Noriaki Kawano Koji Ichinose Yutaka Ebizuka
The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan
Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin (ISSN:09186158)
vol.25, no.4, pp.477-482, 2002 (Released:2002-07-10)
30 40

Costus speciosus produces a large quantity of steroidal glycosides derived from the sole aglycone, diosgenin. Cycloartenol, a product of oxidosqualene cyclase (OSC), is postulated to be a common intermediate for phytosterols of primary metabolism and diosgenin of secondary metabolism, possibly providing a metabolic branch point. Two cDNAs, CSOSC1 and CSOSC2, were cloned from C. speciosus by RT-PCR and cDNA library screening. Both cDNAs encode 759 amino acids with high mutual identity (74%), resembling (>55% identity) the known OSCs. Phylogenetic tree analysis indicated that the gene products occupy distinct positions from those of cycloartenol synthases (CASs) and triterpene synthases from dicotyledonous plants. By functional expression in yeast, CSOSC1 and CSOSC2 were proved to encode a CAS and a multifunctional triterpene synthase, respectively. The present result is the first demonstration of the functional expression of OSCs from monocotyledonous plants.
Yuki Tsuji Hiroyuki Ohno
The Chemical Society of Japan
Chemistry Letters (ISSN:03667022)
vol.42, no.5, pp.527-529, 2013-05-05 (Released:2013-05-05)

Novel azolate-type ionic liquids (ILs), alkyltributylphosphonium benzimidazolates (alkyl chain: methyl, butyl, and octyl), were prepared by neutralization of the corresponding alkyltributylphosphonium hydroxides with benzimidazole. All the azolate-type ILs prepared here showed high ionic conductivities above 10−3 S cm−1 at 80 °C, and good thermal stability over 300 °C. They are expected to be useful platforms for functional ILs having good thermal stabilities.
浜田 章作
鳥取短期大学研究紀要 (ISSN:13463365)
no.49, pp.31-43, 2004

戦後家族法は, 明治民法の改正として成立した. 改正過程においては, 戦前の「家」制度をそのまま維持しようとする反動的な立場, 旧制度に多少の修正を加えるだけで実質的にこれを維持する立場, 国民感情にも配慮しつつ旧勢力と妥協して改正の実現を図る立場, 法的にも社会的にも旧制度を廃棄して近代的な家族関係を樹立しようとする立場が, それぞれの論理を展開して相争った.その様相を概観する.
Mikio Ota Fumi Seshima Nobuki Okubo Takashi Kinumatsu Sachiyo Tomita Takeshi Okubo Atsushi Saito
Tokyo Dental College, Japan
The Bulletin of Tokyo Dental College (ISSN:00408891)
vol.54, no.1, pp.51-57, 2013 (Released:2013-04-23)
2 1

As periodontal disease and diabetes mellitus (DM) have bidirectional interactions, an effective approach to periodontal treatment for patients with diabetes in the clinical setting is essential. This paper reports an effort in collaborative care for patients with periodontitis and diabetes between dental and medical professionals, and provides a preliminary evaluation regarding the clinical outcomes. We have introduced a clinical pathway program at our institution applicable to patients with periodontitis and DM. Physicians and dentists utilize the clinical pathway to share medical and dental information in order to provide the optimal care for each patient. So far, this clinical pathway has been applied to the treatment of 50 patients. We analyzed clinical outcomes in 10 patients with the chief complaint of periodontal problems who had also been diagnosed with type 2 DM. After initial periodontal therapy and diabetes care, a significant improvement in the mean value of glycated hemoglobin and fasting plasma glucose was observed, accompanied by clinical resolution of periodontal parameters. Within the limitations of the present study, the results suggest that collaborative care between periodontists and physicians based on the clinical pathway is effective in glycemic control of patients with periodontitis and type 2 DM. This indicates the need for closer collaboration between medical and dental professionals in improving the management of these diseases.
三浦 智史 松本 禎久 沖崎 歩 大石 麻里絵 鈴木 時子 元永 伸也 坂本 はと恵 關本 翌子 阿部 恵子 木下 寛也
Palliative Care Research (ISSN:18805302)
vol.8, no.1, pp.107-115, 2013 (Released:2013-02-28)
1 4

【背景・目的】国立がん研究センター東病院 緩和ケア病棟(PCU)では, 在宅支援診療所と連携しPCUの急性期運用に努めている. 今回, PCUから自宅への退院の予測因子を探索した. 【方法】当院PCUに入院した患者を対象とし, 入院診療録を後ろ向きに調査した. 2回目以降の入院またはperformance status (PS) 4の症例は解析から除外した. 転帰を退院群と死亡・転院群に分け, ロジスティック回帰分析を実施した. 【結果】2010年10月から2011年9月の1年間に解析対象患者は223名. 退院63名(28.3%), 死亡・転院160名(71.7%)であった. 多変量解析の結果, 自宅からの入院, PS 2以下, Spo2 97%以上, 入院24時間の摂取カロリー450 kcal以上, 呼吸困難なし, 腹部膨満感なしが独立した因子であった. 【結論】今回の結果を念頭に入院時スクリーニングを行うことで, 退院可能な患者を選択しうると考える. 本研究は後ろ向き研究で限界があるため, 今後, 前向き研究で妥当性を検証する必要がある.
高野 敦 森永 洋次 井上 登志夫
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集A編 (ISSN:18848338)
vol.79, no.800, pp.455-462, 2013 (Released:2013-04-25)

Methods of evaluating the one-sided tolerance limit (A- and B-basis values) of unbalanced sample sets are derived. The A- and B-basis values are statistically calculated numbers that respectively indicate that at least 99 and 90 percent of the population is expected to equal or exceed the statistically calculated value with a confidence of 95 percent, and they are often used as strength tolerance limits in aerospace designs. The A- and B-basis values tend to be underestimated when the sample size is small and the conventional methods are used. Our novel methods improve the basis values by combining multiple sample sets from normally (Gaussian) distributed populations. We extended analysis of variance (ANOVA) to evaluate the A- and B-basis values by using non-central t-distribution under the condition of equality of variances. In addition, we derive coefficients for the basis values under the condition of non-equality of variances by using a Monte-Carlo method. Numerical examples show that both methods, i.e., equality and non-equality of variance cases, increase the A- and B-basis values.
則武 正基 神谷 博昭 横井 基夫
歯科薬物療法 (ISSN:02881012)
vol.20, no.3, pp.125-129, 2001-12-01 (Released:2010-06-08)

We often worry about oral lichen planus (OLP) with chronic inflammation, which is an intractable disease in the treatment. A study was carried out to evaluate the efficacy of allopurinol mouthwash (ALP) on OLP.We studied 9 cases (1 male and 8 females) of OLP that were clinically diagnosed in our ambulatory practice during the period from July 1996 to July 1997. The average age was 58.7, ranging from 23 to 82 years. The effect measurement was carried out after 4 weeks of administration, and there were 3 complete responses, 4 partial responses, and 2 minor responses.ALP was reported to be effective for prevention and treatment of the stomatitis, which develops during cancer chemotherapy. ALP can be easily used by gargling only, and no side effects were seen, so it seemed to be a useful drug.
関谷 亮 唐木田 一成 新井 俊弘 佐藤 佑介 坂本 由紀 金井 直樹 丸山 亮 金子 明寛
歯科薬物療法 (ISSN:02881012)
vol.29, no.2, pp.69-76, 2010-08-01 (Released:2010-09-11)

口腔感染症患者より分離した各種細菌およびCandida属菌株のbiofilm形成能をクリスタルバイオレット染色法で評価した結果,Prevotella intermedia,Porphyromonas gingivalis,Actinomyces odontolyticus,Streptococcus mitis,Candida albicansおよびCandida glabrataにおいてbiofilm形成能の高い菌株が見出された.これらの菌株を対象に各種抗菌薬または抗真菌薬のsub-MICにおけるbiofilm形成抑制作用を検討した.P. intermediaおよびP. gingivalisに対してlinezolid,azithromycinおよびclarithromycinのsub-MICでの作用によりbiofilm形成抑制効果が認められたが,検討した他の菌種のbiofilm形成に対する抑制効果は認められなかった.一方,C. albicansおよびC. glabrataに対しては,測定した抗真菌薬のうちmicafunginのみがsub-MICにおけるbiofilm形成抑制作用を示した.
平藤 彰 酒井 麻里 小出 洋子 日山 邦枝 池田 幸 村山 純一郎
歯科薬物療法 (ISSN:02881012)
vol.30, no.1, pp.16-19, 2011-04-01 (Released:2011-06-21)

After implementation of the new GCP, our hospital was staffed by clinical research coordinators (CRC) to smoothly conduct clinical trials of higher quality. At present, two pharmacists, two dental hygienists, and one nurse are working concurrently as CRCs in our hospital. An unique feature of CRC work at our hospital include 1) dental hygienists working as CRCs, and 2) CRCs of different specialities are coordinated on the same trial and contributing according to their specialties, participation of each clinical trial, one by one. Previously, in our hospital, clinical trials for medications had been allocated to nurse CRCs, while dental hygienist CRCs support for clinical trial of medical devices. However, a dental hygienist have participated as a CRC for the first time in a clinical trial for a medication in 2009, a pharmacist CRC cooperated the clinical trial with the dental hygienist CRC, and this trial was successfully completed. We anticipate that dental hygienist CRCs supporting clinical trials in dental practice will play an indispensable role in smoothly conducting clinical trials with high quality. In this report, we will present the current status of CRC work, which has been accomplished by cooperation with pharmacists and dental hygienists.
小坂 和江 小西 吉裕 山下 佐知子 菊永 茂司
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.23, no.4, pp.207-216, 2013-03-30 (Released:2013-04-30)
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The purpose of this study was to examine two relationships; one between the serum zinc concentration and the intake of zinc, and the other between the serum zinc concentration and the hematological consistent associated with the serum zinc concentration in elderly patients in a health facility.  The estimations of the hematological consistent, physical index, and dietary survey were made based on an examination carried out on 15 disabled elderly patients (male=8, female=7, mean age 82±10 years) .  The obtained results from this study are summarized as follows:1) The subjects showed low levels of serum zinc, although the intake of zinc was close to the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) level.2) The ratio of the subjects of less than 66 μg/dl of the reference value of the serum zinc was 60% for men and 72% for female in the oral feeding, and also 100% of men and 83% of female in the enteral feeding.3) The three significant correlations was found between the serum zinc and the hematocrit, the serum zinc and total protein, and the serum zinc and albumin values.  As a high percentage of the subjects showed low levels of serum zinc, it is suggested that the nutritional zinc status for the subjects was not satisfactory.
岩瀬 豪 稲岡 秀陽 尾木 敦子 友澤 明徳 國仲 加世子 高安 郁代 中村 真紀 北川 一智
静脈経腸栄養 (ISSN:13444980)
vol.27, no.6, pp.1377-1380, 2012 (Released:2012-12-17)

【目的】摂食嚥下障害をもつ高齢者の機能的自立度評価法 (Functional Independence Measure ; 以下, FIMと略) の点数がどの程度であれば, 経皮内視鏡的胃瘻造設術 (Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy; 以下, PEGと略) による経腸栄養管理後に日常生活動作 (Activities of Daily Living; 以下, ADLと略) の向上が期待できるかを検討する. 【対象及び方法】PEGを施行した30例について, その背景とPEG前後のFIMの点数を調べ, 後ろ向きの検討を行った. 【結果】PEG前の認知FIMの点数が10点以上の症例は, 胃瘻による経腸栄養管理の3ケ月後に運動ないし認知FIMの有意な改善を認めた. 【結論】PEG前のFIMのうち, 認知FIMの点数が良い症例は, 胃瘻による経腸栄養管理後にADL向上が期待できる可能性が示唆された.
成田 紀之
Japanese Society for Mastication Science and Health Promotion
日本咀嚼学会雑誌 (ISSN:09178090)
vol.18, no.1, pp.12-21, 2008-05-31 (Released:2010-07-21)

The prefrontal cortex (PFC) is involved in movement execution, sensory processing, cognition, memory, and learning. Notably, chewing-related PFC activity is not fully understood in regard to its critical participation in orofacial sensorimotor functions. In the present study, we attempted to clarify the following aspects: 1) involvement of chewing-related activation of the PFC in movement execution and programming, and sensory processing, 2) effects of chewing imagery on PFC activation, 3) functional significance of oral sensory input on PFC activity, 4) efficacy of prosthodontic treatment for activating the prefrontal cortex, and 5) functional characteristics of chewing-related PFC activity in patients with psychiatric disorders and occlusal dysesthesia. Eleven adult subjects (10 healthy, 1 with a psychiatric disorder) participated in this study. Near-infrared spectroscopy (HITACHI Medical Co., ETG-100) was used to determine the hemoglobin concentration ([oxy-Hb]) in the PFC. The task utilized was chewing gum (Lotte Co., Freezone), which was composed of 5 chewing trials, each conducted for 10 seconds. Deafferentation of oral sensory input was performed by applying lidocaine anesthesia into the unilateral inferior alveolar nerve. Our results for the five studied aspects are as follows. 1) Chewing-related PFC activity was indicated in the middle part of the dorsal PFC. 2) Chewing imagery activated the bilateral middle part of the dorsal PFC. 3) The right hemisphere was predominantly decreased in the post-anesthesia condition as compared with pre-anesthesia. 4) PFC activation was clearly initiated by wearing a partial denture prosthesis. 5) Chewing-related PFC activities in the subject with a psychiatric disorder showed a lower level of activation than in the healthy subjects. It is considered that the middle part of the dorsal PFC is involved in movement planning and execution, oral somatosensory processing, and sensorimotor integration in regard to chewing performance. Wearing a partial denture prosthesis activates the PFC, which might help to prevent cognitive and memory impairments in elderly individuals. Furthermore, patients with psychiatric disorders and persistent occlusal dysesthesia indicate that hypofrontality might be related to cognitive disruption of oral somatosensory input .