納谷 太 野間 春生 大村 廉 小暮 潔
情報処理学会研究報告知能と複雑系(ICS) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.2005, no.78, pp.5-10, 2005-08-01

Bluetoothのデバイス検出機構を用いた屋内での近接位置計測法を提案する。屋内での位置測定技術は、作業者の業務分析やモニタリング、ユーザの行動分析など、種々の位置情報を必要とするアプリケーションにおいて重要な技術である。本稿では、具体的な対象領域として看護・医療現場における業務分析を題材としてとりあげ、1)ユーザの部屋レベルの近接情報の検知、および2)移動しているユーザや物の相互の近接情報を検知するための要求事項について考察する。Bluetoothのデバイス検出時の問合せにおけるパラメータを効率的に選択することにより1Hz 以上のID交換が可能であることおよび、受信信号強度検出とデバイス間の相互距離計測実験結果について報告する。We propose a Bluetooth-based indoor proximity sensing method using Bluetooth device discovery functionality. Indoor proximity sensing techniques are becoming increasingly important in location-aware applications such as analyzing and monitoring users' activities in factories and/or office environments. In this paper, we consider the practical applicability of Bluetooth-based proximity sensing technologies in nursing environments as an example application field, and discuss the design requirements of detecting 1) room-level proximity between people and 2) mutual proximity between moving people and objects. We show that the proximity information exchange between several devices can be updated at a rate of more than 1 Hz by effectively choosing the timing parameters of Bluetooth inquiry functionality. Empirical results of evaluating Receiver Signal Strength Indigator (RSSI) at various distances between Bluetooth devices are also shown.
茅本 百合子
教育心理学研究 (ISSN:00215015)
vol.48, no.3, pp.315-322, 2000-09-30

日本語を学習している中国語母語話者(上級学習者)が漢字を日本語で読み上げるとき, その漢字の音読みが母語の中国語の発音に似ていると, 似ていない発音の漢字を読み上げるときより反応時間が短くなった。また, 通常訓読みで読まれる漢字よりも通常音読みで読まれる漢字のほうが反応時間が短かった。これは, 漢字を日本語で読む際にも母語の音韻情報が活性化するためであると考えられ, 中国語音起源でない訓読みも, 音韻情報の一部として心内辞書に収められていることが要因であると考えられた。そして, 異言語間で共用されている漢字という文字にそれらの言語の音韻情報が備わっていることが示唆された。一方, 日本語学習歴がさらに長く, 超上級と言われるレベルに達している学習者は, エラーも少なく, 反応時間は, 日本語と中国語の発音の類似には影響されなかった。
vol.62, pp.498-509, 1992
野村 雅昭
世界 (ISSN:05824532)
no.558, pp.p211-215, 1991-09
安渓 遊地
山口県立大学國際文化學部紀要 (ISSN:13427148)
vol.12, pp.A1-A9, 2006-03-07

安渓 遊地
文化人類学 (ISSN:13490648)
vol.70, no.4, pp.528-542, 2006-03-31

In this paper, I narrate my experience of ethical difficulties during my three decades of field surveys on Iriomote Island. one of the southernmost islands of Japan, in the prefecture of Okinawa. Although the island is famous for its well-preserved nature such as the Iriomote wild cat and coral reefs, its islanders have suffered from various adversities: severe capital tax systems (1636-1902), tropical fever malaria (until the 1960s) and underpopulation after WWII. When I first visited the island at the age of 23, some islanders told me that they were tired of so-called "researchers," who came to the islands by dozens. Since then, they have continued to tell me, "Researchers, go home! Only those who agree to be our friends are welcome." Then, the question was how a researcher could be a friend of the islanders, while continuing to conduct field surveys among them. Episode 1 in my paper describes a perilous encounter with a drunken islander. He criticized me about my research on ethnoarcheology. He suspected that I stole artifacts buried in the tombs of abandoned villages. I failed to explain him what my research was, but angrily demanded some apologies from him. In reply, he seized a bottle and aimed it at my head so as to strike me down... However, thanks to that quite frank encounter, we became very good friends afterwards, and he helped me in my research of placenames in abandoned villages. Episode 2 deals with my trials to publish ethnographies in the name of local speakers rather than researchers. Former inhabitants of abandoned villages had prepared manuscripts, and my wife and I helped to compile them for publication in three volumes. Then we planned to help an inhabitant of an existing village to do a similar thing with us, and he tried to put some oral traditions of his own family in a manuscript. That caused misunderstanding and frustration among the other villagers, however, because they felt that his manuscript contained non-authentic versions of songs sung during their solemn festivals. They convened a general assembly of the villagers, and I was summoned to explain to them which tradition was more authentic and right. Episode 3 is a record of the endeavors to establish an agricultural cooperative of organic rice farmers in Iriomote. Since the 1980s, the local government forced the rice cultivators of Okinawa to initiate insecticide use in their rice fields. In the 70's, I had studied traditional rice cultivation in Iriomote, and found that its traditional rice varieties and their cultivation systems came from southern islands and Taiwan, and seldom from northern islands, including mainland Japan. I was also afraid of the side-effects of insecticide in Iriomote paddy fields, not just for human beings, but also for endangered species such as the wildcats that feed on the smaller animals living around the paddy fields. In collaboration with a local leader, Kinsei Ishigaki, I held a symposium in Iriomote, inviting some 200 local people, and told them of the dangers of insecticide and the possibilities of commercializing organic rice. The following year, when they organized a cooperative and tried to sell their organic rice directly to consumers, I could not help but become an advisor to them and a voluntary salesman for their rice. Many obstacles surrounded us: hostile public servants, debt collectors, rice dealers, and fraudsters. Business was far more difficult than doing field surveys, and I even made sales pitches for the rice at the annual meeting of the Ethnological Society of Japan when invited to give a speech on research ethics. It took about 15 years until the cooperative finally managed to pay back the rest of their debts. Now some of the islanders regard my family as their relatives. We can learn from these exercises that it is, as a rule, better to refrain from doing business with the persons we study, but also that if we do start collaborating with them, we should continue to do so for life.
山田 尚勇
文学 (ISSN:03894029)
vol.55, no.6, pp.p25-44, 1987-06