香川 由紀子
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.60, no.2, pp.291-307, 2010-03-15

The ribbons that were popular among young Japanese women in 1890s have been regarded as a symbol of the schoolgirl of that time. Earlier studies have analysed the nature and preference of these girls by examining the image of the ribbon as symbol, but this places the subject in the context of the social background of the period.A major factor in the development of the ribbons as symbol was the change in women's sense of morality. Modernity and modernization required that women establish a new sense of morality, in part by becoming more active socially and dressing themselves beautifully. Supported by this modern morality, Japanese women began to adopt Western accessories, including the ribbon that would in time become a symbol of the women themselves.A second major factor was the marketing strategy of the modern department stores. They worked to produce a differentiation between the image of the middle class and the image of the lower class, and in this way encouraged middle-class women to buy Western accessories.The ribbon in Japan took over the original meaning of the ribbon in the West, where it had been a symbol of the privileged class for noblemen in France of the seventeenth century. Also in Japan the ribbon became a symbol of the schoolgirl from a wealthy family, who had learned Western culture, and for the men who were attracted by them it was a symbol of the social position and wealth they hoped to attain.
堀内 雅弘 小田 史郎
北翔大学北方圏生涯スポーツ研究センター年報 = Bulletin of the Northern Regions Lifelong Sports Research Center Hokusho University (ISSN:21852049)
vol.2, pp.75-80, 2011

The purpose of the present study was to elucidate the relationship between sleep pattern and mental health in young universitystudents. In total, 152 university students participated in this study. Sleep quality index(PSQI), physical fitness, mentalhealth(GHQ 30)and lifestyles were surveyed. Total score of physical fitness was evaluated by hand grip, sit ups, bending forwardwith long sitting position, standing broad jump, repeated side jump and 20 m shuttle run. There was no significant differencein total score of physical fitness between male and female students, whereas, PSQI and GHQ in female subjects were significantlyimpaired compared to male subjects. In contrast, breakfast intake in male subjects was less compared to female subjects.There were significant relationships between total score of PSQI and GHQ in both male and female subjects. Moreover, breakfastintake was related to PSQI in female subjects, whereas no relationship in male subjects. In conclusion, it was suggested thatbreakfast intake might improve mental health irrespective of gender differences. Furthermore, only in females, breakfast intakewas also strongly related to sleep quality index.(Bulletin of the Northern Regions Lifelong Sports Research Center Hokusho Univ. 2011. vo 1. 2: 00)
髙橋 圭一
vol.2021, pp.202-208, 2021-08-21

我々はこれまで Ruby on Rails を用いた Web アプリケーション開発科目の提出物であるログファイルと Git リポジトリを用いて受講者の躓き要因を分析してきた.その結果,受講者が課題着手中に発生した例外は 9 つであること,また,それぞれの例外が発生した原因として 11 個の誤りパターンがあることが確かめられた.本稿では,それぞれの例外を修正するための試行回数と修正時間を調査し,例外ごとのデバッグの難易度を明らかにする.
森 美穂 多川 孝央
研究報告教育学習支援情報システム(CLE) (ISSN:21888620)
vol.2019-CLE-29, no.16, pp.1-5, 2019-11-08

本稿では,高校 1,2年生 (普通科) を対象に,小中学校,高等学校および家庭におけるコンピュータの利用,特にタイピングスキルに関わる教育経験や,ローマ字綴り,キーボードの機能に関する理解度について質問紙調査することで,どのような経験やサポート,教育機関等での連携が,タイピングスキル習得のために不足しているのかを明らかにする.
源 直人
研究報告電子化知的財産・社会基盤(EIP) (ISSN:21888647)
vol.2016-EIP-71, no.10, pp.1-6, 2016-02-12

現在多くの新聞はパソコンやタブレット・スマートフォンなど紙を使わずに読めるようになっている.「電子新聞は紙の新聞より消費エネルギーが少ない」 ということは以前から言われていたことであるが,定量的な比較を行った研究は少ない.いくつかの先行研究があるが,通信インフラが現在と異なることや,国による新聞事情の違いにより,現在国内で通用する結果とは言い難い.本稿では,現在の通信インフラとパソコンやスマートフォンなどのデバイスの技術を前提にして,国内における紙の新聞と電子新聞のエネルギー比較を試みた.想定通り,電子新聞のほうが紙の新聞よりも消費エネルギーが少ないという結果となったが,現在サービスされている電子新聞のデータ量が先行研究よりかなり大きいため,通信インフラが消費するエネルギーが無視できないことが分かった.
石上 イアゴルニッツァー 美智子
no.10, pp.35-47, 1987-03-01

Two kinds of works seem to exist among the literary works based on life: firstly the works which spring spontaneously out of the life fully lived by the authors, and secondly the ones composed consciously by the authors with their own or others' lives as material. Zen literature falls into the first category.Then what is the particularity of Zen literature which flourished in the Middle Ages in japan, first with the Shôbôgenzô of Dôgen, then with other works of Zen masters under the name of Gozan literature?Isn't it paradoxical that the experiences of Zen life are communicated by the very words that Zen monks are supposed to disdain?Dôgen says clearly in his Shôbôgenzô that beside the normal logical language there exist "words of insight "which spring out of "bodhi"(insight) and contain inner experiences inexplicable in normal language.The particularity of Zen literature is in these "words of insight."The concrete example of Ryôkan, one of Dôgen's faithful disciples of the Edo era, shows that Dôgen's essential teaching was understood and practiced by Ryôkan. However the latter chose what pleased him among the written messages of his master, himself creating an original way of zen.