湯浅 隆
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
no.67, pp.197-224, 1996-03

本稿では、近世都市江戸を事例として、当地の人びとへの周知を意図した情報が発信された場所について検討していく。このための分析対象として、開帳予告の建札およびその設置場所を取りあげる。この分析をとおし、江戸における情報メディアの発信地および受信地としての〝広場〟機能をもった場所や地域を明らかにしようとする。開帳とは、本来は宗教者が行う布教のための一行事で、日頃は秘蔵され公開されることがない神仏の厨子を一定期日に限って開き、人びとに結縁の機会を与えるものである。十七世紀から十九世紀半ばにおける開帳をみた場合、その実施形態は時期と場所とにより様々であった。このなかにあって十八世紀以降に、江戸をはじめとする大都市で行われた多くの開帳の目的は、本来の趣旨から外れて、寺社堂舎の修復費用を調達することにあった。このため、開帳の成否にとってもっとも重要な課題は、いかに多くの人びとを六〇日ないし八〇日未満に限定された開帳期間中に集めることができるかにあった。ことに、寺社が江戸以外の地にあってこの期間だけ出府して行われた出開帳では、人びとへの事前の周到な宣伝が不可欠であった。周知のための方策の一つに、秘仏公開を宣伝するための木札の設置があった。本稿では、この木札が実際に建てられるまでの過程と、江戸における設置場所とを明らかにする。このことで、江戸の人びとが恒常的に創り出していた、情報収集の場の存在というものを江戸のなかで浮かびあがらせていく。情報発信の場は、江戸下町よりもその周辺部、ことに五街道をはじめとする交通の要路、なかでも木戸や御門という江戸市中と市外との境界の地に存在していた。江戸の開帳は、十八世紀後半になると行楽としての色彩を強め、これにともなって開帳場所を江戸の行楽ゾーンの中枢である隅田川沿いに集中する傾向を示した。これにともない、建札もこの地帯を重点的な設置箇所としていった。そのなかでも、浅草寺雷門前、両国橋、永代橋という橋と寺社門前とは、この種の情報発信の精度が高い場所、すなわち開帳の情報にかんする高度な〝広場〟機能を持った場所であった。This study looks at the notice boards and locations used in Edo in the early modern period to announce the unveiling of special religious icons. The aim of the analysis is to show how these sites functioned as hiroba for the transmission and reception of public information.Shinto and Buddhist religious organizations held limited unveilings of rarely shown miniature shrines and icons essentially to propagate their respective faiths among the general community, thereby giving people opportunities to "make a connection" (kechien) with these deities. A survey of the period from the seventeenth century to the mid-nineteenth century shows that the nature of the unveilings varied significantly according to the historical period and location. From the eighteenth century onward, for example, most showings in Edo and other major cities were aimed less at this original goal than at raising funds for the restoration of shrine and temple buildings. The success of the events therefore rested upon how many people could be attracted to them during the sixty- or eighty-day period in which they were held. Particularly for shrines and temples which, based outside Edo, took their icons to the city only for that limited time, effective advertising was crucial.One of the ways to broadcast the events was to put up wooden notice boards around the city. By exploring the actual process by which these signs were produced and posted, and the locations in Edo where they were posted, this study hopes to provide an insight into the special sites created and maintained by Edo people for the gathering and distribution of information. In the case of signs heralding religious unveilings, these sites were originally fewer in the inner city of Edo than in the surrounding areas, particularly along major routes like the five major highways originating in central Edo, and at the city's border gates. As the unveilings came to take on a more festive nature in the late eighteenth century, however, they were held more frequently in the heart of downtown entertainment district along the Sumidagawa River. This meant that high-profile places also had to be found in that district for the display of notice boards announcing the events. Such places included bridges, such as Ryogokubashi and Eitaibashi, and the entrances to shrines and temples, such as the Kaminarimon gate to Sensōji in Asakusa. These sites thus served as effective hiroba for the advertisement of special public showings of religious icons.
仁藤 敦史
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.50, pp.3-22, 1993-02-26

田中 大喜 村木 二郎 松田 睦彦 湯浅 治久 鈴木 康之 井上 聡 高橋 典幸 黒嶋 敏 貴田 潔 神野 祐太 渡邊 浩貴

小林 忠雄

山口 えり
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.148, pp.41-60, 2008-12

広瀬大忌祭と龍田風神祭は、神祇令で定められた恒例の祭祀のうち、風雨の順調を祈るものとして、孟夏と孟秋に行われる祭祀である。すでにこの二つの祭祀については、先行研究も多くあるが、両社は大和川を挟み別々の地にあるのに、なぜその二つの地が選ばれたのか、なぜその祭祀が同時一対で行われ続けるのかについては説明されていない。本稿では、まず『日本書紀』にみられる広瀬大忌祭と龍田風神祭の記事を整理し、次の七点を指摘した。①天武四年以降、広瀬・龍田の祭りは基本的に毎年四月と七月に行われ、特に持統四年以後は欠けることない。②天武四年四月癸未条の初見記事にのみ、龍田社と広瀬社の立地が記載される。③初見記事にのみ、派遣された使者が記載される。④龍田では風神、広瀬では大忌神が祭られる。⑤天武八年四月己未条より、記載の順番が「龍田・広瀬」から「広瀬・龍田」になる。⑥持統紀からは「遣使者」という定型の語が入る。⑦持統六年四月より、「祭」が「祀」に変わる。それぞれの点について検討を加えた結果、広瀬・龍田の両社が国家の意図により整備されていった過程が明らかとなった。敏達天皇の広瀬殯宮が置かれた広瀬は、龍田に比べると早く敏達天皇家王族と関わりを持つ地であった。その河川交通の利便性が重視され、六御県神と山口神を合祭する国家祭祀の場となった。一方の龍田は、天武・持統王権の記憶の中ではなかなか制し難い地域であった。龍田は、大和と河内を結ぶ交通上の要所でありながら通過には困難が伴い、延喜祝詞式によれば悪風をなす神が所在する地であった。龍田道の整備や国家主体の祭祀を広瀬と共に行うことは、そのような龍田の異質な性格の克服を意味していた。二つの地域は農耕や地理的要衝という古代国家の基盤に大きく関わる要素を有していた。そのために一つに括ることが重要であり、その組み合わせは存続したのである。この二つの祭祀を同時一対で行うことは、律令制定過程期における飛鳥を中心とした大和盆地から、河内へと続く大和川流域全体の掌握を象徴していたのである。The Hirose -Ooimi festival and the Tatsuta-Fuujin festival are both annual festivals prescribed by the Jingiryo(laws concerning kami). They were held in April and July in lunar calendar, in which prayers were offered for favorable weather. A considerable amount of research has already been conducted on these two festivals. However, such research does not explain why the two shrines are located on different sides of the Yamato River, why these two locations were chosen, or why the festivals have continued to be held simultaneously as a pair.A study of records concerning the Hirose -Ooimi festival and the Tatsuta-Fuujin festival in the Nihon Shoki revealed the following seven points: 1) from 675 CE the Hirose and Tatsuta festivals were basically held annually in April and July according to the lunar calendar, and from 690 they were held every year without fail; 2) the locations of Tatsuta and Hirose shrines are written only in April 675, the first record; 3) the officials who were dispatched is mentioned only in the first record also; 4) the Fuujin (kami of wind) was worshipped at Tatsuta and the Ooimi- no- kami at Hirose, and they were never mixed up; 5) the order in which the two names appeared changed from Tatsuta and Hirose to Hirose and Tatsuta in April 679; 6) the standard term "court-dispatched official" appears from the" Records of Jito"; and 7) a different Chinese character was used for the word" festival" from April 692.An examination of these points found that these two shrines did not necessarily arise spontaneously, but were established by the state. Hirose had come under state control at an earlier stage than Tatsuta. Due to its convenient river transportation, state festivals came to be held in Hirose that enshrined the kami of the "six districts of Yamato"and the yamanokuchi-no-kami (kami of mountain entrance) altogether. On the other hand, not much was known about the Tatsuta district. Even though Tatsuta was a strategic point between Yamato and Kawachi region, it was a difficult place to pass. Also according to Engi-Noritoshiki, it was thought that in Tatsuta, there was a kami that causes bad wind for agriculture. The building of Tatsuta Road and the holding of state festivals here with Hirose together, signifies an attempt to control the heterogeneous cultural heritage of Tatsuta. Both places possessed elements such as agricultural and geographical importance that greatly affected the foundation of the ancient state. This was the significant reason to combine the two, which has continued. The holding of these two festivals as a pair symbolized the completion of centralization across Japan, to say concretely, it meant the power of the ancient state has completely expanded from the Yamato Basin to the Yamato Valley.
白石 太一郎
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
no.80, pp.73-95, 1999-03

墓室の内部の壁画や彫刻などが,何らかの意味でその墓を造営した人びとの他界観・来世観を反映していることはいうまでもない。この小論は,九州の装飾古墳を取り上げ,そこに表現されている絵画や彫刻の意味を追究し,その背景にある人びとの他界観を追究したものである。北・中九州の装飾古墳は,石棺系,石障系,壁画系の順に展開する。このうち5世紀代に盛行する石棺系や石障系の装飾古墳の中心となる図文は,魂を封じ込めたりまた悪しきものから被葬者を護る辟邪の機能をもつと考えられた直弧文と鏡を表わす同心円文である。やがてこれに武器・武具の図文が加わるが,これも辟邪の意味をもつものであった。また直弧文はその弧線の部分を省略した斜交線文となり,その後の装飾古墳で多用される連続三角文へと変化して行く。6世紀になると墓室内部に彩色壁画を描いた壁画系の装飾古墳が出現する。そこでも基本的なモチーフは5世紀以来の辟邪の図文であるが,新しく船や馬の絵が加わる。船のなかには大洋を航海する大船もみられ,舳先に鳥をとまらせたり,馬を乗せたものもみられる。この船と馬は死者ないしその霊魂を来世に運ぶ乗り物として描かれたものであり,海上他界の思想がこの地域の人びとの間に存在したことを物語る。6世紀後半には,一部に四神の図や月の象徴としてのヒキガエルの絵など高句麗など東アジアの古墳壁画の影響もみられるが,それは部分的なものにとどまった。一方,南九州の地下式横穴には,この地下の墓室を家屋にみたてた装飾が多用される。これはこの地域の人びとの間に地下に他界を求める思想があったことを示すものであろう。同じ九州でも北・中部と南部では,人びとの来世観に大きな相違があっことが知られるのであり,北・中九州の海上他界の考えは,海に開かれ,また東アジア諸地域との海上交易に活躍したこの地域の人びとの間で形成されたものと理解できよう。No one doubts that paintings and sculptures in a burial chamber would be a reflection of the views on death and the other world believed in by people who constructed the tomb. In this essay, I intend to discuss the meaning expressed in the paintings and sculptures of decorated tombs in Kyushu. Ultimately, I hope to approach the philosophy on death and the other world that is behind these art pieces. I will show that such philosophy was quite distinct between northern and middle Kyushu and southern Kyushu. In northern and middle Kyushu, while the ways in which tombs were decorated changed over time, the basic philosophy remained the same.The decorated tombs in northern and middle Kyushu evolved from ones characterized by decorated stone coffins, and then to those featured by a decorated stone partitioning wall inside a burial chamber, and finally to those with mural paintings.In the fifth century when decorated stone coffins and partitioning walls were prevalent, the most dominant subjects were chokkomon (combination of straight lines and arcs) and concentric circles. The former is considered to have the function of quelling the evil to confine the soul into the burial chamber and to protect the dead against evil spirit. The latter probably symbolized a mirror. As time passed, designs of weapon and armor were added to the subjects, and these also had the function of quelling the evil. Chokkomon evolved into diagonally intersecting straight lines, losing the arcs. This eventually developed into a pattern of series of triangles that would become common in later decorated tombs.In the sixth century, tombs with mural paintings appeared. The basic motif of the paintings remained that of quelling the evil. At the same time, boats and horses were adopted as subjects. Some of the boats were so large that would be appropriate to sail on the ocean. Birds perched at the bows and horses were on board. These boats and horses were meant to be a vehicle for carrying the soul to the other world. This further suggests that people in the sixth century maintained a view that the other world was located far away over the ocean.In the late sixth century, four directional deities and a toad, which was the symbol of the moon, were adopted to the subjects. The adoption was under the influence of the Asian continent, including Koguryo, but it was minor. However, the attention of the people in northern and middle Kyushu to the ocean in pursuit of their world after death probably resulted from their international interactions.In southern Kyushu underground tunnel tombs were constructed. The underground burial chambers were decorated so that the chambers looked like a residence. People in southern Kyushu sought their world after the death underground.
工藤 雄一郎
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.178, pp.7-28, 2012-03-01

井上 寛司
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.148, pp.193-238, 2008-12

本稿では、筆者がかつて提起した「二十二社・一宮(いちのみや)制(王城鎮守(おうじょうちんじゅ)・国鎮守(くにちんじゅ)制)」に対する批判として提起された諸氏への反批判という観点から、①中世後期長門(ながと)国一宮制の変質・解体過程を史料に基づいて具体的に論じるとともに、②中世諸国一宮制の成立から解体に至る過程の概要を示すことを通して、中世諸国一宮制の歴史的な構造と特質とは何かについて論じた。その結果、およそ次のような点が明らかになったと考える。(1)長門国の場合、守護(しゅご)大内氏による国衙(こくが)権力機構の掌握と再編成にともなって、一宮制のあり方は大きく変化し、一宮中心の祭礼構造から府中二宮(ふちゅうにのみや)を中心とする一・二宮両社合同の祭礼構造への転換、及び国衙権力を代表して祭礼の執行に当たる神事行事武久(しんじぎょうじたけひさ)氏の登場という形で、それは現れることとなった。(2)守護大内氏の戦国大名(せんごくだいみょう)化と戦国大名毛利(もうり)氏の登場にともなって、長門国一宮制は解体期を迎えることとなるが、それは国家的神社制度の一環を構成する国鎮守の解体として評価できるものであり、そこに中世諸国一宮制の歴史的な本質が示されているということができる。(3)これを、他の諸国の事例と合わせ考えるとき、中世諸国一宮制が国家的神社制度としての本質を持つことは疑う余地のないところであり、中世国家論の観点を正しく組み込んだ一宮制分析が今後の重要な課題とされなければならないということになろう。This paper discusses the historical structure and characteristics of the ichinomiya system in provinces in the medieval period in response to criticism received from various scholars concerning the author's support of the" 22 shrine and ichinomiya system (imperial palace tutelary and provincial tutelary system)." The paper uses historical documents to discuss in detail the process of change and the demise of the ichinomiya system in Nagato Province in the latter part of the medieval period. It also outlines the process of the establishment through to the demise of the ichinomiya system in Japan's provinces during the medieval period.The subsequent findings have brought to light the following points. First, in the case of Nagato Province, the ichinomiya system changed greatly accompanying the control and reorganization of the mechanism of authority of the kokuga (provincial government office) by the Ouchi clan which held the position of shugo (military governor). The religious structure was changed from one that centered on ichinomiya shrines to a joint structure of ichinomiya and ninomiya shrines centering on ninomiya shrines at provincial offices. The Takehisa clan emerged to perform religious rites and festivals as a representative of the authority of the kokuga.Second, the ichinomiya system in Nagato Province began to disintegrate when the Ouchi clan, the shugo, became Sengoku daimyo and Sengoku daimyo from the Mori clan appeared. This can be seen as the disintegration of the provincial tutelary that formed part of the state Shinto system, which illustrates the historical essence of the provincial ichinomiya system in the medieval period.Third, when this is considered together with examples from other provinces, there can be no doubt that the provincial ichinomiya system constituted the essence of the state-instituted shrine system. Moreover, it is important that there be further study of the ichinomiya system that rightly includes the perspective of the theory of a medieval state.
佐野 静代
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.133, pp.85-108, 2006-12

古代の御厨における漁撈活動の実態を解明するためには,「湖沼河海」の各々の御厨を取り巻く自然環境の分析が不可欠である。自然環境の分析には,地形・気候的条件とともに,その上に展開する「生態系」,特に魚類を中心とした生物相の考察が含まれる。魚類の生態と行動(生活史・食性・場所利用など)は,古代にも遡及しうるものであり,当時の地形と漁撈技術段階との照合によって,魚種ごとの捕獲原理や漁獲時期が推定可能となる。このようにして各御厨で行われた漁法が明らかになれば,「湖沼河海」の御厨ごとの漁撈活動と,贄人の生活形態の相違が浮かび上がってくるはずである。本稿では,古代の琵琶湖に設けられた筑摩御厨を対象として,当時の地形・生息魚種の生態・漁撈技術段階を照合し,その生活実態について検討した。筑摩御厨では,春の産卵期に接岸してくるフナと,春~初夏に琵琶湖から流入河川に遡上してくるアユを漁獲対象としており,贄人の漁撈活動は,地先水面での地引網漁+上り簗漁というきわめて定着的な漁法によっていたことがわかった。御厨現地での生活実態としては,水陸の移行帯において漁撈と農耕が分かちがたく結びついた「漁+農」複合型の生業形態であったと推定される。琵琶湖岸の古代の御厨においては,漁撈のみに尖鋭化した特権的専業漁民の姿は認めがたく,古代の贄人の生活実態は,網野善彦が提起した「船による移動・遍歴を生活の基本とする海民」像とは,異なるものといえる。生業を指標とする集団の考察には,現地の環境条件との照合が不可欠であり,網野の提起した「非農業民」概念もこのような視点から再検討されるべきと考える。A study of the natural environment surrounding various mikuriya (originally cooking structures used to prepare offerings to the Emperor or deities) on the shores of lakes, rivers and the sea is indispensable when shedding light on fishing activities that took place in mikuriya from the Ancient period. In addition to topographical and climatic conditions, a study of the natural environment also includes an examination of eco-systems that developed at these sites, especially biota, with a focus on fish. Since fish ecology and its behavior (eating habits, use of places, etc) can be studied retrospectively for the Ancient period, it is possible to extrapolate fishing seasons and the principles behind the catching methods adopted for each type of fish by cross-checking the topography of the time with fishing technique stages. If this clarifies the fishing methods used at each mikuriya, a picture should emerge of fishing activities at each waterside mikuriya and differences in the lifestyles of fishermen.This paper examines the way of life in the Ancient period by cross matching the topography, the ecology of populations of fish species and the stage of fishing techniques of the time for Chikuma mikuriya erected on Lake Biwa in the Ancient period. This study revealed that Chikuma mikuriya caught crucian carp, which gathered alongside the lakeshore during the spring spawning period, and ayu, which swam from Lake Biwa up rivers flowing into the lake from spring to early summer. It also found that fishermen caught fish using a combination of dragline fishing from the site water surface and fish traps, which were extremely well established fishing techniques. As for the type of lifestyle of the people living in these mikuriya, it is surmised that they used resources of the littoral zone, leading a way of life that combined fishing and agriculture in which it was difficult to separate fishing from farming. It is difficult to find any trace of fishing people who specialized in fishing and only honed methods of catching fish. This differs from Yoshihiko Amino's portrayal of fishing people from the Ancient period, according to which "they were people who moved by boat and led an itinerant lifestyle." When studying groups to find what occupations they engaged in it is essential to validate the environmental conditions of their locations. Consequently, this perspective should be adopted for a reexamination of the concept of "non farming people" as proposed by Amino.
松尾 恒一
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.199, pp.213-232, 2015-12

神戸・横浜等の南京街を拠点とする,日本に在住する華僑・華人の歴史は,近代の開国とともに始まり,彼らのための公共墓地が設立される。神戸・横浜の中華義荘(横浜は入口に建てられる「地蔵王廟」が,霊園全体の通称となっている)がそれで,その後,神戸から分化して,京都華僑のための京都華僑霊園が黄檗宗萬福寺に開かれる。一方,近世の鎖国政策のもとでも中国との交易が続いていた長崎には,崇福寺をはじめとする唐寺や稲佐悟真寺等に,唐人墓地が併設される。これら華僑華人の墓地と,一般的な日本(人)の墓地とが大きく異なるのは,華僑墓地には「后土」「土神」として,土地神の石碑が立てられることである。神戸・横浜以上の長期,鎖国時代を含む3世紀を超える中国との交流を有する長崎では,日本人墓地でも,土神が立てられることが現在なお一般的であることなど,中国の習俗が日本に影響を与えている。これら日本の華僑華人の墓地において注目されるのは,「后土」「土神」等の土地神の石碑の立てられる位置や,墓地における祭祀の方法が,長崎,神戸・京都,横浜で異なることである。日本華僑は,福建・広東・台湾等の出身者を主とするが,本論文では,日本国内の華僑霊園の后土神の祭祀の相違が,故郷(僑郷,原籍地)の習俗を反映したものか,あるいは,日本への定住後に,それぞれが辿った歴史の中で差異を生じるようになったのかを検討,考察した。また,原籍地の習俗との相違や,故郷の習俗を現体験として保持している現代の華僑1世の記憶や意識についても検討した。日本における華僑華人の先祖祭祀として4月の清明節は,本国と同様に年中行事の中でもっとも重要であるが,そのほか神戸等で盂蘭盆行事,中元節として行われる普度勝会にも言及しつつ,日本における華僑華人の公共墓地のなかで,后土が,彼らの日本移住後に経験した大震災等の自然災害等の辛苦の歴史を共有するための役割を果たす,日本で暮らす華僑・華人にとっての共同意識の紐帯となるような,公共的な意味を帯びるようになって現在に続いていることを明らかにした。The history of Chinese living in Japan, based in Chinatowns in Kobe, Yokohama, and other cities, began with the opening of modern Japan. They built their own public cemeteries, such as Chuka Giso in Kobe and Yokohama (the latter is generally called "Jizō-ō-byō" because of the temple built near its entrance). Later, Kyoto Kakyo Reien, a cemetery for Chinese living in Kyoto, was built at Oubaku-sect Manpuku-ji Temple, separated from Chuka Giso in Kobe. Meanwhile, in Nagasaki, which continued trades with China even during the seclusion period in the early modern times, Chinese tombs are located in Japanese cemeteries at Chinese temples(e.g., Sofuku-ji Temple), Inasa-Goshin-ji Temple, and other temples. One of the major differences between these Chinese cemeteries and general Japanese cemeteries is that the former has a stone monument of the gods of earth called "HouTu (Shen)" or "Tu Shen". In Nagasaki, which has a longer history of exchanges with China (i.e., over three centuries) than Kobe and Yokohama do, Chinese culture has had a large impact on Japanese cemeteries; for example, it is now very common to build a monument of the gods of earth in Japanese cemeteries in the city. Another fact worth noting about the cemeteries of Chinese-Japanese, who are mainly from Fujian, Guangdong, and Taiwan, is that the location of such a stone monument, as well as burial rituals, varies between Nagasaki, Kobe/Kyoto, and Yokohama. This paper examines whether these differences were caused by the difference of their homelands or arose after they settled in Japan due to the difference of their experiences. Moreover, this paper analyzes the differences between the customs of Chinese-Japanese and those of their homelands as well as the memories and attitudes of current first-generation immigrants who have actually experienced the customs of their hometowns. In particular, this paper examines the Qing Ming Festival held in April to honor ancestors (the most important festival in the year for Chinese not only in Japan but also in the Mainland and Taiwan) as well as Fudo-shoe held as a Chinese Bon Festival in Kobe and some other cities. Thus, this paper reveals that in Chinese cemeteries in Japan, the deity of earth is still honored today while acquiring a public meaning as it is playing a certain role in building a sense of community among the Chinese living in Japan and sharing the experience of ordeals, such as great earthquakes and other natural disasters, after their settlement in Japan.
山折 哲雄
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
no.49, pp.p195-208, 1993-03

近松門左衛門の「曽根崎心中」は、元禄十六年(一七〇三)の四月七日に、大阪梅田の曽根崎天神で実際におこった事件をモデルにしている。ところがそれ以後、心中事件が多発するようになり、二十年後の享保八年(一七二三)になって心中取締令がだされた。そのうえ心中者の死骸は心中現場に近い墓所に取り捨てるべきことが申しわたされていた。なかでも道頓堀墓所には多くの心中者の遺骸がかつぎこまれ、その方面での筆頭格であった。そのためこの地域には大勢の乞食女郎非人たちが入りこみ、そこで餓死したり行き倒れたりする者があとを絶たなかった。この近世の道頓堀墓所をめぐる死体処理・死者儀礼の景観は、ある点でインド・ベナレスにおけるそれを想わせる。死者の処理をめぐって都市がどのような変貌を示すのかという点でも、その両者のあいだには不思議な照応がみられるのである。なぜなら肉体の焼尽と魂の昇天という転換の位相が、そこでは墓地を仲立ちとする半ば様式化した空間構成を通してあらわされているからである。そしてその空間構成の輪郭を明らかにするために、小論では近松の「曽根崎心中」の冒頭に掲げられている「観音廻り」の場面と、その終結部分に登場する「道行」の場面に分析を加えている。この近松の「観音廻り」と「道行」の場面が、二種の巡礼のパターンを象徴しているということに注目しよう。第一のパターンが、いわゆる霊地霊場廻りを中心とする巡礼である。この場合は「観音廻り」がそれにあたるだろう。これにたいして第二のパターンが、永遠の再生(昇天)を願う死出の旅という最後の巡礼行である。ここではそれが「道行」の場面にあたる。そしてこのような二種の巡礼のパターンがそのままベナレスにおける死者儀礼のなかにもみられることに私は着目したのである。小論はその両者を結び合せる比較研究の試みである。"Sonezaki Shinjū (The Love-Suicide at Sonezaki)" of Chikamatsu Monzaemon was modeled after an affair which actually happened at Sonezaki Tenjin (shrine dedicated to the deified spirit of Sugawara-no-Michizane), in Umeda, Ōsaka, on April 7 of Genroku 16 (1703). Thereafter, love-suicides came to occur frequently, and twenty years later, in Kyōhō 8 (1723), a Prohibitory Decree on Love-Suicide was issued. Furthermore, the order was given to abandon the bodies of love-suicides in a cemetery near the site of the suicide. The bodies of many love-suicides were carried into the Dōtonbori Cemetery, which ranked top in this respect. Because of this, a large number of beggars, prostitutes, and untouchables entered this area, and there was no end to those who died of disease or collapsed on the street.Scenes of the disposal of the body and the services for the dead in this pre-modern period remind us of the scene of Benares, India, in some respects. There can be seen a strange correspondence between them in the way the city underwent a transformation connected with the disposal of bodies, because the phase of transition between the destruction of the flesh by fire, and the ascension of the spirit, was expressed in a semi-stylized space structure through the mediation of the cemetery. To clarify the outline of the space structure, the author, in this paper, analyzes the scene of the "Pilgrimage to the Kannon" at the beginning of Chikamatsu's "Sonezaki Shinjū", and the scene of the "Lovers' Trip" at the conclusion of the piece.Let us pay attention to the fact that these scenes, the "Pilgrimage to the Kannon" and the "Lovers' Trip" by Chikamatsu, symbolize two types of pilgrimage. The first type is a pilgrimage centering on visits to so-called sacred places or sites; in this piece, the "Pilgrimage to the Kannon". The second type, on the other hand, is the final pilgrimage, that is the suicide trip of lovers who hope for eternal resurrection (ascension to Heaven); in this piece, the scene of the "Lovers' Trip". The author also notes that these two types of pilgrimage appear in exactly the same form, in the services to the dead in Benares. This paper is an attempt at a comparative study that links these two.
坂本 稔 今村 峯雄 一色 史彦 若狭 幸 松崎 浩之
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.176, pp.129-140, 2012-12

茨城県牛久市に所在する観音寺(茨城県牛久市久野町2976)は,嘉禄2年(1226),十一面観音を祀る堂として建立されたと寺伝にあり,その後大永5年(1525)に再興され,現在の本堂は宝永4年(1707)の再建によるものと考えられている。本研究では,観音寺本堂および仁王門の保存修復工事等に伴う旧部材等の保管資料の炭素14年代測定を行った結果について,棟札などの文字資料から推察されてきた建立あるいは修復時期などとの関連を比較検討した。仁王門の保存修復工事で得られた本堂側廻りの旧柱材(ケヤキ)2本の最外層の年代は炭素14-ウィグルマッチ法(¹⁴C-wiggle-matching)によりいずれも13世紀後半か,14世紀初頭に伐採された材と見られた。建立期の嘉禄2年(1226)より新しいが,再興されたとする大永5年(1525)よりはかなり古い年代となっており,「宋風彫刻」とされる十一面観音の鎌倉後期~室町期の年代と整合している。観音寺本堂の細部様式による建築時期の年代認識(鎌倉期)とも矛盾しない。また十一面観音の寄木構造の固定保持のため用いられていた竹釘(昭和の本堂保存修復時に得られ保管),同じく観音像の着衣部分の塗装面の布(麻)の年代は,寛永7年(1630)の十一面観音修理の時期に符合する結果となった。The Kannon-ji temple in Ushiku, Ibaraki Prefecture (2976 Kuno-cho, Ushiku City, Ibaraki Prefecture) was founded, according to temple legend, in 1226 as a hall to house an Eleven-Faced Kannon statue. It was rebuilt in 1525, and the present main hall is believed to date from a 1707 reconstruction. In this research, radiocarbon dating of the preserved materials such as old lumber was done in conjunction with the restoration work on the temple's main hall and the Nio Gate, and the results were compared in terms of their relationships with the construction and repair periods assumed from written records such as on the ridgepole signs.The age of the outermost layer of the two old pillars (made from Keyaki [Zelkova serrata]) from around the main hall obtained during restoration work on the Nio Gate was seen using 14C-wigglematching to both be from trees harvested around the latter half of the 13th century or the start of the 14th. They are newer than the 1226 founding of the temple, but also considerably older than the 1525 reconstruction, and instead match the late Kamakura or Muromachi date of the Eleven-Faced Kannon, which is considered to be in the Song dynasty style. The era suggests by the style of the details of the temple's main hall (Kamakura) does not contradict this either. In addition, the bamboo nails used to fix the different wooden parts of the Eleven-Faced Kannnon statue together (which were stored separately after the Showa-period restoration of the main hall) and the age of the cloth (hemp) covering the clothing parts of the Kannon statue both point to the 1630 restoration of the statue.
岩本 通弥
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.132, pp.25-98, 2006-03

本稿は柳田國男「葬制の沿革について」に対して示された,いわゆる両墓制の解釈をめぐって,戦後の民俗学が陥った「誤読」の構造を分析し,戦後民俗学の認識論的変質とその問題点を明らかにし,現在の民俗学に支配的な,いわゆる民俗を見る視線を規定している根底的文化論の再構築を目的とする。柳田の議論は,この論考に限らず,変化こそ「文化」の常態とみた認識に立っており,その論題にもあるように,葬制の全体的な変遷を扱うものであった。ところが戦後,民俗を変化しにくい存在として捉える認識が優勢になると,論題に「沿革」とあるにも拘らず,変遷過程=「変化」の議論と捉えずに,文化の「型」の議論と読み違える傾向が生まれ,それが通説化する。柳田の元の議論も霊肉分離と死穢忌避の観念が超歴史的に貫徹する,あたかも伝統論のように解釈されはじめる。南島の洗骨改葬習俗と,本土に周圏論的に分布する両墓制を,関連のある事象として,これを連続的に捉える議論や解釈・思考法は,1960年代に登場するが,一つの誤読を定説化させた学史的背景には,民俗を変化しにくい地域的伝統と見做す,こうした根底的文化論が混入したことに尽きている。このような理解を生み出す民俗あるいは文化を,伝統論的構造論的に把捉する文化認識は,いわゆる京都学派の文化論を介して,大政翼賛会の地方文化運動において初めて生成された認識であるが,加えて戦後のいわゆる基層文化論の誤謬的受容によって,より強固に民俗学内部に浸透,定着化する。基層文化論は柳田の文化認識に近似していたナウマンの二層化説を,正反対に読解して受容したものであり,その結果,方法的な資料操作法のレベルにおいても,観察できる現象としての形(form)を,型(type)と混同して,民俗資料の類型化論として捉えられていく。In this paper, I explain the epistemological transformation of folklore in Japan following the Second World War and the issues it raises through a study of the structure of the "misreading" by Japanese folklore surrounding the interpretation of the so-called dual grave system demonstrated in response to Kunio Yanagita' s "A History of the Burial System." The paper' s aim is to reconstruct the theory of underlying culture that prescribes the approach to folklore and dominates folklore studies at the present time. Yanagita' s argument is not limited to this discussion for it is based on the recognition that the normal state of "culture" is none other than change itself, and as suggested in the title he covered the general changes in the burial system. However, when the perception that it was difficult to change folk customs gained ascendancy following the Second World War, despite the inclusion of the word "history" in the title, the argument that the process of transition equals "change" was not understood. This gave rise to the tendency to misinterpret his argument as one concerning the "type" of culture, which became accepted. Yanagita' s primary argument began to be interpreted as a kind of theory of tradition where the concepts of the separation of the soul and body and the avoidance of the defilement of death transcended history. The debate, interpretation and school of thought that viewed the custom of reburial following washing of the bones in Japan's southern islands and the dual grave system that spread in mainland Japan following the theory that customs spread by radiating outward from Kyoto as continuous and related phenomena emerged in the 1960s. The situation where one misinterpretation was allowed to become established theory was set against an academic backdrop that mixed in the theory of underlying culture, according to which folk customs are regarded as regional traditions that do not easily change. The perception of culture that interpreted the folklore and culture responsible for this kind of understanding as traditional and structural is a perception that was first generated among the movement for regional culture promoted by the Taisei Yokusankai (The Imperial Rule Assistance Association) by way of the Kyoto school of cultural theory. On top of this, the erroneous acceptance after the war of the so-called theory of underlying culture permeated right through to the inner echelon of folklore studies and became established theory. This theory of underlying culture led to the converse interpretation and acceptance of Naumann's dual-layer thesis, which resembled Yanagita's perception of culture. The result is that even at the level of methodic approaches for manipulating data there is confusion between the form and type of observable phenomena, which continues to be used in the classification of folklore materials.
岩本 通弥
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.141, pp.265-322[含 英語文要旨], 2008-03

本稿は日本近代の産育儀礼の通史的展開として、その一大転機と位置付けられるであろう民力涵養運動期における「国民儀礼」の創出について、民俗学的観点から分析する。第一次大戦の戦後経営ともいえる民力涵養運動は、日露戦後の地方改良運動の延長と見做されたためか、近代史でも地方改良運動や後続の郷土教育運動・翼賛文化運動に比べ、研究蓄積はさほど厚くないが、民俗学的にみると、その史料には矯正すべき弊習として従前の暮らしぶりも描写されるなど、実に興味深い記述が多い。この運動は形式上、内務省の示した「五大要綱」に応じた、各県・各郡・各町村の自己変革であるため、その対応は地方毎であるが、列島周縁部では、例えば岩手県では敬神崇祖の強調で伊勢大麻を奉祭する「神棚」設置が推進され、鹿児島県では大島郡に対し、「神社ナキ地方ハ我カ皇国ノ不基ヲ定メ賜ヒタル…先賢偉人ノ神霊ヲ奉祀スヘキ神社ヲ建立スルコト」と命じるなど、一九四〇年代の神祇院体制への土台として地域的平準化が図られており、従前の竈神や納戸神・便所神などへの素朴で個別的な民間信仰は、天照の下に統合され、家内安全も豊作・安産祈願も「天照のお蔭」と思わせるような換骨奪胎過程が見てとれる。そのほか各地の記事を通覧すると、門松や注連縄、初詣や七五三、神前結婚式の普及を推奨したり、礼服規定で喪服を黒に統一するなど、今日日本で「伝統」と見做される「国民儀礼」の多くは、この期の運動によって成立するが、それまで地方毎に多様だった民俗文化を平準化し、「文化的ならし」を図る一方、自治奉告祭や出征兵士の送迎、三大節など、地域共同体に何かしらの出来事があれば、「氏神」に参集させ、新たな形式の「集団参拝」を強要するなど、私的で人的であった習俗を、公的で外部からも見える可視的な社会的儀礼へと変換させた。それは地域内階層差や初生児優遇の儀礼を平等化する一方、忠君愛国へ向けた儀礼の全国的画一化の端緒ともなった。This paper adopts a folklore perspective to examine the emergence of "national rites" during the period of the Movement for the Cultivation of National Strength (Minryoku Kanyo Undo) , which can be called one of the major turning points of Japan's modern period, in the context of the development of children's rites during that era. The Movement for the Cultivation of National Strength, which operated following the First World War, has been regarded as an extension of the Movement for Local Improvement (Chiho Kairyo Undo), which occurred after the Russo-Japanese War. This is perhaps the reason why the study Japan's modern history contains relatively little on the Movement for the Cultivation of National Strength compared to the Movement for Local Improvement or the Movement for Homeland Education (Kyodo Kyoiku Undo) and the Cultural Assistance Movement (Yokusan Bunka Undo) that followed. When the Movement for the Cultivation of National Strength is viewed from the perspective of folk studies we find many interesting descriptions, such as materials containing depictions of existing lifestyles with bad customs that should be remedied. Because the movement consisted of voluntary reforms by villages, towns, counties and prefectures throughout Japan in accordance with the Five Major Guidelines advocated by the Home Ministry, the response differed from region to region.In Iwate Prefecture, for example, due to the emphasis placed on worshipping Shinto deities and one's ancestors, people were encouraged to put up "kami-dana" dedicated to Ise Taima. In Oshima-gun in Kagoshima Prefecture, the local populace was told that places that did not have shrines were disloyal to the Japanese empire and were ordered to build shrines where the spirits of great people could be worshipped. In this way, regional standardization took place which laid the foundation for the Jingi-in of the 1940s which controlled shrines. Simple and separate folk beliefs such as belief in the "kamadogami" (tutelary deities of the hearth) and "nandogami" and "benjogami" (deities of the closet and toilet) were united under a belief in Amaterasu, the Sun Goddess. Safety within the home and prayers for an abundant harvest and for safe childbirth were also recast so that people felt indebted to Amaterasu. A survey of articles from other areas throughout the country reveals that people were encouraged put up New Year decorations such as "kadomatsu" and "shimenawa", visit a shrine on New Year's Day, take part in the Shichi-go-san children's festival and get married in a Shinto ceremony. Rules governing formal wear prescribed that all mourning dress be black. Thus, many of the "national rites" that are regarded as "traditions" in present-day Japan came about as a result of this movement, which developed "cultural practices" by standardizing folk culture that had varied widely from region to region. At the same time, the movement transformed private and individual rites to public rites that were social rites visible from the outside. For example, customs practiced by a community such those for informing deities festival, sending off and welcoming home soldiers and the celebration of the three big national holidays became occasions for gathering at ujigami shrines where a new style of "group worship" was demanded. While on the one hand this brought equality with respect to class differences within communities and rites that gave preferential treatment to the firstborn, on the other hand it can also be said to have been the beginning of the nationwide standardization of rites that paved the way for "loyalty and patriotism".
高久 健二
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.151, pp.161-210, 2009-03-31

横山 篤夫
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.102, pp.11-94, 2003-03-31

西谷 大
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.90, pp.79-150, 2001-03-30
