図子 浩二 高松 薫
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.40, no.1, pp.29-39, 1995
1 6

Rebound drop jump index [RDJ_&ltindex&gt=(1/8・g・RDJt_a^2)/RDJt_c] was developed to evaluate the ability to perform the ballistic stretch. shortening cycle (SSC) movement. The RDJ_&ltindex&gt consists of ability to jump higher (RDJt_a) and that to shorten the contact time (RDJt_c) in rebound drop jump (RDJ), a typical SSC movement. The former is affected by leg strength and counter movement jump ability but the factors affecting the latter case have not yet been well established. This study examined the factors to shorten the contact time with special reference to two important views, i.e. work done by the lower limb joints and anticipation of the landing. 1. Relationships between work done by the lower limb joints and RDJ_&ltindex&gt, RDJt_c, and RDJt_a in RDJ from height of 0.3m were examined in ten college male athletes. There was a significant correlation between the ratio of negative work at the ankle to total work done by the lower limb joints and RDJ_&ltindex&gt (r=0.726, p&lt0.05), and RDJt_c (r=-0.823, p&lt0.01) but not RDJt_a (r=0.226,ns). Furthermore, there was no significant correlation between the ratio of negative work at the ankle and maximum plantar flexion strength (r=-0.329,ns). These results suggested that the rate of energy absorption at the ankle joint in former contact phase was one important factor to shorten the contact time in RDJ but not affected by plantar flexion strength. 2. RDJ_&ltindex&gt, RDJt_c and RDJt_a in two RDJs with or without visual information to inhibit temporal and spatial anticipation of landing were compared in six college male athletes. As compared without and with visual information, RDJt_c was longer, RDJt_a was shorter and RDJ_&ltindex&gt was lower, significantly. These changes were greater in subjects showing the higher RDJ_&ltindex&gt than those showing the lower RDJ_&ltindex&gt. Furthermore, changes of RDJ_&ltindex&gt, RDJt_c and RDJt_a in series of nine RDJs without visual information at thirty seconds of rest intervals were compared between subject A showing high RDJ_&ltindex&gt and subject B showing low RDJ_&ltindex&gt. RDJt_c decreased and RDJt_a increased slightly, and RDJ_&ltindex&gt increased by repeated trials even without visual information in subject A but not in subject B. These results suggested that temporal and spatial anticipation of the landing were another important factors to shorten the contact time in RDJ. These finding seemed to be beneficial for establishing strength and power training methods for jumper and ballgame players who are required ballistic stretch-shortening cycle movement.
伊藤 浩志 吉田 孝久 松本 実
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
vol.68, pp.221_2, 2017

<p> ここ数年、多くのアクティビティートラッカーが発売され、スポーツでの活動量記録が手軽に行えるようになった。しかしながら、市販のアクティビティートラッカーは、競技スポーツのトレーニング記録には機能が不十分である。競技パフォーマンス向上にはトレーニング過程の最適化が必要であり、そのためにはトレーニング手段及びトレーニング負荷の客観的な記録と評価が重要である。本研究は、トレーニング記録の簡便化を実現するために、加速度センサーデータを用いたコンピュータによるトレーニング内容の自動判別の手法について検討する。</p><p> 大学陸上競技跳躍女子選手3名を対象に、3日間4セッションのトレーニング時に手首の3軸加速度を100Hzで計測した。同時に撮影した映像からトレーニング内容を読み取り、ランニング、スプリント走、跳躍運動、ドリル運動、補強運動、ストレッチング、歩行の7種のカテゴリー情報をセンサーデータに付加し、15時間分の教師データを作成した。これらのデータを用いて7層で構成される再帰型ディープニューラルネットワークの学習を行った。その結果、センサーデータから75%の精度で運動内容を判別することが可能であった。</p>
山元 康平 宮代 賢治 内藤 景 木越 清信 谷川 聡 大山卞 圭悟 宮下 憲 尾縣 貢
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.59, no.1, pp.159-173, 2014 (Released:2014-06-13)

This study was conducted to clarify the relationship between race pattern and performance in the men's 400-m race. Using several video cameras, 154 male 400-m sprinters (45-46 s: 26, 47 s: 35, 48 s: 58, 49 s: 35) in official competitions were videotaped at a sampling rate of 59.94 Hz from the start to the finish. The split time at every 50 m from the start was calculated using the Overlay method, which analyzes the split time by superimposing an image of the 400-m race onto an image of the hurdles in a 400-m hurdle race. Each segment was defined as follows: First segment, from the start to the 100-m mark; 2nd segment, from the 100-m mark to the 200-m mark; 3rd segment, from the 200-m mark to the 300-m mark; 4th segment, from the 300-m mark to the finish. The results of regression analysis revealed significant correlations between the 400-m race time and the all of the segment times (r=0.589-0.887, p<0.001), the ratio of the time for the 3rd segment (r=0.290, p<0.001) to that of the 4th segment (r=0.218, p<0.01), the rate of change in running speed from the 1st to the 2nd segments (r=−0.317, p<0.001), and that from the 2nd to the 3rd segments (r=−0.271, p<0.01). However, the relationship between the 400-m race time and the deceleration index (the slope of the linear relationship between running speed and the number of segments from the peak running speed to the finish) was not significant (r=0.154, p=0.056). These results suggest that it is important to maintain running speed in the 2nd and 3rd 100-m segments to achieve high performance in the 400-m sprint.
岡田 桂
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.15110, (Released:2016-04-06)

This study analyzed the momentum of the (hetero) sexualization of masculinity through physical culture magazines published during the 1930s-1980s in the United States, and also examined the social conditions caused by the corresponding changes. Since Foucault suggested the “repressive hypothesis” of sexuality, it has been widely recognized that, at some moment in modern history, same sex desire was identified as an inevitable identity, rather than just a deviant act, as considered previously.  However, several recent studies have questioned this hypothesis as being oversimplified. By reviewing previous research, this study examined the momentum of segregation between hetero/homosexual desire, which was observed in the 1950s, i.e. much more recently than generally recognized, and the obvious hetero-sexualization of the masculine ideal, which occurred after the 1970s.  The method employed was to compare two major physical culture magazines. To provide a contrasting perspective with regard to different sexuality, the first (famous) physique magazine, which began to be published in 1951 for potentially homosexual customers, was adopted to comparatively and diachronically examine the representation of male figures on the cover pages. This analysis revealed the following results:  1. During the 1930s-1950s, the ideal of masculinity was not yet hetero-sexualized and exemplified a broad range of desire which was not yet segregated as hetero/homosexual.  2. During the 1950s-1960s, physical culture magazines started to exclude non-heterosexual elements from their representations because of the risk that they could be potentially interpreted as homosexual.  3. The rise of the sexual minority rights movement in and after the 1970s, and the 1980s AIDS panic promoted homosexual visibility and expedited homophobia as a form of counter-action. This advance caused rapid and obvious hetero-sexualization of mainstream physical culture media.  In conclusion, the reason for the hetero-sexualization of physical culture magazines was a reaction to the increasing presence of homosexuals. It could be said that the rise of heterosexual self-consciousness itself was, to some extent, a counter to, and paradoxically caused by the creation and increasing awareness of homosexual identity. Moreover, these changes in the masculine ideal, and especially the examples before the 1950s, suggest the possibility of an ideal masculinity shared by hetero/homosexual males, which Sedgwick (2001) suggests is a homosocial continuum—namely, homosociality without discontinuity between homosocial and homosexual desire.
岡田 康太
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
vol.68, pp.160_2, 2017

<p> 近年、広島東洋カープファンがマスコミによって報じられる機会が増えたことに疑いの余地はないだろう。これまでもカープを応援し続けてきたファンに、若年層を中心とした新規のファンが加わったことで、さらに熱狂的な応援をしている。このようなカープファンが、カープに関する知識をどの程度持っているのかを調査することは非常に興味深い。そこで本研究では、カープファンが、カープに関する知識をどの程度持っているのかを調査し、その傾向や特徴を明らかにすることを目的とした。カープファン全体においては、過去の歴史に関する内容よりも、過去から現在まで継続的に行われていることに関する内容の方が高い値を示した。しかし、過去の歴史に関する知識には個人差があり、これに精通しているファンも少なからず存在していることが明らかとなった。また、現在の事実に関する内容に対しても高い値を示した。女性ファンにおいては、過去の歴史に関する内容よりも、現在の事実に関する内容の方が高い値を示した。これらの結果から、カープは過去の歴史を中心として伝えていくことで、ファンにとってより魅力的な球団となり、ファンを維持・増加できる可能性が考えられた。</p>
高橋 幸一
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.56, no.1, pp.19-30, 2011

In recent decades, much evidence for women's sports in the ancient world has been uncovered. In ancient Greece, men concentrated on politics, wars, athletics, and the like, whereas desirable womanly qualities were considered to be beauty, modesty and obedience. Accordingly, no women's events were included in the ancient Olympic Games. It is said that married women were not allowed to be present at Olympia during the games, although unmarried women were permitted to watch the games. Except in militaristic Sparta, athletics were usually for male citizens.<br> However, in the festivals of Hera, only girls could compete in foot-races. Like the boys, Spartan girls paraded naked in the presence of the men and participated in foot-races, wrestling, discus and javelin. Tryphosa, but also her two sisters, competed in and won foot-races in several major athletic festivals, but not at Olympia. Although married women could not compete in the Olympics, they could win Olympic victories in the equestrian events. Thus it is certain that women did participate in athletics. This paper examines the participation of women in sports at the Olympic Games and the festivals of Hera.<br> Except for the priestess of Demeter Chamyne, married women were forbidden to attend the Olympics as spectators. Unmarried women and girls were also excluded from watching the games. In order to prevent bribery, trainers had to present themselves naked and undergo physical examinations. Unmarried women competed every four years in foot-races at the festivals of Hera held at Olympia. Some have suggested that the Heraian games became Panhellenic, but there is no historic evidence for this. The local festivals in which only women and girls were able to participate took place separately from the Olympics.<br> Kyniska of Sparta was the first women's Olympic victor in the four-horse chariot race. Agesilaus persuaded his sister Kyniska to enter a chariot race at Olympia and showed that Olympic chariot victories could be won by wealth and not by manly courage. However, it is certain that Kyniska was exceedingly ambitious to enter the Olympic Games, winning twice in all. However Kyniska's victories did not lead to the spreading of women's sports or to improvement of women's rights.<br>
内藤 貴司 林 聡太郎
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.63, no.1, pp.1-11, 2018-06-10 (Released:2018-06-20)

Individuals with spinal cord injury have a reduced afferent input to the thermoregulation center and lack both sweating capacity and vasomotor control below the level of the spinal cord lesion. A loss of heat loss capacity results in an excessive rise in core temperature, which in turn decreases exercise performance and increases the risk of heat-related illness. To prevent hyperthermia and improve exercise performance during exercise in hot environments, a popular strategy, body cooling, has been proposed. However, despite the interest and vast array of research into cooling strategies for able-bodied humans, less is known about the application of these cooling strategies for individuals with thermoregulatory impairment due to spinal cord injury. The purpose of this review was to investigate effective cooling strategies for attenuating the increase in body temperature in humans with spinal cord injury exercising in a hot environment. Cooling strategies for individuals with spinal cord injury involve external cooling such as water immersion and use of sprays, and cooling garments and internal cooling by ingestion of cold fluid. We addressed the practical issues associated with each of these methods. We concluded from our review that external cooling has been criticized for its impracticality during sporting competitions, although water immersion and the application of cooling garments do reduce the core temperature in individuals with spinal cord injury. However, ice ingestion has recently received considerable interest in studies of able-bodied humans. Therefore, we propose that ice ingestion could be an effective strategy for individuals with spinal cord injury.
高橋 仁大 前田 明 西薗 秀嗣 倉田 博
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.51, no.1, pp.61-69, 2006 (Released:2008-01-25)
1 2 1

Tennis has a peculiar scoring system. The purpose of this study was clarify the importance of counting one game in tennis matches by studying data from actual games, comprising 42 men's singles matches (907 games) during the Kyushu collegiate tennis championships held in 1997 and 1998. The main criterion for the analysis was the relationship between point-winning at each score and game-winning. It was found that (1) the rate of point-winning by game-winning players was 67.0%, and that the rate of point-winning by opponents was 33.0%. The game-winning players obtained 2/3 of all points. Furthermore (2), the rate of point-winning by players with a leading score was comparatively high at the time of either leading, such as in an up count or a down count, as well as when there was a difference in points at game-point. In particular, the rate of point-winning by game-winning players was significantly high on 0-15 and 15-30. (3) At scores of 30-30 and deuce (i.e. even count), the rate of point-winning by game-winning players was significantly high. These scores led an even count to game-point. These scores also showed a high frequency, and were the key to winning the game. These results suggest that scores of 30-30 and deuce are keys to game-winning, when gaining one point can lead to victory.
金森 史枝
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
日本体育学会大会予稿集 第68回(2017) (ISSN:24241946)
pp.83_3, 2017 (Released:2018-02-15)

豊嶋 陵司 田内 健二 遠藤 俊典 礒 繁雄 桜井 伸二
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.14062, (Released:2015-04-30)
3 3

The purpose of this study was to clarify the biomechanical factors that influence intra-individual variations in step frequency (SF) and length (SL) during sprint running. One male sprinter participated as a study subject, and performed a 60-m sprint at maximal effort. Experiments were conducted 5 times, with a total number of 14 trials. The ground reaction force and positions of markers attached to the joints were recorded using force plates and a motion capture system. Trials were divided into SF type and SL type depending on the SF/SL ratio, and the kinematic variables and ground reaction force were compared. The main results were as follows.   1)  There were no significant differences in sprint velocity and stance time between the SF type and the SL type.   2)  The flight time of the SL type was longer than that of the SF type.   3)  Vertical components of the ground reaction force and impulse during the stance phase were larger for the SL type than for the SF type.   4)  The thigh angle of the swing leg was larger for the SL type than for the SF type during almost all phases.   5)  The hip joint of the swing leg was flexed to a greater degree during the stance phase and first half of the flight phase for the SL type than for the SF type.   6)  There were no marked differences in the segment and joint angular velocities between the SF type and the SL type.   These results indicate that changes in step frequency and step length with flight time are due to an increase or decrease of vertical impulse. Moreover, it was revealed that vertical impulse is influenced by the thigh angle of the swing leg during the stance phase, rather than by the angular velocity of the swing leg.
伊藤 詩織 佐々木 万丈 北村 勝朗
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
日本体育学会大会予稿集 第67回(2016) (ISSN:24241946)
pp.127_1, 2016 (Released:2017-02-24)

高水 あゆみ
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
vol.67, pp.103_1-103_1, 2016

<p> 近年、例えば「ハロウィンの仮装」のように、「仮装」という行為を集合的に行い楽しむ現象が見られるようになってきている。スポーツの場においても「仮装」は多く見られ、社会現象となっている。東京マラソンでは様々な仮装をして走るランナーが世間を賑わした。このような、衣装や化粧等によって身体加工を行い、普段の自分とは別の姿へと変身する「仮装」という行為はどのような行為であるのか。中でも、スポーツの場に現れた「仮装」とはどのような行為であるのか。この問いには、「仮装」に関する議論を整理し、「仮装」という行為を、身体との関係からより丁寧に読み解くことが必要である。そこで本研究では、これまでの「仮装」の議論を整理し、マラソンにおける「仮装」に着目して、スポーツの場に現れた「仮装」とはどのような行為であるのか明らかにすることを目的とする。</p>