平原 憲道 山岸 侯彦
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.18, no.3, pp.534-545, 2011 (Released:2012-03-09)

We investigated risk perception as it appears to breast cancer patients and how it develops. Wealth of anecdotal evidence as well as interview with both medical professionals and patients led us to hypothesize that patients' risk attitude would develop from incipience, wherein they are preoccupied by optimism toward complete treatment, to recurrence, wherein they become less optimistic and accept the realistic need to cohabitate with the disease. One-hundred breast cancer patients were recruited via voluntary patients organizations in Japan. The participants responded to either a 5-paged web questionnaire or a paper-pencil survey to judge the likelihood of certain risky treatment incidents happening to them, such as bad treatment result, side effects of chemotherapy, recurrence, and medical accident. The result showed that breast cancer patients did not differ as a whole in their optimism on medical risk perception between the two treatment stages. However, the result differed depending on patients' current treatment status: only in the regular treatment (defined as seeing a doctor once or twice a month) group patients were more optimistic in their incipient stage when compared with their recurrence stage, while there was no such difference in no treatment (defined as receiving a follow-up examination once a year) group. There was no difference in their optimism on medical risk perception among formally (medically) categorized cancer stages. Also, confirmatory factor analysis revealed that there were three distinctive factors to which the patients' optimism on risk perception was divided, namely “recurrence,” “aggressive treatment,” and “medical accident.” Hence, we uncovered a possible structure underneath “medical risk perception,” as well as successfully replicated the result of the past study. Implications and possible extension are discussed.
横地 早和子 岡田 猛
認知科学 = Cognitive studies : bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society (ISSN:13417924)
vol.14, no.3, pp.437-454, 2007-09-01

This study investigated the creative expertise of artists who had been making art for many years. In an initial study, we interviewed four artists at different stages of their careers about their previous artworks to investigate how they made them and how they changed in the course of their making. We asked, for instance, about their concept of each artwork, when and how a new series of artworks emerged, and so on. It was revealed that experienced artists formed their artistic vision (i.e., their long-term intention or main theme related to making art) after changing series of artwork several times, and then created artworks based on it. On the other hand, younger artists did not recognize their artistic vision yet, making artworks based on their temporary interests. In a second study, nine professional artists with more than 10 years of experience were interviewed about their whole body of artworks to identify how they became creative experts and how their artistic vision was formed. As a result, it appeared that there are three periods in creative expertise: the first is “being constrained to external criteria”; the second is “forming their own internal criteria”; and the third is “generating harmonious creations with the artistic vision.” In sum, when the artists were young, they made artworks based on external criteria. Later on, they recognized the limitations of this approach, and started to focus on internal criteria. Finally, on average about 13 years after beginning their artistic careers and creating several series of artworks, artists formed a personal artistic vision. At that point they were confidently able to make original artworks.
青山 征彦
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.7, no.3, pp.241-256, 2000-09-01 (Released:2008-10-03)

The aim of this paper is to present the structure and classification of past sequences, e.g., flashbacks, with reference to actual scenes from movies and televised movies, with a new technique for transcription. An analysis of the techniques used in the scenes revealed the following points: (1) close-ups and voice-overs are used to indicate “who remembers,” (2) reshowing the prior scenes or references to the past are used to indicate “when the event occurred,” and (3) changing the color or brightness of the screen is used to indicate “breaks” between the present and the past. The analysis reveals that many techniques, or cognitive artifacts, are employed to depict past sequences, which often result in redundancy. The notion of cognitive artifacts is discussed further, particularly with respect to their systematic aspects.
林 勇吾 三輪 和久 森田 純哉
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.14, no.4, pp.604-619, 2007 (Released:2009-04-24)

In this study, we investigated effects of having different perspectives in solving collaborative tasks. A simple reasoning task was given to several pairs of participants, each of whom discussed their views with their partner. Protocol analysis was performed to reveal how people exchange information with a partner who has a different perspective to achieve successful collaboration. In the experiment, we controlled participants′ perspectives, where the appearance of visual images was manipulated based on Gestalt psychological theory. Three conditions were set up: (1) the distributed-view condition, where one of two different perspectives was presented separately to each of the participants in a pair; (2) the dual-view condition, where two equivalent perspectives were presented together to both participants; and (3) the single-view condition, where only a single perspective was presented to both participants. The protocol analysis showed that the pairs in the distributed view condition who reached to solution engaged in the task with complementary interactive manners. On the other hand, the protocols of the pairs who could not reach solution showed that one of the participants shifted his⁄her perspective towards the opponents′ perspective. It is also argued that the problem solving in collaboration of pairs with different perspectives is performed through insight processes.
池側 隆之
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.17, no.3, pp.430-443, 2010 (Released:2011-03-08)

In recent years, when art and design students have the chance to be involved in film production they tend increasingly to produce animations. Young artists and professional designers are also showing a positive interest in animation and have been developing their own techniques of production. Focusing from a high-level perspective on the series of production processes involved in time-based visual media and explicitly defining these processes as design, this paper argues that artists and designers need to establish their own methods of “design for designing”. The preparation of visual design materials in the preliminary stages of animation production is essential for developing ideas and passing these on to subsequent processes. Such consciousness concerning the importance of the objective visualization of ideas can make a valuable contribution to the originality of the creative work itself. Introducing the practice of “Frame-by-Frame Shooting” in design education, this paper considers the contribution which the use of moving images, especially animation, can make to the design process. The paper also discusses the effectiveness of self-observation in the process of “design for designing” with reference to the concept of meta-cognition. This discussion is intended to address some hitherto under-researched questions concerning moving images in the field of cognitive science.
常深 浩平
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.28, no.4, pp.642-652, 2021-12-01 (Released:2021-12-15)

This article focused on the role of perceptual memory and autobiographical memory in the embodied story of text comprehension. Firstly, the reader's perceptual memory could contribute to the construction of mental representations, i.e., situation models, during story comprehension. Especially, the perceptual information in autobiographical memory is supposed to contribute to constructing situation models. Furthermore, because the accumulation of situation models forms a similar structure as autobiographical memory, it could share a cognitive process: vicarious experience of the real world. Therefore, story comprehension and autobiographical memory have strong connections as a kind of embodied cognition. Secondly, the accumulation of situation models throughout whole story reading has so unique feature that couldn't reduce each situation model of words or sentences, then become a fruitful target in the research about embodied cognition of language. Thirdly, developmental research possibly unites the cognitive processes of story comprehension, autobiographical memory, and the concept of the real world as a kind of embodied cognition.
望月 正哉
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.28, no.4, pp.629-641, 2021-12-01 (Released:2021-12-15)

The framework of embodied cognition, which claims that sensorimotor information is crucially involved in language comprehension, has made considerable contributions to the development of concept processing and word recognition research in recent decades. Current debates, however, have been criticized for the difficulty of fully explaining the characteristics of concept or sematic representations with this framework alone. In this brief article, I reviewed empirical studies of mental simulation in concept processing and word recognition based on the framework of embodied cognition, and presented criticisms for those studies. I then outlined some of the major models and theories of conceptual and semantic representations, including accounts of abstract concept representations, which have been widely discussed in recent years. These studies suggest that we should not examine whether concepts are embodied, but rather examine how they are grounded in diverse systems such as sensorimotor system, mental states, language system, environment, and context.
川合 伸幸
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.14, no.2, pp.217-222, 2007 (Released:2009-03-06)

認知科学において「熟達化」は重要な研究テーマの1つである.芸術家,スポーツ選手,科学者など,各分野のエキスパートがその研究対象となることが少なくないが,普通の人が何気なく行っている熟達化もある.その1つが,顔の認識である.一般的な成人は,画像処理によってわずかに顔のパーツの距離(両眼間の距離や,眼と口の距離)が変えられただけでも,元の顔と違いを区別できる.しかし,他人種の顔写真を用いたときにはその成績が下がることや,子どもはそもそも成績が悪いことなどから,これは熟達化の1つであると考えられている. 成人の顔を見分ける能力は,他の種の顔にもほとんど般化しない.実際,私はチンパンジーならどの顔も区別がつくが,同じ類人猿のゴリラやオランウータンの顔は区別できない.本稿では,このような顔認識の熟達化が経験によってどのように変化するかを示した3編の実験論文を紹介する. 最初の論文は,音声知覚の発達と同様に,生後6ヶ月ではヒトとサルの両方の顔を個別に区別できるが,生後9ヶ月になると同種の顔しか区別できなくなることを示している.2番目の論文は,同じ人種の顔は区別できるが他人種の顔は区別しにくいという他人種効果は5歳までに出現するが,6歳以降に養子として異なる人種の地域に移住すれば,その人種の顔のほうが区別しやすくなるという可塑性を示したものである.3番目の論文は,サルとヒトの顔に対する識別能力を8歳児と成人で比較し,すでに8歳でヒトの顔のわずかな配置の違いを識別できるようになっており,それ以降にさらに発達する顔認識の熟達化は,かならずしもその後の顔認識の経験とは関連していないことを示唆している.
清水 大地
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.26, no.2, pp.283-290, 2019-06-01 (Released:2019-12-01)

1950 年のAPA 会長就任講演において,知能に関する研究者であるGuilford は創造性研究の必要性に関する重要な指摘を行った.その指摘に伴い,数多くの創造性に関する研究がこれまで心理学や認知科学において蓄積されてきた.特に,近年は情報技術やAI の発展に伴い,ヒトの有する新奇なモノを生成するcreativity という概念に再び大きな着目が集まりつつある.例えば2018 年度には,アメリカのオレゴン州において第1 回のCreativity Conference が開催され,Csikszentmihalyi やSternberg といった名だたる研究者を含む数多くの研究者・実践者が集まり活発な議論が繰り広げられた.また2019 年度には,Cognitive Science Society のAnnual Conference(Cog Sci 2019) においてcreativity がテーマとして掲げられている. このような興味・関心の高まりと並行して,近年の創造性研究においては,対象とする創造性の定義や枠組みを見直そうとする機運が高まっている.紹介する各論文が主張する通り,creativity という曖昧で抽象的な存在を対象にした研究を行う際には,その対象をどのようなものと理解するのか,という定義や枠組みに関する問題が常に付随する.例えばRhodes (1961) による創造性を捉える観点を整理したFour P’s Approach (Person, Process,Product, Press) がその代表として挙げられるだろう.特にこれまでの心理学や認知科学では,主に個人の高次認知過程や特性に焦点を当てたアプローチが営まれてきた.一方近年では,Csikszentmihalyi (1991) のSystems model のように,創造性を個人・環境・社会との関係性の中から生じるものと捉えて検証する試みも徐々に営まれつつある.以上を踏まえ,本稿ではcreativity に関する定義・枠組み・測定手法に関する包括的な整理や問い直しを試みた論文を3 本紹介する. 以上の論文を参照することにより,暗黙的な背景設定の下で行われる傾向の強い創造性という概念を今一度考え直すことを本稿は目的とする.とはいえ定義・枠組みに関する一部の論文を取り上げたにとどまっており,あくまで最近の動向としてご確認いただければ幸いである.
中村 國則 斎藤 元幸
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.30, no.4, pp.391-392, 2023-12-01 (Released:2023-12-15)
竹村 和久 原口 僚平 玉利 祐樹
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.22, no.3, pp.368-388, 2015-09-01 (Released:2016-03-01)

This paper examines two-stage multi-attribute decision strategies in different condi-tions where numbers of alternatives, and attributes are varied. A Monte-Carlo com-puter simulation using the concept of elementary information processes identified de-cision strategies that approximate the accuracy of normative procedures while savingcognitive effort in the two-stage decision making process. The elementary strategiesexamined in the simulation were nine decision strategies: lexicographic, lexicographicsemi-order, elimination by aspect, conjunctive, disjunctive, weighted additive, equallyweighted additive, additive difference, and majority of confirming dimensions strategies.Elementary information process and relative accuracy were computed for all combina-tion of two decision strategies for two-phased decision making process. The result ofthe computer simulation suggested that comparatively effortless and accurate heuristicwas the two-phased strategy that used lexicographic strategy to eliminate until a fewalternatives in the first stage and used weighted additive strategy in the second stage.Lastly, theoretical and practical implications of this study were discussed.
谷貝 祐介 古山 宣洋 三嶋 博之
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.26, no.2, pp.197-218, 2019-06-01 (Released:2019-12-01)

In drum-set playing,drummers need to maintain accurate and powerful performance.What kind of postural control makes it possible to achieve this? The present study investigated the differences in postural control between expert (N=3) and novice (N = 4) drum-set players.Participants in this study performed an 8-beat rhythm pattern using an electric drum set consisted of hi-hat cymbals,a snare drum,and a bass drum.Tap-pressure data of each instrument and center-of-pressure (CoP) data of the participant were recorded and analyzed. As indices of performance accuracy and intensity,mean and standard deviation (SD) of inter-tap interval (ITI) and mean and coefficient of variation peak tap force applied to each instrument were calculated from the tap-pressure data.A principal component analysis was performed to compute the area of CoP and the circular SD of the principal component angle.The area of CoP and the circular SD were used to evaluate the magnitude of movement and the variance in movement direction, respectively. We found the followings: As for the experts,the SD of ITI and circular SD were small and consistent across the individuals,while the individual differences was relatively large in the peak tap force and area of CoP.The SD of ITI and circular SD of the novices were comparable to those of the experts.The individual differences in the drum-set playing skills seemed to be dependent on musical background of the individuals.
新垣 紀子 野島 久雄
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.11, no.3, pp.239-251, 2004 (Released:2007-04-13)

Pieces of information and cues left by other people's actions often help us in our daily problem solving activities. In this paper, we examined the roles and functions of HARIGAMI, or stickers, from the viewpoint of social navigation. We collected 1075 pieces of HARIGAMI from 1998 to 2004. We categorized them into cognitive and social categories, and described the situations in which these HARIGAMI were used.The results indicate that HARIGAMI conveys such information as (1) traces of other people's activities, (2) most frequent uses of functions of the system on which HARIGAMI are added, and (3) environmental and system changes as time passes. By analyzing which cognitive level HARIGAMI worked on, we propose possible considerations on the refinement of the system design.HARIGAMI also works as a medium of indirect communication between users of the system on which the HARIGAMI is attached. From analysis of HARIGAMI, we need a new communication channel between users of information distributed via HARIGAMI as it can be useful to prospective users of the system.
鈴木 宏昭
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.4, no.4, pp.4_6-4_18, 1997-12-01 (Released:2008-10-03)

Recent research has shown that similarity plays crucial roles not only in lower-level cognition, but also in higher-level ones such as problem-solving and learning including analogy. At the same time, these findings have made clear the insufficiency of the traditional model of similarity that assumes a flat representation of a fixed set of properties of an object. This paper explores the possibility of extending similarity to the variety of cognitive activities. For this purpose, by reviewing recent studies on similairty judgment, we examined whether human similarity judgment could reflect a.) structural information, b.) task goals, and c.) knolwedge relevant to achieving the task. The review revealed that human mechanisms of similarity judgments incorporate structural and goal-related information in computing similarity.
室橋 春光
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.29, no.3, pp.421-432, 2022-09-01 (Released:2022-09-15)

The brain deals with rationality-related processes in multi-dimensional and diverse ways. It is supposed that the brain starts processing such complicated complex cognitive processes immediately after the stimulus appears. Components in event-related potentials can reflect those processes that are underlying them. For example, mismatch negativity (MMN) reflects the violation of a rule established by a sequence of sensory stimuli. N2 components are supposed to be related to cognitive control. P300 components are elicited when stimulus detection engages memory operations. N400 is related to meaning processing. P600 is associated with syntactic and semantic reanalysis processes. Early left anterior negativity (ELAN) is supposed to be a marker of syntactic first-pass parsing. Error-related negativity (ERN) is a negative waveform that arises after a participant makes a detectable error. These components can reflect various rationality-related processes in decision making. In dual process theory, there are two distinctive types of processes: fast and intuitive process, that is System 1 (Type 1), and deliberative and reflective process, that is System 2 (Type 2). It is supposed that the two processes deal with rationality based on their respective characteristics. However, the detailed processes are not clear. For an analysis using ERP components, it is expected that the rational-related processes in the course of time reveal up to about 1000ms.
鈴木 宏昭 大西 仁
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.16, no.1, pp.154-165, 2009 (Released:2010-06-11)

We discussed symmetry from the viewpoint of form and structure of knowledge representation. First we proposed a hypothesis that explains why nonhuman animals do not exhibit symmetry while humans exhibit symmetry. According to the proposed hypothesis, non-human animals form procedural knowledge where an object (the comparison item) and an action are tightly coupled by knowledge compilation through repetitive training. It prevents them from recognizing the object separate from the action so that non-human animals do not recognize the object as the sample stimulus of the inverted task. Therefore the animal does not exhibit symmetry. In contrast, humans make use of verbal description of the training situation. It prompts them to separate the action and the objects, so that the object is easily recognized as the sample of the inverted task. Second we discussed the problem of similarity in reasoning. Many studies showing human symmetric reasoning presume that the truth value of a proposition is either true or false. However we do not always treat a proposition in such a dichotomous way. In such cases, similarity plays important roles. It is well known that similarity is asymmetric and that similarity is computed based on structured representation. We pointed that these two properties of similarity are crucial for understanding human symmetric as well as asymmetric reasoning.
綾屋 紗月
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.29, no.2, pp.312-321, 2022-06-01 (Released:2022-06-15)

Since childhood, I have been unable to share my experiences with those around me and lived in chaos. With a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder, I recognized myself as a member of a minority group and gained connections to minority communities. On the other hand, I also experienced the unfairness of being overly blamed for miscommunication. Therefore, based on the social model of disability, I conducted tojisha-kenkyu in order to explore my characteristics and the conditions of the environment that suited those characteristics. As a result, I was able to gain knowledge about my characteristics behind communication difficulties and how to guarantee informational accommodation appropriate for these characteristics. Although this knowledge improved my current wellbeing, the traumatic memory of the past remained afterwards, and I was unable to integrate my present and past selves. However, the knowledge from others who knew the past gave meaning to such memories and enabled me to construct an integrated self-narrative. The above process of tojisha-kenkyu brought about knowledge that made it possible to connect with the body, the world, and the past, but this knowledge was at the individual level. It was only by acquiring historical knowledge that enabled me to situate my own tojisha-kenkyu in the genealogy of the knowledge of tojishas, which I received from my past peers, updated and transferred to my subsequent peers, that I was able to challenge the exclusive society.
高野 陽太郎
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.15, no.3, pp.555-558, 2008 (Released:2010-02-15)

Tabata (2008b) has criticized Takano and Tanaka's (2008) account of mirror reversal in that it is based on “incomplete comprehension of physical principles.” However, Tabata's comprehension of physical principles is invalid in that it implicitly includes many cognitive processes as well.