篠原 厚子 千葉 百子 武内 裕之 木下 勝之 稲葉 裕
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.60, no.4, pp.418-425, 2005-11-15 (Released:2009-02-17)
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Objective: The relationships between element concentrations and sperm parameters in semen samples were investigated.Methods: Semen samples (n=113) were donated voluntarily by male partners of infertile couples. The concentrations of fourteen elements (Na, K, P, Ca, Zn, Mg, Fe, Cu, Se, Mn, Sn, Co, Ni, and Cd) in semen were determined by atomic absorption spectrometry, fluorometry, or colorimetry. Element concentrations in seminal plasma and in sperm were also measured.Results: Element concentrations in semen were in the order Na>P, K>Ca>Zn>Mg>>Fe>Cu, Se>Mn>Sn, Ni, Co, Cd. When the samples were divided into two groups in terms of sperm concentration and number, the Se concentration in semen with normal parameter values (sperm concentration≥20×106 and sperm number≥40×106), 99.4±37.4ng/ml, was higher than that in semen with abnormal parameter values (sperm concentration≤20×106 and/or sperm number≤40×106), 72.1±33.9ng/ml (p<0.001). A clearer positive correlation between the Se concentration and the sperm concentration was observed in the sperm portion (r=0.853, p<0.001) than in semen (r=0.512, p<0.001) and seminal plasma (r=0.292, p=0.003). Statistically significant correlations were also observed between the concentration of Se, P, Zn, Cu, Fe, or Mn in semen, the sperm portion or seminal plasma and the sperm concentration, semen volume or abnormal morphology, although correlation coefficients were small.Conclusion: Among biologically essential elements in semen of infertile males, Se was a good indicator of sperm concentration; however, other trace elements did not indicate clear relationships between their concentrations and sperm parameters.
劔 陽子 山本 美江子 松田 晋哉
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.56, no.4, pp.664-672, 2002-01-15 (Released:2009-02-17)
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Objectives: The purpose of this study was to clarify the actual sexual behavior and attitudes of high school students in Kitakyushu city, Fukuoka and then to develop effective sex education methods for high school students in this region.Methods: This study investigated the sexual behavior and attitudes of 1, 297 high school students in Kitakyushu by self-administered questionnaire. The differences in their answers by sex, prevalence of sexual intercourse and change in sexual behavior and attitude before and after the sex education lecture were examined.Result: 39.3% of the students had had sexual intercourse and 74.1% answered that they might have sex, if it were with a partner whom they loved. However, they did not have enough knowledge about contraception and sexually transmitted diseases. This result shows that they did not recognize the risks accompanying sexual intercourse.There are significant differences between male and female students in their sexual attitudes. Male students tend to permit premarital sexual intercourse, unfaithfulness, prostitution, hiring a prostitute and abortion. Male students tend to give more approval to the following opinions: both men and women should agree to sexual contact if the partner wants it; men should take the initiative in sexual contact; women should not talk about sex. Many female students answered that women should make their own decisions to have or not to have sex, however a considerable number of female students answered that for their first intercourse, they just agreed with their partner even though they really did not want to do so.After the sex education lecture, the students have more knowledge about contraception and STDs. However, there is no significant difference in their sexual attitudes before and after the lecture.Conclusion: In order to facilitate more desirable and safer sexual behavior among the younger generation, it is not enough to simply give them knowledge about contraception or STDs, etc. To organize more comprehensive sex education, it is also important to pay enough attention to gender problems and other social factors such as family background or regional background, etc.
豊國 伸哉 蒋 麗 胡 茜 永井 裕崇 岡崎 泰昌 赤塚 慎也 山下 依子
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.66, no.3, pp.562-567, 2011 (Released:2011-06-24)
2 5 2

Several types of fibrous stone called asbestos have been an unexpected cause of human cancer in the history. This form of mineral is considered precious in that they are heat-, friction-, and acid-resistant, are obtained easily from mines, and can be modified to any form with many industrial merits. However, it became evident that the inspiration of asbestos causes a rare cancer called malignant mesothelioma. Because of the long incubation period, the peak year for malignant mesothelioma is expected to be 2025 in Japan. Thus, it is necessary to elucidate the mechanisms of asbestos-induced mesothelial carcinogenesis. In this review, we summarize the cutting edge results of our 5-year project funded by a MEXT grant, in which local iron deposition and the characteristics of mesothelial cells are the key issues.
村田 勝敬
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.69, no.3, pp.242-243, 2014 (Released:2014-09-24)
OSAFUNE Tetsuaki MITSUBOSHI Masahiro ITO Takashi AOKI Shigeji EHARA Tomoko HASHIGUCHI Hiroshi MINAMI Kazufumi
Environmental health and preventive medicine (ISSN:1342078X)
vol.12, no.1, pp.11-16, 2007-01

Objectives: Sumo wrestling is one of the most popular sports in Japan. Injuries are not uncommon as this is a vigorous contact sport. Sumo wrestlers have little in the way of protective clothing; their main garb is the mawashi, making them prone to exposure to any microorganisms in the dohyo. The bacterial flora of the dohyo has received little attention. If the constituent flora is identified, then appropriate treatment or prevention of any bacterial lesions or infections incurred by the wrestlers is possible. Methods: The Vitek AMS system used in this study was developed by McDonnell Douglas Corporation. In this system, the physiological and biochemical properties of Gram-positive and -negative bacilli, Gram-positive and -negative cocci, and fungi isolated from clinical materials and environments are examined using test cards specifically for each microorganism group, and the results are automatically read by a computer and encoded. Obtained codes are compared with a built-in database, and bacterial species of test strains are identified. Results: In this study, using the automatic identification kit VITEK or ATB, we describe the aerobic bacterial flora found in the dohyo over the four seasons of the year. We also investigated the effect of salt on the bacterial flora as sumo wrestlers toss salt on the dohyo before each match. We show the relationship between salinity changes and variations in the flora observed upon the addition of salt. Without salt, at the beginning of a match, Gram-negative bacteria predominate. When salt is added, there is a transient decrease in the incidence of flora followed by an increase in the incidence Grampositive cocci. Conclusions: Sixteen bacterial genera were identified using the bacterial identification systems in dohyo soil samples during the year. The number of identified bacterial species was 32. Even in the presence of salt, there is a measurable amount of bacterial flora in dohyo soil; salt does not act as an antibacterial agent.

2 0 0 0 OA 亜鉛と糖尿病

田蒔 基行 藤谷 与士夫
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.69, no.1, pp.15-23, 2014 (Released:2014-01-29)
1 2

Pancreatic β cells contain the highest amount of zinc among cells within the human body, and hence, the relationship between zinc and diabetes has been of great interest. To date, many studies of zinc and diabetes have been reported, including studies demonstrating that diabetic patients and mice have a decreased amount of zinc in the pancreas. Zinc may counteract the deleterious effects of oxidative stress, which contributes to reduced insulin resistance, and may also protect pancreatic β cells from glucolipotoxicity. Recently, we have shown that SLC30A8/zinc transporter 8, which is a transporter expressed on the surface of insulin granules, plays a key role in zinc transport into insulin granules and in the regulation of hepatic insulin clearance. Here, we review the role of zinc in whole-body maintenance and the latest information on the relationship between zinc and diabetes.
塚本 和正 町田 和彦 稲 恭宏 栗山 孝雄 鈴木 克彦 村山 留美子 西城 千夏
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.49, no.4, pp.827-836, 1994-10-15 (Released:2009-02-17)
6 9

動物の過密飼育(crowding)は,心理社会的なストレッサーとされているが,従来の方法は飼育面積を一定にし,個体数のみを変化させているため,個体数の増加と1匹あたりの占有スペースの狭少化という2つの要因が複合されたものであるといえる。そこで本研究ではケージ内の個体数とケージのサイズの両方を変化させるという方法をとり,免疫能に及ぼす影響を追求した。またケージ内の動物の構成メンバーの変化が及ぼす影響についても検討を加えた。実験1ではマウスをまずケージあたり4匹ずつに分けて14日間馴化飼育し,その後ケージあたり4匹(Control群),小スペースあたり4匹(Crowding-I群),ケージあたり16匹(Crowding-II群)の計3群に無作為に分け7日間飼育を行った。結果は以下の通りであった。(1) 体重に群間で有意差は認められなかった。(2) 総白血球数に有意差は認められなかったが,Crowding-II群にリンパ球百分率の有意な低値,そして好中球百分率および絶対数の有意な高値が認められ,ストレッサーの継続負荷による白血球構成比の変動が示唆された。(3) 好中球NBT還元能ではCrowding-II群に低値を示す傾向が観察され,細菌貪食能ではCrowding-II群に有意な低値が認められた。一方Crowding-I群では,NBT還元能,貪食能ともにCrowding-II群ほどの低下は認められなかったが,いずれもControl群とCrowding-II群の中間の値を示す傾向がみられた。これらの結果から,個体数の増加によるマウス相互間の心理社会的要因の複雑化がストレッサーとして重要な意味をもつことが示唆された。実験2ではマウスをまずケージあたり5匹ずつに分けて14日間馴化飼育し,その後ケージあたり5匹(Control群),小スペースあたり5匹(Crowding-(1)群),ケージあたり20匹(Crowding-(2)群)の3群に分けたが,Control群とCrowding-(1)群はケージ内のマウスの数と構成メンバーは馴化飼育と同一にし,ケージへの移動のみを行った。群分け後2日目に抗原としてSRBCを腹腔投与し,7日間飼育を行った。結果は以下の通りであった。(1) 体重にはいずれの時期も有意差は認められなかった。(2) 特異免疫反応として測定したPFCおよび抗SRBC抗体価は,群間に有意差は認められなかった。なおマウスの産生した抗体はIgMであると考えられた。(3) 血漿中のIgM濃度に有意差は認められなかったが,Crowding-(1)群が高値を示した。またIgG濃度では,Crowding-(1)群に有意な高値が認められた。(4) 好中球NBT還元能は,エンドトキシン刺激時では有意差は認められなかったがCrowding-(2)群が低値を示し,細菌刺激時ではCrowding-(2)群に有意な低値が認められた。また好中球の細菌貪食能においてもCrowding-(2)群に有意な低値が認められた。一方Crowding-(1)群はControl群に比べて,有意差は認められなかったがいずれも高値を示した。このように,マウスの構成メンバーを変えず飼育面積の狭少化のみを施して過密にした場合は,同様にマウスの構成メンバーを変えなかった対照群に比べ,免疫能が亢進する傾向が観察された。一方ケージ内の個体数を増やして過密にした場合は,条件設定は実験1とは異なるが,好中球機能の顕著な低下が認められた。本研究は7日間という短期間のストレス負荷の結果であり,今後より綿密な実験デザインを設定し長期間の検討を行いたいと考えている。
張 瑞軍 鹿島 勇治 松井 三明 岡部 とし子 土井 陸雄
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.56, no.2, pp.492-499, 2001-07-15 (Released:2009-02-17)

Total mercury in the muscles of three fish species was analyzed in fish caught in Tokyo Bay and the surrounding sea areas, Sagami Bay and Choshi. Tokyo Bay is a semi-closed sea area surrounded by Tokyo, Kanagawa and Chiba prefectures. Sagami Bay and Choshi are open to the Pacific Ocean. A total of 412 fish consisting of northern whiting (Sillago japonica), flatfish (Limanda yokohamae) and sardine (Sardinops melanosticta) were caught in these areas over a 6 months period from November 1998 to April 1999.Total mercury concentration ranged from 0.008-0.092μg/g (wet wt.) in northern whiting, 0.006-0.065μg/g in flatfish and 0.001-0.045μg/g in sardine. All concentrations were below the restriction limit of fish mercury in Japan, 0.4μg/g of total mercury concentration. A significant correlation was found between mercury concentrations and body length or body weight in northern whiting and flatfish, irrespective of the sea area. A correlation was also found between mercury concentration in fish and their feeding habits: among the 3 species caught in the same area, crustacean feeding northern whiting had the highest, polychaete feeding flatfish moderate, and plankton feeding sardine had the lowest mercury concentration.In a comparison of mercury concentration in the same species caught in different sea areas, a higher concentration was noted in fish caught in the semi-closed sea area of Tokyo Bay, than in fish caught in the open sea areas of Sagami Bay and Choshi. This difference was most marked in fish caught at the bottom of Tokyo Bay and we considered that the mercury concentration of seawater and sediment in these areas was the cause of mercury accumulation in fish. These findings suggest that improved water quality control and environmental monitoring is necessary in semi-closed sea areas such as Tokyo Bay.
岩本 美江子 百々 栄徳 米田 純子 石居 房子 後藤 博 上田 洋一 森江 堯子
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.43, no.6, pp.1116-1123, 1989-02-15 (Released:2009-04-21)
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これまで著者らは生体に対する騒音ストレス作因の生理的影響に関する研究を行うなかで,生理的のみならず心理的な影響をも把握することの必要性を感じた。物理的ストレスが心理的,情動的ストレスとなって不安を生ずる事は,Aiken1)の不安とストレスは[異体同形]であるとの提言からも考えられることである。従来不安の問題は,Kierkegaard2)に代表されるように,主として哲学ことに宗教と倫理学の課題であった。それを心理学の領域で,はじめて病態心理との関連において概念づけたのは精神分析学を樹立したFreud3)であり,彼は神経症的状態の治療においても不安を中心的な問題として重視した。一般に用いられるようになった最初の不安検査は,Taylor4)によって開発され公表された顕在性不安尺度(Manifest Anxiety Scale: MAS)である。その後一連の不安研究の後,Cattell and Scheier5)やLazarusら6)は不安をその特質から一過性にみられる気分としての不安状態と不安への陥りやすさとして捕えられる性格傾向としての不安特性の二つに分けることを提案した。この二つの不安についてSpielberger7)が明確に定義づけをした。すなわち不安には,ある状況下で大きく変動するような状態としての不安(state-anxiety以下A-Stateと略記)と,ある個人において比較的一定していると言われる性格特性としての不安(trait-anxiety以下A-Traitと略記)の二つがある。さらにSpielberger, Gorsuch and Lushene8)は諸種の不安尺度を検討して,既存のどの尺度も状態としての不安と性格としての不安を区別せずに測定しており,不安に関するこれまでの全ての質問票テストはA-Traitを測定していると指摘し,最終的にこのA-StateとA-Traitを測定する尺度として1970年に状態-特性不安尺度State-Trait Anxiety Inventory(略してSTAIと呼ばれる)を発表した。本研究の目的は,若年者および高齢者,また各種状態におけるSTAIの検査結果から,この尺度の妥当性,信頼性を検討することである。さらに衛生学分野において,環境の変化特に騒音が人に対して精神的ストレス因子となって負荷したときのSTAIの応用の良否を検討することをも目的とするものである。
酒井 敏行
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.66, no.1, pp.3-12, 2011 (Released:2011-02-25)
1 1

In previous prevention studies, molecular targets were not intended. We then proposed the concept termed “molecular-targeting prevention” and applied it to cancer prevention. In most malignant tumors, tumor-suppressor genes, the retinoblastoma gene (RB) and/or the p53 gene are considered to be inactivated. We therefore hypothesized that RB and/or p53 might be good candidates for the molecular-targeting prevention of cancer. Interestingly, many cancer-preventive food factors were found to reactivate the lost functions of RB and/or p53 by a “gene-regulating chemoprevention” strategy. We next proposed the concept termed “combination-oriented molecular-targeting prevention”, in which only the preventive effects are synergistically enhanced. We then investigated the TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL)-death receptor 5 (DR5) pathway as a candidate of the target, and found that many cancer-preventive food factors could enhance the pathway resulting in the synergistic apoptosis of various cancer cells. We hope that these strategies will contribute to the prevention of cancer.
辻 達彦 永田 稔 伊藤 洋子 今村 晋 松井 寿夫 芦沢 義郎
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.28, no.2, pp.294-301, 1973

亜鉛製錬所全従業員1398人のCd特殊健診第2次健診として,第1次健診成績をもとに抽出した214人(男181女33)の尿中Cd量の,測定を行ない,成績の検討をした。その主なる所見は以下のごとくであった。<br>1)対象集団の尿Cd量の中央値は男4.7μg/<i>l</i>,女4.1μg/<i>l</i>であった。10μg/<i>l</i>以上のCd量を示すものは男29人(16%),女5人(15.2%)であった。<br>2) 職場環境としての気中Cd濃度は昭和46年では高濃度職場でも0.024mg/m<sup>3</sup>と許容濃度以下であるが, 44年時の測定では最高0.73mg/m<sup>3</sup>で許容濃度を超えている職場が多くあった。<br>3) 職域群別分類で尿中Cd量を比較するとき製錬2課(群V)と,その下請作業者(群VI)および退職者(Cd作業経歴者)は他群に比し高値を示す傾向にある。<br>4) Cd作業者の作業従事年数と尿中Cd量間には, <i>r</i>=0.330と低度ながら有意の相関々係を認めた(<i>P</i><0.01) 10μg/<i>l</i>以上のCd量を示すものは勤続2年の女1例を除いてはいずれも3年以上の勤続者である。また, Cd作業者について10μg/<i>l</i>以上の排泄者をみるとき,従事期間5年を境に出現率は有意に高率となる(<i>P</i><0.01)。<br>5) 10μg/<i>l</i>以上のCd量を示すものは,それ以下の群に比して自覚的愁訴が全般的に多い。両者間で統計的に有意差を認める愁訴としては「よく手足がつる」「下痢をし易い」「耳鳴りがする」「腰痛」の, 4項目がある。<br>6) 内科精密検診対象者としてCd 1日排泄量20μg以上の9人を選定した。これらは,いずれも何らかの所見を有するが,そのうち3例については慢性Cd中毒の検討対象としては,除外できることが検討会で承認された。不受診者1例を除いた残り5例は継続観察が必要である。なお,これら9例は全てCd作業者またはその経歴者である。<br>内科精検所見の一部引用を,こころよく御了承下さった,本学第一内科学教室主任,小林節雄教授に深謝します。
大和 浩 姜 英 太田 雅規
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.70, no.1, pp.3-14, 2015 (Released:2015-01-29)

It is necessary to implement 100% smoke-free environments in all indoor workplaces and indoor public places in order to protect people from exposure to second-hand tobacco smoke (SHS). Forty-four countries have already implemented comprehensive smoke-free legislations according to the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) Guidelines on protection from exposure to tobacco smoke. The Occupational Safety and Health Law (OSHL) was partially revised to strengthen the countermeasures against SHS in Japan in 2014. However, the revision was only minimal. Firstly, it is necessary to make efforts to implement countermeasures against SHS (their implementations are not obligatory, as required in Article 8). Secondly, the revised OSHL allowed the implementation of designated smoking rooms inside workplaces (Article 8 requires 100% smoke-free environments). Thirdly, revised OSHL does not effectively cover the small-scale entertainment industry so that workers in restaurants and pubs will not be protected from occupational SHS. We explain the importance of implementation of 100% smoke-free environments by law, using the data on leakage of smoke from designated smoking rooms, and occupational exposure to SHS among service industry workers. The decrease in the incidence of smoking-related diseases in people where a comprehensive smoke-free law is implemented is also introduced. These data and information should be widely disseminated to policy makers, media, owners of service industries, and Japanese people.
大平 昌彦 青山 英康
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.27, no.6, pp.500-531, 1972-02-28 (Released:2009-02-17)
14 19

In 1955, many babies who had drunk arsenic-tainted milk produced at the Tokushima Plant of the Morinaga Milk-Industry Company Ltd., suffered from serious poisoning. The number of victims ascertained in February, 1956 covering 27 prefectures in the western part of Japan was 12, 159, of whom 131 died.The disaster was caused by the process of manufacturing the powdered milk. Disodium phosphate was added as a stabilizer to make the milk easily soluble. This disodium phosphate was poorly purified, intended for non-food industrial use, and contained a toxic dose of arsenic, sodium arsenite and vanadium compounds etc.Shortly after the disaster, numerous medical reports were published. A committee organized by the Society for Child Health (the chairman was Prof. Nishizawa of Osaka University; so it was called the Nishizawa Committee), determined criteria for the diagnosis of the poisoning; but these criteria were inadequate and erroneous from several points of view. Strange to say, debates and publications about the disaster disappeared quickly after the report was published by the Health Department of Okayama Prefecture stating that the victims had recovered completely according to the criteria established by the Nishizawa Committee only one year after the disaster.Until 1969, when Prof. Maruyama et al., of Osaka University reported on victims whom they had visited, no study had been made to ascertain whether or not there were any after-effects of the poisoning. Much fault must be found with the Ministry of Health and Welfare, with the attitude of the Morinaga Company, and with the doctors concerned, for this neglect to follow-up such an unprecedented and large-scale disaster.In 1969, the authors managed to organize an epidemiological study group with several departments of Hiroshima University and the Department of Hygiene of Okayama University cooperating and have developed joint research on this disaster as follows:1. A follow-up survey was made among victims in Okayama Prefecture between December 1969 and April 1970. 214 people answered the questionnaire and 74 were given a medical examination.2. A prospective study was made on the basis of a questionnaire on clnical complaints collected at the time of the disaster in 1955.3. A comparative study was performed between the victims and their brothers and sisters.4. A comparative study was performed among handicapped children in institutions in Okayama Prefecture, who were born between January 1st, 1953 and December 31st, 1955. The children were divided into three groups, namely those who had consumed the arsenic-tainted milk, those who were brought up on different brands of powdered milk from different companies, and those fed only maternal milk.5. A comparative study was performed among all children born between January 1st, 1954 and December 31st, 1955 and brought up in Seno district in Hiroshima Prefecture which has a relatively stationary population and where good records had been kept of the physical growth and mental development of the children in the nursery, primary and junior high schools. The children were divided into the same three groups as mentioned above. This study was performed as a joint research project by the Departments of Public Health (Director: Prof. M. Tanaka), Orthopedics (Director: Prof. K. Tsuge), Ophthalmology (Director: Prof. T. Dodo) and Psychiatry and Neurology (Director: Prof. K. Sarai) of Hiroshima University Medical School and Deparment of Conservative Dentistry (Director: Prof. T. Inoue) of Hiroshima University Dental School, and Department of Hygiene (Director: Prof. M. Ohira) of Okayama University Medical School. All clinical examinations were conducted separately under the double blind method.6. The 124 cases of the children examined in the district of Senogawa town were discussed individually by the six medical doctors and five dentists who did the examinations.
吉川 一輝 大橋 拓実 小嶌 健仁 本多 悠真 石尾 広武 高田 真澄 大森 正子 宮尾 克
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.71, no.1, pp.12-18, 2016 (Released:2016-01-30)

Objectives: Recent advances in three-dimensional (3D) display technology have contributed significantly to society, particularly in the increasing use of stereoscopic characters. For example, 3D text information is utilized in digital signage. However, research on 3D characters is limited and discussion on the safety and comfort of 3D technology is lacking. According to the 3D Consortium Safety Guidelines in Japan, a comfortable visual parallax with 3D images is less than ±1.0°. However, 3D text must be shown in front of its associated content in order for it to be displayed simultaneously with that content. Methods: We carried out an experiments to verify the permissive limits of cognition in subjects regarding the parallax of 3D images. In the experiment, 94 subjects aged 18 to 81 viewed a 3D flat Maltess cross image having no depth and projected outward from a screen at a large parallax of 1.0° to 6.0°. Results: Eighty-six percent of the subjects recognized the 3D flat image even when it protruded at a 2.0° parallax. These subjects viewed the image comfortably and without visual problems. Conclusions: This study concludes that people can cognitively recognize a 3D telop at a 2.0° parallax without feeling fatigued.
森重 敏子 石西 伸 長 哲二
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.32, no.3, pp.434-441, 1977-08-30 (Released:2009-02-17)

The contamination and the pollution of foodstuffs by radioactive fallout have been investigated since 1961 in Fukuoka city and its suburban area. The results obtained were as follows.1) Recently, the degree of the contamination of greens by radioactive fallout which fell on the leaves decreased to one thousandth in the early stage of the investigation (1961-1962). In the period of the investigation, the remarkable increase of the radioactivity of fallout was observed within a week after the Chinese nuclear bomb explosion in the atmosphere (1st, 2nd, 5th, 12th, 13th, and 15th). The radioactivity was 2 to 300 times higher than the usual level.2) The radioactivity was not remarkable in vegetables which were washed with soap, but it decreased gradually year by year. The increase of the radioactivity was also observed a few days after the atmospheric nuclear explosion.3) In milk, there were no remarkable yearly decreases of the radioactivity from the beginning of the investigation, but the seasonal variations of the radioactivity, such as higher in April and May, were observed.4) The radioactivity in diets based on the standard food production in Japan was the highest in 1967. It decreased gradually from 1967 to 1971 and after that the remarkable variation of the activity was not observed.5) 137Cs contamination of foodstuffs has been observed quantitatively by the method of gamma spectrometry, while sometimes 95Zr-95Nb, 103Ru, and 131I were also detected from the specimens obtained immediately after the nuclear explosions.
宮本 教雄 青木 貴子 武藤 紀久 井奈波 良一 岩田 弘敏
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.49, no.6, pp.1004-1012, 1995-02-15 (Released:2009-02-17)
8 14

In winter, many people have trouble with chilliness in their arms and legs. Many women are especially sensitive to cold, and for them the chilliness of the hands and the feet is difficult to ease even after entering a warm room, or taking a bath. They even feel pain owing to coldness of their limbs in daily life. This symptom has been called “hiesho” in Japanese.The problem of this chilliness is difficult to study because this symptom, in general, can be cured when spring comes. Coldness of the limbs has been considered to be one of the symptoms of the climacteric disturbance among middle-aged females.Recently, however, it was reported that many young females also feel pain owing to coldness of the hands and legs in their daily life during winter.This study investigates the problems of chilliness in the limbs of young females in their daily life. By means of a questionnaire, 642 female college students aged from 18 to 20 years answered questions concerning: (1) physical characteristics, (2) physical conditions in their daily life, (3) physical conditions in winter, and (4) physical conditions in summer. The replies to the questionnaires were tested using the χ2 test.The major results were as follows:1. Half of the subjects were sensitive to cold, and had difficulty sleeping owing to chilliness of their limbs in winter even in a warm environment.For the following results the subjects who were sensitive to cold had significant differences (p<0.05) compared to non-sensitive subjects to cold.2. Those subjects who were aware of chilliness in their limbs had high prevalence rates for irregularities in circadian body rhythm, as well as some symptoms such as white fingers phenomenon, numbness of their limbs, and stiffness in their hands.3. The subjects who were aware of chilliness in their limbs were very sensitive to cold in winter, and had female family members who had the same troubles with chilliness in the arms and the legs, too.4. The subjects who were aware of chilliness in their limbs were sensitive to cold even in summer, and had difficulty sleeping owing to chilliness of the limbs.
関 明彦 瀧川 智子 岸 玲子 坂部 貢 鳥居 新平 田中 正敏 吉村 健清 森本 兼曩 加藤 貴彦 吉良 尚平 相澤 好治
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.62, no.4, pp.939-948, 2007-09-15 (Released:2008-05-16)
14 22

‘Sick house syndrome’ (SHS) is a health issue that closely resembles sick building syndrome (SBS) that had occurred in European countries. The aim of this review is to clarify the characteristics of SHS by reviewing previous reports rigorously. We propose the definition of SHS as “health impairments caused by indoor air pollution, regardless of the place, causative substance, or pathogenesis”. Cases of SBS are reported to occur predominantly in offices and sometimes schools, whereas those of SHS are usually found in general dwellings. In many cases, SHS is caused by biologically and/or chemically polluted indoor air. Physical factors might affect the impairments of SHS in some cases. It is considered that symptoms of SHS develop through toxic, allergic and/or some unknown mechanisms. Psychological mechanisms might also affect the development of SHS. It is still unclear whether SBS and SHS are very close or identical clinical entities, mostly because a general agreement on a diagnostic standard for SHS has not been established. Previous research gradually clarified the etiology of SHS. Further advances in research, diagnosis, and treatment of SHS are warranted with the following measures. Firstly, a clinical diagnostic standard including both subjective and objective findings must be established. Secondly, a standard procedure for assessing indoor air contamination should be established. Lastly, as previous research indicated multiple causative factors for SHS, an interdisciplinary approach is needed to obtain the grand picture of the syndrome.
稲 恭宏 町田 和彦 鈴木 克彦 塚本 和正
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.48, no.6, pp.1077-1089, 1994

The effects of voluntary running exercise on health indexes in rats were studied before and after Sheep Red Blood Cell (SRBC)-induced inflammation. Male Fischer rats (SPF) 8 weeks of age were housed in individual sedentary cages (sedentary group) or in individual wheel-running cages (exercise group) for 4 months. Then all rats were injected with 20% SRBC (0.5ml/100g body weight) i. p.<br>Voluntary running activity averaged 1408m/day, reached a peak (2913m/day) at the 25th day and waned over time, reaching a plateau at the 60th day (about 1000m/day).<br>In spite of a significant increase in food intake (117%), exercising rats gained significantly less weight (93%) than sedentary rats at all times in experimental period. The exercise group also showed a significant decrease in the value of serum triglyceride (TG) and total cholesterol (T. CHO) (TG p<0.0002, T. CHO p<0.03).<br>The hematocrit (Ht) and hemoglobin concentration (Hb) were higher in the exercised rats, and at 4 days after i. p. SRBC, the difference became statistically significant (Ht p<0.0002, Hb p<0.003). Thus, protective effects against the decrease of Ht and Hb were demonstrated in the exercised group.<br>Perhaps this inflammation did not impair liver function severely; sedentary rats had normal or slightly higher levels of GOT and GPT. On the other hand, exercised rats had lower GOT and GPT. Significant differences were found between the groups (GOT, GPT p<0.0001).
村田 勝敬 嶽石 美和子
日本衞生學雜誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.60, no.1, pp.4-14, 2005-01-01
5 9

A workshop on the Scientific Issues Relevant to Assessment of Health Effects from Exposure to Methylmercury was held in Raleigh, North Carolina, November 18-20, 1998. At that time, most discussions focused on two of the major epidemiologic studies, e. g., Seychelles child development study and Faroese birth cohort study, associating methylmercury exposure with an array of developmental measures in children. These two studies seemed to provide different conclusions on the potential health effects of methylmercury and significant uncertainties remained because of issues related to exposure, neurobehavioral endpoints, confounders and statistics, and design. Since then, each group researching the Seychellois or Faroes cohort has reported some new findings on the risk assessment of methylmercury. This article is intended to present an overview of the above research, as well as benchmark dose calculations. One implication is that neuropsychological measures may depend on social and cultural factors including race and language, and another is that a key to resolve whether the exposure has harmed the fetus appears to lie in neurophysiological measures such as brainstem auditory evoked potentials and electrocardiographic R-R interval variability. In addition, it is likely that the findings published tend to underestimate the neurotoxic effects of developmental methylmercury exposure. In light of the precautionary principle, a conclusion on health effects of low-level dietary exposures to methylmercury needs to be drawn from all available data including the New Zealand study.