山内 保典 岡田 猛
認知科学 = Cognitive studies : bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society (ISSN:13417924)
vol.10, no.3, pp.418-435, 2003-09-01

Cognitive science research on scientific thinking is a rising approach in studies of science (i.e., meta-science such as philosophy and sociology of science), and has made important contributions to explaining scientific discovery processes. In this study, we first point out that construction processes of a Validity-Boundary (V.B.) are appropriate for studies in cognitive science. A V.B. serves as a criterion for an academic community to judge whether a new study is valid or not. In this sense, a V.B. constrains activities for generating new scientific knowledge. Research in science studies has suggested that scientists construct a V.B. through daily academic activities. Therefore, investigating the contents and construction processes of a V.B. is essential to fully understand scientific activity. Second, based on formal logic, we propose a framework for studying the construction processes of a V.B. Analysis of counterarguments in academic discussions using this framework suggest that there are several patterns of V.B. construction processes.
岡田 浩之 鮫島 和行
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.27, no.3, pp.241-247, 2020-09-01 (Released:2020-09-15)
田中 優子 楠見 孝
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.19, no.1, pp.56-68, 2012 (Released:2013-12-27)

The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of the type of goals and ability on critical thinking performance. Seventy Three students at a nursing school evaluated 30 items of enthymematic reasoning that is reasoning based on enthymeme under two kinds of goals (“to make correct judgments” and “to enjoy things”). Enthymeme, in this study, was defined as a modus ponens syllogism without an unstated premise, so that the enthymeme was logically invalid. We also manipulated the degree of believability of the unstated premise and classified the 30 items of enthymematic reasoning into four categories based on the degree of believability. Critical thinking ability was measured by using the inference subscale of the Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal. The results showed that the logically invalid enthymematic reasoning was more accepted under the goal of enjoying things. Students less accepted the enthymematic reasoning with a less believable implicit assumption. Although students tend to accept the enthymematic reasoning with a relatively believable assumption, the students who had high critical thinking ability more refused to accept the enthymematic reasoning under the goal of making correct judgments in comparison with the students who had low critical thinking ability. We conclude that (1) critical thinking performance varies with goals and beliefs in implicit assumption within subjects; (2) high score in critical thinking ability test does not necessarily guarantee high performance; and (3) critical thinking ability affects performance interacting with goals.
小山内 秀和 古見 文一 北島 美花 近藤 千恵子 所 歩美 米田 英嗣 楠見 孝
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.26, no.1, pp.108-120, 2019-03-01 (Released:2019-09-01)

The concept of immersion into stories refers to the degree to which readers focus their attention fully on a story and experience the situation in the story like a real world. During such an experience, readers project the representations of the story onto the text itself. Although researchers have investigated whether reading narrative fiction is positively associated with social ability, empirical studies do not provide consistent results. We hypothesized that individual differences in story immersion can influence the relationship between reading stories and mindreading. In Study 1 (with adults) and Study 2 (with children), we measured participants’ exposure to stories, their proneness to story immersion, and mindreading. In contrast to previous studies, we did not find significant correlation between exposure to stories and mindreading. Story exposure,however, was associated with the story immersion in both adults and children. Furthermore, the result of Study 1 showed significant correlation between story immersion and mindreading. These results suggest an important role for story immersion on the enhancement of mindreading. This possibility is discussed in light of the methodology used to measure story immersion and developmental changes in reading experience.
西尾 千尋 青山 慶 佐々木 正人
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.22, no.1, pp.151-166, 2015-03-01 (Released:2015-09-15)

This longitudinal research examined an infant’s walking in the house for three months from the onset of walking, in order to describe where the behavior typically occurred. The beginning and end of locomotion were defined, and units of locomotion broken down into three aspects: 1. the posture at the beginning and the end of one unit, 2. locations where the locomotion began and concluded, and 3. paths of locomotion. The results for each of these aspects of locomotion were as follows, 1. Locomotion started from a sitting position in which the infant frequently touched the small objects coin-cided with carrying it at 80%. 2. From the erect position walking tended to commence in the surrounding area where the infant could hold on to items for support. 3.Loco-motion in one room was observed most frequently, though locomotion that crossed into other areas increased in the latter half of the three-month observation period. Travel diversified among areas that afforded the infant various activities, including passing through the area. However, some paths were frequently observed. These results sug-gest that the locomotion is conditioned by information of the surroundings, and the development of infant locomotion is characterized by the increasing connections to a variety of places in the house.
北本 遼太 茂呂 雄二
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.27, no.1, pp.44-62, 2020-03-01 (Released:2020-03-15)

The purpose of this article is to advance the situated approach through adopting the concepts of performance. Ueno,Sawyer, and Moro (2014) hybridized Actor Network Theory and Activity Theory and proposed analytical viewpoint of “modes of exchange”. For succession of the proposition, we advanced the viewpoint of exchange in emotional aspect. We introduced the viewpoint of “performative exchanges”, which focus to dominant pattern of giving-getting on learning practices and transformation of the pattern, for this purpose. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with members of welfare service associations and analyzed by two steps as follow. In step 1, we described the entrepreneurial process of welfare serves from two viewpoints of “translation of interest” and “modes of exchange”. Through the comparison of two viewpoints, we found that dominant pattern of giving-getting on this practice is “providing service-receiving reward”, which is characterized by “working for equation”. In step 2, we focused to imagination and emotionality in order to analyze the transformation of “providing service-receiving reward”. The result showed that mechanism of transformation is playful imaginative exchanges with “the most peripheral participants” and re-construction of the exchange of commodities. In general discussion, we pointed out that difference among three viewpoints is approach to emotion.
森山 徹 Vladimir Riabov 右田 正夫
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.12, no.3, pp.188-206, 2005 (Released:2009-10-16)

Most of behavioral patterns in animals can be interpreted as passive mechanical reactions to stimuli. This idea of Innate Release Mechanism dominated in ethology for a long time. However, if all types of behavior were caused by this mechanism only, animals would not survive in any novel situation where some new behaviors become necessary. Contrary to the traditional theory, we demonstrate that pill bugs (Armadillidium vulgare, Isopoda, Crustacean) can adapt to a new situation by spontaneously generating a new (special) behavior. In our experiments, each bug was placed to an annulus-shaped substrate surrounded by water (test conditions) or acrylic wall (control conditions). Small obstacles were introduced at regular intervals in the middle of the annulus. Normally, the bugs move in a well-known turn-alternation behavioral pattern, touching the obstacle repeatedly. However, as they are destined to die staying in water for more than about thirty minutes, moving along the water becomes dangerous but crucial for their survival activity, resulting in the emergence of the new type of behavior. Under such conditions, the bugs demonstrated mounting to the obstacles, i.e. the behavior rarely observed in the absence of water. Sometimes, this mounting behavior was observed recurrently after wandering around obstacles without touching the water. In the control experiment, when the annulus substrate was surrounded by acrylic wall, mounting behavior happened rarely. We further study the time series corresponding to the behavioral pattern of touching the obstacles by means of wavelet analysis, in order to reveal characteristic periods of each kind of behavior under different conditions. Several pronounced periods in the interval of 50-200 seconds have been detected in both the experimental and control groups. This result implies that pill bugs scan the environment with certain periods, and express mounting behavior occasionally. In the presence of water, mounting behavior apparently decreases the probability of direct contact with the water. Expression of this kind of adaptive multiple-choice behavior can be interpreted as an “intelligent” activity of pill bugs.
井上 紗奈 本田 秀仁 森 数馬 山本(前田) 万里 椎名 武夫 曲山 幸生 永井 成美 和田 有史
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.25, no.1, pp.7-25, 2018-03-01 (Released:2018-09-01)

A new functional food-labeling system was implemented in 2015. Food products with new functional information are expected to increase along the increase of health awareness in Japan. However, it is difficult for ordinal consumers to understand each functional component of food. When descriptions on food include scientific information,people often misunderstand or excessively expect about a new function. This research investigated how understanding the information of foods was correlated with individual’s cognitive traits conducting a web-based survey using a fictional news report based on real research to two groups, ordinal consumers group and specific occupations group that supposed to have high recognition degree of new functional food-labeling system. We also used three cognitive indices, the cognitive reflection test, numeracy and graph literacy, to investigate the influence of cognitive traits on reading comprehension and interpretation. The results revealed that graph literacy was correlated with understanding and that the other two indices were correlated with psychological factors of interpretation though there was no group difference.
三島 瑞穂
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.26, no.1, pp.152-167, 2019-03-01 (Released:2019-09-01)

Projective test in clinical psychology is utilized for intersubjective understanding between therapist and client. Conventional projective test cannot eliminate the subjective factor of therapist scientifically. In Getting Other Perspective Therapy, participants experienced intersubjectivity with their representations of other, themselves and the relationships in their internal representation system without intervention of therapist. Two kind of projective drawing, two- tree-test invented by us and two-circle-test were carried out before and after getting other perspective therapy. In the result, many of participants join the program how they used to be and their positive images and attachment relationship were correlated in the results, in their drawing.
藤木 大介 中條 和光
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.12, no.3, pp.252-269, 2005 (Released:2009-10-16)

This study investigated the forming process of the sentence semantic representation. Fujiki and Chujo (2005) consider it the integration process of schemata. Their model assumed that the integration occurred when encountering syntactic head words of phrases, and that the schemata of the constituents except the head were integrated into the head schema. However, their model could explain only two types of integration, so this study extended the model including the process of comparison and alignment for schemata. To test the validity of this extended model, we compared sentences including acceptable noun phrases with sentences including unacceptable noun phrase. As the result of the measuring the reading time of those noun phrases and judgment time of the acceptability of those sentences, the semantic processes of these sentences changed depending on the load of sentence processing. We proposed that the model would change its behavior as the amount of the available resources changed
都築 幸恵 新垣 紀子
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.19, no.1, pp.39-55, 2012 (Released:2013-12-27)

The purpose of these two studies was to examine critical thinking among college students using reading materials on “yutori” (reduced intensity) education. In the first study, 90 participants were presented with excerpts from two newspaper articles (reading material A) and an actual example from the PISA reading literacy test (reading material B). Participants were asked to write a concluding paragraph after reading both materials. It was found that only 10% of the participants could apply critical thinking while examining the materials and could point out inconsistencies between reading materials A and B. Participants who applied critical thinking scored significantly higher on Hirayama and Kusumi’s (2004) scale for “critical thinking attitude” and for “emphasis on evidence.” In the second study, another group of participants were presented with the same materials, but this time they were asked to think aloud as they worked on writing the concluding paragraph. Using protocol analyses, it was reled that critical thinkers formed a conclusion after they had searched for and evaluated the information in the presented materials. Non-critical thinkers, in contrast, mentioned their personal beliefs before thoroughly searching for and evaluating the information and formed a con-clusion that was consistent with their pre-existing beliefs. Implications of this finding for college education are discussed.
安藤 玲子 池田 まさみ
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.19, no.1, pp.83-99, 2012 (Released:2013-12-27)

This study examined an acquisition process of “critical thinking disposition” with a four-wave panel data on junior high school students. More specifically, we examined the causal relationships among “critical thinking disposition”, “the skill of practical use of information”, “motivation”, and “communication activity”. We tested several causal models by structural equation modeling, and selected appropriate models. Results showed that “motivation” had effected on “critical thinking disposition” via “the skill of practical use of information”. Also, we found that “truth seeking disposition” which is a factor of “critical thinking disposition” had direct and indirect effected on the other factors of “critical thinking disposition”. Furthermore, we found that “critical thinking disposition” had positive effects on “communication activity”. We concluded that as a way to develop students’ critical thinking disposition, several approach will needed by improving students’ learning motivation, informat on literacy, and truth seeking disposition.
小泉 政利 玉岡 賀津雄
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.13, no.3, pp.392-403, 2006 (Released:2008-11-13)

The present study investigated the canonical positions of four kinds of adverbial expressions (or adjuncts) in Japanese (i.e. modal, time, manner, and resultative adverbs) using a sentence plausibility judgment task measuring reaction times and error rates. Sentences with a modal adverb were processed faster in the Adverb-Subject-Object-Verb (ASOV) order than either the SAOV or SOAV order. For time adverbs, the mean reaction time for SOAV was longer than the mean reaction times for ASOV and SAOV, which did not differ significantly from each other. For manner and resultative adverbs, ASOV took longer to process than SAOV and SOAV, and the latter two orders did not show a reliable difference in reaction times. These results suggest that the canonical word order(s) is(are) ASOV for modal adverbs, ASOV and SAOV for time adverbs, and SAOV and SOAV for manner and resultative adverbs, as predicted by the following syntactic structure of Japanese. [MP (Modal-Adv.) [IP (Time-Adv.) Subject (Time-Adv.) [VP (Manner/Resultative-Adv.) Object (Manner/Resultative-Adv.) Verb] Infl] Modal]
齊藤 萌木
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.23, no.3, pp.201-220, 2017-09-01 (Released:2017-03-01)

In order to clarify the nature and mechanism of socially constructive interaction, this paper presents an analysis of an Hypothesis-Experiment-Instruction (HEI) classroom discussion in which 21 third-graders collaboratively developed a rudimentary scientific concept of air. The lesson unit consisted of 11 problems whose answers were to be pre-dicted and discussed one at a time. The analysis focused on the 8th class discussion,which is seen to be most critical for the conceptual change of the children. The author adopted two analytic perspectives: the framework theory perspective and the knowledge-in-piece perspective. From the framework theory perspective, each child’s model was unique. The diversity of the explanatory model in the class was main-tained in the entire discussion. From the knowledge-in-piece perspective, every child actively engaged in the discussion, integrating various knowledge pieces into his/her model. Role change between task-doing and monitoring in a collaborative situation basically led children to elaborate their models. Particular type of monitoring aroused in the classroom played an interesting role in constructing a newer model.
川合 伸幸
認知科学 = Cognitive studies : bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society (ISSN:13417924)
vol.20, no.1, pp.46-58, 2013-03-01

A Noh mask, carved out of wood, is often said to be a byword for impassivity.<br> However, a Noh mask expresses various emotions during traditional Japanese Noh per<br>formances. A Noh mask that looks upward expresses happiness, while a mask looks<br> downward expresses sadness. Nevertheless, previous studies reported the opposite re<br>sults: people recognize pictures of masks with upward inclinations as being sad, whereas<br> masks with the larger downward inclinations were perceived as happy. This absurdity<br> seems to be occurred partly due to something realized in Mona Lisa's smile. Livingstone<br> (2000) pointed out that we cannot directly see Mona Lisa's smile. Her smile appears<br> only when we look at her eyes with seeing her mouth peripherally. A recent empirical<br> study confirmed that this peripheral vision for smile makes a face more mysterious than<br> a neutral or continuously smiling face. I will argue that a smiling mouth of Noh masks<br> with downward inclinations makes a Noh mask mysterious during Noh performances,<br>because hardly Eastern Asia people look at a mouth when they judge facial expressions (i.e., people see a mouth only peripherally). In experimental settings, people look at a<br> mouth of a Noh mask directly, that causes the oppsite results from those expected in<br> the framework of Noh world. I will also discuss similarities and differences between a<br> Noh mask and "Hello Kitty", which is a fictional character that also expresses countless<br> facial expressions without a mouth.
白砂 大 松香 敏彦 本田 秀仁 植田 一博
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.24, no.3, pp.328-343, 2017-09-01 (Released:2018-03-01)

Previous studies show that, in a binary choice task, people often choose one object between two objects using a simple heuristic (e.g., recognition, familiarity, or fluency heuristic), and that such a simple strategy is ecologically rational. These studies almost exclusively pay attention to subjective knowledge (i.e., familiarity) about two alternatives. However, we pointed out that familiarity of an object presented in a question sentence might affect people’s inferences. Specifically, we hypothesized that, in a binary choice task, when an object in a question sentence was familiar (unfamiliar) to a decision maker, he or she would choose a more familiar (unfamiliar) object from the two alternatives. We call this heuristic “familiarity-matching.” We examined whether people actually employed familiarity-matching and whether familiarity-matching was an ecologically rational strategy. The results of three experiments generally confirmed usage and ecological rationality of familiarity-matching. Experiment 1 showed that if an object in a question sentence was familiar (unfamiliar) to participants, then they were likely to choose a more familiar (unfamiliar) object from the two alternatives;that is, participants indeed employed familiarity-matching. Experiment 2 showed that when participants felt difficult to make a decision, they were more likely to employ familiarity-matching. Experiment 3 showed that familiarity-matching could be applied in an ecologically rational manner in real-world situations. The results of present study collectively shed light on important cognitive mechanisms involved in inference tasks. We believe that the present findings make a substantial contribution to reveal unsolved human cognitive processes.