郡司 敦子 木本 統 小出 ひとみ 村上 洋 朱 一慶 多々 納賞子 島 由樹 河相 安彦 小林 喜平
Japanese Society for Mastication Science and Health Promotion
日本咀嚼学会雑誌 (ISSN:09178090)
vol.17, no.1, pp.45-51, 2007-05-31 (Released:2010-07-21)

目的: 総義歯患者において, 旧義歯から新義歯へ移行することにより生じる, 食生活および栄養状況の変化を検討すること.方法: 被験者は, 2004年3月から2005年11月までに日本大学松戸歯学部付属病院を受診した新義歯作製希望の無歯顎患者のうち, 本研究の内容と目的を説明し, 書面による同意の得られた30名とした.間食を含む3日間の食事記録とデジタルカメラにて撮影された食事写真をもとに, 管理栄養士が被験者からの聞き取り調査を行い, 栄養充足率の算出を行った.さらに平井の方法に準じ摂取可能食品質問表から咀嚼スコアーを算出した.統計分析は旧義歯と新義歯間の平均値の差をRepeated measureANOVAにて行った.有意水準は0.05とした.結果: 旧義歯, 新義歯における, エネルギーおよび栄養充足率は, 大部分が100%を超えていた.しかしながら, 旧義歯群と新義歯群の間に統計的有意差は認められなかった.旧義歯における咀嚼スコアーは58.3±19.9を示し, 新義歯では66.1±18.5を示した.新義歯の咀嚼スコアーは旧義歯の咀嚼スコアーに比べ有意に増加した.結論: 新義歯を装着することにより, 被験者自身の咀嚼に関する評価は向上するものの, 旧義歯および新義歯使用時における被験者の栄養充足率は正常範囲であり, 両者間に差は認められなかった.
守 健二
季刊経済理論 (ISSN:18825184)
vol.46, no.3, pp.21-33, 2009-10-20

Georg von Charasoff, a Russian mathematician, was one of the first researchers to recognise that the price of production is an eigenvector of the input matrix, and to determine the rate of profit using its eigenvalue. He anticipated, at this analytical level, most of the arguments that were to be proposed later in the course of the 'transformation problem', i.e. Fundamental Marxian Theorem (FMT), convergence theorem for Marxian transformation procedure and the theorem of rising rate of profit. Moreover, he developed, prior to W. Leontief, P. Sraffa and J. v. Neumann, such ideas as the power series of the Leontief inverse, the basic and non-basic products and the duality of the growth and profit rate in the balanced growth. Although Charasoff's name and his work had been forgotten in the research of economics, his ideas were rediscovered and further developed particularly by Kei Shibata, N. Okishio and M. Morishima without any reference to Charasoff's original contribution. Maurice Potron was a French mathematician whose largely unknown contributions to economic analysis should be acknowledged as pioneering achievements. First, Potron proved de facto Fundamental Marxian Theorem 48 years earlier than Morishima, Seton and Okishio by adapting the Perron-Frobenius theorem and he proved de facto FMT by considering heterogeneous labours 65 years earlier and even more generally than Bowles and Gintis. Second, in doing so, Potron was the first to apply the Perron-Frobenius theorem to economics; third, he laid the foundations of input-output table long before Leontief by calculating input coefficients for some products. And finally, Potron articulated and proved the socalled Hawkins-Simon condition. Furthermore, a comparison between Charasoff's and Potron's treatment of FMT provides us with some insights into the role of mathematics in economic thoughts. Both mathematicians devoted themselves to economic research, and at last they could reach comparable results concerning price determination and especially FMT by using the concepts of eigenvectors and eigenvalues. They had, however, quite different ideological backgrounds, and correspondingly they took quite different positions on normative issues in the face of the so-called social problems around the turn of the 19^<th> to the 20^<th> century where the impoverishment of the working class was increasingly serious. Starting from the FMT, the existence of profit and, equivalently, the execution of surplus labour was condemned by Charasoff from the Marxian or 'human' viewpoint of economizing of living labour. Based on the same FMT, Potron affirmed surplus labour and therefore profit as the condition that enabled and stabilised the compatibility of just price and just wage, i.e. those two principles of justice which were thought to incorporate the Roman Catholic position of reconciling class interests. Both mathematicians and their economic research exemplified a limit to mathematical reasoning in economics in that FMT just as mathematical propositions in general cannot justify any specific normative assertion.
酒井 一夫
千葉医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00093459)
vol.33, no.3, pp.543-547, 1957-09

Roentgen diagnosis has been applied to cancer of the larynx for many years, but it has not become a routine procedure with all laryngologisits. For the diagnosis in cancer of the larynx, laryngoscopy is used, but there are regions of the larynx which are difficult to see by laryngoscopy, especially sub-glottic area. In such cases Roentgen examination may show good information about the endo-larynx. Since 1954 I have tried some radiographical methods in cancer of the larynx. This method should be used Tomography in frontal plane with lateral radiography. I believe that radiographical diagnosis in cancer of the larynx is a valuable method, but it should always be associated with laryngoscopy.
酒井 一夫
千葉医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00093459)
vol.33, no.3, pp.548-554, 1957-09

1) Malignant Tumors arising in the Lymphatic Tissue of the Tonsil and Nasopharynx There were no differences in radiosensitivity and prognosis of malignant tumors arising in the lymphoid tissue due to the differences in the anatomical sites in which the tumors occurred. A larger percentage of reticulosarcoma of syncytial type developed in the nasopharynx. 2) The Radiosensitivity and Prognosis of Tumors in Relation to their Histopathological Classification. Reticulosarcomas of syncytial type (undifferentiated types) were less radiosensitive, and their prognosis was worse than that of reticular type (differentiated type). Lymphosarcomas were more radiosensitive, and their prognosis was better than that of reticulosarcomas. 3) Tumor cells which divide themselves into larger numbers of daughter cells in mitosis were less radiosensitive than those which divide themselves into smaller numbers of daughter cells.
酒井 一夫 岡田 重文
Journal of Radiation Research (ISSN:04493060)
vol.22, no.4, pp.415-424, 1981
13 15

An alkaline separation technique originally established by Ahnstrom is modified to detect small amount of DNA damage in X-irradiated mouse leukemic L5178Y cells. It is made quantitative by calibration with an alkaline sucrose gradient centrifugation. The present method would make it possible to study DNA damage and its repair within a dose range of X-rays where cell survival and mutation are usually investigated. It is also useful for detecting DNA damage caused by chemicals.
服部 隆利 酒井 一夫
一般社団法人 日本原子力学会
日本原子力学会 年会・大会予稿集
vol.2004, pp.648-648, 2004

酒井 一夫
藥學雜誌 (ISSN:00316903)
vol.126, no.10, pp.827-831, 2006-10-01
2 18

"Hormesis" is defined, originally in the field of toxicology, as a phenomenon in which a harmful substance gives stimulating effects to living organisms when the quantity is small. The concept was extended and applied to ionizing radiation, high doses of which are harmful. Although radiation has been thought to be, based on findings in high dose ranges, harmful no matter low the dose is, recent investigation revealed that living organisms possess the ability to respond to low-dose radiation in very sophisticated ways. A good example of such responses is the so-called radiation adaptive response, a process in which acquired radioresistance is induced by low-dose radiation given in advance. The stimulation of certain bioprotective functions, including antioxidative capacity, DNA repair functions, apoptosis, and immune functions are thought to underly the adaptive response. The adaptive response is effective for chromosome induction, acute death, and tumorigenesis induced by high doses of radiation. Radiation hormesis and adaptive response provide a new scope in the risk assessment and medical application of ionizing radiation.
日本保健物理学会医療放射線リスク専門研究会 甲斐 倫明 伴 信彦 太田 勝正 小野 孝二 酒井 一夫 長谷川 隆幸 福士 政広 吉永 信治
保健物理 : hoken buturi (ISSN:03676110)
vol.46, no.1, pp.42-51, 2011-03-01

Radiation use in medicine generally gives us the benefit that outweighs the risk. However, some patients are much concerned about the risk while some medical people are unaware of radiation risk. The aim of this report is to review the low dose risk not only in the reports of ICRP, UNSCEAR, BEIR and French academy but also in the scientific papers that have been paid attention to. On these bases, we discuss the low dose risk and how we face the risk in medicine in order to go for medical use of radiation to the right way. In particular, we hope this report will support medical people as well as radiation protection experts should understand the radiation risk in medicine on current scientific basis.
香原 志勢 茂原 信生 西沢 寿晃 藤田 敬 大谷 江里 馬場 悠男
Anthropological Science (Japanese Series) (ISSN:13443992)
vol.119, no.2, pp.91-124, 2011 (Released:2011-12-22)
3 4

長野県南佐久郡北相木村の縄文時代早期の地層(8300から8600 BP(未較正))から,12体の人骨(男性4体,女性4体の成人8体,および性別不明の幼児4体)が,1965年から1968年にかけての信州大学医学部解剖学教室を中心とする発掘で出土した。数少ない縄文時代早期人骨として貴重なもので,今回の研究は,これらの人骨の形態を報告し,従来明らかにされている縄文時代早期人骨の特徴を再検討するものである。顔高が低い,大腿骨の柱状性が著しい,歯の摩耗が顕著である,など一般的な縄文人の特徴を示すとともに,早前期人に一般的な「華奢」な特徴も示す。脳頭蓋は大きいが下顎骨は小さく,下顎体は早期人の中でもっとも薄い。下顎骨の筋突起は低いが前方に強く張り出している。上肢は華奢だが,下肢は縄文時代中後晩期人と同様に頑丈である。他の縄文時代早前期人と比較検討した結果,縄文時代早期人の特徴は,従来まとめられているものの若干の改定を含めて,次のように再確認された。1)顔面頭蓋が低い。2)下顎は小さいが,筋突起が前方に強く張り出す。3)下肢骨に比べて上肢骨が華奢である。4)下顎歯,特に前歯部には顕著な磨耗がある。
川合 隆男 鹿又 伸夫 熊田 俊郎 阿久津 昌三 片山 龍太郎
慶応義塾大学大学院社会学研究科紀要 (ISSN:0912456X)
no.22, pp.p87-95, 1982

研究ノート〔I〕 はしがき〔II〕 P. A. ソローキンの社会移動論(一)〔III〕 P. A. ソローキンの社会移動論(二)〔IV〕 P. A. ソローキンの社会移動論の再検討