猪瀬直人 齋藤豪
vol.2013, no.1, pp.263-264, 2013-03-06

田中 佑弥
臨床教育学論集 = Journal of clinical education research (ISSN:18823874)
no.10, pp.25-37, 2018-12-25

奥地圭子は、日本の代表的なフリースクールである東京シューレを1985 年に開設したことで知られている。本稿では、教育雑誌『ひと』(太郎次郎社)における記述に着目して、フリースクール開設以前の奥地圭子の教育観を考察した。登校拒否児の母親であり、小学校教師であること、つまり「母親教師」であることを通して、奥地の教育観は培われていった。
寺下 隆夫 白坂 憲章 楠田 瑞穂 若山 祥夫
近畿大学農学部紀要 = Memoirs of the Faculty of Agriculture of Kinki University (ISSN:04538889)
no.44, pp.1-8, 2011-03-01

[Synopsis] The chemical compositions of low-molecular weight (low-MW) hyaluronic acid (HA) from comb and the effect of keepingb moisture contents on skin by a clinical test were investigated. The low-MW-HA prepared from comb contained the following components: moisture 2.2 ~ 2.6%, nitrogen 3.84%, total protein 3.04%, free amino acid 4.08%, N-acetyl-D-glucosamine 0%, HA 13.4% and dextrin( food additives) 75.0%. The main components of the low-MW-HA were two components, MW 1,500( 47%) and MW. 5,000( 33%). We studied the effect of low-MW-HA( Will-HA) on the effect of keeping moisture contents of skin by a clinical test. The clinical test was done in a national hospital in the Peoples Republic of China in 2006. As a result, it was shown that the low-MW-HA have the effect of keeping moisture in the skin.
平倉 一郎 粟島 等 萩尾 健次
vol.第33回, no.プログラミング言語およびソフトウェア工学, pp.447-448, 1986-10-01


1 0 0 0 OA PC - Smalltalk

鈴木則久 小原盛幹 中島淳
vol.1985, no.3(1985-OS-027), pp.1-7, 1985-05-10

Smalltalk-80がパソコンの上で動き、かつ性能がすばらしければ、どれほど使用価値が上がるであろうかとは前々から考えていた。現在Smalltalkが動くコンピュータで一番手頃なのはTektronix4404であるが、これも満足な速度で動くようにするには700万円程度かけなければならない。しかしパソコンは40万程度で買えるし、ハードディスク付きでも70万位になる。値段が10分の1になると今まで考えていなかったような分野でも使えるようになる。 この目標を達成する為にまずMC68000上で動く移植の容易なSmalltalkの基本システムを作った。[1].しかし現在主流のパソコンは8086を使っている。しかし8086上にSmalltalkの様な大容量のヒープを必要とするシステムを実現するのは大変むずかしい。そこでこのパソコン上にSmalltalkを実現しようという話はなかなか実現しなかった。 一方MC68000上に能率のよいSmalltalkをのせる仕事は着々と進んでいき、1984年暮には「菊32V」という大変高性能なシステムが完成した。また、NEC PC9801用にMC68000ボードが売り出された。これは不完全な形ながらSmalltalkをパソコンの上にのせる目的に一歩近づけた。しかしながら記憶容量はまだ足りなかった。そこで自作で主記憶を作り、「菊32V」を移植して、パソコン上のSmalltalkが初めて完成した。
西嶌 俊彦
四国大学紀要 = Bulletin of Shikoku University (ISSN:09191798)
no.46, pp.97-108, 2016
工藤 雄一郎
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.178, pp.7-28, 2012-03-01

伊東 卓治
美術研究 = The bijutsu kenkiu : the journal of art studies
no.214, pp.1-34, 1961-03-30

This article is a study, from the viewpoint of the history of calligraphy, of a letter written in kana (Japanese syllabaries) on the reverse side of a copy of a ge (document from a governmental office to a higher governmental office) from the governor of Inaba Province dated the 2nd day of the 11th month of the year Engi 5 (A.D. 905). This ge is found in the first part of the 2nd scroll in the 4th box of the “Tōnan-in Archives” preserved in the Middle Section of the Shōsō-in Repository of Imperial Treasures in Nara. The letter under discussion, which appears to be by a female hand, is hard to decipher, and it does not bear the date of copying nor the name of the copyist. This study is therefore concentrated on how the letter reads and when it was copied. The letter, or more exactly the sheet of paper on which the letter had been written, was utilized to supplement the shortage of writing-paper (i. e. to use the plain side) at the time of making a copy of the ge. If we know when the ge was copied, therefore, it becomes known that the letter is earlier than that date. Because the date of copying is unknown we have to study first of all when it was done. The document is related to a dispute between the Tōdai-ji Temple and the courtier Fujiwara Arizane concerning the jurisdiction over an estate at Takaniwa, Takakusa-gun in Inaba Province (now Tottori Prefecture). Researches on the procedure of this dispute suggest that the ge was copied either in the 5th year of Engi (905) or by the 12th or 13th year of the same era (912–913) or some time during the Enchō to Tengyō and Tenryaku eras (923–956). From the calligraphic style the resent author is led to attribute it to the lastmentioned period, namely between the 3rd and 6th decades of the 10th century. The author then tries to guess the age of the kana letter in the light of the early history of kana writing. Due to insufficiency of known materials, however, the history of kana calligraphy in the first half of the 10th century has not yet been established, and the author had to begin with classifying them in order to get a rough survey of kana script of this period. Through his research it has been made known that in this field of writing in the first half of the 10th century there existed, side by side and often mixed up, two different ways of writing: one following the traditional mode, that is, to write in the so script with each character written separately from the ones above and below (doku sō or “separate” style), and the other in what was probably a new way, i. e. to write in the sō and hira-gana scripts with the characters of words, phrases or sentences in continuing strokes (remmen or “continued and entangling” style). (Translator's note: The sō script, as referred to in literature of the time, is a simplified form of cursive style of Chinese ideographs, to be read in Japanese-style pronunciation and each character standing for one sound or syllable, from which hira-gana or Japanese syllabaries seem to have evolved. That is to say, it is a script transitional from Chinese ideographs to hira-gana syllabaries. It should not be confused with the sō or cursive style of writing as contrasted with kai, gyō and other such terms referring to the flourishing, angular, iutermediate and cursive styles.) The fact can be interpreted to illustrate a still immature stage of development in kana writing during the first half of the 10th century, contrasting with the fully progressed kana calligraphy in the late 10th to the 11th and 12th centuries. The “separate” and “continuing” styles appear to have been maintained firmly as two different ways of writing, the former probably for male writers and the latter for female. When we take these circumstances into consideration and attach due importance on the rather “continuing” aspect of the letter under discussion, and when we note that the brush work in this letter shows characteristics in common with that of a chō (report from an official to an upper governmental office) from Tamba Province dated the 22nd day of the 9th month of the year Shōhei 2 (A. D. 932), we are led to regard led to regard the age of this letter to be in about the Shōhei era (931-938). If so it is the old existing example of a letter in kana writing.
長谷川 信子
Scientific approaches to language
vol.1, pp.1-33, 2002-03-25
松隈 浩之 藤岡 定 中島 愛 金子 晃介 梶原治朗 林田 健太 服部 文忠
情報処理学会論文誌 (ISSN:18827764)
vol.53, no.3, pp.1041-1049, 2012-03-15

下久保 弘樹 北 栄輔
vol.2014-MPS-101, no.11, pp.1-2, 2014-12-02

本研究では Kinect センサーを用いて歩行動作から個人認証を行う方法について述べる.提案手法では,Kinect センサーを用いて人体の身体特徴量,人体歩行時の関節の角度,座標の変位などを取得して特徴量とする.サポートベクタマシンとニューラルネットワークを用いて,これらの特徴量から個人認証するアルゴリズムを定義する.解析例では,被験者 10 人に対して個人認証実験を行った結果,平均適合率はサポートベクタマシンで 99.0%,ニューラルネットワークで 99.8%となった.
清水 一彦
江戸川大学紀要 = Bulletin of Edogawa University
vol.25, 2015-03-15

1956 年の流行語となった「もはや「戦後」ではない」は,同年版『経済白書』に記されている。戦後からの回復を通じての経済成長が終わったあとにくる難題にたいしての警句であったが,そういつまでも戦後でもあるまいといった「空気」を背景に,情報の送り手と受け手の相互作用で戦後を抜け出し高度成長へ向かう凱歌として解釈されることになった。その後もこの凱歌としての社会的記憶は,送り手にとっても受け手にとってもより“ここちよい”物語として再構成されつづけ,現在では,神武景気を経て『経済白書』は「もはや戦後ではない」と高らかに高度経済成長期突入を宣言した,とまで変容している。本稿は,このフレーズの社会的記憶が変容する過程を分析した。