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石井とみ子 (旧姓: 三木) 著
vol.〔正〕, 1912
榊原 彩子
教育心理学研究 (ISSN:00215015)
vol.44, no.1, pp.92-101, 1996-03

According to previous theories, effects of repeated exposure of music on pleasingness depend on uncertainty of the music. In this study, "redundancy of rhythm pattern" and "prototypicality of harmony" were manipulated as the factors of uncertainty. The purpose of the following study is to examine effects of repeated exposure on pleasingness determined by the two above mentioned factors. Subjects heard tone sequences that represented four levels of redundancy and four levels of prototypicality, and rated them on 7-point scales of "complexity" and "pleasingness". Pleasingness was shown to be an inverted U-function of redundancy and prototypicality. And then, each tone sequence was repeated and rated pleasingness after each repetition. In a case of sequence whose redundancy caused most pleasingness before repetition, pleasingness of that sequence was decreased by repetition. But, in a case of sequence whose redundancy was too low to cause pleasingness before repetition, pleasingness was seen increased by repetition. On the other hand, pleasingness determined by prototypicality was not affected by repetition, and kept initial pleasingness during repetition.
関口 寛 Hiroshi SEKIGUCHI 四国大学 社会学研究室
vol.11, pp.29-40, 2005-12-25

The major department stores in Japan had been actively developed in the local cities in the early Showa Era. Under the Economic depression, conflicts arouse between the medium and small retailers who cherished traditional commercial styles and the department stores who held up modern management systems. Consequently, the retailers in the disadvantage position had to adapt themselves to the new age through various movements of the retail innovations. This paper analyzes the above-described problems in Tokushima City.
橋野 樹広 加藤 優基 中島 弘史 三好 和憲
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. EA, 応用音響 (ISSN:09135685)
vol.113, no.134, pp.87-92, 2013-07-11

井原 彩笑 石崎 大介 向井 貴彦
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
pp.19-014, (Released:2020-07-03)

Biological invasions by non-indigenous populations are one of the most serious problems for the conservation of genetic resources in natural environments, due to the likelihood of such populations becoming established and negatively impacting the genetic integrity of indigenous populations through hybridization and introgression. In central Japan, freshwater fish populations have been isolated by the Ibuki-Suzuka mountains between the Ise Bay basin (Gifu, Mie and Aichi prefectures on the eastern side of the mountains) and Lake Biwa water system (Shiga, Kyoto, Osaka and other prefectures on the western side), subsequently becoming genetically divergent. On the other hand, nonindigenous populations of freshwater fishes have been introduced to the rivers of the Ise Bay basin as a consequence of transplantation of commercially important Ayu (Plecoglossus altivelis altivelis) being accompanied by other species from Lake Biwa. Because some serious genetic disturbance of some species has already been reported from the former system, it is necessary to clarify the magnitude of such invasions and introduce measures for the conservation of native populations. This study focused on Japanese dace, Tribolodon hakonensis, one of the most common local fishes, which exhibits genetic differentiation between the Ise Bay basin and Lake Biwa system populations. Due to the superficial similarity between Japanese dace and Ayu, a bycatch of the former has been transported with Ayu from Lake Biwa to the other areas. To understand the magnitude of invasions from Lake Biwa, the PCR-RFLP method was used to discriminate between indigenous and non-indigenous mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplotypes of Japanese dace in Gifu Prefecture rivers of the Ise Bay basin. Non-indigenous mtDNA haplotypes (Lake Biwa types) were found to be highly abundant in dam reservoirs, while less so in rivers, suggesting that Lake Biwa dace more easily adapt to the lacustrine environment of dam reservoirs than to river environments.
安東 茂典
一般社団法人 日本航空宇宙学会
日本航空宇宙学会誌 (ISSN:00214663)
vol.35, no.397, pp.91-101, 1987-02-05 (Released:2010-12-16)

A concept of PAR (Power Augmented Ram Wing) is presented. It will be useful in future for over-water transport vehicles to carry passengers, cargos, and/or cars. It is much faster than ships, while it requires no run-way in contrast to airplanes. The PAR concept makes the fuselage-shape “aero-configured” rather than “hydro-configured”, and so decreases the parasite-drag singificantly. An empirical formula is found for the effective aspect ratio which is applicable to verious kinds of Ground Effect Wings. The present PAR concept has a variable geometry wing, in front of which tiltable turboprop engines are installed. Untill the take-off speed is exceeded, the wing is swept-forward with extended full span flaps (the outer ones are differential flaps). In cruising condition the wing becomes unswept. If the sea-state is bad the vehicle can fly off-ground effect with unswept wing. Thus cancelling operations is much more reduced than hovercrafts or hydrofoil-boats. Special devices are proposed for the tip-floats, which improve aero-dynamic efficiency and which alleviate load due to wave-impacts.
Hossein Tehrani Niknejad Mita Seiichi Han Long Huy Quoc
Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, INC
International Journal of Automotive Engineering (ISSN:21850984)
vol.3, no.1, pp.19-25, 2012 (Released:2016-03-25)
1 4

Inexpensive implementation of localization and environment mapping are critical issues for urban autonomous driving. We present a practical and low-cost navigation architecture to fuse different data from vehicle onboard sensors and estimate the vehicle state when individual observations such as GPS are noisy. We are trying to compensate the GPS errors by data fusion from different sensors in a probabilistic way and a particle filter with joint observations model has been proposed. We have evaluated the feasibility of proposed localization and navigation architecture for fully autonomous driving by doing many experiments in our campus including up and down slopes.
ラッセル ジョン・G RUSSELL John G.
中部哲学会年報 (ISSN:13439138)
no.50, pp.83-98, 2019-07-20

シンポジウム「『平等』の限界と可能性 : グローバル社会における差別の問題を踏まえて」=「The Limits and Possibilities of "Equality" : From the Perspective of Discrimination Problem in Global Society」
no.(209), 2016-12
渡辺 哲也 小林 真 南谷 和範
pp.1-96, 2020-03-25

厚生労働科学研究費補助金(障害者政策総合研究事業(身体・知的等障害分野)平成28 年度~平成29 年度 課題名: 意思疎通が困難な人に対する人的及びICT 技術による効果的な情報保障手法に関する研究