大野 ロベルト
日本社会事業大学研究紀要 = Study report of Japan College of Social Work : issues in social work (ISSN:0916765X)
vol.66, pp.31-45, 2020-03

This paper re-evaluates the emergence of the so-called "leprosy literature" as a precursor to the thriving of outsider art in Japan. In the past studies on Hōjō Tamio, the central figure of leprosy literature, the irrepressible impact of the author's life situation on the evaluation of his works has been suggested repeatedly; but no particular attention has been paid to the discourse behind such an attitude, and its possible effects on the evaluation of the text. Along with the stories, diary entries, and essays written by Hōjō, this paper will take into consideration the texts by Kawabata Yasunari, his mentor, and other contemporary writers who submitted their opinions on magazines and newspapers, in order to clarify that many of them have viewed Hōjō as "peculiar," a sentiment fueled by what we could call the "hereticizing gaze." It is important to point out that such an attitude is almost identical to that welcomed Yamashita Kiyoshi and other outsider artists, who appeared on the scene after Hōjō's death.
寺田 雅之
vol.61, no.6, pp.591-599, 2020-05-15

差分プライバシは,任意の攻撃に対する汎用的な(“ad-omnia”な)安全性を実現するためのプライバシ保護の枠組みであり,さまざまなプライバシ保護手段に対して“ϵ”で表される統一的な安全性指標を与える.本稿では,米国国勢調査局(US Bureau of Census)による2020年の国勢調査での差分プライバシ導入の背景を紹介し,差分プライバシの定義とその意味するところを説明する.また,合成定理(composition theorem)などの差分プライバシの特徴とそれによる利点,および差分プライバシを普及させていく上での現状の課題と今後の展望について議論する.

2 0 0 0 OA 玉纒太刀考

白石 太一郎
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.50, pp.141-164, 1993-02-26

本木 茂 Motoki Shigeru
宇宙利用シンポジウム = Space Utilization Research: Proceedings of Space Utilization Symposium
vol.25, 2009-03

第25回宇宙利用シンポジウム(2009年1月14日-15日, 宇宙航空研究開発機構宇宙科学研究本部相模原キャンパス)
高田 淳
東洋学報 = The Toyo Gakuho
vol.45, no.1, pp.69-92, 1962-06

So far the Nominalists (ming-chia 名家) have been studied on only through their character as a school of logicians who represented a very special field among many other schools of pre-Ch’in philosophers. This view on their character has been commonly accepted as a statement of plain truth, but it yet needs to be re-examined whether this view has a solid support in our sources. Fortunately, a work by Kung-sun Lung, so-called leader of li-chien-pai 離堅白 school, is still preserved, if not in its whole, in the form that permits us to observe the logic of a discourse, which the present author made use of in an analysis of the thought of Kung-sun Lung who served P’ing-yüan-chün 平原君 of Chao Kingdom as a protégé, in comparison with that of other thinkers. All the five chapters of Kung-sun Lung-tzŭ 公孫竜子 except the chapter Chi-fu 跡府 are analyzed from a consistent viewpoint; and it is examined what kind of reality consciousness of Kung-sun Lung was the basis of the epistemology by finger found in this text, together with the question of how to account for the discrepancy between his thought and the casuistry of the sophist described in the chapter T’ien-hsia 天下 of Chuang-tzŭ. Thus the present author makes an attempt at understanding Kung-sun Lung in connection with other philosophers as well as in his relation to the casuistry of the sophists.
高田 淳
東洋学報 = The Toyo Gakuho
vol.45, no.2, pp.240-256, 1962-09

Hui Shih 恵施, also said to be a Nominalist in the same category as Kung-sun Lung, enjoys a high reputation despite the scarcity of information about his thought except for a few fragments quoted in the Chapter T’ien-hsia 天下 of the Chuang-tzu. In the present article, those fragments are interpreted in the light of the activity and thought of him as a prime minister of Wei Kingdom who advocated the anti-Ch’in alliance, as recorded in the Chan-kuo-ts’ê 戦国策, Lü-shih-ch’un-ch’iu 呂氏春秋, etc., and an attempt is made at understanding his thought in relation with that of Chuang-tzŭ, a friend of his with whom he used to have disputations.After all, what Hui Shih and Kung-sun Lung themselves called casuistry had in essence nothing too different from the elocution of other itinerant orators of the Warring States period, being an art of persuasion and not having relation with the logic in the proper sense, though it should be pointed out that, between the two, Kung-sun Lung was richer in epistemological elements. There still remains to be analyzed the question of the nature of the elocution of the orators toward the end of the Warring States period which caused our sophists to be tinged with casuistic color.
清水 宏祐
東洋学報 = The Toyo Gakuho (ISSN:03869067)
vol.76, no.1・2, pp.193-222, 1994-10

In the 11-12th centuries, there were many amīrs in the era of the Great Saljūqs who ruled Iraq and Iran. They were military-commanders, iqṭāʻ holders,and sometimes served in the court of the rulers.Gauhar Ā’īn (meaning Jewel Mirror in Persian)was a mamlūk amīr who served seven rulers. Among them, one was a woman, and four were the Saljuqid rulers. He went to the battle field six times. It was a great success for him that one of his ghulām soldiers captured the Emperor of Byzantine Empire in the battle of Malāzgird.Gauhar Ā’īn was appointed shaḥna, the military governor of Baghdād three times. His mission was to maintain order of the big city. He exercised his power cruelly to oppress riots. The most important duty for him is to negotiate with the ‘Abbāsid Caliph. Whenever he came to Baghdād as shaḥna of Sulṭān, he interfered in the affairs of the Caliph about the dismissal of his wazīrs. He represented the Sulṭān in the diplomatic intercourses, and continued to threaten the Caliph by unusual performances. Gauhar Ā’īn died at the age of over 70 years in the battle of Sefīd-rūd, the battle between Saljuqid rulers in 1100. His body was returned to Baghdād, and buried in the eastern section of the city.In Gauhar Ā’īn life-history, we can see the typical career of a mamlūk amīr of those days. He was trusted by Sulṭāns, acted as a faithful slave commander. He even executed a member of the royal family, and also attended on Alp Arslān when he was killed.FoIlowing up the life of each amīr, we can clarify the characteristics of the Saljuqid ruling system.
馬場 章 吉田 成 谷 昭佳 吉田 正高 吉仲 亮 川瀬 敏雄 肥田 康 吉谷 隆彦 津田 光弘
vol.2001, pp.17-24, 2001-12-14

木沢 誠
vol.2, no.5, 1961-09-15