松原 静郎 佐藤 輝夫 高橋 泰
日本科学教育学会年会論文集 (ISSN:21863628)
vol.16, pp.129-130, 1992

小学校5年から中学校1年, 中学校2年から高等学校1年の各学年間で追跡調査を実施した。「理科得点」と, 関心・態度に関する合成変数「科学の価値」と「理科の学習」を設定し, 経時変化と前年度の結果が次年度の及ぼす影響を調べた。科学の価値には大きな変化は見られず, 理科の学習では望ましくない方向への変化が見られた。次年度への影響は, 同一変数間で大きいが, 異なる変数間ではわずかに理科の学習と理科得点の間に影響が見られた。
北澤 武 望月 俊男
科学教育研究 (ISSN:03864553)
vol.38, no.2, pp.117-134, 2014

New teachers who are shocked by real-world classroom situations—such as rules of the local school, human relationships in a shielded environment, and the reality of teaching children—tend to leave the workforce within a few years, and it has become necessary to educate student teachers in the universities with a focus on adaptive professional socialization of teachers (Zeichner & Gore, 1990) to overcome this problem. We have provided a SNS (Social Networking Service) where pre-service teachers can have a dialogue based on their report of experiences during their practice teaching. However, in order to promote the professional socialization of teachers, we designed a new SNS where experienced teachers can participate in a lesson. We then compared by year the effects of studying the changed lesson. We revised the design of the pre-teaching from the year 2010, and altered the lesson design of the pre-teaching for the year 2012, so that an experienced teacher can join face-to-face lessons and a university teacher and an experienced teacher waited to submit their comments to SNS until almost all students had submitted. As we aimed to increase submission of diaries and comments about professional socialization, we changed the classroom design in the year 2013, introducing storytelling about the image of their practice teaching, and the way of intervention in SNS by an experienced teacher. The results show an increase of diaries and comments which were submitted to SNS about "social behavior as professionals," "commitment towards work," "value and standpoint as teachers," "expectation and actuality of schools" and "efficacy".