は平均型の学生より体重が重かつた.3. 性格と体力の関係:D類型が最も体力がすくれE類型が最も体力の低い学生が多かつた.また,体力の低い学生は体力の高い学生に比較し劣等感大,神経質大,主観的,非協調的,のんきでない,服従的,社会的内向であつた.積極型の学生は消極型の学生より筋力にすくれていた.
平嶋 裕輔 浅井 武 深山 知生 中山 雅雄
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.17088, (Released:2018-04-16)

The present study was verify of reliability and validity the regression equation constructed using the game footage from the 2010 FIFA World Cup. Formulated using multivariate logistic regression analysis, this equation’s purpose was to predict the probability of a goalkeeper’s failure to stop shots at goal. The 2014 dataset consisted of 587 shots at goal from within the frames during 64 games played by 32 teams that participated in the FIFA World Cup in Brazil. The results showed that for the probability of failing to block a shot predicted by the regression equation, the two inter-rater interclass correlation coefficient was high (0.91), thus demonstrating reliability. Furthermore, when a contingency table was created with a cut-off value of 0.5, accuracy was high (85.9%); when an ROC curve was drawn and the area below the curve was measured (0.874), it was notably distinct, indicating generalizability. Therefore, the regression equation predicting the probability of failure to block a shot has high generalizability for predicting world-class goalkeepers’ probability of failure to block shots. This is considered a useful formula for evaluating goalkeepers’ blocking ability.
裵 芝允
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.17037, (Released:2018-02-15)

The purpose of this paper is to extend understanding of Richard Shusterman’s somaesthetics to Education. In order to do so, John Dewey’s pragmatism will be placed in between somaesthetics and Education. Dewey played an essential part in the development of somaesthetics――not only its genealogy but also its fundamental concepts, for instance, “body”, “practice”, and “body consciousness”. Examining Shusterman’s understanding of Dewey’s pragmatism will help to clarify the pragmatic aspects of somaesthetics. To examine the possibility of extended understanding of somaesthetics for Education, the philosophy of physical education will be considered. Somaesthetics provides pragmatic viewpoints on the philosophy of physical education. From this viewpoint, the philosophy of physical education shauld be based on live somatic experience rather than on foundationalism.
大東 実里 星野 聡子
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
vol.69, pp.102_3, 2018

<p> 「挑戦か脅威か」という認知的評価は自律神経に作用して心臓血管系応答を乱し、競技場面においてはパフォーマンスに影響を及ぼすと考えられる。スポーツパフォーマンスの予測可能性を自律神経系活動に求めることを目的として、本研究では、認知的評価と自律神経系活動の関係を心拍変動から検討する。剣道団体戦の代表戦場面というストレス事態下を想定し、等身大に提示した競技レベルの異なる対戦相手(High、Middle、Low条件)に対して有効打突を決めるイメージで対峙することを課題とした。自律神経活動は対峙5分間の心拍数および心拍変動スペクトル解析からLF成分(0.04~0.15Hz)とHF成分(0.15~0.4Hz)を、またLF/HF、LF/total、HF/totalによって評価した。その結果、相手の競技レベルが自身より高いと認知したHigh条件と低いと認知したLow条件では、自身の競技レベルと近いMiddle条件よりも交感神経活動の促進と副交感神経活動の抑制が示された。すなわち、認知的評価に伴う緊張や退屈による覚醒水準の推移に伴って、交感神経活動はU字を、副交感神経活動は逆U字を描くということが示唆された。</p>
荒木 達雄
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
vol.67, pp.62_1-62_1, 2016

<p> 内田良氏の提言で組(立)体操がクローズ・アップされ、文科省の指針発表にまで発展した。この問題は、体育の授業内ではなく「体育祭」という「スポーツ・イベント」内での事故が多発しているためである。もともとは体操領域に「組(立)体操」は位置しているわけであるが、指導要領にその種目の文言が戦後、一度明記されたのみであり、現在の「体つくり運動」でも明記されていない。また、名称の不徹底も問題となっている。それは「組立体操」、「組体操」の区別の仕方である。「組立体操」は、人間が2段、3段に積み上げて造形美を表現する「<u>静的</u>」な運動形態である。「組体操」は、2人以上で互いの力を利用し合って動く、「<u>動的</u>」な運動形態である。体育の指導者であれば、この違いを理解したうえでこれらの運動種目を指導すべきであろう。また、普段の授業内での練習した種目を厳選したうえで、体育祭での発表作品として選択すべきと考える。今回は、「組立体操」、「組体操」の目的を明確にして実践例を参加者に体験してもらい、発表作品にまで発展させていく企画である。</p>
堀江 航 田中 信行
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
vol.69, pp.293_3, 2018

<p> 本研究は、米国の障がいのあるスポーツ選手を対象にしたアンケート調査により、その健康感や幸福感などの傾向を得ることを目的にした。対象とした選手は、全米車椅子バスケットボール選手権大会(今年3月で70回)に参加した成人男子48チーム(競技レベル順にDivision Ⅰ・Ⅱ・Ⅲ(各16チーム))に所属する者であった。アンケートの配布数は412件であり、回答数は177件(回収率43.0%)であった。調査内容は、年齢、障害名、持ち点などに加え、車椅子バスケットボールの競技歴、その他のスポーツの競技歴、受障原因や受障年齢を基本情報とし、Well-Being Scale(WeBS)を用いた主観的な健康感とThe Satisfaction with Life Scale(SWLS)を用いた幸福感などであった。WeBSとSWLSは、それぞれ6件法と7件法であった。さらにチームに障がいのない者を加えることの賛否と共に自由筆記によりその意見を求めた。各項目の集計と分析結果の詳細については当日発表する。</p>
大島 雄治 藤井 範久
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.61, no.1, pp.115-131, 2016 (Released:2016-06-17)

The purpose of this study was to clarify the function of torques exerted by the joints of the lower trunk during maximal velocity sprinting. Eight male track and field athletes volunteered, and sprinted 60 m from a standing start position. The ground reaction force of the support leg was determined using a force platform (1000 Hz), which was placed at the 50-m mark from the start position. Simultaneously, 3D coordinates were recorded with a motion analysis system (250 Hz) using 20 cameras (MX-T20). The joint torques were calculated using inverse dynamics. The contribution of joint torques to the right and left hip joint forces, and the torso joint force, was calculated by a method that simultaneously solves equations of motion for each segment and equations of constraint conditions for adjacent segments connected by a joint. The main results were as follows: (1) During the terminal support phase (80-100% normalized time), the angular velocity of anterior rotation of the pelvis decreased and participants in whom this angular velocity decrease was diminished ran faster (p<0.10). (2) During terminal support, the hip joint adduction torque of the support leg and the anterior rotation torque of the torso joint rotated the pelvis forward. The moment of the right and left hip joint forces rotated the pelvis backward. (3) During terminal support, the hip joint force of the support leg was generated by its hip joint flexion and adduction torque, the hip joint extension torque of the recovery leg, and the anterior rotation torque of the torso joint. In contrast, the hip joint force of the recovery leg was generated by the hip joint flexion and adduction torque of the support leg, and the anterior rotation torque of the torso joint. (4) During terminal support, the hip joint flexion torque exerted by the support leg rotated the pelvis backward. The hip joint adduction torque of the support leg and the anterior rotation torque of the torso joint rotated the pelvis forward. Previous studies showed that the hip flexion torque drives the leg forward from the hip joint extension position. This present study has clarified that the hip joint adduction torque of the support leg and the anterior rotation torque of the torso joint nullify backward rotation of the pelvis due to the hip joint flexion torque exerted by the support leg.
伊藤 恵造 松村 和則
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.54, no.1, pp.77-88, 2009-06-30 (Released:2009-11-05)
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Much attention is now being paid to the concept of “Community”. Not only in the field of urban sociology but also in the sociology of sport, “Community” is a key concept for understanding and resolving structural problems faced by both urban and rural residents.Discussions on the “public sphere of sport”, however, have run into deadlock when dealing with certain concrete structural problems. Furthermore, sports sociologists working on how sports practice can develop in communities have never been part of cumulative discussions in the field of urban sociology.The scope of studies on “Sport and Community” should involve a time-axis (historical-cultural) perspective to counterbalance the ideal and spatial frameworks. Apart from discussion on sport in relation to “human rights” and the “public good”, we must pay much attention to sites at which sport can create a new community by contributing to the resolution of structural problems. We will then be able to enter into a discussion on the “public sphere” created by sport practices.Urban sociology in Japan acknowledges sport as a medium that gives people a chance to meet each others in an urban setting. However, it has never been acknowledged as a public benefit that can contribute to creating an “autonomous community” for urban dwellers. We in the field of sports sociology should focus on places where people have tried to create “autonomous communities” through sports practices.
木下 秀明
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.55, no.2, pp.409-440, 2010

In 1903, the Japanese Ministry of Military Affairs revised the manual of military gymnastics, the so-called <i>taiso kyohan</i>. In 1913, the Ministry of Education formulated the syllabus of gymnastics to be taught in schools, <i>gakko taiso kyojyu yomoku</i>. It has generally been considered that this syllabus was based mainly on the Swedish system of gymnastics. In the present study, I set out to clarify whether many of the gymnastic exercises performed on apparatus (except for hand-tools) as specified in the manual were designed for secondary school boys in the syllabus. The period studied was that from the time when the report <i>taiso yugi torishirabe hokoku</i>, meaning &ldquo;an investigation of gymnastics, play and games in schools&rdquo; was published in 1905 by the research committee authorized by the Ministry of Education, until the publication of the 1913 syllabus. The Ministry of Education had planned the syllabus in response to a demand from the Ministry of Military Affairs to formulate a school gymnastics program based on military lines, because the report had proposed the abolition of military gymnastics in schools. My research involved not only the use of general documents but also analysis and comparison of tables describing each phase of the exercises published in the manual, the report itself, and the syllabus, in order to verify relationships among them.<br> Based on the available materials, I concluded it was far from certain that there had been an insistence to include military gymnastics in school gymnastics, in spite of the fact that some military gymnastic exercises were listed in the report. Accordingly, the Ministry of Military Affairs had requested the Ministry of Education to devise a school gymnastics program based on military lines. &ldquo;Heaving movements&rdquo;, a component of the original Swedish gymnastics, which had been translated as <i>jyoshi no undo</i>, meaning &ldquo;arm-movements&rdquo;, was divided into two parts in the syllabus. One was <i>jyoshi no undo</i>, meaning &ldquo;arm-movements&rdquo;, except for exercises performed on apparatus, and the other was the new term, <i>kensui undo</i>, meaning &ldquo;chin-up movements&rdquo;, which literally covered a broad range of exercises including chin-ups and pull-ups on gym apparatus, because the two terms <i>kensui undo</i> and <i>cyoyaku undo</i>, meaning &ldquo;jumping and vaulting movements&rdquo;, were necessary in order for the syllabus to comply with the demand for military gymnastics. Military gymnastics was one of two main gymnastic systems in the syllabus, because the two partitions were composed of military gymnastics, as was the case for Swedish gymnastics.<br>
豊嶋 陵司 桜井 伸二
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.63, no.2, pp.479-493, 2018-12-10 (Released:2018-12-20)

This study investigated the relationships between the kinetic factor of the swing leg and step frequency (SF) and step length (SL) during the top speed phase of a sprint. Sixteen male sprinters (age 19.3±0.6 years, height 1.74±0.06 m, weight 66.1±5.2 kg) performed maximum effort 60-m sprints. Video data from the 43.5- to 50-m section of the sprint were collected using a high-speed camera (300 Hz). SF index and SL index were calculated to exclude the influence of body height on the outcomes of interest. Torque and torque power of the hip and knee joints of the right leg were calculated during the swing phase of the right leg. The time of the swing phase of the right leg was normalized so that the take-off of the right foot, touchdown of the left foot, take-off of the left foot, and touchdown of the right foot were 0%, 100%, 200%, and 300%, respectively. For every 5% of normalized time, partial correlation analysis was conducted between the right leg kinetics and SF index (controlling SL index) and SL index (controlling SF index). The SF index was associated with a large hip flexion torque and a large hip extension torque during 10–60% and 250–280% of the swing phase, respectively. Moreover, large peaks of the hip flexion torque and positive power were associated with a high SF index (r = -.718, p <0.01; r = .531, p <0.05, respectively). The SL index was associated with a hip flexion torque during 20–30% of the swing phase, although there was no significant partial correlation between the SL index and peak hip flexion torque (r = -.381, p = .161). In addition, a high SL index was associated with early appearance of the peak hip flexion torque power (r = -.759, p <0.01). In conclusion, throughout the top speed phase of a sprint, a high SF index requires a large torque and hip joint power for the leg swing over a short duration, and a high SL index requires an early increase of hip flexion torque power.
小木曽 一之 串間 敦郎 安井 年文 青山 清英
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.41, no.6, pp.449-462, 1997-03-10 (Released:2017-09-27)

The puropose of this study was twofold: (a) to investigate the pattern of change in the sprinting speed that is the final results of the sprinting movements, and (b) to find out whether the characteristics in the sprinting speed change due to the differences in age, sex, sprinting ability and training status. One-hundred thirty male and 123 female ordinary students aged 6 to 18, and 30 male and 23 female sprint runners aged 9, 10, 11 and 18 participated in this study. They were instructed to excute an exhaustive sprinting. Sprinting times ranged from about 20 to 30 sec. The elapsed times were measured every five meters in their sprinting. In the analysis, the polynomial curve fitting from 5th-degree to 9th-degree was used for the predictions of the sprinting distances with respect to the elapsed times every 0.1 sec. From the relations of the distances to times the following speeds were computed: 1) the sprinting speed that was computed by differentiating the sprinting distance, and 2) the average speed form start to the elapsed time every 0.1 sec. The sprinting speed reached the peak speed after about 6to 7 sec from start. The average speed showed the peak speed after about 15 sec from start. These characteristics with respect to time remained unchanged despite the differences in age, sex, sprinting performance and training status. The time at the maximum average speed was particularly stable. The maximum average speed was about 90% of the maximum sprinting speed. This result also remained unchanged despite the differences in age, sex, sprinting performance and training status,respectively. These results indicate that the pattern of change in the sprinting speed with respect to time is rather constant without the distinction of age, sex, sprinting performance and training status. The sprinting performance, however, improved with age and by training. This result was mostly caused by the increase of the maximum sprinting speed with age and by training. These characteristics with respect to time and speed seem to cause the differences in the sprinting distance.
蔭山 雅洋 鈴木 智晴 杉山 敬 和田 智仁 前田 明
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.60, no.1, pp.87-102, 2015 (Released:2015-06-13)
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The purpose of this study was to clarify the relationship between ball velocity and the mechanical power of the lower limbs during pitching motion in 30 collegiate baseball pitchers. 3-dimensional positions of 37 reflective markers attached to the subject were tracked by an optical motion capture system (Mac3D System) with 12 cameras. The ground-reaction forces (GRF) of the pivot and stride legs during pitching were determined using 2 multicomponent force plates. Pitching motion was assessed in terms of the joint torques, joint torque powers and work done by each of joint in the lower limbs using a three-dimensional motion system. The joint torques of the hip, knee, and ankle were calculated using inverse-dynamics computation of a musculoskeletal human model (nMotion musculous 1.51). Pitching motion was divided into 2 phases: phase 1 was defined as the time taken from the knee of the stride leg reaching maximal height (MKH, 0%time) to the stride foot making contact with the ground (SFC, 100%time), and phase 2 was defined as the time taken from SFC to the ball being released (REL, 200%time).  These studies revealed that the positive work resulting from hip abduction (r=0.401) and knee extension (r=0.355) of the pivot leg (Phase 1) was positively correlated with ball velocity (p<0.05). The positive work resulting from hip adduction (r=0.359) and knee extension (r=0.409) of the stride leg (Phase 2) was positively correlated with ball velocity (p<0.05). In addition, the pitched ball velocity was positively correlated with pivot hip abduction torque at 74–94%time, pivot hip internal rotation torque at 76–89%time, stride hip adduction torque at 96–114%time, stride hip adduction torque power at 108–114%time, stride knee extension torque at 101–131%time, stride knee extension angular velocities at 158–189%time, and stride knee extension torque power at 156–174%time (p<0.05).   These results indicate that a pitcher with high pitched ball velocity can generate hip abduction and knee extension power of the pivot leg, and that these are increased by hip abduction and hip internal rotation torque when moving the body forward before stride foot contact. In addition, it is suggested that high-ball-velocity pitchers can generate hip abduction and knee extension torque in order to stabilize the body just after stride foot contact, and that these are increased by the knee extension power for increasing trunk rotation and trunk twisting from the first half to the middle of the second phase.   Therefore, the present results indicate that pitchers with a higher ball velocity can generate greater mechanical power of the lower limbs for increasing the energy of trunk rotation and the arm.
小宮 秀明 佐々木 絵未 黒川 修行
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.61, no.1, pp.29-42, 2016 (Released:2016-06-17)

High/low alcohol tolerance is determined by genetic polymorphisms of ADH2 and ALDH2. Currently, operators conduct ethanol patch testing for assessment of alcohol tolerance in a subjective manner; therefore, the test results may vary among individuals. The present study was designed to verify the reliability of ethanol patch testing, with a focus on changes in skin color due to seasons. Two operators were assigned to perform ethanol patch tests, and alcohol-related genetic polymorphisms were evaluated to verify the results.  The study included 129 healthy students from Utsunomiya University (age range: 21-24 years). These students were selected because they met the eligibility criteria for the study (all necessary information had to be available, i.e. results for all questionnaire items and patch tests, as well as genetic analysis). Alcohol-related genes tested in this study were ADH2 and ALDH2. During the ethanol patch tests, two operators examined the subjects' cutaneous reactions immediately after lint pad had been removed from their skin, and at 10 min after removal.  Ethanol patch test to the subjects was performed twice: once in summer and once in winter. We also administered a questionnaire to assess the students' views on alcohol and drinking habits. According to the cutaneous reactions examined at 10 min, there was significant concordance between the results of ethanol patch tests and ALDH2 genetic polymorphisms. The results of the patch tests performed by the 2 operators (A and B) in summer showed that the concordance rate between the operators was 93.8% (κ coefficient: 0.889; 95% confidence interval: 0.815-0.962, p<0.001) for the cutaneous reactions at 10 min after lint pad removal. Moreover, the same operator's data showed that the concordance rate between the results of the summer and winter patch tests was 70% or higher. These findings suggest that ethanol patch testing is a reliable assay of alcohol tolerance, although the results may be influenced by seasons and individual operator subjectivity. Therefore, during ethanol patch tests, it is important to take into account test conditions such as the time of year and skin color, and to evaluate the results comprehensively.