深水 昭吉
筑波フォーラム (ISSN:03851850)
no.67, pp.73-77, 2004-06

トム・クルーズ主演「The Last Sammurai」に出演した渡辺謙さんが、2004年のアカデミー賞の助演男優賞にノミネートされたことは記憶に新しいことです。残念ながら受賞は逃しましたが、その存在感を世界に大きくアピールしました。 ...
村山 瑞穂
紀要. 言語・文学編 (ISSN:02868083)
vol.39, pp.97-114, 2007

『ティファニーで朝食を』(Breakfast at Tiffany's)と聞いてまず思い浮かべるのは、オードリー・ベップバーン(Audrey Hepburn)主演、ブレイク・エドワーズ(Blake Edwards)監督め1961年公開のハリウッド映画だろう。しかし、これがアメリカ文学史でも特異な位置を占めるトルーマン・カポーティ(Truman Capote)の同タイトルの小説に基づくことを知る人はそれほど多くはなく、しかも、原作を読んだ誰もが、小説と映画との違いに少なからぬ当惑を感じるに違いない。例えば映画のオープニング・シーン。ヘンリー・マンシーニーの名曲「ムーン・リバー」のメロディーに乗せて、人気のない早朝のニューヨーク五番街が映し出されると、そこに一台のイエロー・キャブが走り来て、ティファニー宝石店の前に止まる。降り立った女性は、髪を高く結い上げ、黒のロングドレスに身を固めたヘップバーン演じるヒロインのホリー。彼女は、ティファニーのショー・ウインドウを覗き込みながら、おもむろに紙袋から取り出したデーニッシュをかじり、テイクアウトの紙コップ入りコーヒーをすする。タイトルを文字通り映像化してみた印象的なこのシーンは、実は原作には全く描かれていない。文学作品の忠実な映画化など期待すべきものではなく、映画は原作の一解釈であり、独立した作品として扱うべきだが、両者の違いに何らかの意味づけをしてみたくなるのもごく自然な衝動だろう。カポーティは、第二次世界大戦後、早熟な天才作家として彗星のごとく登場し、アメリカ南部を舞台に孤独な少年の自己探求の葛藤を幻想的に描く『遠い声、遠い部屋』(Other Voices,Other Rooms,1948)をはじめとする小説や短篇によって、キャサリン・アン・ポーター(Katherine Anne Porter)やカーソン・マッカラーズ(Carson McCullers)に並ぶ南部ゴシック作家の一人に数えられる。しかし後年は、夢想的な作風をがらりと変え、カンザスの片田舎で起きた一家惨殺事件を綿密に取材したルポタージュ風のノンフィクション・ノヴェル、『冷血』(In Cold Blood,1965)によってセンセーションを巻き起こした。ニューヨークの風俗をリアルに描きつつ、そこにファンタジーの要素を織り交ぜた『ティファニーで朝食を』(1958)は、カポーティ文学の二つの異なる作風の中間に位置するともいえる。終戦後、自らの体験に基づく戦争小説によって戦争の不条理や軍隊機構の抑圧性を告発して脚光を浴びたノーマン・メイラー(Norman Mailer)ら社会派作家とは対照的に、カポーティは一貫して社会性より芸術性を重視する審美主義作家と自らを定義してきた。しかし、時間が停止したような退廃的な南部の暗闇の世界からニューヨークの明るい昼の世界へと舞台を移した軽快なコメディ、『ティファニーで朝食を』は、実社会の断面を描き、思いのほか政治的な作品になっていると指摘される。なかでも、出版当時、賛否両論だった作品の政治性をいち早く見抜き、評価したのはイーハブ・H・ハッサン(Ihab H. Hassan)である。ハッサンは、冷戦下の体制順応の時代にあって、「飼いならされることがないゆえに安住の地を見出せない自由への愛("wild and homeless love of freedom")」を具現する新しいヒロインとして小説の主人公ホリー・ゴーライトリーの登場を歓迎している。小説『ティファニーで朝食を』についてハッサンが評価するカポーティの冷戦期アメリカへの批評は、しかしながらその映画化においては全くといっていいほど切れ味が削がれてしまっている。「ハリウッドは戦後期の政治と国民的アイデンティティの将来を決定づける決戦場であった」(May,358)といわれるように、当時のハリウッドを発信地とする大衆映画はアメリカの文化的価値を全世界へと送り出したが、それらが発するメッセージは当然のことながらきわめて体制擁護的なものであった。本論では、『ティファニーで朝食を』の映画化において原作がいかに改変されたかを、ジェンダー、階級、民族、セクシュアリティを切り口に分析することにより、当時の冷戦期アメリカを支配していた文化イデオロギーを浮き上がらせると同時に、それに対抗するカポーティの批評精神を明らかにする。また、きわめて巧妙に仕上げられた原作改変の隙間に走る亀裂を指摘することで、最終的にはその改変を支えるアメリカの文化イデオロギーが映画を完壁には支配しきれていないことを示唆したい。
桑田 直子
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.62, pp.69-91, 1998-05-10 (Released:2011-03-18)
2 2

This study clarifies the adoption of western style uniforms in women's middle schools in the rural districts during the 1920-1930 period. The historical study of female students' uniforms have traditionally highlighted the cases of women's high schools in city areas. Consequently, the effects of regional differences and the disparity among schools have been overlooked in the previous research. In this study, the process of adoption is explicated from various dimensions by examining these factors. The areas focused on are two counties located in the west end of Shimane prefecture.In the big cities like Tokyo, women's middle schools tended to adopt the uniforms according to their own school policies. There seemed to be no regular pattern in the adoption. Contrary to this, in Shimane prefecture, there are some regulations in the adoption according to the disparity among schools. The four prefectural women's high schools, which had the highest prestige in this prefecture, adopted in the same year, 1924. Adopting western style uniforms in 1924 was earlier here than most of women's middle schools in Tokyo. This means, in this prefecture, the adoption of uniforms occurred earlier in the schools which had high prestige. In Tsuwano Ko-Jo, one of the prefectural women's high schools, students started to wear the western style uniforms in 1924 with no particular impressions, while the men in Tsuwano area looked at them with critical eyes. They did not have to feel any conflict as they were supported by their school's prestige. At that time, the other schools in the nearby area had not adopted the uniforms, though their area itself was more modernized than the Tsuwano area. This was because these schools had less prestige than that of Tsuwano Ko-Jo. In the west part of Shimane prefecture, the western style uniforms worked as the presentation ofranking in the women's middle schools.This study aims to make clear the process of the westernization of uniforms in rural areas without using the standard model of the city area. At the same time, this study shows in examining how the disparity among female schools helps to create rank among the girls, and how the uniform performs as the representation of prestige.
西條 辰義 中丸 麻由子
特定非営利活動法人 横断型基幹科学技術研究団体連合
横幹 (ISSN:18817610)
vol.4, no.2, pp.63-67, 2010 (Released:2016-03-21)

Consider that human behavior is a three dimensional object. Each field of social sciences has been tackling this object using a different sword: emotion in psychology, incentive in economics, norm in sociology, and so on, and these sections almost have no intersection, which we call the state in blind men and the elephant. As an attempt to overcome this, we show some results of our research notes in social dilemma including the problem of public good provision.

11 0 0 0 OA 中昔京師地圖

森幸安 著図并識


11 0 0 0 OA 国史叢書

国史研究会 編
vol.西國太平記 毛利秀元記, 1915
小林 信彦 Nobuhiko Kobayashi 桃山学院大学文学部
vol.31, no.3, pp.199-215, 2006-03-15

According to the ancient Japanese, women can never be happy during their lives nor can theyget peace after death, because their minds are full of inborn defects such as jealousy, frivolity orcaprice. These defects are said to be sins, to which women themselves are solely responsible.The Japanese ascribed the authority of this view to Buddhist scriptures. However, descriptionsof such female defects are not found in Buddhist texts. Instead, female bodies are said there tobe disadvantageous to preparation for becaming Buddhas, because of physiological phenomenaconnected with generative function, such as menstruation, morning sickness and labour.Having read a Buddhist reference to disadvantages of female bodies, the Japanese of the ninthcentury mistook it for a reference to defects intrinsic to women's minds. And the well-knownJapanese proposition, "Women are naturally sinful and therefore quite hopeless," was thus establishedto justify the Japanese society in tormenting women for more than 1000 years.
佐久間 淳
一般社団法人 電子情報通信学会
電子情報通信学会 基礎・境界ソサイエティ Fundamentals Review (ISSN:18820875)
vol.7, no.4, pp.348-364, 2014-04-02 (Released:2014-04-02)

近年の技術的進歩によって,ゲノムシーケンシングコストが急速に低下した.このことは大規模なゲノム疫学研究の発展をもたらし,遺伝子の個人差といえる一塩基多形(SNP)と生活習慣病を含む多様な疾患の関係が明らかになりつつある. またこれらの成果によって, 個人ゲノムに基づく疾患リスク予測も可能になりつつある. 個人ゲノムは予防医療を中心とした様々な個別化医療への応用の基礎となる情報であるが, 「究極の個人情報」とも呼ばれ,その扱いには慎重を要する. このため, ゲノム疫学や個別化医療においてゲノム情報を安全に活用するためのプライバシー保護技術の構築が望まれている.本稿ではゲノムデータの共有や公開に伴う多様なリスクと脅威について概観を示す. また, そのプライバシー上のリスクを減ずる主要なプライバシー保護技術として, 秘密計算(セキュアマルチパーティー計算)と差分プライバシーを紹介し,そのゲノム疫学と個別化医療への適用例について解説する.
茅野 恒秀
信州大学人文科学論集 (ISSN:13422790)
vol.7, no.2, pp.99-123, 2020-03-15

日本各地に再生可能エネルギーが急拡大するとともに「メガソーラー」の存在が定着しつつある。しかし、とりわけ山林開発を伴う事業をめぐって社会紛争が増え、推進側と反対側、そして土地所有者との間での社会的亀裂を生じさせている事業も少なくない。 本稿は、全国のメガソーラー問題の多くが、共有地の性格を有してきた土地に外来型開発として計画・建設されていることに着目し、地租改正や農地改革など近代的土地所有制度の確立過程、そして高度成長期・バブル経済期の国土開発など、土地問題を規定する政策や動向の連続線上にメガソーラー問題を位置づける。そのための方法として、まず立地地域における人と自然との関係を規定してきた環境史・開発史を明らかにし、その知見をもとに問題を分析した。 長野県諏訪市四賀に計画されている長野県下最大級のメガソーラー事業は、近世以来の入会林野・牧野を戦後に分割解放した土地に計画された。この事業を事例に、土地所有者である地元牧野農業協同組合を取り巻く社会的状況の分析を行い、牧野から林野へ、そして観光開発へと資源利用の転換が起こる中で旧来より山元として有していた地位がことごとく裏目に出た結果として、メガソーラー事業への土地売却が企図されたことが推論できた。
隼瀬 悠里
日本教師教育学会年報 (ISSN:13437186)
vol.19, pp.123-132, 2010-09-25 (Released:2020-12-22)

In Japan, an expansion of teacher education from Bachelor's level to Master's level is planned. Finland has around 30 years of experience providing Master's level teacher education and thus it is meaningful to examine the country's curriculum. Moreover, Finnish teacher education is “research-based” education. The aim of this study is to examine the theoretical landscape of Finnish teacher education and to analyze the curriculum. Since 1979, both primary and secondary school teachers in Finland have been educated at universities, attaining the qualification of a Master's degree.  Since then, the research activity of teachers has been emphasized in the curriculum. The aim of Finnish teacher education is to educate future teachers who have an inquiring attitude and can develop their work independently. Such education is characterized as “research-based teacher education” by some Finnish researchers. This paper identifies some features of research-based teacher education through examining the researchers' papers. The biggest feature is the close integration of theory and practice. To connect theory and practice, the notion of two levels of teacher education(basic level and general level)and the notion of two-fold practice(practice of teaching and practice of research)in teacher education are introduced. Pedagogical thinking is required of the student teachers, as is their ability to use and produce research to develop their work on the curriculum. How is the curriculum of research-based teacher education constructed? This paper analyzes the curriculum of the Department of Teacher Education in the Faculty of Education of Jyväskylä University as an example of research-based teacher education.
尾川 翔大
スポーツ史研究 (ISSN:09151273)
vol.33, pp.1-17, 2020 (Released:2021-04-30)

The purpose of this study is to clarify the process of resolving the issue of jurisdiction in “athletic” from discussions of the Administrative Investigative Committee and the Administrative System Council established for examining this issue. The study focuses on the basic direction of administration and financial adjustment in the party cabinet era. Further, the study aims to clarify what meaning has been given to“ athletic” through these discussions. The first Kato Cabinet advanced the selection of the Chief of Cabinet Legislation Bureau in anticipation of the administrative and public finance and further repeated the instructions according to which each ministry and agency are required to follow the leadership of the party government. In the background was the recognition that the organizational system of the administration was complicated and fragmented. Due to this, the first and second Kato Cabinet claimed that the general public were being inconvenienced. The Administrative Investigation Committee was established in anticipation of the fact that these administrative problems had to be solved. The Administrative Investigation Committee was suitably composed to incorporate the Party Cabinet's intention with respect to the human and organizational aspects. The Chief of Cabinet Legislation Bureau was in a position enabling him to demonstrate initiative at the Administrative Investigation Committee. The decision of the Chief of Cabinet Legislation Bureau coincided with the claim of the first and second Cabinet to emphasize the convenience of the private sector. From these perspectives, it is possible to understand the deliberations on the jurisdiction of athletic in the Administrative Investigation Committee. This issue was about whether it was the Ministry of Education or the Ministry of Home Affairs was responsible for the athletic outside the school. Opinion of the people related to athletic directed giving the Ministry of Education the jurisdiction of the athletic. In addition, the Ministry of Education insisted on the educational significance of athletic, and the Ministry of Home Affairs insisted on the health significance of athletic. The proposals submitted by the legislative bureau and the remarks of the Chief of Cabinet Legislation Bureau followed opinion of the people related to athletic. The Administrative System Council set up by the Tanaka Cabinet succeeded the deliberation of the Administrative Investigation Committee. The Administrative System Council decided jurisdiction of “athletic” in the Ministry of Education. The following is a summarization of the above. The Administrative Investigation Committee and the Administrative System Council are a reflection of the intentions of the party cabinet, and the jurisdiction of athletic are determined in accordance with these intentions. In this process, athletic was given educational significance.
Lucia Renee Ruhaak Jenny Felth Pernilla Christina Karlsson Joseph James Rafter Robert Verpoorte Lars Bohlin
The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan
Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin (ISSN:09186158)
vol.34, no.5, pp.774-778, 2011-05-01 (Released:2011-05-01)
23 101

Cyclooxygenase enzymes (COX-1 and COX-2) catalyse the production of prostaglandins from arachidonic acid. Prostaglandins are important mediators in the inflammatory process and their production can be reduced by COX-inhibitors. Endocannabinoids, endogenous analogues of the plant derived cannabinoids, occur normally in the human body. The Endocannabinoids are structurally similar to arachidonic acid and have been suggested to interfere with the inflammatory process. They have also been shown to inhibit cancer cell proliferation. Anti-inflammatory effects of cannabinoids and endocannabinoids have been observed, however the mode of action is not yet clarified. Anti-inflammatory activity (i.e., inhibition of COX-2) is proposed to play an important role in the development of colon cancer, which makes this subject interesting to study further. In the present work, the six cannabinoids tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ9-THC), tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (Δ9-THC-A), cannabidiol (CBD), cannabidiolic acid (CBDA), cannabigerol (CBG) and cannabigerolic acid (CBGA), isolated from Cannabis sativa, were evaluated for their effects on prostaglandin production. For this purpose an in vitro enzyme based COX-1/COX-2 inhibition assay and a cell based prostaglandin production radioimmunoassay were used. Cannabinoids inhibited cyclooxygenase enzyme activity with IC50 values ranging from 1.7·10−3 to 2.0·10−4 M.