兄井 彰
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
日本体育学会大会予稿集 第70回(2019) (ISSN:24241946)
pp.126_1, 2019 (Released:2019-12-20)

中谷 敏昭 灘本 雅一 三村 寛一 伊藤 稔
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.47, no.5, pp.451-461, 2002-09-10 (Released:2017-09-27)
32 46

本研究では,60歳以上の健康な日本人高齢男女の下肢筋力をフィールド場面で簡便に評価できるテストとしてCS-30テストの信頼性と妥当性およびその加齢変化を検討するとともに,性別年齢階級別評価表を作成することを目的とした. 1)CS-30テストの信頼性(再現性)は男性がγ=0.84,女性がγ=0.88と高い相関関係を示した. 2)CS-30テスト成績と膝伸展力との間に男性はγ=0.44,女性はγ=0.52の有意な相関関係が認められた. 3)CS-30テストの成績は加齢にともなって有意に低下する傾向を示した.その成績は男女ともに60-64歳群が最も高値を示し,70歳以降その値は有意に低下した. 4)各年齢群ともに男性の方が女性よりやや高い値を示したが,男女差は認められなかった. 5)5歳毎の各年齢群におけるCS-30テストの成績は,男女ともに正規分布することが認められた.以上のことから,本研究のCS-30テストは健康な日本人高齢者を対象とした下肢筋力をフィールドで簡便に評価するテストとしては有効であると考えられる.
岡田 桂
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.61, no.1, pp.197-216, 2016 (Released:2016-06-17)

This study analyzed the momentum of the (hetero) sexualization of masculinity through physical culture magazines published during the 1930s-1980s in the United States, and also examined the social conditions caused by the corresponding changes. Since Foucault suggested the “repressive hypothesis” of sexuality, it has been widely recognized that, at some moment in modern history, same sex desire was identified as an inevitable identity, rather than just a deviant act, as considered previously.  However, several recent studies have questioned this hypothesis as being oversimplified. By reviewing previous research, this study examined the momentum of segregation between hetero/homosexual desire, which was observed in the 1950s, i.e. much more recently than generally recognized, and the obvious hetero-sexualization of the masculine ideal, which occurred after the 1970s.  The method employed was to compare 2 major physical culture magazines. To provide a contrasting perspective with regard to different sexuality, the first (famous) physique magazine, which began to be published in 1951 for potentially homosexual customers, was adopted to comparatively and diachronically examine the representation of male figures on the cover pages. This analysis revealed the following results:  1. During the 1930s-1950s, the ideal of masculinity was not yet hetero-sexualized and exemplified a broad range of desire which was not yet segregated as hetero/homosexual.  2. During the 1950s-1960s, physical culture magazines started to exclude non-heterosexual elements from their representations because of the risk that they could be potentially interpreted as homosexual.  3. The rise of the sexual minority rights movement in and after the 1970s, and the 1980s AIDS panic promoted homosexual visibility and expedited homophobia as a form of counter-action. This advance caused rapid and obvious hetero-sexualization of mainstream physical culture media.  In conclusion, the reason for the hetero-sexualization of physical culture magazines was a reaction to the increasing presence of homosexuals. It could be said that the rise of heterosexual self-consciousness itself was, to some extent, a counter to, and paradoxically caused by the creation and increasing awareness of homosexual identity. Moreover, these changes in the masculine ideal, and especially the examples before the 1950s, suggest the possibility of an ideal masculinity shared by hetero/homosexual males, which Sedgwick (1985) suggests is a homosocial continuum—namely, homosociality without discontinuity between homosocial and homosexual desire.
宮原 祥吾 原田 健次 新海 陽平 稲葉 泰嗣 荒牧 勇
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
日本体育学会大会予稿集 第68回(2017) (ISSN:24241946)
pp.111_1, 2017 (Released:2018-02-15)

近年、脳の局所的な構造が運動・認知スキルと関連するという報告が相次いでいるが、スポーツ選手を対象とした報告は少ない。そこで本研究は、野球熟練者の投球コントロール能力と関連する脳部位の構造的特徴を明らかにすることを目的とした。C大学野球部のピッチャー9名(右利き)に対し、的の中心点を狙った右投げ投球、左投げ投球をそれぞれ30球ずつ行わせた。それぞれの条件について的中心からの平均距離を計算した。すべての被験者のT1強調MRI脳画像を計測し、Voxel Based Morphometry解析により、それぞれの投球条件において、的中心からの距離と脳灰白質容積の相関のある脳部位を同定した。その結果、いずれの条件においても、的中心からの平均距離と右頭頂葉の灰白質容積に有意な正の相関関係が認められた。頭頂葉は、空間的な運動制御に重要な役割を果たす脳部位であり、投球コントロール能力に頭頂葉の構造的発達が重要であることが示唆された。
浅井 武 瀬尾 和哉 小林 修
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.52, no.1, pp.29-38, 2007-01-10 (Released:2007-04-19)
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When the boundary layer of a sports ball undergoes the transition from laminar to turbulent flow, a drag crisis occurs whereby the drag coefficient (Cd) rapidly decreases. However, the aerodynamic properties and boundary-layer dynamics of a soccer ball are not well understood. Here we showed that the critical Reynolds number (Recrit) of a soccer ball was 2.2 - 3.0 × 105. Wind-tunnel testing, along with visualization of the dynamics of the boundary layer and the trailing vortex of a ball in flight clearly demonstrated that both non-spinning and spinning curved balls had low Cd values in the supercritical region. We also showed that the Recrit of a soccer ball was lower than that (approximately 3.5 - 4 × 105) of a smooth sphere, due to the effects of its panels; this indicated that the aerodynamic properties of a soccer ball were between those of a smooth ball and a golf ball. Lateral images taken during high-speed kicking of a spinning curve ball (26 m/s; 8 rps) revealed that the separation point was approximately 120° from the front-stagnation point. In addition, the boundary layer between the top and bottom surfaces of the ball became turbulent. Top-view images taken during curved kicking (27 m/s; 7 rps) showed vortex deflection due to the effects of a relative difference in fluid speed caused by the spinning. The curvature of the ball was largely attributed to a lateral force generated by vortex counteraction. However, although the separation point showed left-right asymmetry in relation to the direction of travel (top-bottom symmetry on the images), it was approximately 116° from the front-stagnation point, which was similar to the separation angle during high-speed kicking of a non-spinning ball. In addition, the boundary layer became turbulent and the vortex region shrank during high-speed kicking of a spinning ball.
釜崎 太
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.55, no.2, pp.481-498, 2010

This study focuses on the early theory of play in the school (<i>&ldquo;Schulspiele&rdquo;-Theorie</i>) of Konrad Koch, who advocated his &ldquo;play movement&rdquo; (<i>Spielbewegung</i>) at the Martino-Katharineum gymnasium in Braunschweig at the end of the 19<sup>th</sup> century.<br> According to Koch's <i>&ldquo;Schulspiele&rdquo;-Theorie</i>, sports education shows isolated pupils how to conform to norms on their own initiative, i.e. following rules and norms as a requirement in sports, and also improves self-discipline. However, at least at the inception of the thesis of play in the school (<i>&ldquo;Schulspiele&rdquo;-Thesis</i>) written in 1878, the school was placed as an associate between &ldquo;home and family&rdquo; and &ldquo;nation&rdquo;, where not only &ldquo;lessons&rdquo; were required, but inside the free gymnastic group (<i>freie Turnerschaft</i>) a community was to be built on the basis of an independent connection between teachers and students, as well as amongst the students themselves. The ideal form for this formatted collective was not further defined by Koch, who did not intend to have this collective focusing on &ldquo;nation&rdquo;, but rather aimed to build this on the basis of a civil collective. Although at this time Turnern idolized anti-foreign nationalism, Koch admired the significance of the English style of sports education. One can say that the <i>&ldquo;Schulspiele&rdquo;-Theorie</i> based on a civil collective had aims that were quite different from gymnastics in school (<i>Schulturnen</i>) that valued nationalism.<br> Nevertheless, by the turn of the century, Koch had also published an extremely militaristic thesis. At this time, the collective building based on play in the school (<i>Schulspiele</i>) was to be described as something that was clearly dependent on the &ldquo;nation&rdquo;. Future issues will focus on how and in which way Koch's <i>&ldquo;Schulspiele&rdquo;-Theorie</i> subsequently found its way into forms of authority in modern nations.<br>
阿江 数通 小池 関也 川村 卓
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.59, no.2, pp.431-452, 2014 (Released:2014-12-20)
2 3

The purpose of this study was to clarify the kinetic features of the upper limbs at different hitting-point heights (high, middle, and low) during baseball tee-batting. Twenty-three collegiate male baseball players (age: 19.8±1.3 yr, height: 1.74±0.04 m, weight: 74.1±6.2 kg, athletic career: 12.0±2.1 yr) participated. Three-dimensional coordinate data were captured using a VICON-MX system (12-camera, 250 Hz), and kinetic data for each hand were collected using an instrumented bat equipped with 28 strain gauges (1000 Hz). Three tee-batting heights were set for each subject based on the upper and lower limits of the strike zone according to the rules of baseball. Kinetic variables for the upper limbs, such as joint torque, joint torque power, and mechanical work, were calculated. The period of forward swing motion was divided into down-swing and level-swing phases. The results are summarized as follows: 1) The extension torque and positive torque power at each individual shoulder joint were significantly greater at the low hitting-point height than at other heights. 2) The positive torque power for extension torque at each individual elbow joint in the last half of the down-swing phase was significantly greater at the low hitting-point height than at other heights. 3) Negative power for adduction/abduction torque at each individual shoulder joint in the level-swing phase was observed at the low hitting-point height. 4) The mechanical work done by joint torque about the flexion/extension and adduction/abduction axes at the shoulder, the flexion/extension axis at the elbow, and the palmar/dorsal flexion and radial/ulnar flexion axes at the wrist showed large and positive values, and differed significantly among hitting-point heights. These results indicate that 1) the flexion/extension torque at each individual shoulder joint contributes greatly to adjustment of the translational movement of the bat in the vertical direction during the down-swing phase, 2) the adduction/abduction torque at each individual shoulder joint exerts a larger proportion of the longitudinal force of the bat to withstand centrifugal force at a low hitting-point height than at other heights in the level swing phase, and 3) consequently, it tends to be more difficult to adjust the bat to the hitting-point at a low height in comparison with other heights.
大峰 光博
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.15109, (Released:2016-09-29)

The purpose of this study was to analyze problems related to the mechanism whereby students can accept corporal punishment during extracurricular sports activities with reference to the books Escape from Freedom and Man for Himself that were central to Erich Fromm's authority theory. Specifically, the author focused on the concepts of “authoritarian character,” “authoritarian ethics,” and “authoritarian conscience.” Fromm pointed out that anxiety prompted Germany's citizens to give up their freedom in order to obey authoritarian powers such as Hitler and the Nazis.  Students taking part in extracurricular sports activities were considered from the viewpoint of Fromm's authority theory. It was revealed that students comply with a leader's authority in order to relieve anxiety, and have positive thoughts about corporal punishment. Furthermore, it was found that such acceptance of corporal punishment succeeded in eliminating conspicuous suffering, but not in removing any underlying conflicts.  Fromm pointed that fear of anxiety was relieved by spontaneous activity. To achieve spontaneous activity by students, it was suggested that some form of measure that does not create the type of partnership that occurred between Germany's citizens and Hitler would be desirable for any relationship between the leader of extracurricular sports activities and the students.
千葉 直樹
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
vol.67, pp.98_1, 2016

<p> 本研究では、2012年の「体罰」事件以降の時期に焦点を絞り、高校のバスケットボール指導者の暴力行為の実態を明らかにすることを目的にする。2015年の高等学校総合選手権大会でベスト32以上に進出した19都道府県の指導者を対象に、2016年3月に郵送調査を行った。回答者の40.1%は、選手時代に指導者からの暴力行為を受けていた。22.1%の指導者が「体罰」事件以前に暴力行為を選手に行ったことがあると回答した。一方で、2013年1月以降の時期では、5.8%の指導者が暴力行為を行っていた。この結果から、「体罰」事件以降に、暴力行為を行うバスケットボール指導者の数が少なくなったと考えられる。しかし、暴力行為の範囲を「ボールを投げつける」、罰走、暴言という項目まで拡大すると、28.8%まで暴力行為を行った指導者の比率は高くなった。以上の結果から、「拳で殴る」や「平手打ち」等の暴力行為は少なくなった一方で、暴言や身体的な苦痛を伴う懲戒などは依然として一部の高校バスケ部で行われていることが示唆された。さらに、先行研究の指摘通りに、暴力指導を受けた指導者ほど、選手に暴力行為を行う傾向が確認された。</p>
橋爪 和夫 山地 啓司
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
vol.70, pp.297_1, 2019

<p> 【目的】本研究は、体育科で学習される運動技術の確かな定着が児童の運動有能感を育むという仮説を検証することである。【方法】2016年度から3年間富山県K小学校に在籍する全児童を調査し3年間の縦断的データを解析した。新体力テストの合計点と岡澤らによる運動有能感の合計点が3年間学年の平均値以下で、かつ、「逆上がりができる・練習すればできる、練習してもできない」という調査に「練習してもできない」と回答し続けた児童を抽出した。小学校教員を志望している大学4年生を1人、抽出した3年生の児童5人と5年生の児童4人の正課体育学習支援者として学校長の許可を得て体育科の授業に参加させた。【結果】体育学習支援者は、抽出児童を専属的に支援するのではなくて、児童全員に対する学習支援者として授業に参画した。そのために抽出児童に対しては、十分な技能獲得の成果をあげるまでには至らなかった。【考察】調査対象者の観察と学習支援の記録から、体力と運動有能感に継続的な悪化傾向を示す児童には、運動学習支援者が必要であることが示唆された。また、体力の向上に関する支援は困難であるが運動有能感を向上させるための支援の可能性が示唆された。</p>
小田 伸午 森谷 敏夫 田口 貞善 松本 珠希 見正 冨美子
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.36, no.3, pp.255-262, 1991-12-01 (Released:2017-09-27)
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The purpose of this study was to investigate tee-batting skills in relation to ground reaction forces. Eithteen batters tried seven swings on the force platform recording three-dimensional kinetic data. A video camera (60 fps) was used to measure ball velocity and swing velocity. The following results were obtnined. 1) A statistically significant correlation was observed between the swing velocity and the swing time. 2 Statistically significant correlations were observed between the swing velocity and the anteroposterior forces during backward swing phase, the mean power calculated from the anteroposterior force during forward swing phase. 3) Statistically significant correlations were obtained betwben the swing velocity, the ball velocity and the mediolateral distance of the CG of the body from the starting position during backward swing phase. 4) The swing velocity and the ball velocity significantly correlated with the mediolateral distance of the CG of the body between the starting phase and the impact phase. 5) Coefficient of variations (cv) of the vertical forces during backward swing phase and the mean power calculated from the vertical force significantly correlated with cv of the swing velocity. CV of the vertical power of the CG of the body significantly correlated with cv of the ball velocity. These findings suggest that the batter should move the body toward the opposite side of the ball and the anterior direction just before the starting phase of the forward swing to obtain the high swing velocity. The result also suggests that the batter should control the vertical movement during backward and forward swing to obtain the high reproducibility of batting.
福田 将史
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
vol.68, pp.106_2-106_2, 2017

<p> 現在、全日本大学野球連盟に所属する26連盟の公式戦においては春季リーグ戦、秋季リーグ戦ともに勝ち点制を採用している連盟がほとんどである。勝ち点制とは、同一カードで先に2勝した方が勝ち点1を獲得する方式である。筆者は、野球の試合において、先に得点したチームの勝率について、高校野球(2009)、学童野球(2012)、社会人野球(2014)で7割以上の勝率であることを報告した。大学野球における勝ち点制においても、先勝したチームが勝ち点を獲得するのに有利になるのではないかと考えた。</p><p> 本研究では、大学野球の勝ち点制で先勝した場合の勝率について分析した結果について報告する。対象は、全日本大学野球連盟に所属する18連盟で、2005年から2015年の10年間の春季リーグ戦と秋季リーグ戦について分析した。その結果、春季リーグ戦、秋季リーグ戦ともに7割以上の勝率であることが明らかになった。</p>
長谷川 伸
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
vol.68, pp.154_2-154_2, 2017

<p> 本研究では投球速度の異なる野球投手の筋厚を比較し、高い投球速度を示す投手の形態的特徴を明らかにすることを目的とした。2016、2017年の春季オープン戦に登板した投手を対象に全投球の球速上位20%の平均値を算出し、140km/h以上を高速群(n=7)、130km/h未満を低速群(n=9)として抽出した。筋厚測定には超音波診断装置を使用した。撮像部位は両側の前腕部、上腕部(前・後部)、胸部、腹部、側腹部、肩甲棘部(上・下部)、肩甲骨内側部・肩甲下部、腰部、臀部(後・側部)、大腿部(前・後部)、下腿部(前・後部)であり、これらの17部位より29筋を測定の対象とした。部位別の比較において高速群では投球側の前腕部、腰部、臀部、大腿後部、下腿後部、非投球側の腹部、側腹部、大腿前部、臀部、大腿後部、下腿後部において低速群よりも高い筋厚を示した。また、筋別の比較において高速群は投球側の脊柱起立筋、大殿筋、大腿二頭筋、腓腹筋、非投球側の腹直筋、内腹斜筋、脊柱起立筋、大腿二頭筋において低速群よりも高い筋厚を示した。これら結果より投球速度の高速群では体幹、下肢筋群の発達が顕著であることが示唆された。</p>