鶴田 幸恵 小宮 友根
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.52, no.1, pp.21-36,159, 2007

Recently, it has become a new methodological agenda to discuss the methodologies of interviews which could be collected under the rubric of "interview as interaction." But it seems that such discussions do not make clearer the sociological status of the description which is produced by that method.The task of this paper is to point out some confusion in such discussions, and make the viewpoint of "interview as interaction" into a methodological discussion which can thoroughly describe "peoples lives." Methodologies that emphasize the view of "interview as interaction" often differentiate themselves from the standpoint which emphasizes "the facticity of data" or "the pattern of narrative." But apart from facticity or pattern, it is unclear what becomes the value of the data.There are two confusions concerning the view of "interaction." First concerns the usage of the two terms, "construction" and "interpretation." By virtue of the confused usage of these terms in such methodology, our understanding of others conduct is reduced to the activity of "interpretation." The second confusion concerns the claim that they describe not "fact" or "pattern of narrative" but "the mode (or form) of narrative." But in such a claim, "the mode (or form) of narrative" becomes a "model" prepared on the researchers side.Both miss the difference of the various actions and activities in actual interaction and do not make clear the implication of the term "interaction" within the methodology of interviews. But, for the interviewee, the interview is one scene of his/her life in a literal sense.If this is so, the behavior and the activity which appear there must be the part of his/her life and describing them must be directly describing his/her life.Here, using particular data, we present that proposition and argue the importance of the viewpoint of "interview as interaction."
三上 真顯 河崎 雄司
結核 (ISSN:00229776)
vol.75, no.11, pp.643-648, 2000-11-15 (Released:2011-05-24)

This study was carried out to know the prevalence and determinants of tuberculin reactors and the size of booster phenomenon in 211 Japanese residents of a provincial nursing home for eldery. The age of the study subjects ranged from 65 to 99 (mean 83.2), and no subjects were foreign born, and had any history of BCG vaccination. The prevalence of TB infection in this aged group was estimated 70% or higher. Testing was done according to the standard method used in Japan. Results showed that 35.1% of subjects were positive by the initial test, and 27.0% converted to positive by the second test, thus altogether 52.6% were positive by two step test. No association was found between the prevalence of tuberculin positive rate and the age or the performance status. Lower body mass index, lymphocytopenia, hypoalbuminemia and PNI (prognostic nutritional index) were seen to relate with the weaked tuberculin skin reaction.
宮錦 三樹
会計検査研究 (ISSN:0915521X)
vol.64, pp.39-61, 2021-09-22 (Released:2021-09-28)

本稿は,公立大学の組織構成と財政負担の関係を検証した上で,2014~2018 年度の5 カ年にわたるパネル・データを用いて公立大学の費用関数を推定し,規模の経済性及び範囲の経済性の存在を検証する。 本稿の分析から得られた結論は,第一に,限界費用及び平均増分費用ともに,自然科学系教育(医学系・歯学系・理科系・保健系)が最も高く,人文社会科学系教育(人文科学系・社会科学系・家政及び芸術系),研究の順に続く。また,人文社会科学系教育に対する自然科学系教育のコスト比率は大学規模が大きくなるほど大きくなる。 第二に,規模の経済性については,自然科学系教育,人文社会科学系教育,研究のいずれに関しても個々の活動の規模の経済性が認められ,全体の規模の経済性も確認された。また,規模の経済性の効果はいずれも,大学規模とともに大きくなることが示された。このことは,わが国の公立大学が現状として規模による経済効率性を有しており,さらなる規模の拡大は財政効率の向上に寄与することを示唆する。ここから,大学統合などによる大規模化は,財政効率の観点からは,支持されることが示唆される。 第三に,範囲の経済性については,研究を除いて認められず,全体の範囲の経済性も確認されなかった。このことは,人文社会科学系教育と研究への特化や,自然科学系教育と研究への特化という公立大学の形態は,財政効率の観点からは支持されることを示唆する。研究については範囲の経済性が認められることから,いずれの領域であっても,教育活動から研究活動だけを分離させることは,財政的に非効率な状態を生む可能性がある。 以上の結果から,大学統合や学部・学科等の再編においては,自然科学系あるいは人文社会科学系のそれぞれの領域内での統合や拡大を模索するとともに,研究活動の機能を同時に持たせるということが,財政効率の観点からは支持されるインプリケーションとなる。
荒木 俊夫
北大法学論集 (ISSN:03855953)
vol.40, no.5-6, pp.879-904, 1990-09-17

12 0 0 0 OA 麻疹戯言


12 0 0 0 IR 我妻栄の青春(1)

七戸 克彦
法政研究 (ISSN:03872882)
vol.88, no.1, pp.148-85, 2021-07
魏 然 陸 一菁
神戸松蔭女子学院大学研究紀要. 人間科学部篇 (ISSN:21863849)
vol.3, pp.63-79, 2014-03-05

本稿は、中国語圏のジャニーズファン及びジャニーズファンによって形成されるファンコミュニティの実態と特性を明らかにするために、中国語圏最大のジャニーズファンBBS「J家闲情」におけるアンケート調査を行った。その結果、北京、上海など経済水準が高い地域在住の20代の女性というのが中国大陸のジャニーズファンの典型像だといえる。彼女たちは日本国内のファンと比べると、アイドル情報や音楽映像、関連グッズの入手が困難な環境にあるが、それでも様々なルートを通じて、大量のお金を費やしアイドルの応援活動に没入している。応援活動では、特にインターネットの使用が際立つ。また、ジャニーズファンのオンライン匿名コミュニティから、オフ会を行い、お互いに認知できる少人数の特定コミュニティに転化するケースが多く観察される。このようなコミュニティは「ファン同士の集まり」よりも、「同じ趣味をキッカケとした交友関係」であると認識したほうがより妥当だと考えられる。更に、日本のファンコミュニティのキー概念ともいえる「担当制」は中国語圏のジャニーズファンコミュニティにも存在するが、しかし決して日本ほど重要な要素ではないと考えられる。This article outlines a questionnaire survey conducted on the largest fan site of Johnnys in China. It investigated the current situation and characteristics of Johnnys' fans. The survey shows that the majority of Johnnys' fans are women aged 20 to 30 living in prosperous cities such as Beijing and Shanghai. Compared with fans living in Japan, Chinese fans can not access the latest resources and information about Johnnys as conveniently. However, the fans in China invest large amounts of money to support their idols through the internet. Some anonymous fans who get to know each other through the internet even become real-life friends. The "tanto" system which mostly exists in Japanese fan groups of Johnnys also exists in Chinese fan groups, but it can no longer be considered a very important factor.
樋口 雄彦
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.108, pp.203-225, 2003-10

明治維新後、禄を失い生計の道を絶たれ窮乏化を余儀なくされた士族によって各地で入植・開墾が行われた。わずか七十万石に圧縮された静岡藩では、膨大な数の旧旗本・御家人を無禄移住という形で受け入れたため、立藩当初から家臣団の土着が進められ、荒蕪地の開墾が奨励された。廃藩後は県による支援も行われ、士族授産事業が推進された。しかし、同時期、藩や県からの経済的援助を受けることなく、独力で茶園の開拓に取り組んだ少数の旧幕臣グループがいた。赤松則良・林洞海・渡部温・藤沢次謙・矢田堀鴻らである。矢田堀・赤松は長崎海軍伝習所出身の幕府海軍幹部・エリート士官、林は佐倉順天堂ゆかりの蘭方医、渡部は開成所で教鞭をとった英学者、藤沢は蘭学一家桂川家に生まれた幕府陸軍の幹部であったが、いずれも静岡藩では沼津兵学校や沼津病院に職を奉じていた。藩の公職に就いた彼らには、無禄移住者とは違い、「食うため」には困らないだけの十分な俸給が与えられたのであるが、明治二年(一八六九)以降遠州での開拓・茶園経営に、あえて自らの資産を投入した。洋学知識や洋行経験を有していた彼らは、土質や害虫を研究し、先進地の製茶法を導入したり、アメリカへの直輸出を図ったりと、科学や情報によって地場産業を改良する役割を果たした。しかし、その行動は、苦しい藩財政を助けたり、国益を目指したりといった「公」を意識した動機のみによるものではなく、むしろ個人の営利・蓄財を目的とした私的経済活動としての側面が大きかった。廃藩に前後して上京、優れた能力を買われ一旦は明治政府に出仕した彼らであるが、遠州の茶園はそのまま維持された。海軍中将・男爵となった赤松は退役後には遠州に隠棲し、明治初年以来の念願だった田園生活を楽しむ。茶園開拓をめぐる赤松らの言動からは、官にあるか野にあるかを問わず、「一身独立」を率先実行した近代的人間像が見えてくる。Sliding towards poverty from the loss of stipends and livelihood following the Meiji Resoration, shizoku (former samurai) became involved in land settlement and reclamation projects around the countury. Shizuoka Domain, which had been reduced to a mere 70,000 koku, absorbed vast numbers of former hatamoto and gokenin relocated to the area without remuneration. From the domain's inception in 1868 (Meiji 1), the indigenization of retainer bands moved quickly as shizoku were encouraged to cultivate unopened lands. Following the domain's replacement by Shizuoka Prefecture, the prefecture continued to lend support to programs that encouraged shizoku businesses.At the same time that the domain, then prefecture, were lending support to shizoku, a small group of former Bakufu retainers began to cultivate tea independently without economic support from either government. Its members included Akamatsu Noriyoshi, Hayashi Dokai, Watanabe On, Fujisawa Tsuguyoshi, and Yatabori Ko. Yatabori and Akamatsu were both elite officers, products of the Nagasaki naval training center who had held executive positions in the Bakufu navy. Hayashi was a Dutch-medicine doctor with ties to the Juntendo in Sakura, while Watanabe was an England Studies scholar who taught at the Kaiseisho. Fujisawa was born to the Katsuragawa family of Dutch Studies scholars and had held an executive post in the Bakufu army. Each held positions in Shizuoka at either the domain's military academy or its hospital in Numazu. With official posts in the domain government, they differed from the unremunerated relocates and had incomes sufficient to "feed themselves." Still, beginning in 1869 (Meiji 2) they began to cultivate tea as a business in the Totomi region using only their own funds.With their knowledge and experience of the West, they studied soil and vermin, implemented the latest techniques of tea cultivation, and attempted direct export to America. With the science and information they brought to their business, they contributed significantly to the improvement of local industry. Yet, while their actions did aid the finances of a troubled domain and contributed to the benefit of the,nation, they were not exclusively motivated by "public" consciousness. Indeed, their activities were in large part private economic activities aimed at individual gain and wealth.Following the domain's dissolution they relocated to the capital where their outstanding talents were put to use in the service of the Meiji government. They continued to operate their tea plantation in Totomi, however. Following his retirement to the area, vice-admiral and baron Akamatsu pursued his early Meiji hope of enjoying life in the country. Whether in office or the countryside, the actions taken by Akamatsu and the others in the cultivation of tea cast an image of modern individuals at the forefront of "self-reliance".

12 0 0 0 OA シンデレラ姫

西条八十 詩
丹羽 浩子 田辺 公一 矢野 玲子 後藤 伸之 大津 史子
一般社団法人 日本医薬品情報学会
医薬品情報学 (ISSN:13451464)
vol.20, no.3, pp.145-155, 2018-11-30 (Released:2018-12-08)

Objective:In this study,we explored adverse reactions and patient background and performed a case/non-case study on a database of adverse reaction case reports in order aid the prevention of non-prescription drug abuse.Study Design:We conducted a case/non-case study on a database of adverse reaction case reports.Methods:We studied case reports of adverse reactions and addiction in Japan and extracted adverse reaction cases associated with taking antipyretic analgesics,antitussive drugs,antitussive expectorant drugs,hypnotic and sedative drugs,anti-anxiety drugs,and purgative drugs. We divided the extracted cases into an abuse case group (adverse reactions associated with non-prescription drug abuse,and divided its intended purpose or the purpose of abuse at the initial dose)and non-case group(other adverse reactions). We performed univariate logistic regression analysis on each item of investigation in the abuse case group and non-case group and calculated the odds ratio,p-value,and 95%confidence interval.Results:There were many abuse case reports of women 20-40 years old in the antipyretic analgesics abuse case group and many of them had liver/biliary lesions and chronic urological impairment. The most common reason reported for taking the initial dose of each drug was for its intended purpose.Discussion:It is important for pharmacists at community pharmacies and drugstores to be able to recognize the characteristics of patients who might be at risk of abuse and the adverse reactions and patient backgrounds elucidated in this study could be helpful in identifying them.