村田 宗紀 藤井 範久
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.59, no.2, pp.413-430, 2014 (Released:2014-12-20)
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between motion and ball spin in tennis serves. Ten male university tennis players participated. The three-dimensional coordinates of the players performing flat, kick and slice serves were collected using a motion capture system with 8 cameras (250 Hz). Similarly, the three-dimensional coordinates of reflective markers on the ball were also collected (500 Hz). The primary variables computed were: racquet face velocity and direction at impact, velocity and angular velocity of the ball after impact, hitting point, angles of the upper limb joints, and segment angles of the upper trunk. The differences in racquet face velocity among flat, kick, and slice serves were divided into the following terms: 1) ΔVposture: A difference in velocity resulting from a change in upper trunk posture, 2) ΔVswing: A difference in velocity resulting from a change in arm swing (kinematics of the upper limb), 3) ΔVutrk: A difference in velocity resulting from a change in upper trunk translational and rotational motion. Repeated measures ANOVA (p<0.05) with Bonferroni multiple comparison was used to evaluate the effects of changes in form (with differences in ball spin) on each parameter. The findings are summarized as follows.1)  The impact point and swing direction were mainly controlled not by a change in arm swing motion, but by a change in upper body posture.2)  To generate ball spin, it is necessary to avoid a head-on collision between the ball and the racquet (a normal vector of the racquet face is parallel to the racquet face velocity vector). Therefore, players decreased the amount of upper trunk leftward rotation in kick and slice serves at the point of impact so as to swing the racquet more laterally.3)  It is necessary to swing the racquet more vertically in order to lean the rotation axis of the ball. Therefore, players controlled the upper trunk leftward-rightward and forward-backward leaning in a kick serve at the point of impact.4)  Changes in upper body posture cause changes in the direction the racquet faces. Therefore, players mainly controlled their elbow pronation-supination angle in order to maintain a racquet face direction that satisfies a legal serve.
後藤 一成 崔 鳥淵 大山 卞 圭悟 高松 薫
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.48, no.4, pp.383-393, 2003-07-10 (Released:2017-09-27)

本研究では,レジスタンス運動における代表的な負荷方法であるStrength-up type(S-type)の運動とBulk-up type(B-type)の運動と負荷特性の相違を,動作中の筋放電量(実験A)と運動後の成長ホルモンの分泌量(実験B)の両面から検討することを目的とした。実験A,Bともに,被験者には健常な一般成人男性8名を用い,S-typeの運動とB-typeの運動をそれぞれ異なる日に行わせた。運動には,実験Aでは片脚による膝伸展運動を,実験Bでは両脚による膝伸展運動を用いた。実験A,Bともに,S-typeの運動においては1RMの90%の負荷を,セット間に3分間の休息をはさんで5セット行わせた。これに対して,B-typeの運動においては,1-3セットは1RMの80,60,40%,4-6セットは70,50,40%,7-9セットの間には30秒間,3-4,6-7セットの間には3分間の休息をはさんで,合計9セット行わせた。両運動ともに,いずれのセットにおいても動作は可能な限り反復させた。主な結果は以下の通りである。(1)各セットにおける反復回数は,S-typeの運動では3-8回の範囲にあったが,B-typeの運動では8-24回の範囲にあった(実験A,実験B)。(2)各セットにおける大腿直筋,外側広筋,内側広筋の%mEMGを平均化した値は,S-typeの運動では等尺性最大筋力発揮時の値とほぼ同様の水準が維持されていたのに対して,B-typeの運動では,3セットごとにみるとセット数が進むにつれてて低下したが,9セット全体でみると徐々に増加する傾向が認められた(実験A)。(3)各セットにおけるFmeam/%mEMGは,s-typeの運動ではいずれのセットにおいても一定の水準が維持されていたのに対して,B-typeの運動ではセット数が進むにつれて大きく低下する傾向が認められた。(4)運動後の血清成長ホルモン濃度は,B-typeの運動がS-typeの運動に比較して著しく上昇し,両運動間には運動後のいずれの時間においても有意差が認められた(実験B)。また,血中乳酸濃度も,B-typeの運動がS-typeの運動に比較して高値を示した(実験A,実験B)。(5)運動後における大腿囲の増加率は,B-typeの運動がS-typeの運動に比較して有意に高値を示した(実験A,実験B)。(6)運動後におけるMVCおよびMRFDの減少率は,いずれもB-typeの運動がS-typeの運動に比較して有意に高値を示した(実験B)。上述の結果は,S-typeの運動とB-typeの運動における負荷特性には,神経系の改善と筋肥大に関連した要因から見てきわめて大きな相違があること,およびこれらの相違が両運動のトレーニング効果の差に影響を及ぼす可能性があることを示唆するものである。
吉田 拓矢 松島 一司 林 陵平 図子 あまね 苅山 靖
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.17129, (Released:2018-08-06)

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the multistep drop jump (DJ) test in elite jumpers according to changes in test performance, ground reaction force, and lower limb joint kinetics with changes in drop height. Male jumpers (n=10) performed a DJ from 4 drop heights (0.3, 0.6, 0.9, and 1.2 m). The DJ-index was calculated by dividing the jump height by the contact time. The rate of change of the DJ-index (a/b) was the slope/intercept of the regression line (Y = aX+ b) derived from 4 values of the DJ-index for each subject. Jump motions in the sagittal plane and ground reaction force data were recorded using a high-speed camera and force platform, respectively. The DJ-index was lower at 1.2 m than at other drop heights. The contact time increased along with the drop height. There was no significant difference in jump height between the drop heights. The amount of negative work by 3 lower extremity joints increased with increasing drop height. The jump events performance (IAAF Score) and DJ-index at each drop height only showed a significant correlation at 1.2 m. The correlation between IAAF score and a/b was significant between these variables. According to individual characteristics, increased drop heights were associated with different patterns of change in the DJ index. Therefore, subjects were grouped according to characteristics using a/b as an index. Sub.A, who had the highest jump-event performance in the study, had participated in international meetings, and had won a medal at the World Junior Championships. The DJ-index for this subject at 0.3 m was close to the mean value, but at 1.2 m was highest among all the subjects. In contrast, the DJ-index for Sub.C at 0.3 m was highest among the subjects. However, the DJ-index decreased greatly with an increase from 0.3 m to 1.2 m. Therefore, to evaluate the performance of jumpers, it is important to use a varied range of heights, including a higher drop height (approximately 1.2 m), focusing on the rate of change with increasing drop height.
金堀 哲也 岡本 嘉一 小倉 圭 前原 淳 島田 一志
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
vol.68, pp.217_2, 2017

<p> 成長期の野球選手における野球肘の有病率は非常に高く、野球肘の早期発見および予防の重要性が提言されている。野球肘の発症要因には酷使をはじめとして、ポジションや投球動作など、様々な要因が複雑に絡み合っている。Okamoto et al.(2016)は、学童期野球選手を対象にMRI診断を行った結果、41.9%に異常所見がみられたものの、投球数、投球頻度、ポジションとの関係性はなかったと報告している。すなわち、野球肘の発症要因において、投球動作との関連性は少なくないと考えられる。そこで本研究は、肩・肘に痛みのない学童期野球選手60名を対象に、肘関節MRI診断および投球動作の3次元動作解析を併用することで、MRI診断結果と投球動作の関係性について検討し、野球肘の発症要因となる投球動作を明らかにすることを目的とした。その結果、踏出足着地時の投球腕肩関節の外転角度においてMRI陰性群のほうが有意に小さかった。また、踏出足着地時の肩と腰の回転角度の差においてMRI陰性群のほうが有意に大きかった。以上のことから、踏出足着地時の姿勢がその後の投球腕の動作に影響を及ぼし、肘関節への過度な負荷を加えている可能性が示唆された。</p>
丹治 史弥 鍋倉 賢治
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.63, no.2, pp.583-594, 2018-12-10 (Released:2018-12-20)

Step parameters are associated with running economy (RE), but the relationship between these longitudinal changes remains unclear. In the present study, we aimed to clarify the relationship between changes in step parameters and RE at intensities below and above the lactate threshold (LT) in well-trained middle to long-distance runners and to acquire knowledge applicable to coaching. A total of 29 male university students training in distance running (age, 19.4 ± 1.0 yr; height, 171.3 ± 4.5 cm; body weight, 57.1 ± 3.6 kg) participated in the study. Participants performed multistage incremental treadmill tests to measure step parameters (ground contact time: CT; step length: SL; step frequency: SF; leg stiffness: kleg) and RE before and after 4 months of training. Since the LT speed of participants was 16.6 ± 1.1 km・h−1, intensities below, near, and above the LT were set at 13.8 and 15.0 km・h−1, 16.2 km・h−1, and 17.4 and 18.6 km・h−1, respectively. No significant relationships were observed between changes in RE and any of the step parameters at intensities below and near the LT. Moreover, although no significant relationship was noted between changes in RE and both SL and SF, there was a significant positive and negative relationship between changes in RE and CT and kleg, respectively, at intensities above the LT. Changes in kleg showed a strong negative correlation with CT changes at each intensity. It can be concluded from these findings that shortening the CT improves the RE for high-intensity running and that this variation is partly attributable to the improvement in kleg.
苅山 靖 渡来 真人 図子 浩二
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.59, no.2, pp.755-770, 2014 (Released:2014-12-20)
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This study aimed to clarify the importance of strength and jump ability of both the kicking and supporting legs for increasing the speed of a soccer ball during instep kicks at various approach speeds. Twelve male university soccer players performed instep kicks using different approach lengths (1 m, 3 m, 7 m, and free length). Maximal isokinetic and concentric muscular strength was measured in terms of knee extension/flexion, hip extension/flexion, and hip abduction/adduction using an isokinetic dynamometer. Jump ability was measured using countermovement jump, double-leg rebound jump, and single-leg rebound jump with the kicking leg and supporting leg. For the instep kick, kinematic and kinetic data were recorded using the Vicon T20 system (250 Hz) and force platforms (1000 Hz). The results of the analyses were as follows:   1.  The approach speed increased as the approach length increased. Moreover, the time between the moment when the foot touched the ground and the moment of ball impact became shortened, and the ground reaction force at all axes increased as the approach speed increased.   2.  Foot speed under all the approach conditions was correlated with hip extension and the abduction strength of the supporting leg.   3.  Foot speed for the 3 m, 7 m, and free-length conditions was correlated with the rebound jump ability of the supporting leg. Moreover, foot speeds for the 3 m, 7 m, and free-length conditions was correlated with hip adduction strength of the supporting leg.   4.  Similar results were obtained for relative foot speed (calculated by dividing foot speed by the speed of the body's center of gravity at the moment of ball impact).   5.  The rate of change in the relative foot velocity (for an approach of 1 m to 7 m) was correlated with the rebound jump ability of the supporting leg.   These results suggest that it is important to improve hip extension and the abduction strength of the supporting leg in order to increase the ball speed, regardless of the approach speed. In addition, it is important to improve the hip adduction strength, especially the rebound jump ability of the supporting leg in order to increase the ball speed when a high approach speed is employed.
小林 哲郎 柏木 悠 相馬 満利 藤戸 靖則 平野 智也 山岸 道央 和田 匡史 船渡 和男
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
vol.67, pp.182_2, 2016

<p> 【目的】全力クロール泳におけるキックが水平速度(SV)、ストローク頻度(SR)、ストローク長(SL)、ストロークサイクル内の水平速度変動(IVV)に及ぼす影響を明らかにすること。【方法】被験者は日本代表経験者を含む男子水泳選手5名(身長;175.2 ±6.5cm、体重;78.1 ±7.5kg、50mベストタイム;23.82 ± 0.73s)であった。試技はクロール泳の通常の泳ぎ(スイム)と足首をロープ固定した腕によるストロークだけの泳ぎ(プル)で、25m全力泳をそれぞれ行った。デジタルビデオカメラ(60fps)を用いて選手右矢状面より水中映像撮影を行った。分析区間は右手の1ストロークサイクルとし、選手の右大転子点よりSVを算出した。【結果及び考察】SVはプルに対してスイムで約20%の速度増加がみられ、SRには有意差がなく、SLはスイムの方が大きい値を示した。IVVは、スイムとプルでそれぞれ7.84 ±1.76、9.73 ± 1.87%であり、スイムの方が統計的に有意に小さい値を示した(p<0.05)。スイムはキックにより1ストロークあたりの距離を大きくすることで高い速度を得ていることが推測された。</p>
松田 太希
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.61, no.2, pp.407-420, 2016 (Released:2016-12-14)

The purpose of this study is to confirm aspects of violence at school athletics clubs related to the use of corporal punishment, and to clarify the significance of corporal punishment in terms of how it is perceived by teachers and students.  Recently, there has been a large volume of research on corporal punishment, under the premise that its use is questionable. Such a premise tends to encourage reasons for denying it occurs, or turning a blind eye to how it affects relationships between teachers and students at school athletics clubs. However, in order to clarify the significance of corporal punishment in school athletics clubs, it is essential to understand interpersonal relationships in this type of setting.  The ethos of school athletics clubs is to impose the desirable norm on students (i.e., to make them good players). This means that students need to develop self-discipline in order to succeed at their sport, and corporal punishment is used to impose normalization of self-discipline in students. This leads to an association between pain and the perceived pleasure of success in the mind of the students. According to Butler, conscience is the means by which a subject can reflecting on oneself, and conversion of pain into the pleasure is a method by which this can be achieved. In other words, a panacea for preempting existential negation.  On the other hand, for teachers, corporal punishment is deeply related to their existence and desire for self-protection. Adorno and Horkheimer's arguments on the reasons for the relation between reason and violence in Dialectic of Enlightenment: Philosophical Fragments teach us that the desire for self-protection is expressed by using violence, for example corporal punishments, on others. Teachers regard students as a means for their self-protection to secure their role as a teacher, which is based on a pre-existing relationship with students. However, the role of teachers is threatened when a school athletics club achieves poor results. Thus, teachers employ corporal punishment as a means of maintaining their authoritative role.  The findings of this study argue that corporal punishment in school athletics clubs deeply reflects the relationship between students and teachers. It is necessary to discuss this issue rather than ignoring it.
瀧川 寛子 堀内 元 田内 健二
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.65, pp.143-152, 2020 (Released:2020-02-25)

The purpose of this study was to investigate motion factors in female javelin throwers during success and failure trials from a biomechanical standpoint. Fourteen throwers who participated in the Japanese Women’s Javelin Championships Final were investigated during both success trials and failure trials and the results were compared. The success trial was set as the best record and the failure trial as the worst record. Timing points of throwing motion were set at right foot contact (R-on), left foot contact (L-on) and javelin release (REL). The main results were as follows; 1) There was no significant difference in approach velocity between the success and failure trials. 2) In the success trials, peak speeds of the right shoulder, elbow joint and javelin were higher than those in the failure trials. 3) In the success trials, the left rotation velocity of the shoulder angle was larger than that in the failure trials just after L-on. 4) In the success trials, the forward rotational velocity of the trunk was larger than that in the failure trials just after L-on. 5) In the success trials, the throwers maintained a more extended position of the left knee angle than in the failure trials between L-on and REL. These results revealed that superiority or inferiority for female javelin throwers at the same competition level was determined not by the approach velocity, but by the blocking motion of the left leg. Although the importance of this left leg blocking motion has been reported many times in previous studies of throwers with different performance levels, it has been shown here to play an important role in the success of individual performance.
大下 和茂 萩原 悟一 門間 貴史 津野 天兵 小泉 和史 大山 泰史 山口 恭平 田代 智紀 船津 京太郎
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.60, no.2, pp.539-550, 2015 (Released:2015-12-18)
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The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of experience or inexperience with weight-training under appropriate supervision on knowledge of squatting exercises among university students. A questionnaire-based survey was conducted among university students who exercised regularly (30 or more min per day, 2 or more days per week, and maintaining this for more than 1 year) to clarify the relationships between their experience of weight-training under appropriate supervision, knowledge of squatting exercises, and the frequency with which they perform squatting exercises (n=309). More than half of the students who exercised regularly had never experienced weight-training under appropriate supervision. Approximately 50% of the participants performed squats periodically, even if they did not have any experience with weight-training under appropriate supervision. The participants who lacked experience with weight-training under supervision had made significantly fewer attempts to consciously train their gluteal and knee flexor muscles during squatting exercises than those who had experienced weight-training under supervision. In fact, approximately 50% of the former did not consciously train their gluteal muscles during squatting exercises at all. These results suggest that although the students performed squatting exercises periodically, those who had never experienced weight-training under supervision may not have properly understood the squatting method. Therefore, to enhance the benefits of training, people should be shown the correct method for performing training exercises and given appropriate supervision.