野内 玲

名古屋大学博士学位論文 学位の種類 : 博士(文学)(課程) 学位授与年月日:平成24年9月27日
久保 ゆかり 無藤 隆
一般社団法人 日本教育心理学会
教育心理学研究 (ISSN:00215015)
vol.32, no.4, pp.296-305, 1984-12-30 (Released:2013-02-19)

Understanding empathetically how another person feels is defined here as the making of his/her “psychological world” being i nfluenced by his/her affect. It is also assuming an inclusion predicting his/her behavior, sympathizing with him/her, and imaging an effective way of interaction with him/ her.The purposes of this study are (1) to test the hypothesis that recalling one's own experience as similar to another person's in terms of its events and internal responses facilitating an empathic understanding of how he/she feels, and (2) if recalling similar experiences facilitate in fact the empathic understanding, to examine what kind of components are cansing such an effect; one component may be arousing the same valent (positive or negative) emotion, while another retrieving similar concrete individual episodes.To accomplish these purposes, we set up three conditions: first, Gr. S, subjects were asked to remember their own experiences similar to another person's emotional experience in terms of its and internal responses; second, Gr. E, subjects were asked to remember their own experiences that were not similar to another person's in its events and internal responses, but that aroused the same valent emotion. In the third condition, Gr. G, subjects were not instructed to remember any experiences, but they were taught how to grasp gists of a story. After receiving manipulations, subjects had to Iisten to the story of a child having lost his/her littlebird1; then, subjects had to answer a questionnalre.In the first experiment, 74 third graders (40 boys and 34 girls) were divided into three groups homogeneous by made according to their intellectual ability by their teachers. Each group received manipulations collectively. The empathic understanding score of Gr. S was significantly higher than that of Gr. E and Gr. G. This result confirmed the hypothesis; still, which component caused the effect conld not be examined, because a considerable number of subjects in Gr. E and Gr. G spontaneously remembered similar experiences.In the second experiment, 77 third graders (38 boys and 39 girls) were divided into three homogeneous groups on the basis of vocabulary test scores and reading ability scores rated by teachers. They received more stringent manipulations in small groups consisting of five to seven subjects. As a result, the rates of subjects in Gr. E and Gr. G who spontaneously remembered similar experiences showed a decrease of about 30 per cent. The empathic understanding score of Gr. S was significantly higher than that of Gr. E and Gr. G. The result of the first experiment was confirmed. When Gr. S were compared with modified Gr. E and Gr. G where subjects who spontaneously remembered similar experiences were excluded, the empathic understanding of Gr. S scored the highest of all three groups while that of modified Gr. E proved significantly higher than that of Gr. G.Overall results confirmed the hypothesis that recalling experiences similar to another person's facilitates the empathic understanding of how he/ she feels. Moreover such results suggest that the effect of recalling similar experiences is caused not only by an arousing of the same valent emotion but also by retrieving similar concrete and individual episodes.
久保 桂子
千葉大学教育学部研究紀要 (ISSN:13482084)
vol.57, pp.275-282, 2009-03

本研究は,フルタイム共働き夫婦の家事分担に影響を与える物理的・意識的要因を明らかにするとともに,共働きをしながらも家事分担には抵抗を感じる夫の意識とさまざまな性役割意識との関連を明らかにする。分析には,2005年に行った共働きの夫婦調査を用い,そのうち,18歳未満の子どもを持つフルタイムの共働き夫婦を対象とした。主な結果は以下のとおりである。妻の年収が高いほど,夫の通勤・勤務の合計時間が短いほど,夫の家事分担度が高いことが明らかとなった。さらに,夫が家事を行うことに対する抵抗感について,夫が抵抗感を持っている場合も,妻が持っている場合もともに,夫の家事分担度が低い傾向にある。また,夫が家事をすることに抵抗を感じるという性役割意識は,女性への母親役割,妻役割を期待する意識と強く関連していることが明らかとなった。This study examines the factors concerning the division of housework between couples and the husband's gender role attitudes. I studied 895 full-time dual-earner couples with children under eighteen years old from a 2005 survey of dual-earner couples. This study shows that wives' high income is positively related to the husband's role in doing housework. Husbands' long working hours are negatively related to the husband's role in doing housework. In cases involving couples who think husbands must not cook or do the laundry, these cases are also negatively related to the husband's role in doing housework. The husband's gender role attitude that men must not cook or do the laundry is positively related to the husband's positive attitudes toward the mother's role and wife's role.
小川 聡
公益財団法人 日本心臓財団
心臓 (ISSN:05864488)
vol.50, no.2, pp.112-118, 2018-02-15 (Released:2019-04-01)
齋藤 靖弘 成田 拓弥 徳留 章 早坂 敬明 松田 律史 民谷 健太郎 増井 伸高 松田 知倫 武田 清孝 瀧 健治
一般社団法人 日本臨床救急医学会
日本臨床救急医学会雑誌 (ISSN:13450581)
vol.22, no.3, pp.493-498, 2019-06-30 (Released:2019-06-30)

救急外来(emergency room;ER)における薬剤師の業務報告は未だ少ない。この原因には診療報酬上の加算がない以上に,ERでの薬剤師業務が明確ではないことが考えられる。 今回,札幌東徳洲会病院(以下,当院)のER専従薬剤師が行っている業務として「持参薬鑑別」を取り上げ,その迅速性・内容・時間の観点から調査・検討を行った。結果として,ER専従薬剤師の施行した持参薬鑑別は救急搬入後2時間以内にほぼ終了していた。また薬剤起因性疾患の原因となり得る薬剤を常用している患者が一定数存在した。さらにER専従薬剤師は救急医の薬歴把握にかかる業務負担を1日当たり1.9時間軽減している可能性が示唆された。 以上の結果より,ERに薬剤師を専従配置することは,迅速な持参薬鑑別をER専従薬剤師が行うことでタスクシフティングによる救急医の負担軽減のみならず,薬剤起因性疾患の早期診断支援につながる可能性がある。
松浦 晶子
東洋学報 = The Toyo Gakuho (ISSN:03869067)
vol.100, no.3, pp.1-29, 2018-12

This article attempts to clarify the realities of Song Dynasty court music in terms of music history rather than as part of scientific, intellectual, or political history. It focuses on changes to the form of chime bells (bianzhong)—the core court music instrument—discussed in great detail by Northern Song Dynasty bureaucrats, and analyzes their musical significance. Since pre-Qin times, chime bells had a form that featured rows of studs or bosses on the bells’ surface that served to deaden reverberations. Their sides were flattened, and they were hung at an angle. Consequently, the bells had little sustained and in musical performance did not blend in with the other instruments. However, during Northern Song Emperor Renzong’s reign (r. 1022-1063), the official charged with reforming music institutions, Li Zhao, altered the instrument by making bells rounder and hanging them straight down. This changed their sound. The notes now lingered much longer and the sound became one that shrouded those of the other instruments. Two of Li’s successors, Tuan Yi and Hu Yuan, made further alterations of the same sort. They also changed the sizes of the bells. While the sizes of individual bells since pre-Qin times had varied, Tuan and Hu now divided them into two size-based classes and changed individual bell size so they roughly conformed to one or the other class. Some previous research on these instruments has been skeptical about these changes, wondering if they had made the bells impossible to play as musical instruments. However, it is clear from the historical record that—regardless of whether those made by Li or those made by Tuan and Hu are the subject—these changes were made with due consideration given to the bells’ musical function. The true significance of these alterations is that they indicate there was a change in the elements that comprise music, namely rhythm, harmony, and melody; namely, they show that the role of the bell-chimes in the musical performance as a whole had changed. We may surmise that the musical sensibility of people during Song had changed in a way that would have been unacceptable going back to pre-Qin times, and that this was accompanied by a major change in the musical landscape of court music.
細川 康二 西田 優衣 吉野 雅人 岸田 正臣 久保 富嗣 山賀 聡之 志馬 伸朗
一般社団法人 日本臨床救急医学会
日本臨床救急医学会雑誌 (ISSN:13450581)
vol.22, no.3, pp.513-516, 2019-06-30 (Released:2019-06-30)

木村 信広 中尾 彰太 月木 良和 萬田 将太郎 松岡 哲也
一般社団法人 日本臨床救急医学会
日本臨床救急医学会雑誌 (ISSN:13450581)
vol.22, no.3, pp.455-461, 2019-06-30 (Released:2019-06-30)

心停止症例に対する機械的CPRは,『JRCガイドライン2015』で胸骨圧迫の継続が困難な状況などにおける質の高い用手胸骨圧迫の代替手段として活用を提案されるなど,とくに傷病者の移動時や救急車の走行中の不安定な状況下における質の高い胸骨圧迫の継続が可能なデバイスとして期待されている。筆者の所属する消防機関では,CPA傷病者に対する病院前心肺蘇生中の胸骨圧迫中断時間の短縮を目的に,機械的CPR装置を導入しており,今回,実搬送症例データを基に機械的CPRの有用性を検証した。2013年1月からの3年6カ月間に,当消防本部の救急隊が対応した内因性院外心停止症例172例を,機械的CPR実施群107例と用手的CPR実施群65例に分けて比較分析した結果,機械的CPR実施群では用手的CPR実施群に比し,自己心拍再開率および社会復帰率に有意差を認めなかったが,Chest Compression Fraction(CCF)と特定行為実施率が有意に高かった(CCF;79.7% vs. 73.1%,p<0.01,特定行為実施率;43.9% vs. 24.6%,p<0.05)。欧米と比較して早期搬送が優先されるわが国の病院前救護体制においては,CCF改善とマンパワー確保の観点から,機械的CPRは有用である。