縣 拓充 岡田 猛
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.20, no.1, pp.27-45, 2013-03-01 (Released:2014-11-20)
10 2

Creative activities are becoming increasingly important in modern society. Studies have been conducted to promote understanding and support of creative experts in various creative domains such as art, music, science, and technology. At the same time, it has also been pointed out that many ordinary citizens do not have opportunities to participate in creative activities and do not have knowledge about creative processes and methods. Does this mean that citizens should be just consumers of creative products? In this paper, we claim that a creative society needs not only creative experts who professionally participate in creative activities, but also ‘people with creative literacy’who understand creative activities and enjoy participating in such activities in their daily life. We discuss practices to cultivate people’s understanding of and motivation for creative activities, and the ways that cognitive science can contribute to the support of such practices.
鈴木 宏昭
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.26, no.1, pp.52-71, 2019-03-01 (Released:2019-09-01)

Human cognition necessarily involves the process of projecting internal representations to the real world. However, little effort has been made to explore its process and mechanism. This paper aims at stressing the importance of projection for the total understanding of mind. Next, we propose that there are three types of projection: (proper) projection, misprojection, and fictional projection, depending on the relationships between internal representations and external objects. Then, we discuss possible mechanisms of projection, based on the idea of “overprint” developed by a Japanese philosopher Omori (1982). Finally, we contrast the notion of projection with alternative explanations that deny the notion of projection.
宮田 義郎
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.21, no.1, pp.187-200, 2014-03-01 (Released:2015-02-02)

This paper discusses the design of everyday things from an evolutionary perspec-tive, by comparing everyday activities in the natural environments in which the human species evolved and in the environments of the modern cities. It is supposed that, in the natural environments, everyday activities for securing foods and energy served the functions of not only these direct purposes but also of constructing human relations,meanings and communities. By contrast, it is argued that, in the modern environments,we have lost touch with the globally extended bases that support our daily lives, largely due to our use of daily tools designed to maximize their immediate utilities.As a result,we have lost the sense of community in which we support each other by constructing relations and meanings through daily activities. Some design principles for globally extending our visions are discussed based on observations in global collaborations in the World Museum Project and some examples of social design projects.
坂本 勉
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.16, no.1, pp.142-147, 2009 (Released:2010-06-11)

Although “symmetry in language” may be related to the origin of the language, many linguists do not seem to show interest in this problem. Why do linguists not show interest in symmetry? There seem to be at least three reasons. (1) Concerning “reference”, there have been many disputes in the philosophy of language. Nowadays, more complex problems than symmetry attract researchers in the field of semantics. (2) Saussure pointed out that the system of language does not concern the symmetry between “thing and name”. (3) For linguists, a more important research theme is the elucidation of the relationships between the elements inside the language structure.
田口 茂
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.28, no.2, pp.211-216, 2021

<p>Inspired by Q. Meillassoux's philosophy, Ikegami (2021) claims that a living system perceives external reality without 'contracting' the overwhelming flow of information it contains. This idea implies that cognition is not merely the formation of representations inside a living system. Based on this idea, we can reconsider the relationship between the <i>inside </i>and <i>outside </i>of a living system: I claim that this relationship contains both disconnection and connection at the same time. Ikegami assumes that the contracting movements that occur in living systems are continuously disrupted by encounters with external reality. Furthermore, he claims that living systems 'vividly experience' this disruption involving an overwhelming flow of information. This idea does not seem to be present in Meillassoux's philosophy.</p>
高橋 英之 石川 悟 大森 隆司
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.15, no.1, pp.202-215, 2008 (Released:2009-10-30)

It is thought to be an important brain function for us to modulate our cognitive state depending on recognition of interactive agents. From our behavioral experiment, we have shown that when subjects believed their interactive agent as a human being in a competitive game, specific behavioral tendency could be observed in comparison with a case that they believed their opponent as a computer and this tendency of subjects with autism spectrum disorder (ASD; they are thought to have some problems in social interaction) was different from that of subjects without ASD. We consider that this tendency is a reflection of cognitive modulation depending on recognition of interactive agents. To explain computational theory of this tendency, we propose a computational model that consists of change detection and state space switching evoked by the change of environmental nature. From this model, we reproduce the result of behavioral experiment by a computer simulation and try to discuss our computational model is useful to understand about the brain function for frequent human social interaction.
松香 敏彦 本田 秀仁 吉川 詩乃
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.17, no.1, pp.95-109, 2010 (Released:2010-10-22)

Prototype theory of categorization and category learning assumes that a category is simply represented by its central tendency. The theory accounts for many psychological phenomena associated with categories, yet it is shown to be incapable of accounting for some important aspects of categories and concepts. For example, Prototype theory, due to its simplistic representation, cannot describe how people make inference about variabilities and correlations among feature dimensions within categories. In addition, it cannot learn categories that are not linearly separable. The present research extends Prototype theory of category learning in order to improve its explanatory capability while maintaining the simplistic representation mechanism. Our theory assumes that a category is not only represented by its central tendency but also by an abstracted within-category structure. In order to evaluate its descriptive validity, we developed a computational model built on the basis of the theory. In our model, called STRAP for STRucture Abstracing Prototype, a central tendency is represented by a mean vector (i.e., centroids) and an abstracted within-category structure by a covariance matrix. Three simulation studies were conducted and the results showed that STRAP successfully accounted for empirical phenomena that have not been replicated by existing prototype models: it acquired knowledge that is necessary for making inferences about variabilities and correlations among feature dimension within categories; it learned to categorize linearly non-separable categories; it reproduced A2 advantage, which is a tendency that people categorize a less “prototypical” stimulus A2 more accurately than more “prototypical” stimulus, invalidating some criticisms against Prototype theory. More important, STRAP and thus our theory accounts for these psychological phenomena with distinctive cognitive information processes, as compared with those of other successful models, providing new insights into how categories are represented in our mind.
松原 仁
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
pp.2020.001, (Released:2020-05-15)

In this paper we consider the relationship between artificial intelligence and cognitive science. The aim of artificial intelligence was to understand human intelligence constructively and the aim of cognitive science was to understand human intelligence analytically. Recent advances in artificial intelligence have made it possible to realize intelligence by computers so far, though still far inferior to humans. From now the aim of artificial intelligence should be to understand general intelligence constructively and the aim of cognitive science should be to understand general intelligence analytically. I discuss in this paper the relationship between artificial intelligence and cognitive science using the example of our research themes: the frame problem, games, and Haiku.
小方 孝
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.8, no.4, pp.405-416, 2001-12-01 (Released:2008-10-03)
2 8

In this paper, a novel interdisciplinary approach to literary phenomena is proposed. I call this approach “expanded literary theory”. The expanded literary theory is a framework for research and practice that intends to develop an integrated model of literary phenomena with cognition, text, and institution by the fusion of literary theories, narratology, cognitive/computational science, and social sciences such as management and marketing, and aims at the dynamical analysis of literature, the experimental creation and practice of new literary genres. Here, after I describe the concept and objectives of the expanded literary theory, I consider its methodology and some trials.
小方 孝
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.25, no.2, pp.200-217, 2018-06-01 (Released:2018-12-01)

In this paper, the author presents a new research area called “narratology of narrative generation” that covers humanities, such as narratology, information sciences, including artificial intelligence and cognitive science, and social sciences, such as economics. The narratology of narrative generation is also called “post-narratology” in the sense that it shows various possibilities or a vision of a novel narratology using narrative generation machines. The first and second sections show the importance of narrative generation and discusses approaches to the narratology of narrative generation or post-narratology by dividing into several themes, including narrative genres and the necessity of cultural narratology. The third section provides a part of the recent narrative generation studies. In the fourth section, the author overviews a basic framework for showing narrative communication structures and discusses the correspondence relations between various elements in a narrative generation process and the implementation methods, theories and techniques based on artificial intelligence and cognitive science.
牧野 遼作 古山 宣洋 坊農 真弓
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.22, no.1, pp.53-68, 2015-03-01 (Released:2015-09-15)

This study addresses how environments for specialists reciting a narrative are estab-lished when they (e.g., science communicators) need to give an explanation to non- specialists (e.g., visitors). To analyze the videotaped data, we employed the notion of spatial-orientation behavior (proposed by Adam Kendon). Spatial orientation com-prises two formation types: F-formation and H-formation. The F-formation is when the participants stand in an O-space, and everyone has an equal right to speak. The H-formation includes head position as a factor of the study; where, a single participant faces the rest of the participants that are typically lined-up in a row. The single par-ticipant has more rights to speak than the rest. This study focuses on the H-formation with the hypothesis that it is one way to signal readiness to start a narrative, i.e.,establishes the environment to recite a narrative. Two case studies are provided in this study. Case Study I gives an example of the H-formation, wherein the specialist exerts a privileged right to talk to the novices. Case Study II illustrates an example of the F-formation, with the specialist ending up with starting the narrative to the novices, which acts as an excuse, as the specialist does not have the privileged right to talk to the novices. For one thing, the reciting of the narrative in this example only started as a response to a question from one of the novices. Additionally, the narrative including with the contraction structures by gestures giving novice the chance to notice the answer for his/her question. The results demonstrate how the type of formation relates to the construction and presentation of the specialist’s narrative. The results of the two analyses demonstrate that the formation consisted of the two types, and that participants use H-formation as a resource for establishing the environment for reciting the narrative.
小方 孝 秋元 泰介
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.14, no.3, pp.355-379, 2007 (Released:2009-04-24)

This research's goal is to develop a tool for narrative generation process that is not strongly constrained by meaning using a circular mechanism of narrative and music. Based on the idea, in this paper, first, we propose two systems that we have developed. Next, referring to mechanisms in these systems, we discuss methods and directions of the way of narrative-music circular generation and consider problems on the correspondence relations of narrative and music from the viewpoint of “Narrativity”.
三輪 和久 松下 正法
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.7, no.2, pp.152-163, 2000-06-01 (Released:2008-10-03)

We investigated the processes of mental constraints relaxation as a key factor for gaining insight, using a discovery task. In our experiments, we set up four kinds of experimental conditions. First, we introduced three conditions while controlling mental bloking factors: (1) a condition in which subjects searched an incorrect hypothesis space, (2) subjects clung a blocking hypothesis in an incorrect hypothesis space, and (3) subjects gained no constraints as above. Second, based on feedback factors, the condition (2) was subdivided into the following two cases: (2a) a case in which a prediction from a subject's hypothesis missed largely from an experimental result, and (2b) a case in which a prediction and an experimental result were separating gradually. The experimental results showed that finding the target was disturbed more remarkably as stronger blocking factors were given. Especially, when subjects who formed an invalid blocking hypothesis were given only gradual feedback, the subjects' performance of finding the target extremely declined.
山下 愛実
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.27, no.2, pp.150-162, 2020-06-01 (Released:2020-06-15)

This paper aims to reveal the various aspects which emerge when the children explore their own body movements while participating in a cultural practice so called “zoukingake”. Zoukingake is an act of cleaning floor by wiping it using a cloth held down with both hands, where the actor moves him/herself towards a desired direction by walking or running with their legs. I observed a kindergarten class with 3-year-old children and analyzed the relationship among the children's bodies, the pieces of cloth they used, and the floor. Based on my observation, I described that children had changed their ways to wipe to various ways to do, and they explored their movements that lost their bodily balance, while trying to keep their posture stable. Also, during cleaning with the cloth, “zoukin”, the children worked actively to understand the characteristics of the cloth, by deforming its shape. Furthermore, the children performed zoukingake better after observing the movements of others in the interaction process. The process of participation through their exploratory movements,which dynamically changed according to the situation, elucidates some aspects of the “knowledge” of children, which was created in their kindergarten life.
内海 彰 金井 明人
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.14, no.3, pp.236-252, 2007 (Released:2009-04-24)

Our research project of cognitive rhetoric aims at systematically exploring a cognitive mechanism underlying the relationship between stylistic techniques of rhetoric, interpretations or meanings and its effects, and also developing a computational methodology of artistic work generation. This paper introduces the project of cognitive rhetoric and discusses its purposes and goals, related disciplines, and methodology. This paper then reviews, as case studies of cognitive rhetoric, our ongoing studies on “the cognitive mechanism of metaphor comprehension and appreciation” and “non-story type film rhetoric and its composition system”.
青山 征彦
認知科学 = Cognitive studies : bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society (ISSN:13417924)
vol.7, no.3, pp.241-256, 2000-09-01

The aim of this paper is to present the structure and classification of past sequences, e.g., flashbacks, with reference to actual scenes from movies and televised movies, with a new technique for transcription. An analysis of the techniques used in the scenes revealed the following points: (1) close-ups and voice-overs are used to indicate &ldquo;who remembers,&rdquo; (2) reshowing the prior scenes or references to the past are used to indicate &ldquo;when the event occurred,&rdquo; and (3) changing the color or brightness of the screen is used to indicate &ldquo;breaks&rdquo; between the present and the past. The analysis reveals that many techniques, or cognitive artifacts, are employed to depict past sequences, which often result in redundancy. The notion of cognitive artifacts is discussed further, particularly with respect to their systematic aspects.