神谷 万丈
一般財団法人 日本国際政治学会
国際政治 (ISSN:04542215)
vol.2012, no.170, pp.170_15-170_29, 2012-10-25 (Released:2014-10-26)

Throughout the postwar period, realism has been the dominant school of thought in academic international relations (IR) communities in the United States and Europe. During the same period, in the IR community in Japan,there has been a group of scholars called genjitsushugi-sha, which literally translated means “realist(s)”. (Genjitsushugi literally means “realism,” and “sha” means “a person” or “people.”) Unlike realism in the Western IR communities, genjitushugi was not a dominant school of thought in Japan during the Cold War years. In the 1960s and 1970s, the Japanese IR community witnessed a harsh debate between genjitushugi-sha and risoushugi-sha (idealist[s]) over the role of military power in postwar international politics and the desirability of the “Japan-U.S. Security Treaty system” (i.e., the U.S.-Japan alliance) for Japan. In the Japanese society at that time, where strong pacifist orientation was widely shared, it was idealists, who denied the utility of military power in the contemporary international relations and insisted on the policy of unarmed neutrality for the security of Japan, who represented the mainstream view. Although Japanese genjitsushugi-sha have significant resemblances to Western realists, such as the recognition of the struggle for power as a continuing nature of international politics and the acceptance of the utility of military power in the postwar world, substantial differences also exist between the two. The previous research done by the author shows that genjitsushugi-sha recognized the decreasing utility of military power in international politics as early as the early 1960s. They also noticed variations in the utility of power resources depending on issue areas by the early 1970s. In these senses, the genjitsushugi-sha’s view on power shows considerably liberal tendencies. This article argues that their view on nationalism also has liberal, rather than realist, inclinations. While realism is a particularistic theory, liberalism is universalistic. Realist and liberal views on nationalism should reflect such natures of respective theories. The analysis in this article shows that Japanese genjitsushugi-sha’s view on nationalism shows strongly universalistic tendencies. In the face of the revival of nationalism among the Japanese citizens since the mid-sixties, genjitsushugi-sha argued: 1) that Japanese diplomacy should reduce the dependence on the U.S.; 2) but that Japan, as a trading country with a limited military power, could maintain its security and prosperity only with close cooperation with other countries,particularly the U.S., and increasingly so under the deepening interdependence in the postwar world; 3) that Japan, therefore, should not define its national interests in a narrow, egoistic sense, 4) and that the Japanese people should pursue nationalism that is internationalist in nature. Despite the conventional view that regards Japanese genjitsushugi-sha as (a subspecies of) realists in Western IR terms, this article argues that they were rather “realistic liberal” scholars.
青木 弘行 久保 光徳 鈴木 邁 後藤 忠俊 岡本 敦
デザイン学研究 (ISSN:09108173)
no.96, pp.47-54, 1993-03-01

Takaya Maeda Hideki Yoshida Tomoyuki Sasaki Atsushi Oda
The Society of Physical Therapy Science
Journal of Physical Therapy Science (ISSN:09155287)
vol.29, no.10, pp.1860-1864, 2017 (Released:2017-10-21)

[Purpose] The purpose of this study was to investigate whether transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation simultaneously combined with local heat and cold applications enhances pain relief compared with transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation alone in patients with knee osteoarthritis. [Subjects and Methods] Fourty-five patients with knee osteoarthritis participated in this study. They were randomly assigned to the following three interventions: transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation simultaneously combined with local heat using a hot pack; combined with local cold using a cold pack; and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation alone. In each intervention, the knee pain level during walking and standing up from a chair, as well as dynamic balance and gait ability were evaluated immediately before and after a single intervention using the visual analogue scale and the timed up & go test, respectively. [Results] A significant improvement in dynamic balance and gait ability was only observed immediately after transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation simultaneously combined with local heat application, although the degree of pain relief during standing and walking were comparable among the three interventions. [Conclusion] These results suggest that transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation simultaneously combined with local heat application can immediately improve not only knee pain during standing and walking but also dynamic balance and gait ability in patients with knee osteoarthritis.
青山 忠正
佛教大学総合研究所紀要 (ISSN:13405942)
vol.6, pp.23-42, 1999-03-25

The period between the signing of Japan-America Washin (和親) agreement in 1854 and the commercial treaties in 1858 has been generally considered the age in which Western European countries opened Japan, and the Zyoui (攘夷) movement that become widspread in 1862-1863 was believed to be a conser- vative reaction to the foreign threat. The aim of this paper is to counter the above opinions and to interpret what the words, Washin (和親) , Tsusho (通商), Zyoui (攘夷) originally meant in the East Asia of the 19th century on the historical basis of Kai-Tituzyo (華夷秩序). In 19th century, Japan had two available courses, Tsusho and Zyoui, for dealing with Western foreign powers. Tsusho meant to give foreigners permission of limited trade in Nagasaki. Zyoui meant to expel foreigners who refused Tsusho. And Japan might take a temporary measure while it was not prepared to expel the foreigners yet. That was Washin. The Tokugawa Shogunate Office signed the commercial treaty of free trade in 1858 without domestic agreements, and planned to return to the Washin later. But the Western countries did not recognize the plan. A political group in Japan insisted that Japan should break the treaty if Japan would start a war against the Westerners, and sign a new treaty to which everyone in Japan agreed. They called the strategy Hayakuzyoui (破約攘夷) in 1862-1863. The Hayakuzyoui group did not hesitate to begin war but the Emperor (天皇) and Shogun finally avoided it. Therefore Hayakuzyoui was not realized and the group lost their power.
須佐 千明 三串 伸哉 尾崎 研一郎 村田 志乃 鈴木 瑠璃子 高島 真穂 梅田 慈子 柴野 荘一 中根 綾子 植松 宏
一般社団法人 日本老年歯科医学会
老年歯科医学 (ISSN:09143866)
vol.26, no.2, pp.91-95, 2011 (Released:2012-01-20)

定型抗精神病薬の長期服用によって, オーラルジスキネジアが発現することが知られている。オーラルジスキネジアは口腔領域に認められる不随意運動であり, 難治性である場合が多い。今回, われわれは咀嚼時のみにジスキネジアを生じた症例を経験したので報告する。患者は64歳の女性で, 舌の不随意運動による咀嚼困難を主訴に来院した。既往歴として, うつ病があり10年以上抗精神病薬を服用していた。咀嚼ができないため食事摂取量が減少し, 体重が減少していた。他院にて遅発性ジスキネジアと診断され薬物治療が行われていた。当科初診時の評価では, 安静時および舌の随意運動時にジスキネジアは出現せず, 水分など咀嚼を伴わない食塊の嚥下は正常であった。一方, 固形物は咀嚼中に口腔周囲および舌にジスキネジアが出現し, 食塊形成が困難であった。そこで栄養摂取量を確保するために食事摂取方法の指導を行った。神経内科にて薬物治療を継続しながら, 機能訓練としてガム咀嚼の訓練を指導したが, 明らかな症状改善を認めなかった。しかし初診から5カ月後, ハロペリドールの内服開始直後にジスキネジアが消失し, 常食摂取可能となり体重増加を認めた。本症例では, ジスキネジアが咀嚼時のみに出現した点で希有な症例であった。ジスキネジアによる摂食·嚥下障害を生じ, また治療に長期間を要したことから, 機能状態に応じた食事摂取方法の指導を行うことが重要であった。
西脇 与作 藁谷 敏晴
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.65, pp.23-49, 1977-01

1. logical valueの論理 : 存在論的価値 1.1. 文、真理値、存在の相互関係 1.2. 真理値と2値性 1.3. 結合子としての同一性記号2. W-言語と理論3. SCIの諸性質 3.1. SCIの基本的定理 3.2. 論理評価と指示 3.3. 論理評価の種類4. SCIの拡張 4.1. 中間的諸システム 4.2. 拡張の過程In this paper, " non-Fregean logics " proposed by R. Suszko are studied ; 1. from a philosophical point of view concerning the necessity of introducing the identity-connective, and 2. from technical point of view concerning logical structure of non-Fregean logics. Analysing the Frege's ambiguity in treating the logical constants 1,0 (in Frege), we were led to the conclusion ; 1) A distinction between valuational two valuedness and ontological (referential) two-valuedness should be made, 2) keeping the valuational two-valuedness (the principle of bivalence), the abolition of ontological one is possible (ontological many-valuedness), 3) in order to express logical systems based on valuational two-valuedness and ontological many-valuedness, the introduction of identity-connective is unavoidable. Such logics have been studied among others by R. Suszko as theories of kind W, and its sentential part is called SCI (sentential calculus with identity). In this paper, our interest was directed esp. on 1) logical relations between SCI, SC (sentential calculus) and there intermediate variaties, 2) A possibility of introducing some meta-notions into object languages, 3) some valuations of non-Fregean languages.
辻 大和
霊長類研究 (ISSN:09124047)
vol.28, no.2, pp.109-126, 2012-12-20 (Released:2013-01-24)
4 4

In this review I introduce the literature concerning variations in the feeding ecology of wild Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata), for which many Japanese primatologists have collected data for more than 60 years. Specifically, I review 1) temporal, 2) spatial, and 3) inter-individual variations in the feeding ecology of the macaques. Food resources of the macaques in habitats exhibit temporal shifts (in short-term, seasonal change, and inter-annual change), which consequently affect feeding-related behavior, such as ranging patterns, activity budgets, and degree of crop-raiding. On the other hand, temporal changes in feeding sometimes affect inter-specific relationships. Food environment differs regionally, which is attributed to forest productivity and flora, and/or physical conditions such as temperature and snowfall. The feeding ecology differs even between neighboring troops inhabiting different forest structures. A troop of macaques consists of males and females of different ages and social ranks whose nutritional demands vary. Such inter-individual variation within group affects their feeding ecology, which consequently affects population parameters through competition over food resources. Variation in food habits would affect other ecological phenomena, such as seed dispersal and plant community structure. Finally, I discuss several challenges facing future studies of the feeding ecology of Japanese macaques.
青木 孝之 岡田 元
日本菌学会会報 (ISSN:00290289)
pp.jjom.H29-05, (Released:2017-11-18)

2017 年7 月に中華人民共和国深圳で開催された「第19 回国際植物科学会議(IBC 2017)命名規約セクション」において採択された「国際藻類・菌類・植物命名規約 (ICN; 深圳規約 2018)」における改正点の概要について解説した.

9 0 0 0 OA 官報

大蔵省印刷局 [編]
vol.1933年11月16日, 1933-11-16
遠藤喜道 編