林田 新
美学 (ISSN:05200962)
vol.62, no.1, pp.97-108, 2011-06-30 (Released:2017-05-22)

INA Nobuo is known as the photo critic who emphasized the medium specificity of photography in his essay "Return to the Photography" in 1932 and who theorized and encouraged the reportage-photography. So researchers regarded his concept of reportage-photography as the consequence of pursuing the nature of photography. But it's a little known fact that he edited the graph-montage entitled "Scoping out the Crisis" on the magazine Hanzai-Kagaku in 1932. Interestingly, he used not only photographs but also some illustrations in his work. The aim of this paper is to re-examine his concept of reportage-photography through discussing the reason why he used some illustrations. In the era of "Ero-Gro-Nonsense" not a few books insert some erotic and exotic images to gratify the reader's desire. In response, rendering the exploring, consuming or looking people by caricatures, and the explored, consumed or looked people by photographs, his graph-montage represents class confrontation and the photography as spectacle negatively, because he assumed that photographs has to be used to convey "thought and emotion" clearly through the printed media. In this way he valued the editing on the printed media more than the property of automatic recording.
森 功次
美学 (ISSN:05200962)
vol.60, no.2, pp.16-29, 2009-12-31 (Released:2017-05-22)

Dans la pensee de l'art chez le premier Sartre, l'image et le reel sont-ils distinctement separes? Sartre a-t-il meconnu la materialite de l'oeuvre d'art? Il serait excessif d'affirmer cela. Premierement, si l'on examine les concepts de <<spontaneite pre-volontaire>>, de <<degradation>>, et de <<motivation>> dans la theorie de l'image de Sartre, il apparait clairement que dans l'experience de l'oeuvre, le reel se maintient derriere l'imaginaire. La negation de l'existence de l'objet d'appreciations esthetiques ne signifie pas ne pas voir l'oeuvre. Deuxiemement, par comparaison avec le reve, l'experience de l'oeuvre d'art maintient des relations plus etroites avec le reel. Certes, le reve et l'experience esthetique constituent pareillement une experience de la conscience captive et concernent l'imaginaire, et Sartre lui-meme a d'ailleurs souvent decrit la ressemblance entre les deux. Mais dans L'imaginaire, a certains egards-notamment la distance vis-a-vis du reel, la facilite de la reflexion, et la nature du sentiment-, Sartre a clairement distingue l'experience esthetique de celle du reve. De ce point de vue, dans la theorie sartrienne, la realite de l'oeuvre, elle aussi, joue un role efficace.
栗原 詩子
美学 (ISSN:05200962)
vol.58, no.1, pp.71-84, 2007-06-30 (Released:2017-05-22)

Although expression in films includes temporal and aural content, film study has attached much more importance to spatial and visual components in films. In an attempt to correct for this indifference towards temporal and aural content in film study, this paper analyzes Rythmetic (1956), an animated film of Norman McLaren (1914-1987), from the perspective of music analysis. In Rythmetic, wherein numerical characters engage in arithmetical operations on the screen, six kinds of scratched sound on the film are the main part of aural expression. The cut-paper animation for mathematical activity on the film frame results in an innovative rhythm structure that is quite different from traditional notation. That is where we realize the ingenuity of McLaren who defined animation as "the art of manipulating the invisible interstices that lie between the frames." Not a few appreciative of Rythmetic ranked this animated film "First Prize of Abstract Films" (in Rapallo), or "Diploma of Merit" (in Edinburgh). This film, however, has been often described only as a work "for education" because of its visual impression of chalkboard in the class of arithmetic. This paper threads out the seesaw between the arithmetical regularity and the aesthetical joke of the numbers, and reveals the process from the stark contrast into cross-fertilization of them.
伊藤 政志
美学 (ISSN:05200962)
vol.57, no.4, pp.1-14, 2007-03-31 (Released:2017-05-22)

In §15 der Kritik der Urteilskraft fragt Kant: ≫ob sich auch die Schonheit wirklich in den Begriff der Vollkommenheit auflosen lasse≪. Kant kritisiert Baumgartens und Meiers Asthetik, welche die Schonheit als die nur in verworrener Weise vorgestellte Vollkommenheit begreift, und baut auf der Grundlage des ZweckmaBigkeitbegriffs seine eigene Asthetik auf. Freilich ubernimmt Kant verschiedene Begriffe aus Baumgarten und Meier. Vor allem der Begriff ≫Lebhaftigkeit≪ ist ein ihnen gemeinsames Merkmal der asthetischen Erfahrung, der eine wichtige Roll in ihren Theorien spielt. Baumgarten und Meier gebrauchen diesen Begriff als Metapher, um eine Erfulltheit der asthetischen Erkenntnis zu kennzeichnen, die durch die Abstraktion der Vernunft nicht beschadigt wird. Dagegen wirkt der Begriff ≫Lebhaftigkeit≪ bei Kant nicht mehr metaphorisch. Denn fur Kant bedeutet die Schonheit zuerst die Naturschb'nheit, die man in der lebendigen und organischen Natur wahrnehmen kann. Also liegt zwischen leibnizwolffischen und kantischen Asthetik eine Wende, die dieser Aufsatz die teleologische Wende vom Schonen nennt. Dieser Aufsatz geht dem Weg Kants zu dieser Wende nach und versucht zu zeigen, welche neuen Moglichkeiten Kants Asthetik dadurch eroffnet hat, dass sie die ZweckmaBigkeit anstelle der Vollkommenheit als Leitfaden des Gadankens uber die Schonheit auffaBt.
小松 健一郎
美学 (ISSN:05200962)
vol.57, no.3, pp.15-28, 2006-12-31 (Released:2017-05-22)

L'opera del Correggio, Venere e cupido con satiro, e generalmente accomunata a l'Educazione di Cupido, conservata alia National Gallery di Londra. Le dimensioni dei due dipinti, tuttavia, non corrispondono ed inoltre gli studiosi ritengono che il quadro di Londra sia stato dipinto prima di quello del Louvre. Le iconografie dei due dipinti, l'Educazione di Cupido e Venere svelata da satiro, ignote al mondo antico, sono invenzione degli umanisti rinascimentali. Si trovano questi due motivi "pseudo-antichi" nell'Hypnerotomachia Poliphili, pubblicato nel 1499 a Venezia, una probabile fonte iconografica delle opere correggesche. Basate sulle descrizioni di Polifilo, le due scene furono adattate facendo riferimento alle sculture mantovane ed alle incisioni degli Amori degli Dei di Caraglio. La sensualita di Venere del Louvre e derivata dalla descrizione fatta da Polifilo di una scultura di ninfa. Queste due "donne dormienti", che hanno sostanzialmente l'ambiguita dell'identita, rappresentano la bellezza di nudita come opere "pseudo-antiche". Tale relazione con l'antichita rappresenta il gusto del committente Nicola Maffei, famoso collezionista di sculture antiche.
瀧 一郎
美学 (ISSN:05200962)
vol.56, no.4, pp.15-26, 2006-03-31 (Released:2017-05-22)

L'examen critique des cours de Bergson, surtout celui des theories des rapports de l'ame et du corps, nous fait remarquer l'importance des problemes de l'imagination et de l'analogie. En effet, le philosophe essaie dans ses cours de trouver, d'une autre maniere que la dialectique hegelienne, une nouvelle vision du dualisme en comparant l'imagination qui represente par analogic et Fentendement qui raisonne par deduction. Une lecture nouvelle des oeuvres de Bergson par ce biais confirme que l'analogie bergsonienne dans l'imagination n'est pas seulement celle de la proportionnalite, qui renvoie a la ressemblance entre deux rapports d'images, mais aussi celle d'attribution intrinseque, analogic metaphysique des degres du reel. Ainsi l'analogie de l'art, qui se trouve partout dans le bergsonisme, n'est pas simplement un art de persuasion, mais un art d'invention. Allant au-dela des images infra-intellectuelles et retournant des hauteurs supra-intellectuelles pour creer des nouvelles images ici-bas, l'intuition bergsonienne a comme logique Vana-logos qui consiste a separer pour reunir en remontant a la source. On pourrait l'appeler, en tant qu'alternative au logos de l'intelligence moderne, un logos esthetique au sens ravaissonnien du mot: ≪ le flambeau de la science ≫.
蘆田 裕史
美学 (ISSN:05200962)
vol.56, no.2, pp.28-40, 2005-09-30 (Released:2017-05-22)

The Italian Futurists participated actively in the areas of applied arts. However, due to the variety of their activities, each area has not been explored equally. The purpose of this study is to reveal the significance of clothes and fashion in the Futurism. The Futurists showed interest in fashion embodying the concept of speed, for they regarded the velocity as sacred. They had interest in clothes themselves as well. Giacomo Balla presented the new Futurist clothes in his manifestoes. The clothes are characterized by three concepts; "change", "functionality" and "influence upon spirit". For Balla, clothes were not works of art, but in fact were tools. His idea of clothes had importance for the Futurists in this respect, because the arts were tools to inform or realize their ideas. Only from this point of view, however, it is impossible to find differences between clothes and other applied arts. For this reason, it is necessary to consider the fact that Balla started with textile design when he made clothes. As understood from the discourses of the Futurists, they emphasized the significance of the Italian textile industry. Because of this industrial characteristic, the Futirists regarded the fashion as a priviledged domain.
中園 篤典
リメディアル教育研究 (ISSN:18810470)
vol.11, no.1, pp.76-90, 2016-03-31 (Released:2017-02-08)

When assigning reports in a “Japanese Linguistics” liberal arts course, the author explains and demonstrates to students the format of a thesis paper and instructs them to write reports according to this format. It was found that 12.1% of reports submitted in 2007 lacked thesis-paper structure and were similar to essays. The author hypothesized that those students who were able to properly write a problem proposal as a result of instruction conducted in 2007 would be able to write reports with structures similar to thesis papers. Therefore, in instruction from 2008 to 2010, the author limited all students to a single problem proposal and had them write reports. In 2008, 6.7% of reports lacked an adequate thesis-paper structure. In 2009, the percentage dropped to 6.5%, and to 5.7% in 2010. In order to confirm that this decrease did not occur by chance, the changes in percentages were tested by normal distribution. Comparing 2007 and 2008, the test statistic was Z≒1.79. For 2007 and 2009, it was Z≒2.01. For 2007 and 2010, it was Z≒2.32. In all cases, the values exceeded the one-tailed 5% test index of 1.65 and did not exceed the one-tailed 1% test index of 2.33. Therefore, we can roughly characterize the effects by saying that the percentage of reports lacking structure decreased as a result of the author’s instructional approach.
池田 浩子 今井 昇 井川 雅子 岩井 謙 道端 彩 高森 康次
日本口腔顔面痛学会雑誌 (ISSN:1883308X)
vol.10, no.1, pp.55-63, 2017 (Released:2019-04-24)

竹下 浩 藤田 紀勝
一般社団法人 日本教育心理学会
教育心理学研究 (ISSN:00215015)
vol.67, no.4, pp.265-277, 2019-12-30 (Released:2020-01-24)
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谷口 賢
マイコトキシン (ISSN:02851466)
vol.62, no.2, pp.127-131, 2012-07-31 (Released:2012-09-29)

平成23年8月16日付け食安発 0816第1号「総アフラトキシンの試験法について」において総アフラトキシンに対する試験法が通知された.この中で穀類,豆類および種実類については多機能カラム法を,香辛料や加工食品,その他多機能カラムでは精製が不十分な試料に対してはイムノアフィニティカラム法を適用できるとされている.しかし,当研究所および国立医薬品食品衛生研究所で検討した結果,イムノアフィニティカラム法において,通知文中「II.妥当性評価の方法」に示された真度を満たさない試料が存在することが判明した. そこで,種々の試料に対するイムノアフィニティカラム法の適用性およびその改良法を検討し,第70回学術講演会のワークショップで紹介した.本稿では,総アフラトキシンの試験法におけるイムノアフィニティカラム法の注意点およびこの検討結果について述べる.
岡山 将也 岩崎 一正
一般社団法人 情報科学技術協会
情報の科学と技術 (ISSN:09133801)
vol.68, no.10, pp.484-488, 2018-10-01 (Released:2018-10-01)

庄野 進
美学 (ISSN:05200962)
vol.29, no.2, pp.15-26, 1978-09-30 (Released:2017-05-22)

Musikalisches Material ist nicht etwa der Inbegriff der vorgegebenen Eigenschaften der Tone und Tonbeziehungen, sondern 1) was dem handelnden Subjekt (dem Komponist) sich darbietet, 2) etwas mehr als seine Unmittelbarkeit, und 3) alles dem Subjekt Gegenubertretende, woruber es zu entscheiden hat. Musik kennt keines Naturmaterial, sondern musikalisches Material ist geschichtlich durch und durch, weil der Komponist jeweils in einem Werk ein bestimmtes Material nicht anders als das entscheiden muss. Da das Material selber sedimentierter Geist, ein gesellschaftlich Praformiertes ist, hat es eine Tendenz. Aber dies soll nicht geschichtlich-deterministisch aufgenommen werden. Denn auf die strukturelle Seite : Form, sowie auf diese geschichtliche, beide vermittelt voneinander, ist Material sich bezogen. Form ist im aktuellen Sinn die Totalitat der musikalischen Erscheinungen, nicht etwa das geschichtlich vorgebildete Schema. Aber alles im Kunstwerk Erscheinende ist virtuell Inhalt so gut wie Form, also ist sie auch Inhalt. Das Verhaltnis Form-Inhalt ist damit nicht gegensatzlich aufzufassen wie in traditioneller Theorien, sondern so dialektisch, dass in den uberlieferten Formen Inhalt sich sedimentiert hat. In dieser Zusammenhangen ist die Grundlegung der Musiktheorie Adornos der immer sedimentierende Material-und Formbegriff, der von der Gesellschaftlichkeit, der Fixierung des Verhaltnis des handelnden Subjekts zu seinem gegenstandlichen Objekt aus entsteht.